July 1, 2020
“Exclusive: Developer claims political revenge in project rejection”
“Are you through? What f******* universe do you live in? Really? What f****** universe do you live in that you think that after how you behaved during the election, raising as much money as you did for my opponent, running around with Kimberly (Mitchell) and Jessica (Pinsky) that you could come in my office and ask for my support of your project?”
Read the story below and ask yourself how this man became the mayor of WPB?
“Keith James touts experience over personal travails in West Palm mayor race”
“He paid off a credit card balance last November shortly after the collection company garnished his wages to recover a 2009 judgment. Public records also show foreclosure notices in 1997 and 2013; and an eviction judgment in 2012 (he says he paid arrears and was not evicted). His IRS liens date as far back as 1999 and extend to 2008. He repaid some of what was owed but just over $100,000 remains unpaid.” Read the entire story below.
This email was sent from Rodney Mayo to a group of residents, business people and city elected officials. If his name sounds familiar to readers, WPB Watch posted a story on him in June 2020 and can be found at the end of the story for those who may have missed it. You decide if James is “getting even” with Mr. Mayo.
From: rodney mayo <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, June 26, 2020 1:10 AM
To: I deleted the names of the residents before posting the story.
CC: JOE CAPOZZI; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Cory Neering; Christy Fox; Christina Lambert; Joseph Russo; Muoio; Mayor; Kelly Shoaf; Joseph Peduzzi
subject: 400 and 500 block construction mitigation funds and banyan lot
I wanted to fill anyone in who may not be aware of the current status of the 500 block Banyan lot project, extended seating and the Cra construction mitigation funds for the 400 and 500 blocks.
Months ago there were a few meetings with the business owners, the Cra and the Dda regarding the construction mitigation budget for the 400 and 500 blocks. In addition the covid reduced seating business mitigation was also discussed. As I’m sure you are aware the city has funded and set up additional outdoor seating for the businesses on the 100, 200 and 300 blocks.
The Banyan lot owned by developer Jeff Greene was proposed as the only feasible option to provide additional seating as both the 400 and 500 blocks are under construction . As this would only really help the 500 block it was suggested perhaps an outdoor drive in movie theater on that lot in addition to the extended seating might help the 400 block as well and the clematis street as a whole. The restaurants on the 400 and 500 block would supply the food and drinks for the drive in movie theater.
Everyone present at the meetings loved the idea.
A call was made by the Dda to Jeff Greene to attempt to secure a 3 month lease on the lot. Long story short it was a no because of the current relationship with Jeff Greene and the city. I offered to try and call Mr Greene and see if I would have any luck. Before I did the Cra and Dda confirmed that the construction mitigation funds were already approved and it would be fine to reimburse me for the lease or pay directly.
My first conversation with Mr Greene resulted in the same result, a no. Mr Greene did call me the following day and changed his mind after I explained the drive in movie idea and he would only be dealing with me and not the city. I confirmed with the Cra and the Dda again they could reimburse the lease amount which was $12,500 per month for 3 months. I put the lease in our not for profit Corp Moonfest. This was May 26th. Due to time constraints and already months into the street construction I offered to fund the 3 months of the lease in advance so things could get started June 1st. I was again reassured the construction mitigation funds were already approved and Moonfest would get reimbursed quickly.
All good up to this point! Weeks go by, we don’t get reimbursed, our permit for the drive in theater is rejected. I keep trying to follow up and was told that we need to wait until I have a meeting with mayor Keith James. I kept asking why. I was lead to believe he personally was holding up the project and the funds.
We all meet the day before my meeting with the mayor and we all thought after my meeting all would be ok and we could move forward.
I walked into the meeting, never having met the mayor expecting a very cordial and productive meeting. Well I was never so wrong! The mayor started out the meeting with the statement “ just to let you know this ain’t gonna be a kumbaya meeting” . It went downhill from there for over an hour. I can fill anyone in person who cares to know just how bad the meeting went.
In reference to the construction mitigation funds for the 400 and and 500 blocks and the drive in project he said “absolutely not, it’s not gonna happen”. He told me directly I was “entitled white privilege” and I would not get reimbursed for any funds I fronted for the Cra. I told him there were many people at the multiple meetings where this was all discussed and agreed upon, he said he didn’t care and it was an “oral” agreement and could not be enforced.
I left the meeting in shock and was dumbfounded. I kept asking what he didn’t like about me or if I did something to offend him. The only substantive thing he said was I did not give him money for his campaign for mayor and supported his opponent.
I told him this personal vendetta should not hurt all the other businesses. He said he did not care.
For the past week I have been working with the Cra and the Dda behind the scenes trying to change the mayors mind and make this happen. After many calls and meetings, today I gave up trying.
I instructed the Dda if nothing changes by Monday to remove the tents and tables. There is no business insurance on the lot and therefore the liability would all fall on Moonfest and myself if something were to happen.
I can not emphasize how upsetting this is not just because I have lost $40,000 but also the missed opportunity of something we all thought would be great for the city and the clematis businesses, a drive in movie theater. I’m sure you have seen and read about many other cities turning parking lots and open spaces into drive in theaters in this time when families can not go to a movie theater.
We were also able to obtain an option on the lot for another 9 months. If the 3 month trial period for the drive in proved successful Moonfest, the city, the Dda or the Cra could have continued it.
As of now the Dda has waisted $10,000 in rental fees for tents and tables that no one has been able to use. Of course also 1 month of the 3 month lease is also waisted at a cost of $12,500.
The drive in would have been an amazing opportunity.
If you have any questions or have any suggestions on how we could revive this opportunity feel free to reach out.
Thanks you,
Above is 2 examples of how James runs the city and below how he runs his personal business with yet another IRS lien filed Feb.2020. Read the PBC Clerk and Controller report below.
Previous story on Rodney Mayo