Commissioner Lambert's Voting Record

February 4, 2020

WPB Watch stories are being posted early in an attempt to reach early voters to insure they know the facts before they vote their choice for City Commissioner.  Many people vote because they recognize a name or know the candidate is running for reelection. I don’t believe either is a sound reason to give them our vote.
For me it’s easier to know how to vote if a candidate is up for reelection because I can better understand how they voted, and if they kept previous campaign promises. Most have not.

Let me remind you how Christine Lambert voted, and for the record Kelly Shoaf was in lock step with Lambert. That’s another story coming soon.
After the Okeechobee Business District (OBD) was voted down by the previous commissioners, who listened to residents concern about the project which was the gateway to One Flagler, a Related project, Mayor Muoio brought it back for reconsideration, and with the votes of Lambert and Shoaf, it passed and One Flagler is definitely in play, with PB County, Palm Beach and residents still against the project. Read the story below.

9/2019  Lambert voted to awarded a 7.9 million no-bid security contract to a firm whose regional chief, Willie Perez, who socializes with the mayor, city manager, police chief and deputy chief and a city commissioner (Peduzzi). The city was in an uproar, and James decided a do-over was called for.

10/2019 “Resolution No. 328-19 canceling the Security Services Agreement with Professional Security Consultants. Lambert, Shoaf and Peduzzi were a no show. No quorum, meeting cancelled, contract stayed in effect.

10/ 2019  Lambert voted to approved a plan to narrow the car lanes on South Flagler and create wider bike lanes separated from traffic.  Commission Chambers were full with residents from her district asking the commissioners to not pass this resolution.  Did she listen?  She did not.

The day after Lambert voted to pass the changes on South Flagler, she was seen with her husband, Monty an employee of WGI, who does business with the City, on So. Flagler. Was she envisioning  how her vote would change the area?     Lambert on Flagler with hubby

1/ 2019 Lambert voted approval to a 24-story condominium complex at 1309 S. Flagler Drive, while dismissing complaints the 300-foot-tall structure would be far bigger than city regulations allow on a site smaller than 1.4 acres.

Lambert’s having her first Annual “South of Okeechobee Neighborhood Community Update” on 2/8/2020, with invited guests James, Police & Fire Chief, Code Enforcement, Parks & Recreation. She also wants to teach you about the 30 million dollar Park Referendum, which of course she voted for.  Why the first annual Community update one month before the election?  Attempting to show she cares? Don’t be fooled.

Rick Asnani from Cornerstone is her Political Advisor, and below are a few of the contributions she has received.
Mark Foley Political committee $1,000.00,   Chamber of Commerce $1,000.00,  Rick Asnani $1,000.00. My 2 favorites  Fla. for Economic Leadership and Citizens for Law Order and Ethics, both are located at 9200 Belvedere Rd. Suite 202   Both Pac’s are registered to Rick Asnani and both gave $1,000.00.  In fact Ms. Lambert has collected $58,115.00 as of 12/31,2019.

Do  you expect Lambert to be loyal to the people who put her in office? She isn’t even loyal to her political party. Lambert was a Registered Republican until she decided to run for City Commissioner, then changed her affiliation to the Democratic Party. See the PBC Supervisor of Elections below. Lambert SOE Change History From Rep. to Dem.

Lambert has a challenger named Stephen Sylvester. Here’s what you need to know about Mr. Sylvester. He is not welcome by Related, other developers, Chamber of Commerce, James and businesses who want to tear up our streets to control traffic and gridlock which Lambert’s vote helped  create. A quote by Mr. Sylvester says it all.
“City Commissioners must take the time to listen to our residents – the very people who elected them to office!  Unfortunately, the residents and their concerns have taken a back seat to political agendas and special interests.”  I believe he gets it. I’m willing to give him a chance.

Why would we reward Lambert with our vote for a second two year term to create more problems for the City.