Residents Spoke— City Commissioners Listened

Update: 4/18/2022, item “#8.1 Resolution # 87-22 amending the Comprehensive Fee Schedule for Sidewalk Cafe permits between downtown businesses and Northwood Village.”  Is this a new fee for Northwood Village? I’m not sure. One area is in District 1 (Cathleen Ward) and District 3: (Christy Fox.)

Residents and business owners attended the (1) CRA and (2) City Commission meeting and spoke on the issue, claiming they weren’t given enough notice concerning the raise hike and presented a petition for a postponement.

One resident, from Delray Beach, spoke against the hike and when she was through Mayor James said “Delray Beach” I took his 2 word statement as this was not her concern. Did James ever consider people traveled from surrounding cities to dine on Clematis St. Why was she not dining in Delray Beach? If the City does raise the fee, businesses will raise their prices to off-set the new rates. Especially in this economy people are finding ways to save money, not pay double the parking fee’s and if restaurants raise their menu prices diners will go elsewhere.

The examples used to determine a rate for downtown West Palm Beach is greatly skewed. The 3 rate comparisons used were among the top 3 per square foot rates charged for sidewalk cafes in Florida. The examples used was Lincoln Road in Miami Beach at $325 PSF (per square foot) Las Olas at$125 PSF and Atlantic Ave in Delray Beach $115 PSF. Double click picture to enlarge.

Staff reported Clematis lease rates were at average of $50 PSF This is not correct. Rates are $30-$35 PSF. Staff neglected to list the dozens of Cities that do not charge a PSF price and similar fees as we currently have in WPB for sidewalk cafes. Reminds me of the time when WPB raised the Fire Fee from $25.00 to $50.00, and staff mentioned two local cities that collected $100 and another $125. Again, staff neglected to report to Commissioners the many local cities that had no such fee. James was elected and immediately raised the Fire Fee to $100.00.

Staff told the dais this was discussed in March 2021 and Commissioners approved the motion on first reading, so downtown businesses were aware of the rate hike that was coming. Commissioner Warren mentioned she was not an elected officials at the time, and this was the first she heard of it. Commissioner Cathleen Ward was recently elected so she’s hearing it for the first time also.

Mayor James worked as hard as staff members to convince the Commissioners the resolution was needed.

Commissioner Christy Fox asked that the item be brought back to give downtown businesses a chance to respond, as did Commissioner Warren.

A frustrated James said “I’ll entertain a Motion” Meaning he wanted either Commissioner Fox or Ward to approve the resolution. The deafening silence was much appreciated by myself and people in the audience. Finally a voice speaks up. Commissioner Joe Peduzzi who represents District 4

“Mayor I move approval of resolution 87-22.”  “James, do I hear a second?” More glorious silence. James, “Motion dies for lack of a second.”

Commissioner Peduzzi I believe you tried to do a favor for James, but it backfired, and gave the impression you didn’t hear residents or bother to look at the petition or you didn’t care.

Commissioner Fox. Made a motion to bring the item back in a month, quickly seconded by Commissioner Lambert.

The City Commission decided unanimously to postpone their vote for 30 days to give the merchants a chance to meet, ask questions and give input.

The entire Commission meeting lasted 1:46:25. If you are interested in viewing the meeting scroll to beginning time 9:48 to end time 42:46 discussion lasted 33 minutes. For some reason the City has decided to run an ad before the meeting comes up. Please be patient.


City Commissioners: Info. For Newly elected Warren and Ward.

You heard people say they were not aware of the upcoming changes to the Fee Schedule for Sidewalk Cafe, and heard how the City mailed and hand delivered notices to businesses. Here’s how it went in the good old days. (before James and Johnson)

The City emailed a list of the upcoming weekly meetings to all residents who signed up to receive the information. One of the last time this courtesy was extended was 4/27/2021 when I received a DRAFT agenda for upcoming meetings to be held May 3 – 7, 2021.


(email rec’d) Fri, Apr 30, 2021 FINAL agenda for the 5/3/2021 City Commissioner meeting.

FINAL City Commission Agenda _05_03_21

(email rec’d) Tue, Mar 2, 2021   UPDATED Tentative Weekly Meeting List for the Week of March 1 – 5, 2021 This update cancels the CWPB-IAFF Impasse Hearings on:

(1)Wednesday, March 3, 2021 at 9:00 AM; and

(2)Thursday, March 4, 2021 at 9:00 AM.

I attended every meeting of the CWPB-IAFF (City West Palm Beach International Association of Fire Fighters) and because of this notice did not waste my time and energy traveling to City Hall for a meeting that was canceled. If you want to attend a meeting now you should check the City website to insure the meeting will take place.

Tent 03-01-2021_Updated

In closing right before the City Commission meeting I listened to the CRA meeting which I could understand with the help of the CC (Closed Caption) button. When it came to the Commission meeting I received the message “Subtitles/closed caption unavailable”  Why?

I believe I credited the correct City Commissioners with the comments made above, and if I’m wrong please let me know and I will edit the story. It’s hard to understand muffled voices behind a mask and I do depend on re listening to the meeting and using the CC  on the city’s website. New Commissioner Ward removed her mask when addressing the public, much appreciated, thank you.

The end