Removed Again 4th.Time

February 23, 2022

Received the message below from someone watching the City Commission Meeting held on Feb. 22, 2022 when Mayor James had me removed for the 4th. time from a City Commission meeting for not wearing a mask.

“Why do you put yourself through it? You know he’s only going to throw you out again. He’s surrounded by plexiglass you’re not.”

I explained everyone on the dais does not have plexiglass in front of them, only on the sides.

When you sit in chambers you see and hear things that people watching the meetings on TV or their computer miss. Here is my side of the story.

When I arrived the dais was empty a few minutes later everyone was seated.The mayor was mask less so I removed my mask. We went through Call to Order, Moment of Silence, Pledge of Allegiance and the rules for Civility and Decorum.

James asked the City Administrator if there are any Additions, Deletion or Reorganization of Agenda. Both the mayor and I remained mask less.

The first item on the agenda was a Proclamation, presented by James. He stood and put on his mask to leave the dais and make the presentation. When he put on his mask so did I. When he returned to the dais he removed his mask. So did I.

Were both sitting mask less when a police office sat behind me and asked me to put on my mask.

I explained as I previously had, when the Mayor uses his mask so will I. My only concern is I hope the police understand my position and I am not disrespecting them. In my opinion the Police & Fire Dept. are the best in PBC.

The Mayor then asked me to put on my mask, I stood, held up my mask and put it on asking him to do the same. He did not, I removed my mask and he asked the police to remove me.

On the way from chambers people were looking at me and I said to the audience “He has 2 sets of rules, one for us and one for himself.”

So why do I keep doing it? It’s the principle of the mask issue.

James made the rule that everyone in City Hall, all employees and visitor must wear a mask, and in his own words there will be “no exceptions” Be happy you are not an employee of the city and either wear a mask or be fired.

In my opinion James has a sense of entitlement and self-importance which makes him inconsiderate, arrogant, self-centered and egotistical.

The stories I write are not to bring attention to myself but to bring attention to the City of WPB and it’s leaders who make and break the rules.

Here is where I ask readers to be patient as I’m writing about books which I believe will tie into the story, and I promise there is a point to be made. I hope you agree.

I enjoy reading and have my favorite authors and wait patiently for their next story. A friend recommended I read “The Real Anthony Fauci” written by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and honestly I’m sorry I ever listened because I never truly understood the meaning of “Ignorance is Bliss” until I read the book.

The next suggestion was Sharyl Attkisson, Investigative reporter who has won multiple Emmy awards, Edward R. Murrow Award and made New York Times bestselling author for her book “Slanted.” Below are 4 books she had published.

Stonewalled : my fight for truth against the forces of obstruction, intimidation, and harassment in Obama’s Washington / Sharyl Attkisson. Publication Date 2014.

Master manipulator : the explosive true story of fraud, embezzlement, and government betrayal at the CDC Author James Ottar Grundvig ; foreword by Sharyl Attkisson ; introduction by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Publication Date 2016.    (Before Coronavirus.)

The Smear : how shady political operatives and fake news control what you see, what you think, and how you vote / Sharyl Attkisson. Publication Date 2017  

Slanted : how the news media taught us to love censorship and hate journalism / Sharyl Attkisson. Publication Date 2020 

Over the years I have noticed how much the media has changed, and not to my liking. The two books Stonewalled and The Smear I read how Ms. Attkisson peeled back the layers of her own profession and allowed me a look inside the new media. Who else could explain it as well, after dedicating over 20 years of her life to reporting for CBS.

Here’s the point, and it’s a comparison between two Mayor’s Garcetti & James

Excerpt below from NBC news. This story was also reported by N.Y. Post, NBC, ABC, FOX, CNN, Politico and others.

“Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti claimed he held his breath while failing to mask up at a football game, drawing widespread criticism — and mockery — on Wednesday.

He was among top politicians and celebrities at Sunday’s San Francisco 49ers-Los Angeles Rams playoff game at SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles and hobnobbed with basketball legend Magic Johnson, who posted images of his high-profile pals on Instagram.”

Garcetti, Gov. Gavin Newsom, San Francisco Mayor London Breed, actor Rob Lowe, Dodgers manager Dave Roberts and other Golden State VIPs were not wearing their masks when cameras clicked, Johnson’s Instagram showed.”

When I publish a story I include media reporters who obviously don’t see a story when a resident is removed from City Hall on 4 different occasions for refusing to wear a mask when the Mayor does the same.

Below is a video with the Mayor and City Commissioners. Video made in 2021 when Cory Neering was still a Commissioner. Message wear your mask.
As always James has the first and last word.

The end