WPB Donates Money & Changes the City Charter

April 15, 2024

“All items listed under the consent calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items.”

7.2. “Resolution No. 48-24 approving a donation in the amount of $7,315 by the West Palm Beach Police Department of forfeited property seized during a criminal investigation to the not-for-profit 501C3 organization Little Smiles Inc.

At the direction and with the authority of the Chief of Police, the WPBPD seeks to donate the below-listed items with the final approval by the City Commission to the not-for-profit organization Little Smiles Inc. The authorization is for donating forfeited personal property (jewelry) seized during a criminal investigation (Case # 2022-0017531) conducted by the WPBPD – Special Investigations Division (SID). The WPBPD has an ongoing philanthropic relationship with Little Smiles Inc, a community-based organization whose organizational mission is to assist children during times of illness, homelessness, and tragedy.”

Above is information on a donation the city will make to Little Smiles who I am told does an excellent job with very young children. Below is Little Smiles 990 report and it shows they have net assets of $1,449,481. Appears solid to me. I recently published a story titled “Goodby Pal” and it can be found below if you missed it the first time. I would suggest the $7,315 be donated to the Pal program which City Administrator Faye Johnson, and Mayor Keith James cut from the city bubget in 2019 and left young men of color with no football to keep them busy and off the streets. The “Rams” football team desperately need equipment and City Commissioners have the power to discuss the item. Will they? I’m betting they will not.

Little Smiles 990 Filed on Sept. 19, 2023.
2022 Revenue $830,841 Expenses $783,002
Net Income $47,839 Net Assets $1,449,481
Total Assets $1,467,666
Total Liabilities $18,185
Net Assets $1,449,481


Two other items on the agenda are below. 9.1 gives the mayor more power and abolishes the Traffic Calming Advisory Committee. My opinion, someone on the committee has upset the king mayor and they must leave his kingdom city. This administration has changed the City Charter, so I barely recognize it.

9.1. Public Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No. 5094-24 amending the code of ordinances at Chapter 86 (Traffic and Parking) to add new definitions, amend the penalty provision, provide authority to the Mayor; to regulate construction management plans, parking permits for new developments and residences and traffic calming; to abolish the Traffic Calming Advisory Committee and to further regulate traffic calming.

9.2. Public Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No. 5098-24 amending and restating the Code of Ordinances of the City of West Palm Beach, Chapter 58 “Parks and Recreational Facilities and amending Chapter 78 “Streets, Sidewalks and Public Places” Article XVI “Public Places”, insections 78-466 and 78-467.

CC meeting 4/15/2023 Final Agenda


WPB Watch Goodbye PAL Published March 3, 2024


The end