Sandy's Arrest

September 24, 2023

KELLY, JESSICA  A (Event Coordinator) for City of WPB.

Below is a copy of my police report and excerpts from the report.

Sandy Police Report

“I made contact and received a Sworn Statement from the original caller Jessica Kelly (Event Coordinator). She advised that at approximately 1600hrs she observed a vehicle parked on the sidewalk unloading food items, she approached to request for the vehicle to be removed.

As Kelly approached, she observed food plates and people eating around a table approximately 30 or more. Kelly asked Matkivich if she was part of the Ukraine Relief event, which had food and beverages on sale and was a permitted event, and she replied no.

Kelly then asked for the “Food not bombs” table and food items to be removed from the area. When Matkivich became aggressive and confrontation towards Kelly, Kelly walked away and contacted WPBPD.

It should be noted that Matkivich was very argumentative and did not want to provide identification to police, and at one point giving an alias of “Sandy”.

“I contacted WPB STIC in order to review city cameras, and Det Skotzke located the subjects on scene for more than an hour serving food in the city owned property. This video was submitted to Evidence. All four of the above subjects were cited under West Palm Beach Ordinance 5037-23 for Feeding Over 25 people with a court date of September 26, 2023, at 0800. All subjects signed for their Notice to Appear.”

My side of the report. I requested a PRR (Public Records Request) on September 07, 2023

“On 8/26/2023 I was arrested for the charge of feeding large group 25+. I am requesting a copy of the police report and accompanying police video.”

September 10, 2023. I received the police report, but no police video, in 3 days. After reading the police report I submitted another PRR on September 11, 2023

“After reading the report, I have another request. The report states. “I made contact and received a Sworn Statement from the original caller Jessica Kelly (Event Coordinator)”

PRR     Please supply me with a copy of Ms. Kelly’s Sworn Statement.

“I contacted WPB STIC in order to review city cameras, and Det Skotzke located the subjects on scene for more than an hour serving food in the city owned property. This video was submitted to Evidence.”

PRR    Please provide me with a copy video that was submitted as evidence.

September 24, 2023.  The police dept. has not supplied me with Kelly’s statement, or the video submitted as evidence. 14 days and counting.

Police report also states “It should be noted that Matkivich was very argumentative and did not want to provide identification to police, and at one point giving an alias of “Sandy”.

This is definitely overkill. I never refused to provide ID to the police. I told the officer my ID was in my car which was parked 2 blocks away. I was not asked to retrieve it. They asked me my name and date of birth.

I told them Sandy Matkivich and gave my date of birth. He ran a DAVID report on me and my name didn’t come up. I told him that either Chief Adderley or Deputy Chief Morris could identify me.

I assume he called one of them because he came back to me and asked if my name was Madeline. Damn, I realized my mistake. Anyone who knows me I am Sandy. Was Sandy from the womb and will be Sandy to my tomb. I did not intentionally give the police false information.

I have questions.

Does Jessica Kelly ((Event Coordinator) have the authority to “request for the vehicle to be removed” and for the “Food not bombs” table and food items to be removed from the area”?

Why did I request the sworn statement from Kelly? I don’t recall ever meeting or talking to her. I wanted to read her entire report which was not included with the police report.

Why did I request a copy of the city video placed into evidence? The city states ” Det Skotzke located the subjects on scene for more than an hour serving food” I want to see me on camera being “aggressive and confrontation” Why wont the police dept. honor my PRR?

Response to readers who asked why I wasn’t at the DNA event on Sept 20, 2023, 6-8pm. I did receive an invitation, and notice Dear Sandy, not Madeline.

Dear Sandy,
You’re invited to a special DNA event next week:

Three weeks before the DNA invite, with the same date and time, I was invited to a farewell party for Jose Tagle, a city employee, who was instrumental to the Hispanic community of WPB for over 21 years. I accepted the invitation.

Jose is so loved and respected by all who knew him with the exception of Mayor Keith James who called Jose Tagle (Neighborhood Services Coordinator) and Tiffany David (Neighborhood First) into his office and stated, ” I’m going to cut to the chase, both of your jobs have been eliminated, effective immediately.”

There it is and I’m not buying it. Something is in the wind. Time will tell, we’re looking.

Jose party was a success with many people coming in to wish him good luck. I was in good company which included former Mayor Jeri Muoio, and former City Commissioner Kelly Shoaf along with many others. Jose Tagle will be sorely missed by former and newer employees of the city along with the Hispanic Community.

At the DNA meeting Jennifer Ferriol, (Housing & Community Development) made a statement verified by 2 people, and people in the audience had their phones out and videoed the meeting, that the city had difficulty removing the homeless, and FNB, the organization that offers a much-needed meal from city owned property. FNB feed the homeless on Saturday afternoon at the Nancy M. Graham Centennial Square and Fountain Park, also known as the Great Lawn. This is the spot the city has placed 1st; removable barriers and replaced them with a chain link fence.

Ferriol commented the mayor has formed a committee to look into making the park private. If this is successful it means the police can arrest the homeless and people feeding them. Making it private the city will lease the land to someone to do God knows what with the land. Hope it’s not Related.

Terri Parker, Investigative Reporter for WPBF (25) has written a story and can be read below.

“West Palm Beach erects fence around downtown park pavilion ahead of League of Cities meeting City says it’s not to keep homeless away but for overdue maintenance.”

The park has a Men’s & Women’s Room which the homeless no longer have access too. What are they supposed to use?

My silly analogy, and more question’s for Google. “How many bullets can a 38 revolver hold? Answer 5.”

“Does a 38 revolver eject cartridges after firing? In many top-break revolvers, the action of breaking open also pushes an extractor lever upward, which ejects all the cartridges or empty cases or moves them far enough out of the cylinder that they can be pulled out easily.” In other words, the spent cartridge stays in the gun’s chamber until removed.

Mayor James demanded wanted the Amendment to punish people who feed the homeless to be as severe as possible. $500.00 fine and / or 60 day’s in jail and needed the vote of the City Commissioners to make it happen. Three of the 5 would accomplish that, one commissioner for each chamber.

James brought the gun, loaded it up with 5 City Commissioners who voted unanimously to approve the Amendment. Not one question asked about the homeless population dying of starvation. I don’t recognize my own country, and it’s getting worse.

It’s still painful to think about James refusing to renew Henrietta Farms contract. The farm in the poorest section of the city that people of color depended on for fresh fruits and vegetables.

Why does James have a problem with feeding the poor and homeless?  I have no answer, but I do know he feels no shame–ever–he told us.

The end—for now.