Homeless Can't Catch a Break With WPB Mayor.

November 14, 2023

As readers are aware Judge August Bonavita, ruled against the City of West Palm Beach’s law limiting food giveaways to the homeless, and the city has moved in a new direction since the court ruling.

Martina Tate Walker applied for a permit to feed the homeless on Thanksgiving Day. The permit was issued with a $50.00 fee. Since the ruling no permit or fee required. Ms. Walker can feed the homeless without fear of arrest.

I have attended the feeding for months on a Saturday afternoon to observe and police the area for any trash that may have been left behind. Here is what I noticed on Saturday Nov,11, 2023 on the Nancy M. Graham Centennial Square Park, also referred to as the Great Lawn.

Before FNB arrived a police officer and a PSC Security Guard appeared and questioned the homeless people who had arrived for a hot meal. Both left the area as they arrived–alone.

If you take the time to speak to a homeless person many will tell you the same thing, they don’t trust the police, and PSC security are worse. The homeless call them “bumble bees” because of their black and yellow uniforms. I am told by many they harass them, confiscate their few belongings never to be seen again.


At the great lawn there are many electric outlets where the homeless, and other residents, charge their cell phones. This Saturday I arrived to see locks on the outlets. In my opinion officials of WPB have lost their compassion, along with their souls. If the police want to aid the homeless do what Fort Lauderdale has done. Approach the homeless with a former homeless person, who actually has been helped. I understand they will listen to them before the police.

Repeat a lie enough times it becomes the truth.

People park on the tracks to commit suicide by Brightline trains doing 125MPH. Google says the most common way is firearms, hanging, or poisoning. No mention of trains.

At a recent SENA (South End Neighborhood Association) meeting a high-ranking police official told approximately 200 in attendance “the police dept. will have zero tolerance for the homeless” If that remark weren’t bad enough, the applause was deafening. I guess that means the homeless will not be served and protected.

Jennifer Ferriol, Director of Housing and Community Development for the City of West Palm Beach, told the crowd “Plans were in the works to change the Nancy M. Graham Centennial Square Park, from a public park to a private park. There was mention of a third party leasing the land and maybe build something for kids. In other words, feeding the homeless, or the homeless sit on a bench can be arrested for trespassing” A No Trespassing sign will be erected. City so anxious to keep the homeless away from City Hall chained the sign on a tree right outside the courtyard, near Salento coffee shop. No class.


At another meeting the same official told the crowd the homeless have banned together to form a “gang” B.S.

The same official who I rode with and was shown Curry Park where a few of the homeless call home. told me they walked the street all night because of the abuse they received at night. It is safer to sleep in the daytime when the sun is out and the cowards don’t have the darkness to hide behind.

WPB won’t learn from Fort Lauderdale

“The City of Fort Lauderdale has been sued over the treatment of homeless people. In June 2017, ten homeless individuals sued the City after it seized and destroyed property from a homeless encampment in a downtown park.”


“Fort Lauderdale first won its case at a lower court, then lost on appeal. Back at the lower court, Fort Lauderdale won again, then lost a second time on appeal when a three-judge panel ruled the city had violated the First Amendment rights of Food Not Bombs activists”

“After 7 Years, Anti-War Group That Fed the Hungry Wins Fight With Fort Lauderdale” Please take the time to read the story below and read the outcome of officials.


Stet Media Group

Stet Media Group, an independent news source, has written a story on WPB and Homeless. and can be read below. Stet Media Group is an independent source of news, who depend on donations. If possible, can you help?

“Judge strikes down West Palm food-sharing rules”


Apparently Stet Media contacted the city for a response “A city spokesperson told Stet that the city does not comment on pending litigation.”

So, it’s not over. The city will appeal, and back to court to continue to punish the homeless and the people who try to help. It’s only taxpayer money being wasted, no problem for city leaders. 

The end–for now.