City Commissioners Please Repeal Ordinance 4836-19

October 20, 2023

Found on the City website.

“On February 25, 2019, we introduced Ordinance 4836-19 to the City Commission to prohibit the distribution, sale or use of plastic straws and plastic stirrers.

During the second reading on March 11, 2019, the ordinance unanimously passed and will go into effect on October 1, 2019.”

“give kudos to a local business for complying with the ordinance or report a violation. Our goal is not to collect fines, but to keep plastics out of the environment.”

“Businesses with reported violations will receive a personal visit first to provide details about the ordinance and offer assistance finding a good alternative for compliance. If businesses do not comply within a timely manner, violations may incur $125 per occurrence.”

I made a request to the City that they provide “Recycle bins” on Clematis St; so I could separate the plastic bottles and Plastic utensils from the trash. The city has not responded, and I don’t expect them too. Everything goes into the barrels which I find are mostly full by the time FNB feed the homeless on Saturday night. How serious is the city when they state, “to keep plastics out of the environment?”

FRIDAY, Aug. 25, 2023 (HealthDay News) — “Paper straws, meant to be an eco-friendly alternative to plastic, may not be better for the environment, a new study concludes, warning that they also contain “forever chemicals” that can harm human health.”

If the City of WPB wanted to help the environment, why don’t they lead the charge to Tallahassee and request they pass a law and allow deposit on plastic bottles? Buy a case of water, 24 bottles with a $.05 deposit will cost a buyer $1.20 extra. Return the bottles and receive $1.20 refund. Win-win for all. You will not see people walking down the street throwing nickels on the ground.

The city passed Ordinance 4836-19 in March 2019, and took effect in October 2019. We have been made aware of the test results on paper straws which was released in 2023 with multiply stories on the dangers of “forever chemicals” Now what will Mayor James and the City Commission do about it now that they have been made aware of the situation, how important is the health of their residents and visitors to WPB?

The end