Important Info on Covid-19

March 23, 2020

I received an email from a friend and believe it important enough too send on.

“Just got this from Cornell:

Information from Vienna’s laboratory studying COVID-19 say vast majority of people who died had ibuprofen/Advil in their system so do not take it!! Those who recovered did not take ibuprofen so if you have symptoms, take Paracetamol only!!! Looks like this virus thrives on ibuprofen so don’t do it and tell everyone you can!!!

Please pass this information on to everyone in each family.  I don’t want to miss anyone so share as much as you can, or copy and paste!

I just spoke with my friend who is a nurse at VGH (Vancouver) and they just learned that Advil makes the virus 10x worse.  Tylenol ONLY for the time being. She said Advil kick-starts the virus into pneumonia.

She also said they are not releasing the correct number of cases on the news and they have patients coming in everyday and some currently on ventilators. Soon they won’t have enough room in the hospitals to treat patients and will have to turn people away. They’ve canceled all surgeries to use the OR for available ventilators, but it still won’t be enough.

She also said she found some people in there 40’s and 50’s who were previously healthy to be on ventilators and having major difficulty breathing because they took Advil.

Also 4 doctors at VGH are now infected and she said she has never seen her doctors so worried before.  So please no Advil and stay safe!!!

There are a few articles online

No Advil

No Advil or any NSAIDS!!”


Excedrin is recommended. Below is taken from their website.

“Excedrin contains a combination of acetaminophen, aspirin, and caffeine. Acetaminophen is a pain reliever and a fever reducer. Aspirin is in a group of drugs called salicylates. It works by reducing substances in the body that cause pain, fever, and inflammation. Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant.”

Walgreen’s was sold out of Excedrin and I asked the pharmacist when they expected another shipment. She walked me over to the shelf and showed me a bottle of “Walgreen Pain Reliever acetaminophen 500 mg.

She then took the time to explain this was Excedrin in a Walgreen package. I bought it, took it home, and went to a neighbor and she showed me her bottle of Excedrin. Both pills were red, round, and the same size.

People have to buy the name brand and sitting right next to it is the same pill in different packaging, costing half the price.