Thank you Lake Worth

June 8, 2020

This story is a follow up from the recent story titled “James Fails The City Again!” James canceled a Peace Cookout at the last minute and Lake Worth generously offered to host the event. Here is what I witnessed.
Approximately 200-250 people attended and I believe the low turnout was due to the last minute change of venue from WPB to Lake Worth.
Mr. Mayo provided food, tents, table and chairs and a band. Everything WPB demanded before the permit was issued. I hope Mr. Mayo gets a refund for the cost of the permit.

There were invited speakers and one young man impressed me. His name is Ricky Aiken and he established “Inner City Innovators” Below was copied from their web site.  Double click picture’s to enlarge.

“Inner City Innovators was born from a need. A deep need to help the youth of communities, centered in the neighborhoods of West Palm Beach, Florida.

With a rising crime rate, and shootings happening right and left, our Executive Director, Ricky Aiken, saw that the time for change wasn’t two years or ten years into the future, it was now.”

Mr. Aiken is committed to making a difference with young men living in the north end of the city who were in danger of making bad decisions that would impact the rest of their young lives. This takes money. Where does he get the money to keep the program running? Public donations and sponsorship from businesses in the area. Not one penny from the City of WPB to keep young men who look like Mayor Keith James out of trouble and on the right path. See web site

Also at the event was the Lake Worth Mayor and 3 LW Commissioners, along with our own Commissioner Cory Neering and former Commissioner Shanon Materio.

After a while it started to rain and that’s when all hell broke lose and people running to the band area and dancing their hearts out. These ladies could really move, and they kept me and others entertained.  I must add the band was great and I even recognized some of the songs they played from my days. Nice walk down memory lane for me.

It was a great event that went on without a problem. I did notice 3 Sheriff deputies were on hand but were not needed

I would like to address the 5 WPB City Commissioners here:

Please do what you can to open the city meetings to the public. You do realize that James will keep Zoom meetings as long as possible so he wont have to  look/listen to the common folks.