Still working the Budget

August 31, 2020

WPB still attempting to balance the city budget. Below are excerpts from a story written by PB Post Tony Doris. Entire story can be read below. My opinion in italic.
WEST PALM BEACH —” Amid protests from the public and commissioners, city officials struggling to overcome a $10 million budget gap have backed off plans to lay off dozens of park and library workers.”  Obviously this is what awakens residents to stand up and express their feelings to city leaders concerning layoffs and furloughs of city workers. Proud of everyone who spoke up with their opinion. Strength in numbers.

“Instead they will spread the pain among all departments except police and fire, with many of the cuts made by not filling vacant positions.”

The City of WPB, under the leadership of Mayor Keith James, has in his own way, defunded the Police Dept. by not replacing the missing 30 police officers needed to insure enough officers to keep the peace in WPB. How about cancelling the PSC Security $8 million dollar contract, hire the missing cops and the millions in savings can be used to help balance the budget. James could end his “security detail’ and put more cops on the street where they are needed. 

“An earlier iteration of the budget called for 30% cuts to the Mandel Public Library and the Parks and Recreation Department. That meant the library would lose 12.5 full-time positions and 12 “on-call” pages. Parks stood to lose 36 full-time workers. Members of the public, citing the importance of those public resources, urged the city to back off those cuts.” Since the pandemic and all the closings throughout the state, I missed the library closing more than any of the closings. When you can’t socialize you have a choice TV or read a good book. I receive my books from the PBC Library on Okeechobee because I have no problem parking and it’s free.

“Under a new proposal, presented to commissioners Monday by City Administrator Faye Johnson, the library instead would lose one full-timer and seven pages, while the parks department would loose about 11 full-timers and five on-call part-timers.” What the hell did the city do with the 30 million dollar “Park Bond” they pushed so hard for and voters gave them?

“But other cuts would have to be spread among various city departments to make up for that, Johnson said. In all, 48 positions would have to go, including five layoffs and 43 vacant positions that would go unfilled.” 48 positions eliminated. Shame on the city of WPB. Bet no “staff members” are included, just blue collar workers, not top earners. When James was first elected he promoted 3 staff members to Assistant City Administrators with a raise $180,000/year and rehired a previously fired employee as a Assistant City Administrator again at a salary of $180,000.00. He loves the figure and tried to use it to pay off an employee who is suing the city.

“She said the administration might have to come back to the commission for more cuts part-way through the fiscal year, if the budget crunch worsens.” With James in charge it will worsen.

“The city commission is scheduled to cast its votes to finalize the budget on Sept. 10 and Sept. 24.”  The city needs to open city hall for both meetings. Residents want to be heard.

“Commissioners asked whether that cost of living increase might be reduced, or furloughs imposed, to save money and avoid cutting jobs. Johnson and Mayor Keith James resisted, saying that many of the non-public safety employees earn less than $50,000.”   The people earning less than than $50,000.00 will be sacrificed. The very people behind the scenes who keep city hall running, blue collar workers.

“Making such changes, Johnson said, would “put some employees in the position where they’re going to have to choose between putting food on table” or paying utility bills. “The proposed budget absolutely hits the mark,” she said.”  Someone please explain to me how eliminating jobs will help people make decisions on putting food on the table or paying utility bills. Seems to me they wont be able to do either. Read the entire story below.

National Politics:
I am busy enough with city politics and don’t write much about County or National Politics but will make an exception with a couple of facts that have bothered me recently concerning book writers and a House bill passed in March 2010. Here are my thoughts:

Stephanie Winston Wolkoff the BFF (best friend forever) of Melania Trump recently published a tell all book on their friendship and of course the media is lining up interviews for Wolkoff. What bothers me is her admission that she secretly recorded their conversations which she used when writing the book. Here’s my first thought. Who secretly records a conversation between friends? My second thought, after her 15 “minutes of fame” would she have any friends left that would ever trust her again never being sure if over coffee they may have discussed problems with their spouse, kids, family maybe problems with their job and not worry about another book being written. Please God I don’t have a friend like Wolkoff.

Readers of WPB Watch are aware I have a problem with City Commissioners who take the advice of “Staff Recommend Approval” I fell they can’t be bothered to read and investigate whatever they are about to vote on which will change the lives of residents forever. In March 2010, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D) led the House to vote approval of Obama Care. When the press questioned her on what the bill contained she replied “But we have to pass the [health care] bill so that you can find out what’s in it.” She didn’t know what the bill contained so I assume House “staff” recommended approval. Obama, just like Mayor Keith James, wants approval so staff responds to what leaders want. Despicable.

The end