David vs. Goliath ...And Wins!

December 27, 2014

If you have been following the news stories concerning the Chapel by the Lake site and the City of WPB you have learned a 3 judge appellate panel has ruled if favor of Citizens for Thoughtful Growth (CTG), led by Ms. Nancy Pullum, President. Please read the court decision below.

CTG V City of WPB and Flagler Investors

The story written by PB Post reporter, Tony Doris, can be read below, and I urge you to take the time to read it. I thank Mr. Doris for his work and appreciate his sincere efforts to provide balanced reporting on this news story. Mr. Doris is a breath of fresh air.

See: Citizens group claims court victory over South Flagler condo tower

The developer tried an end run around the Planning Board approval, and presented the plan directly to the City Commissioners, who gave approval on January 21,2014 after being told by former City Attorney Claudia McKenna that Planning Board approval and review was unnecessary. Commissioner Mitchell on the dais since 2002, and Commissioner Robinson since 1999 never challenged her statement. Were they “stuck on stupid”?

Mr. Rick Greene, Director of Development Services, reports to Mayor Muoio, and it’s apparent to me the “city” wants this project to go forward. How much pressure will be placed on Mr. Greene, and City Attorney’s to insure it does. Let’s not forget the mayor has the authority to hire and fire all city employees.

It has not been reported if the city will appeal the 3 judge appellate panel decision, and if they do decide to appeal, it will be more tax payer dollars wasted. Your money.

The folks who bring you WPB Watch have asked nothing of it’s readers except to exercise your right to vote. I will now ask one more thing for you too consider with an explanation of why I feel this to be so important.

You have funded, with your tax dollars, the lawsuit that CTG has initiated against the city, in an attempt to force the city to follow their own comprehensive plan for growth. The courts opinion favors CTG argument. CTG depends on contributions from it’s members, and strangers, to help fund their legal fee’s.

I don’t live in the part of the city where Chapel on the Lake is located, but I am well aware that the city could have an interest in my neighborhood or yours, and you could have a battle on your hands just like CTG. What do you do then? This city must unite and come together for the betterment of all. City government can’t ignore it’s residents and rules that they themselves have set. You, as taxpayers, had no say when the city decided to spend your hard earned money, but you do have a choice now. I am asking you to assist the Citizens for Thoughtful Growth with a contribution to their legal fund. I ask nothing of you that I wouldn’t do myself, and my check is going out today. Please send your contribution to:

Citizens for Thoughtful Growth
P.O. Box 3281
West Palm Beach, FL 33402

Checks may be earmarked for legal expenses.

It’s easy to stand with the crowd; it takes courage to stand alone. ~Unknown