Is Mayor James Vindictive Ask Deandre Poole

April 13, 2021

Feb.22,2021   City Commission Meeting Item #4 on Consent Calendar. Please double click the 3 letters to enlarge, then hold the control button while tapping + button. My comments are in Italic.

“#4 Subject: Reappointment to Criminal Justice Advisory Committee, Subject to Commission Approval.

City Commission approval is requested for the Mayor’s appointment of Dr. Deandre J. Poole to the Criminal Justice Advisory Committee for a term of two years (2) that expires on March 8, 2023. Dr. Poole has served over the maximum allowed number of terms (3) and it is required that the City Commission confirms his reappointment.”

A this point in time Dr. Poole sat on the committee for 6 years, was appointed by Mayor Muoio and must have done a good job or he wouldn’t have been invited back by James for an additional 2 years.
At the start of the meeting James asked if there were any changes to the agenda and was informed item #4 was “pulled”

As usual no reason was given, but In my opinion it was pulled due to the upcoming election for City Commissioner in District 2. The race was between Deandre Poole & Shalonda Warren, and Mayor James supported Warren to hell Andros Isle and back and again my opinion Mayor James didn’t want Mr. Poole to receive any publicity before the March 8, 2021 election.


2/5/2021 James letter to Poole

Feb.5,2021   Dr. Poole received a letter from the city signed by James.

“Subject: Reappointment to Criminal Justice Advisory Committee, Subject to Commission approval.
I am pleased to advise you that, subject to City Commission approval, you have been reappointed as a member of Criminal Justice Advisory Committee for a term of 2 years that expires March 8, 2023. “

James suggested Dr. Poole attend the 2/22/21 meeting, and he was present. Read the entire letter.






James letter to Poole 3/10/21

March 10, 2021   (2 days after the election) Dr. Poole received another letter from the city signed by Mayor James.

“Subject: Service to Criminal Justice Advisory Committee
Since your term of service has concluded, your continued support and participation in the City’s endeavors will be greatly appreciated.”

Dr. Poole was dis-invited to sit on the Criminal Justice Advisory Committee. What is James problem? His candidate  Ms. Warren won the election.




James letter to Poole 3/24/21

March 24,2021   Now James is adding insult to injury. He wants Dr. Poole off the Service to Sales Surtax Oversite Advisory Committee.

“Subject: Service to Sales Surtax Oversite Advisory Committee
Since your term of service has concluded, your continued support and participation in the City’s endeavors will be greatly appreciated.”





April 13,2021 “@8:30 AM Zoom meeting. Criminal Justice Advisory Committee.”

Up-coming Meeting will be held without  Dr. Poole, his services no longer required.
I see a pattern here. lets see if readers agree.

Keith James VS Geri Muoio

Geri promoted Sara Mooney to Chief of Police, which had to be confirmed by the City Commissioners. At the time Commissioner James, the only no vote, was against the proposal and wanted the city to canvass the country for the best possible candidate.

Geri endorsed James for mayor, and she is quoted on WPTV Channel 5 as stating.

“One of the things that’s disappointing is that he promised us all he wouldn’t change the police chief. I know the (Police Benevolent Association) asked him that question when they gave him their endorsement Now he’s taking this action, so it’s very disappointing.”

After the news broke, and Geri was honest with the public I’m willing to bet that put her on the wrong side of James, and that is the moment I realized his word was no good, and he couldn’t be trusted. Is he also vindictive?  Read the story below.

Geri hired Peter Bieniek, Director of Public Works. All I can tell you is the crew that reported to him spoke very highly of him, said he was always ready to listen and help solve problem’s.  James fired him.  That’s vindictive.

Geri appointed Dr. Poole to Criminal Justice Advisory Commission & Sales Surtax Oversite Advisory Committee. James removed him from both. That’s vindictive.

Geri fired Christine Breivik, who oversaw the IT Dept; due to numerous complaints from much of her staff, and was given $50,000.00 in compensation. James rehired her with a promotion to Assistant City Administrator, then fired her again. After her re-hiring the city never asked for the return of the $50,000.00. That’s vindictive, and dumb.

Geri formed the African American Advisory Committee, and at the time she said this board was very important to her.  James disbanded the committee. That’s vindictive.

Geri, as Mayor for 8 years had a contract with the Lord’s Place. They look after the homeless and supplies daily lunches, clothes & housing where needed.  James ended the contract. That’s vindictive and sinful.

Want to know why I use the word vindictive so much?  It’s how some city worker’s, along with staff refer to him. Don’t cross the mayor–he’ll get you–he’s vindictive

Nuff said.
The end