James record as Mayor 2021
Updated 1/30/2023 @ 11:35
Jan. 20, 2021: WPB Fire Dept. issued the covid vaccine to residents of the Bristol Waterfront Condominium located at 1100 S. Flagler Drive that sells apartments between $5.2 million and $42.6 million for an entire floor, combining two units at the top of the complex. I would classify the Bristol as a wealthy development.
April 4,2021 Mayor James interviewed by 60 Minutes reporter Sharyn Alfonsi concerning vaccines issued to residents of the Town of Palm Beach James made the following comment.
“Listen, the county health director has fallen on the sword on that and said it was her bad. Her organizational is bad. They made a mistake. But isn’t it funny that these mistakes only happen in communities that have that kind of wealth? They didn’t make a mistake and send a thousand doses to the poorest communities in our county.”
Three months earlier James made sure wealthy Bristol Residents received the vaccines.” See & hear the 60 min. interview below.
Three contracts to James political advisor Rick Asnani of Cornerstone Solutions with a no bid contract. Here’s how it happened:
Aug. 2021 James declared “A State of Local Emergency”.
“FURTHERMORE, pursuant to Section 252.38(3) {a) 5 Florida Statutes, I hereby exercise my authority to waive the procedures and formalities otherwise required by law pertaining to:” There are 8 procedures & formalities James can waive and I listed #2 & 8. #2. “Entering into contracts” #8. “Appropriation and expenditure of public funds.”
The 3 contracts below were signed by Mayor Keith James and Cornerstone Rick Asnani.
(1) $29,500. Cornerstone Contract $ 29,500.00
(2) $80,000 Cornerstone Contract $80,000.00
(3) $248,000. Cornerstone Contract $248,000.00
Because James declared “State of Emergency” contracts were not sent out for bids and no contract’s were presented to the City Commissioners for approval and residents were kept in the dark $357,500.00 taxpayer dollars to James Political Advisor Rick Asnani.
City Water Contaminated: Volumes have been written on the crises and to this day people are still buying/drinking bottled water including the Towns of Palm Beach and South Palm Beach who receive their water from WPB.
Below are excerpts from Chanel 25 WPBF news and the entire story can be read below, along with the mayor’s reaction to the water crises. Priceless
“Cylindrospermopsin, a toxin produced by cyanobacteria (formerly known as blue-green algae), was detected in the drinking water from the City of West Palm Beach’s Water Treatment Plant on May 20.
Residents are urged not to drink tap water. Infants, young children, the elderly, and those with preexisting liver conditions may be vulnerable to the effects of cylindrospermopsin. Animals are also vulnerable.
Officials also warned residents not to boil the water as it can increase toxin levels.”
Mayor Keith James has the responsibility of running the City, and he failed residents by not releasing the news of contamination when the problem was first discovered, allowed the most vulnerable residents to use city water for 8 days before issuing a warning. Who discovered the contamination?
Poonam Kalkat, Director of Public Utilities.
Joined the City of WPB Feb 2008 as the Laboratory Supervisor and advanced to Director of Public Utilities in July 2015, where she remained until Dec. 2021 when she resigned her position to become the Utilities Director for the City of Boynton Beach.
Ms. Kalkat graduated from Wright State University, (1992 – 2000) with a degree in Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
Ms. Kalkat was responsible for managing water, wastewater and storm water utilities for the city.
Are residents expected to believe Ms. Kalkat, with all her training and experience didn’t report her findings to the Mayor and City Administrator for 8 days knowing the damage contaminated water could cause? I don’t buy it. They knew.
Henrietta Farms: One of Mayor James most egregious decisions.
It’s Sunday morning and you are about to make dinner for your family and your spaghetti is one of their favorite meals. You set up the ingredients and discover you forgot to buy peppers. Jump in the car and drive to the local supermarket and buy 2 fresh peppers, a minor inconvenient, but now you have the missing ingredient.
Not so easy for many in WPB who live in poorer communities, with no means of transportation and are considered living in a “food desert” On to Google
What does it mean to live in a food desert?
“Food deserts are geographic areas where residents have few to no convenient options for securing affordable and healthy foods — especially fresh fruits and vegetables.”
Who is most affected by food deserts?
“The other defining characteristic of food deserts is socio-economic: that is, they are most commonly found in black and brown communities and low-income areas (where many people don’t have cars).”
Who is Stewart Bosley?
Bosley, affectionately known as “Bos” saw a need and approached Former Mayor Lois Frankel who leased him an acre and a half of city land to start a community garden where it was most needed, right in the middle of a food desert. Former Mayor Geri Muoio and City Commissioners voted to wave the water Hook up.
If readers are interested the city also owns property at 401 No. Flagler Dr. complete with a beautiful building, great view of the water. The city also leases this property for years to the Chamber of Commerce for a whopping price of $1.00 a year. Quick check told me the property is appraised at $14,746,704 in 2022. Good to have friends in high places.
Mayor Keith James did not renew the lease, and people mentioned to Boz he shouldn’t have placed a “Vote for Taylor Paula Ryan for Mayor” yard sign outside the farm gate. My apologies Ms. Taylor and Ms. Ryan.
The Palm Beach Post Editorial Board “Find urban farm a new home.”
Excerpts from the story, and I have included the link below.
“For seven years, West Palm Beach’s urban farm has brought a spot of green, purple and red to a weedy lot by the railroad tracks, in a humble, historic neighborhood where an overlay of street crime makes life tough but hasn’t suppressed a generational sense of community.”
“Sadly the city, by executive authority of Mayor Keith James, has given urban farmer Stewart Bosley a couple of weeks to clear out.”
“The city chose not to renew the lease to explore other opportunities and land purposes that will address other long-standing, critical needs in the city,” said a statement from the Mayor’s Office. The city sees the acre and a half as a potential site for housing for downtown workers, or for transitional apartments for the homeless. It’s considering other possible sites for a community garden.”
“On the site of long-demolished apartments a mile north of downtown’s glitzier streetscapes, the garden took root as a way to provide fresh, low-cost vegetables for residents, many of whom don’t have cars and who strained in the South Florida heat to trek the two miles to the nearest Publix. The modest operation was conceived by Vietnam War Marine veteran Bosley, to whom the city initially leased the land for $10 a month, and more recently $25 a month.”
9/24/2021 (Fri.) Boz had a crew of volunteers to work on the farm that weekend, and when they arrived they found the lock was cut off and replaced with a new one. A weekend of work gone when the lease didn’t expire for 2 more weeks.
The city put new locks on the farm on 9/24/2021. This story will be published 1/30/2023. There is 1 year, 4 months & 6 days between dates when vegetables and fruit trees could have been harvested to feed the neediest, instead vegetables and fruit left to rot in the middle of a pandemic. Below are pictures taken in Jan, 2023 of Henrietta Farms. The city has done nothing with the land except mow the vegetables down. Fruit trees have died from lack of care. Apparently, the city has turned off the water.
Below are pictures of Henrietta Farms taken in Jan. 2023, (Double click pictures and 1 notice from the city to enlarge)
While James accomplished this Rodney Mayo, the man that isn’t fit to run the city according to Mayor James and Rick Asnani of Cornerstone Solutions claimed he didn’t live in the city and should be disqualified, and the Judge agreed, and OUR election was cancelled.
Here’s what Rodney Mayo accomplished during the pandemic.
“We’re not turning anyone away. So, if somebody doesn’t have a meal, we’ll give them a meal as long as we can,” said Rodney Mayo with Hospitality Helping Hands.” An organization he helped to create.
“At Howley’s Restaurant in West Palm Beach, the owner, who owns 16 other restaurants, is using the food he has, and some of his staff members, to prepare meals for people in the service industry laid off this week, among others”.
Now ask yourself who’s not fit to run the city.
Saved the best news for last. The committee to recall Mayor Keith James has presented the paperwork to City Hall. That was the first step needed for the recall, and it also started the ball rolling. The recall is extremely time sensitive, and a percentage of registered voter’s signature is necessary for a successful outcome.
The committee to recall Mayor Keith James is inviting you to a sign the petition. We are not asking for help to take back our country, just our city. Your signature can make change that is desperately needed in WPB.
When: Saturday February 4, 2023 @ 7:00 PM
Where: 522 Clematis St.
There is a city parking garage on the 500 block of Clematis St; and it’s suggested you enter the garage on Banyon St.
If you want to come by trolley the schedule can be found in the link below.
The end
Open Letter to WPB City Commissioners
Dear Commissioners, Fox, Lambert, Peduzzi, Warren, and Ward.
What you are about to read I witnessed a few years ago when I attended the meeting between the mayor and city commissioners to discuss the agenda for the upcoming city Commission meeting.
At the meeting Former City Commissioner Shannon Materio asked why she was not allowed to ask a question of a staff member about a concern she had with an item on the agenda. She was looking for clarification. Apparently, the staff member told Commissioner Materio her questions must go through the city administrator, who at the time was Jeff Green.
The response Commissioner Materio received was “that was the rule” and they couldn’t have commissioners asking questions of staff which would pull them away from their regular duties.
I’m ashamed to admit that it took me a couple of years to figure out why that rule was in effect, but better late than never.
When commissioners meet to vote on an item, they are given a presentation by city staff and they are allowed to ask questions, but sometimes I believe they don’t ask the right ones. If the project is particularly important to the mayor, staff had better give the right response as I believe their job is on the line. With that said, in my opinion that is why Commissioners are not allowed to ask a question of staff. God forbid Staff give the wrong answer to the right questions.
Commissioners are kept in the dark on many issues, and a couple of commissioners have shared with me that they were told when asked to run this would be a “part time” job.
The 2021 census has the population of WPB at 117,286 residents and should never be considered a “part time” job. Your loyalty should be to the residents, not the Mayor, City Administrator, developers or special interest groups. That’s my opinion, and I’m sticking with it.
Joel Engelhardt
No one can write a better story than Joel Engelhardt, award winning newspaper reporter who wrote for the PB Post for 28 years before leaving for brighter skies. The story below on his website (OnGardens.org) is long, but when you tell both sides of a story, don’t hide the facts it tends to be long.
If Mr. Engelhardt hadn’t used the words County, or name County Commissioners, I would think he was writing about WPB City elected officials. Please take the time to read the story, you’ll be better for it.
Below are excerpts from his story. The entire story is below.
“Emails show how county helped racetrack-to-warehouse conversion”
“County staff moved quickly to help landowner avoid zoning obstacles but never publicly told the commission or the public why.”
“Last May, Palm Beach County staff rushed to avoid a legal challenge over the zoning board vote that blocked warehouses at the former Palm Beach International Raceway site on Beeline Highway west of Jupiter.”
“Top county officials from multiple departments responded to urgent requests from county attorneys for speedy action to get a seemingly mundane item before county commissioners at their May 26 zoning meeting.”
“While appearing innocent, the action would clear the way for the conversion of the racetrack to a warehouse complex by removing a potential hurdle for the developer — an action staff never made public or clear to commissioners.”
“When Commissioner Maria Sachs asked repeated questions about the move at a May 26 meeting, county staff never told her or anyone else publicly about the real reason behind their actions.”
“But more than 900 internal county emails, made public after a records request submitted and paid for by racing fan Jennifer Davis, reveal the untold story. Davis paid $187 for the emails — the county’s fee for producing, reviewing and redacting — and shared them with OnGardens.org.
The emails portray a county government doing one thing but telling public officials another.”
“They show how the county abandoned the rights of way to avoid a legal fight with the warehouse builder. By removing the rights of way, the county would remove the hurdle that had blocked the warehouse proposal.”
If you have read his story his far and Mr. Engelhardt story hasn’t piqued your curiosity to read more, so be it. I feel good because you have the information You’ve been given a heads up.
Read entire story below.
The end
James Executive Order 2020-09 & Destroyed Doc’s?
The City Commission held on Jan. 23,2023 had an item on the Consent Calendar #7.7 which reads “Resolution No. 32-23 cancelling the General City Election scheduled for March 14,2023 and the General City Run-off Election scheduled for March 28, 2023 and Resolution No. 34-23 declaring the results of the General Election, which was scheduled for March 14,2023.”
The Consent Calendar starts at the beginning of the meeting around 5:15, and developers, business people, and city staff have already taken their seats, as they did on this day. The other seats were occupied by residents, upset with the cancellation of the March 14, 2023 election who were present and wanted Mayor James to hear their thoughts, and express them they did, one after another. Comments were made and people in the audience never would have heard them and known how residents really felt because once their business was finished they left their chairs and went home.Residents complained about not being able to send their comments to the Portal and have they read into the record. They had to appear in person to make a comment.
In my opinion James moved General Comment, where you were allowed to praise or chastise the city leaders for a full 3 minutes. Under former Mayor Geri Muoio, General Comment started the meeting off. James moved it to the end of the meeting. Fewer people attended, people waited as long as they could, gave up and left. I have sat from 5pm until after 10pm to make my statement. At that hour City Chambers was empty, no one to hear my complaint except people on the dais and the poor cops assigned to sit through it all.
Below you will find email communication between myself and the City of WPB. The city’s response includes Mayor’s Executive Order 2020-09
Request for PRR (Public Records Request)
From: Sandy Matkivich <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2023 8:33 AM
To: Jacqueline H. Mobley <[email protected]>; Faye Johnson <[email protected]>
Cc: Sandy Matkivich <[email protected]>
Subject: City Portal
Hello again Ms. Mobley,
I just heard from a resident, who attempted to send a Public Comment to the portal and was unable to do so. Is the city aware they have a problem, or has the city closed it down?
If they have closed the site down, please send me the documentation that allows it.
Thank you again,
Sandy Matkivich
City’s response to my PRR
Jacqueline H. Mobley <[email protected]>
To:Sandy Matkivich
Cc:Faye Johnson
The Public Comment Portal was implemented to accommodate virtual meetings during COVID-19. In April of 2020, under the Mayor’s Executive Order 2020-09, public comments were permitted on-line through the portal among several other virtual meeting accommodations. The Executive Order expired in May of 2022 and upon its expiration, the virtual meeting accommodations were terminated. However, the Public Comment Portal continued which was an oversight. That oversight has now been corrected through the discontinuation of the portal. The process for public comments is now being handled as it was (in-person only) prior to the Mayor’s Executive Order 2020-09 related to COVID-19 virtual meetings accommodations.
Thank You,
Jackie H. Mobley
The city claims “The Public Comment Portal was implemented to accommodate virtual meetings during COVID-19” It was a great tool for the public, the elderly, the impaired, people who had no transportation to city hall but wanted their voices heard. Damn shame Mayor James didn’t want to hear them.
The City Clerk didn’t send me the documentation I asked for “If they have closed the site down, please send me the documentation that allows it” so I went to the WPB City Charter looking for James Executive Order 2020-09. Look what I found below.
City Commission Meeting held 12/12/2022
At the end of the meeting public comment began @ 1:53:30 when James called out the names of 3 residents to approach the podium and make their statement.
1:53:40 Mayor James statement: “Now by the way I got a card from something called Palm Beach Free Press we take comments from individuals and not entities so I don’t know who Palm Beach Free Press who that is but I’m not reading the card”
Quick check of the computer and I found :
Palm Beach Free Press
“My goal here is to exercise our rights, hold people accountable, expose corruption, and share unheard stories. Thanks for checking the channel out!” Web site below.
I want to know what comment to the city Palm Beach Free Press made, so I placed a PRR for information.
From: Sandy Matkivich <[email protected]>
To: “[email protected]” <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2023 at 07:58:00 AM EST
Subject: PRR PB Free Press
Good morning Ms. Mobley,
City Commission meeting held 12/12/2022 James had a card come through the portal from the Palm Beach Free Press and would not read the card into the record.
I am requesting a copy of the entire document sent by the Palm Beach Free Press.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Sandy Matkivich
Received no reply, so sent another email and included City Administrator Faye Johnson.
Sandy Matkivich <[email protected]>
To:[email protected],[email protected]
Tue, Jan 24 at 9:25 AM
Good morning,
I’m still waiting for the PB Free Press comment sent to the city. Will you please send it to me.
City replied:
Jacqueline H. Mobley <[email protected]> Tue, Jan 24 at 10:33 AM
To:Sandy Matkivich
Cc:Faye Johnson
Good morning,
I do not recall receiving a comment from PB Free Press.
Thank You,
Jackie H. Mobley
Ms Mobley, who reports to City Administrator Faye Johnson, who reports to the mayor, is charged with keeping the public records, all public records, not the ones chosen by Mayor James or City Administrator Faye Johnson.
Watch the City Commission meeting and see James holding the card, and hear him say “I’m not reading the card” That tells me the city is destroying public records. Are you mad yet?
Your free to see/hear the entire meeting, if you want to see him speak about the Free Press scroll to 1:53:30 start time.
James Executive Order taken from the City Charter. Appears 2020-09 never existed.
The end
James record as Mayor 2020
March 6, 2020 When voting was over in 2018 and James was elected mayor a friend and I took a trip to the PBC Supervisor of Election Office and they couldn’t have been more generous with their time and patience. Here’s what we learned.
My district is 7058 and there are 2,363 registered voters. 154 went to the polls and 90 voted by mail. 2,119 people did not vote.
My friend is district 7130 and there are 2,473 registered voters. 177 went to the polls and 86 voted by mail. 2,210 people did not vote.
When we complain about bad government, we have no one to blame but ourselves.
April 2020: The city previously allowed residents two months April and May to prepare for the hurricane season and granted amnesty where the city would pick up yard waste at no extra cost to residents, and we pruned back trees to allow the hurricane winds to pass through with little or no damage, and many residents took advantage of the city’s “gift.”
Well Mayor Keith James decided the city was losing money and he eliminated the amnesty due to the Carona Virus.
Now neighbors are hesitant to trim back trees not knowing how they will pay for the special pickup. Thousands of people out of work through no fault of their own, with no paycheck, desperately trying to apply for unemployment benefit or waiting for a check from the Federal Government. Both are slow in coming. Folks are panicked about paying their rent, mortgage, car loans and utilities and now hundreds of dollars for the city to remove yard waste. After getting push back James decided a couple of weeks amnesty would be enough time and the “special” fee would resume.
Affordable Housing: Before passing this development, residents were told the city was desperate for affordable housing for low-income residents.
Below is what we received.
Broadstone Locklyn Apts. on Village Blvd.
The City of WPB has awarded most of our water views to developers so it only makes sense they must now spread out throughout the city.
The Family Church located at 3600 Village Blvd. has sold a large section of their property to Broadstone who plans to construct 6 buildings 4 stories high and consist of 280 rental apartments of studio apt’s 1, 2 and 3 bedroom and the rent from $1,775.00 to $2,375.00/ month. Construction finished and apts. remain empty.
New information below taken from Broadstone website Dec. 2022
2023 “Broadstone is offering “Now Leasing and Offering up to 6 weeks free* on Select Floorplans and Waived App & Admin Fees*! Starting at $2,393” Apt’s will remain empty.
Below both Resolutions on the Consent Calendar, where items are seldom discussed and voted on as a whole.
Resolution No. 111-20 “authorizing a letter of support to the Florida Department of Transportation for the Lane Elimination planned for the Broadway Improvements Project from 25th Street to 45th Street. Transportation staff is proposing to submit a Lane Elimination Application to the Florida Department of Transportation to eliminate vehicular travel lane(s) on Broadway from 25th Street to 45th Street.”
The city states: “As one of the highest traveled corridors in Palm Beach County, Broadway (State Road 5/ US Highway 1) is the ideal location for storefronts and businesses that will contribute to business expansion and commercial revitalization.”
The city is telling us Broadway is one of highest traveled corridors so why would they remove a travel lane?
Resolution No. 110-20 “approving the City’s intent to engage in mandatory conflict resolution procedures in an action filed against the Palm Beach Transportation Planning Agency regarding an amendment to its Long Range Transportation Plan that added a project extending and widening State Road 7.”
Ibis Country Club, located in District 4, is the reason the city has spent years and wasted millions of taxpayer dollars fighting the SR7 expansion. Why?
“At present, the community consists of 1,864 condo, attached, and single-family homes. There are 9,640 residents in Ibis Country Club.” They all have one thing in common. They vote, and they vote to protect a Mayor and City Commissioners who continue to fight the expansion. In other words Ibis picks City Commissioners in District 1,2,3 and 5. If you don’t understand, please read the first paragraph in the story. Disgraceful!
April 2020 Carona Virus:
“Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis issued an executive order in April that exempted firearms and ammunitions manufacturers from the state’s restrictions during the COVID-19 crisis.
Florida Governor’s Order Supersedes All Local Orders – Firearm Industry Can Remain Open Throughout Florida”
May 2020:
“The mayor of West Palm Beach, Fla., declared a state of local emergency on May 31 that banned the sale of firearms and ammunition as well as the right of citizens to carry a firearm for personal protection in public unless they are members of law enforcement.” James ignores DeSantis executive order.
May 31,2020 (Sunday) “West Palm Beach declares State of Local Emergency.”
A cop (Derek Chauvin) murdered a black man (George Floyd) by placing his knee on Floyd’s neck for eight minutes as he begged for air.
There was a peaceful protest on Clematis St. when James at 8:00 PM, signed a Declaration of State of Local Emergency (curfew) at the request of Police Chief Adderley. The curfew was to be enacted from 9:00PM until 6:00AM. At this point the Mayor and Police Chief were the only two with knowledge of the curfew.
Police officers addressed the crowd on Clematis St; by a megaphone and an armored vehicle that looked like a tank and told peaceful protestors to disperse because of a curfew that had been imposed with no time to advertise the curfew. Two people knew, James and Adderley.
“But then things turned destructive. Protesters torched a Geek Squad van outside the Best Buy store on Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard. The Target store nearby had some of its windows broken out.”
The problem was on Palm Beach Lakes Blvd; not on Clematis St. where a peaceful protest was taken place.
“Business owner blames police for escalating violence on Clematis Street.”
“Several downtown business owners are waking up to shattered windows after a tense confrontation between protesters and police Sunday night.
Windows at Subculture Coffee, Rush Bowls, and Miracle Leaf in the 500 block of Clematis Street were shattered Monday morning.
The tense confrontation followed a day of mostly peaceful protests in West Palm Beach.”
Police tried to get the crowd to disburse after announcing a 9 p.m. curfew.
When some people did not immediately leave, witnesses said, police fired tear gas and rubber bullets.
Downtown business owner Rodney Mayo said it didn’t have to go that way. He believes that’s when the damage happened to his business.
“Right after that when the shields (went up) and they escalated it right after that,” he said. “It was completely unnecessary.”
Deputy Chief Rick Morris released the following statement: Please read the link below for Morri’s statement.
“Rodney Mayo says officer pepper spraying protesters led to Sunday’s confrontation with police.
Cell phone video from several sources shows the moment some claim sparked the confrontation between West Palm Beach Police and protesters Sunday night.
As people ran, some grabbed road barriers and signs and began tossing them into the street. Police said others threw rocks and bottles at officers.
Restaurant owner Rodney Mayo, who was in the crowd, said if not for the pepper spraying, that wouldn’t have happened.
“That was the catalyst that started it, yeah, I don’t think it would have escalated, because that’s when everybody started running because they got sprayed with mace,” said Mayo.
Mayo said police should have been more patient, but instead barely gave people a warning before firing foam bullets and dispensing smoke and tear gas.”
As WPBF 25 News first reported Tuesday, Adderley acknowledged they did use one tear gas dispenser after denying it Monday. He said that was a mistake that happened when an officer picked up the wrong canister, and he and other top officers weren’t aware of its use until Mayo pointed it out.”
June 2020 Peace Cookout for Police & Protesters
In an attempt to bring peace between Police and Protesters Rodney Mayo provided food, tents, tables, chairs and a band. Everything WPB demanded before the permit was issued.
There were invited speakers and one young man impressed me. His name is Ricky Aiken and he established “Inner City Innovators”
“Inner City Innovators was born from a need. A deep need to help the youth of communities, centered in the neighborhoods of West Palm Beach, Florida. With a rising crime rate, and shootings happening right and left, Executive Director, Ricky Aiken, saw that the time for change wasn’t two years or ten years into the future, it was now.”
James canceled the permit for the Peace Cookout. At the last-minute Lake Worth generously offered to host the event.
Aug.2020 PSC Contract, the story that keeps on giving.
Below are excerpts from a story in the PB Post.
“Investigator’s recommendation found probable cause that Mayor Keith James “misused his position to urge the award of a no-bid security contract to a company operated by one of his friends.”
“If James is found to have violated state ethics law, he could face fines of as much as $10,000 per violation or removal from office.”
“Shortly after taking office in April 2019, the mayor canceled a bidding process initiated by his predecessor”
“A rival of PSC, Giddens Security Corp. of Jacksonville, sued the city, alleging favoritism, and filed the ethics complaint.”
“I do believe that the mayor misused his position, tried to benefit his friend, by setting in motion that an existing contract be eliminated and that they rapidly do a consolidation, and that he failed to disclose that it was his friend,” said one ethics commissioner.
“It seemed like this mayor is a little bit out of control,” said another.
Giddens had a contract with the city and it covered from city hall and the main library to Northwood Village, the water and wastewater plants, and city operations center.
I sat in the Commissioners Chambers and listened to a Giddens employee, with tears running down her cheek, speak out and the PB Post ran a story and below are excerpts.
Valerie Jones described herself as “one of those homeless people” who lived in Currie Park. A year ago, she landed a full-time job with Giddens Security. Now she patrols the park.
On Monday night, she stood before West Palm Beach’s mayor and city commissioners and implored them to rescind the no-bid contract they gave without notice to another firm.
“I don’t want to be homeless again,” she told them. “I need my job.”
Mayor Keith James responded to Ms. Jones comment, with the disguesting comment.
“So, for Mr. Giddens to encourage you all to come up and pull at our heartstrings, in my view, is quite disingenuous”
Sept. 2020 Car Allowance
Car Allowance. Years ago a former commissioner complained about the paperwork involved in receiving reimbursement money he spent on gas in his private vehicle used for city business. So a resolution was passed and they voted themselves $500.00/month. My surprise was 4 other city officials who also received the benefit. So we have 9 people receiving $6,000.00/year= $54,000.00.
Mayor James did not receive the Car Allowance. As City Commissioner he received a total of $48,000.00 over 8 years. The shocker was when I discovered the city purchased a 2020 Chevrolet Tahoe SUV Full Size 4×2 which is assigned to James. The taxpayers also pay for his car insurance and gas. It’s good to be king.
Another surprise was discovering Gregory Key, Special Assistant to the Mayor, was driving a city owned 2019 Ford Explorer SUV Mid-Size and again the taxpayer is on the hook for car insurance and gas. It’s good to be prince.
Negotiations with Police & FireFighters for a new 3-year contract:
When first elected Mayor James was like Santa Clause at Christmas time handing out promotions and pay raises like the well would never go dry. Traveling from city to city along with his Police Security Detail spending thousands more.
The Carona Virus struck hurting the economy and the well started drying up. If James handled the city’s finances in a responsible manner from day 1 WPB outlook may not seem so dire that the only alternative the city could see was eliminate blue collar workers.
Residents protested and the city found another way. Fight the firefighters (IAFF) and police (PBA) union and deny them a decent wage.
I sat in the room listening to the negotiations when James entered the room, bellowing, “I told you last week you had my final offer, why are we here to negotiate again?” Bully
I have no reason to believe Mayor James and City Administrator Faye Johnson have negotiated in “good faith” when they tell city employees and the public that if the fireman get raises city workers will get laid off.
James and Johnson declared an impasse in negotiation and it was sent to a Special Magistrate for a decision.
Both the Police and Fire Fighters are unhappy with the city’s impasse. James and Johnson has nearly destroyed the 2 most valuable assets the city has, cops and firefighters. They deserve better and so do the residents that depend on them.
“Public Hearing and Second Reading of Ordinance No. 4919-20 amending the City’s Code of Ordinances to prohibit certain conduct that threaten the aesthetic beauty and public health and safety in the Cities Downtown and Northwood Area.”
4919-20 is James’s solution and residents witnessed his frustration while attempting to bully the commissioners into approving the Ordinance.
James started by stating “This ordinance is not a criminalization of homelessness,” and repeated his statement several times. The Ordinance carries a penalty of a $500.00 fine or 60 days in jail.
“Officials in West Palm Beach are hoping a continuous loop of the children’s songs “Baby Shark” and “Raining Tacos” played throughout the night will keep homeless people from sleeping in a waterfront park.” Sun Sentinel story below.
1,433 Comments. Read how residents feel about homelessness.
James, a Harvard graduate and attorney, who should have known better thinks he can do as he pleases with no push back. Well, the Southern Legal Council did push back. Read the letter below.
The end
Terri Parker Interviews Administrator Faye Johnson
Jan. 13, 2020, #5. “Resolution No. 10-20 establishing the salary and other compensation for the City Administrator and amending the pay grade information for the City Administrator job classification. Based on Ms. Johnson’s extensive qualifications and experience, the Mayor is recommending to the Commission a starting salary of $249,000 for consideration, which is within the General Management Salary Rate Schedule for the City Administrator Pay Grade, GM20 ($174,303-$261,454)
Upon successful completion of a six (6) month probationary period, Ms. Johnson’s salary will increase by 5% to $261,450, also within the current salary rate schedule. Ms. Johnson’s current salary as Interim City Administrator is $220,000.”
Jan.12, 2023 Investigative Reporter Terri Parker (WPBF 25)
Ms. Parkers story can be read in its entirety below. My comments in Italic and excerpts from Ms. Parker’s story.
“Loophole allows city administrator to get away with same issue West Palm Beach mayor suing challenger over.”
“West Palm Beach Mayor Keith James is suing to get his sole challenger, Rodney Mayo, kicked off the ballot for the upcoming March election. James claims Mayo doesn’t live in the city, as required by the city charter.
“Mr. Mayo is not qualified at the end of the day,” said James following a court hearing Tuesday, when asked why he had filed suit.”
But some outraged citizens call that ironic because James’ top city administrator, Faye Johnson, has not lived in the city for the past three years, which the charter also requires.
The issue has come up several times over the past few years but has taken on a new spin with James’ lawsuit.”
““She’s supposed to live within the city bounds of West Palm Beach. Ms. Johnson does not. Why, Keith, do you allow this?” asked resident Sandy Matkivich at a city commission meeting.”
“Right now, I live in my primary residence, which is in unincorporated Palm Beach County,” Johnson told WPBF 25 News Investigative Reporter Terri Parker. “
“To comply with the residency requirement, Johnson says she kept her house and rented an apartment within city limits for about a year. That lease is up, and she says she’s looking for another one.”
I want to see rent receipts. The fact is Johnson bought an apt. in Nov.-2021 at 2000 Presidential Way Apt.305 WPB Fl. For $136,000. Five months later she sold it for $155,000. A profit of $19,000 in 5 months. See PBC Property Appraiser website below.
PAPA-Property Detail (pbcgov.org)
“Johnson says there’s a loophole of sorts in the charter, which allows her to skirt that requirement.”
“She said as long as the city attorney says this setup is legally permissible, she’s going to take advantage of it. take advantage, loophole seriously?
“It’s not illegal. It’s not unethical. It’s not immoral,” said Johnson. In my opinion it’s all three.
Ms. Parker’s story has links. One will show the City Charter Requirements and the other the City Attorney’s response.
So, let’s examine her pay raises:
City Administrator: General Management Salary Rate Schedule for the City Administrator Pay Grade, GM20 ($174,303-$261,454).
Assistant City Administrator I don’t know what Johnson’s starting salary was before she was promoted to:
Interim City Administrator, her salary was $220,000.
“The Mayor is recommending to the Commission a starting salary of $249,000.”
The City Commissioners approved the pay raise. $249,000 – $220,000 = $29,000 raise. After 6-month probation a 5% raise. = $12,450 = $261,450 and Johnson was $4.00 short of the top of her pay grade of GM20 $174,303-$261,454
Johnson refused the $12,450 raise due to the pandemic until the Federal Government sent the city of WPB $25,3 Million. She accepted the 5% raise retroactive. That put her at the top of her pay grade. Not so fast!
Johnson’s pay grade has gone from GM20 to GM10 meaning “salary is set by the commission upon the recommendation of the mayor.” sky’s the limit and to make a point her salary now stands at $291,240.00; Johnson has received $71,240.00 in pay raises.
Sep 7, 2022
City Administrator Faye Johnson said the proposed pay increase would be “unprecedented in this city.” A 5% raise equates to an additional $2,000 per year for an employee making $40,000.
What I find unprecedented is $71,240 raise in 3 years. James recommends the raise, and the City Commissioners approve it. Who’s the suckers? The taxpayers
Johnson GM10 salary set by mayor
The end
Announcing WPB Watch
Announcing WPB Gov Watch on September 16, 2013
“WPB GOV WATCH is a group of concerned citizens, for the City of West Palm Beach, FL, who have united to expose government waste, fraud and abuse and to recruit, promote and support responsible and effective candidates for Elected City Offices, who will be committed to work in the best interests of the Public at Large.”
“In a Democracy, the people get the government they deserve” So said Alexis de Tocqueville, or Thomas Jefferson, or Ayn Rand – it has been contributed to all of them. Democracy is also hard work and best not left to politicians. And the best government is one that is constantly watched. And it doesn’t take a lot of people to make a difference. In fact, Margaret Mead said ““Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever does.” That is our motto. We hope to change the City of West Palm Beach. We hope that you will join us in this effort.
For 10 years I have published stories on the happenings of our elected officials of WPB. For 10 years I have tried to shine a light on what was happening behind the scenes. I have said many times the hell with this, I’m banging my head against a wall for nothing. I do not have the knowledge or the ability to bring people together. Now I know why I stuck with it. Rodney Mayo has the ability to do both, and he’s not giving up.
I have 101% confidence in Mr. Mayo and his ability to move our city forward, and I do mean our city, not the city of politicians, judge’s, special interest groups and political consultants. WPB is our city and Rodney Mayo is working to return the city to us—the residents of WPB.
As much confidence as I have in him, I realize he can’t do it without you and me, he has to have our support.
Posted by Sandy on January 15, 2023 “James record as Mayor 2019”
That story was to be the first of 4 published stories, and three more were to have followed. James record as mayor in 2020, 2021 and 2022.
I wrote and published the stories and can’t believe how much I had forgotten because every year after 2019 Mayor Keith James leadership has deteriorated to the point I don’t recognize my city.
When the court made the decision Mayo was not qualified to run I saw no reason to publish the remaining stories. I was wrong. The stories will be published on Monday for the next three weeks to remind us and hopefully get angry enough to join the fight.
Below you will find Rodney’s latest post. what his plans for the city are and most important what you can do to help him. Please take the time to read it. There is something all of us can do. He’s not asking people for money in fact he will return the $100.00 you donated to his campaign. he’s asking for something more valuable than our money. He is asking for our signature on a “Recall Mayor Keith James” petition. He has mine.
Home for WPB Watch https://wpbwatch.com/ If you want to view previous stories please check out “Archives”
Readers have contacted me wondering why they can’t register on the website to receive the latest news. Five countries, China, United States, Germany, Singapore and the United Kingdom have attempted to register with WPB Watch 327,697 times in the hopes of advertising their wares. WPB Watch will never allow advertising, so I disabled the register on line feature. Want to receive WPB Watch to your inbox? Please email me at [email protected] with your full name and you will be registered. Thank you.
Below is the link for Rodney’s latest message with upcoming meetings, where our help is needed and information I never had before. I was amazed to find what political consultants represented elected officials in Florida.
The end? No, more to come
The Rodney Mayo I Know
By nature, I am suspicious of government. I’m talking federal, state and city government. As I’ve written before. I don’t believe in coincidences. I believe everything happens for a reason, whether good or bad. As the city is aware the court found on behalf of Keith James, and by the judge’s ruling the residents of West Palm Beach have lost.
Keith James, who the residents elected has done more harm to our city while Rodney Mayo has done nothing but help the residents who needed help the most.
During the coronavirus he fed the hungry and the homeless and kept his businesses open and running so his staff never went without a paycheck.
Keith James on the other hand shut down Henrietta Farms. A farm that was located in an area known as a food desert where the closest supermarket was two or three miles away, and people had no transportation to buy vegetables and fruit to feed their families.
After George Floyd was murdered by a police officer, people were protesting on Clematis St. It was a peaceful demonstration while protesters on Palm Beach Lakes Blvd. were smashing windows at the Target store and burning vans that belonged to Best Buy. Thats where the trouble was, not on Clematis St.
Police chief Adderley notified the mayor at 8:00 o’clock on a Sunday night asking for a curfew. The mayor gave the chief what he wanted.
A curfew was to start at 9:00 o’clock Sunday night and end at 6:00 AM. When police officers with loudspeakers told the crowd to disperse because there was now a curfew in the city. Protesters were confused. Why are they breaking up the protests? Everything’s going fine. It was peaceful. It was friendly.
The crowd didn’t break up quick enough for the police and while dressed in riot gear they started firing rubber bullets, and set off canisters of tear gas, which only inflamed the protesters. When it was all over the police and the mayor denied using tear gas. They claimed they were using smoke bombs until Rodney Mayo showed the Police chief an empty canister of tear gas. The Chief admitted tear gas was used by accident as the canisters for tear gas and smoke bombs lookes the same. Mayor Keith James made no comment, or admitted a mistake was made.
The worst the protesters did was throw road signs into the into the middle of the road and threw rocks at the police. By the Grace of God, not one Police officer or protester was seriously injured. Our city got lucky that Sunday night. I share this story to lead up to what happened next between the police, the protesters and Ronnie Mayo.
In an attempt to make peace between the protesters and the police, Rodney Mayo applied for a permit to host a peace rally. The city told Rodney what had to be done to hold the event and he went above and beyond what the city required. He rented chairs, tables, tents, umbrellas. He supplied all the food and soft drinks, hired a band and then bring the police and the protesters together, for conversation and forgiveness. This is the Rodney Mayo I know.
A good plan was spoiled when Mayor Keith James cancelled the permit the day before the event. This is the Keith James that I know.
Well, no one heard the fat lady sing yet, so I guess it isn’t over. The good guys lost the first round, but regained their momentum and will be back in the fight to bring fairness and justice to the city of West Palm Beach. I hope residents stick with Rodney. You couldn’t do any better. Below is Rodney’s comment and explanation of recent events and plans going forward.
Rodney, my friend, word of advice. Watch your back and expect retaliation going forward. We all are aware how vindictive James can be when crossed or challenged.
James record as Mayor 2019
James The Commissioner:
Prior to being elected Mayor, Keith James served as the district 4 City Commissioner from 2011 – 2019. He represented the Western Communities and their interest in NO Expansion of SR 7.
“James, an eight-year commissioner, a Harvard lawyer and a stalwart supporter of term-limited Mayor Jeri Muoio, received notification a collection company garnished his city wages for repayment of a decade-old credit card debt of $1,375.
If the optics were bad, there was worse to come.
Opposition researchers for his rivals in the race dug up official records showing the intelligent and affable politico also owes the IRS more than $100,000 and was hit with two foreclosures and an eviction judgment. And they topped that off with police records from Texas of a DUI conviction from 2003.”
Voters elected him Mayor of WPB. Good for James, not good for residents, city employees or people wishing to do business with the city.
April 4th, 2019: Keith James sworn in as Mayor: Let’s examine 2019 and see what type of man the people elected.
Mayor Geri Muoio:
(1) Mayor Geri Muoio formed the African American Advisory Committee.
(2) Mayor Geri Muoio promoted Sara Mooney to Chief of Police which had to be confirmed by the City Commission. At the time Commissioner James was the only no vote.
(3) “Peace in the Streets” Former Mayor Muoio had an idea to improve the lives of young black men in the north end of the city where crime is rampart and shootings are a normal way of life.
(4) Mayor Geri Muoio signed a contract with the Lord’s Place who looked after the homeless and supplies daily lunches, clothes & housing where needed.
(5) Mayor Geri Muoio appointed Dr. Deandre Poole to Criminal Justice Advisory Commission & Sales Surtax Oversite Advisory Committee.
(1) After taking office, his very first act was to dismantle the African American advisory board. During his campaign they challenged his lack of involvement in issues that faced their community. Instead of stepping up, he eliminated everyone who would challenge him on that board.
(2) James second act was to replaced Chief Mooney with Fort Lauderdale Police Chief Frank Adderley along with Deputy Chief Rick Morris who were waiting in the wings. Two men to replace one good woman.
Commissioner James needed endorsements and reached out to Mayor Muoio and the PBA (Police Benevolent Association) for their endorsement and received both after he stated Police Chief Sara Mooney’s job was not in jeopardy and would remain Chief of Police.
Mayor Muoio is quoted on WPTV Channel 5 as stating:
“One of the things that’s disappointing is that he promised us all he wouldn’t change the police chief. I know the (Police Benevolent Association) asked him that question when they gave him their endorsement Now he’s taking this action, so it’s very disappointing.”
Read the story below.
(3) Mayor James ended the Peace Walks.
The walks continued monthly, always led by Chief Mooney, and residents would walk with us and say they were grateful for our presence. Homeowners asked for and received “Peace in the Streets” yard signs and displayed them proudly. Every month more signs could be found in yards,
Cops would give young children a ride on their Segway, and their smiles said it all, not to mention the goodwill and trust it created between kids and cops. Chief Mooney’s idea was to reach the young before the gangs did.
(4) James ended the contract with the Lord’s Place, and found no need to explain his actions, but he had a plan for the homeless and set it in motion in 2020.
(5) James removed Dr. Deandre Poole from both positions after he had received 3 letters from the city saying he would be re-appointed. Now I’m assuming he didn’t have a “James for Mayor” yard sign or God forbid didn’t contribute to his campaign.
James increased Fire Fee from $50.00 to $100.00 and we discovered millions had been allocated to the General Fund.
If a resident wished to address the Mayor or City Commissioners we had 3 minutes, either praise the city or air their grievance. Before James, residents spoke within 10-15 minutes after the start of the meeting. James moved “Comments by the Public” until the end of the meeting. This was a + for the mayor as he didn’t have to listen to complaints, people lost the opportunity along with folks who had to be home to cook dinner or pick up their kids. If the meeting ran longer than usual residents waited until 9-9:30 to address the Mayor or Commissioners.
James awards $8.5 million no-bid contract to PSC Security. Senior Regional Manager Willie Perez, a drinking buddy of James who sent a picture of his penis to a city employee, Sharagay V. Esposito who later sued the city.
“The city solicited competitive proposals from firms early in 2019. Administration canceled that solicitation within two weeks of James taking office in April. While competitors waited for it to be reissued, the James Administration instead recommended the City Commission hand the contract to PSC without bidding.” The Commissioners voted unanimously to award the contract to PSC. Story below.
James attempts to pay out $180,000 to a former city employee, Sharagay V. Esposito who received a lewd picture sent by Senior Regional Manager Willie Perez a personal friend of James.
“A Resolution of the City Commission of the City Of West Palm Beach, Florida, approving a Conditional Settlement Agreement Dated November 5, 2019 For $180,000.00 In The Pr-Suit Claim Matter of Sharagay V. Esposito and the City of West Palm Beach; Providing an Effective Date; and for other purposes.”
The City attempted to have Commissioners pass the Resolution listed under the “Consent Calendar’ where items are not discussed, in an attempt to hide a brewing City scandal. The City Commissioners refused to approve the Resolution. A win for the good guys.
9/27/2019 @ 2:00 PM: Two Commissioners, Neering and Ryles requested a special meeting to revisit the PSC contract. Commissioners Lambert, Peduzzi and Shoaf were a no show. No quorum, no meeting. A loss for the good guys. When it was time to re-elect Commissioners Neering and Ryles, both made the decision not to seek re-election. That speaks volumes to me. We lost 2 good men.
James was out and about and was surprised when Channel 5 reporter Wanda Moore aimed a microphone at him with more pesky questions concerning the PSC no-bid contract. Here was the question; “You had said that because of new information that has been brought to your attention you had changed your mind. Can you elaborate on what that information was?”
Mayor James said he has asked Johnson, who replaced Green, for a full review.
“She did a full review of the process and of every step taken, including the decision by staff to cancel or reject all bids without my knowledge during my first week in office.”
The end
Bush & Mayo = A Winning Team
A WPB Watch reader reached out to me with a request to contact Ms. Edith Bush.
I had just published “Rodney Mayo’s 10 Point Action Plan” and the two had a conversation, both agreed with the 10 Point Plan, and Ms. Bush wanted to extend an invitation to Rodney to attend the Martin Luther King Jr. Kick off service on Friday January 6 at 6:30PM. She followed up the conversation with an email, I forwarded it to Rodney, and he accepted the invitation immediately.
Ms. Edith Bush, so who is she? Edith Bush is a force to be reckoned with. Below is a story written by Shana Gruskin Staff Writer South Florida Sun-Sentinel Apr 03, 2005.
The story was written 18 years ago, and now at the age of 90 Ms. Bush has not slowed down and I’m willing to bet she wouldn’t know how. When she finds injustice, she steps up and voices her opinion. She talks common sense which most people can relate to. Below are excerpts from the story and if you take the time to read it there is much more information on her.
“Here in this tidy neighborhood, Edith Bush is a benevolent monarch of sorts aiding elderly neighbors; encouraging residents to spruce up their homes; scolding truant school kids; exhorting corporations to paint fading houses and donate money; phoning the rich and the powerful to give and, above all, do.
Slowly over the years, Bush’s reign has extended past Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard and Australian Avenue to Mangonia Residence Apartments for seniors a few miles north, to rundown sections of Riviera Beach, to city hall and the county seat and even, when need be, to Washington, D.C.
She’s a regular woman, not wealthy or politically connected or physically imposing. But somehow, by force of personality and belief in cause, Bush has transformed her passion for civic duty, her love of people and peace, into a cult of volunteerism.” Read the entire story below.
Mr. Rodney Mayo, so who is he? A business man who is running for Mayor of WPB, who has the present Mayor James running scared. Just my opinion!
He’s a good man with principles and moral fiber which is the capacity to do what is right, no matter what the circumstance. A business person with strong moral fiber for example, would decline a bribe, and put his self-interests aside for the benefit of the city and its residents.
I was discussing with a friend, who is the first to make an appearance when volunteers are needed for a project and he shared his story with me which has been verified.
A group of volunteers went to PBC with a request to donate the paint that was turned in as no longer needed. The County was happy to oblige. People who knew how to blend paint did their job and now the volunteers could get to work painting homes.
As you read the story above on Ms. Bush she “exhorting corporations to paint fading houses and donate money; phoning the rich and the powerful to give and, above all, do.”
My friend told me Rodney meet with the volunteers, grabbed a roller and went to work. This is the Rodney I have come to know over the years. A man that steps up when needed.
Below is a video of the event at the Martin Luther King Jr. Kick off service and Ms. Bush introduced Rodney and gave the crowd sage advice. “Know who you’re voting for”
Listen to the short video below, and notice the letters missing from the memorial.
1/10/2023 was an important day for WPB and it’s future. There was a court hearing, and WPBF (25) Investigative Reporter, Terri Parker spent the afternoon sitting in the courtroom to bring us the story below.
Rodney Mayo testified, Mayor James did not, although he did comment to Ms. Parker after the hearing stating “At the end of the day the voters of WPB deserve transparency and integrity” two words he is familiar with, and in my opinion finds it impossible to practice.
Read the story below and take a minute to listen to James words of wisdom.
“West Palm Beach Mayor brings challenger to court in bid to kick him off the ballot”
Mayor James,
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial. Holiday is 1/16/2023. Please ensure Letters that were missing on Jan. 6, 2023, are replaced for the upcoming holiday. It’s extremely important to many people, who wish to honor Dr. King.
The end
Step1 Register to Vote. Step 2 Vote
The Information below was taken from the PBC Supervisor of Election Website, and I have included the links if you have any more questions. There have been changes to the voting rules so please take the time to read the information.
“If you are not already registered to vote in Florida, eligible individuals can register to vote at any time. The deadline to register to participate in an upcoming election is 29 days before the election.
If you are at least 18 years old (you may pre-register to vote at the age of 16, but you cannot vote until you are 18 years old); you have not been adjudicated mentally incapacitated with respect to voting in Florida or any other state; and you have not been convicted of a felony or have been convicted of a felony and had your voting rights restored.”
“Voters wishing to vote by mail in the 2023-2024 elections are required to make a new Vote-by-Mail Request for all elections.
A request must include the voter’s FL Driver’s License or FL ID, or the last four digits of their Social Security Number, whichever can be verified by our office. If your voter record does not include your FL Driver’s License/ID, or last four digits of your SSN, you must update your voter record before requesting your Vote-by-Mail ballot.
IMPORTANT: The deadline to request that a Vote By Mail ballot be mailed to you is no later than 5 p.m. on the 10th day before the election. If you miss the deadline, you can visit one of our offices and we will print a mail ballot for you through 5:00 pm on the day before election day. Or you can vote in person during Early Voting or on Election Day.”
Please bring one or two forms of valid and current identification that include your signature and photo.
Acceptable Photo ID Florida Voters:
Florida Driver License
Florida ID Card (issued by DHSMV)
U.S. Passport
Debit or Credit Card
Military ID
Student ID
Retirement Center ID
Neighborhood Association ID
Public Assistance ID
Veteran Health ID (issued by the US Department of Veterans Affairs)
Concealed Weapon License (issued pursuant to F.S. 790.06)
Employee ID card issued by any branch, department, agency, or entity of the Federal Government, the state, a county, or a municipality.
If your photo ID does not include your signature, you will be asked to provide another ID that has your signature. If you do not bring your ID, you may still vote, however, you will be required to vote a provisional ballot, which will later be evaluated by a canvassing board for eligibility.
General Early Voting Information
Early Voting allows you the opportunity to cast your vote when and where it is convenient for you. The Early Voting locations we select in Palm Beach County are chosen with you, the voter, in mind, while remaining in compliance with Florida law.
As long as you’re an eligible registered voter in Palm Beach County, you can vote in any Early Voting site we have open.
P: (561) 656-6200 | F: (561) 656-6287
Hours for All Offices: M – F: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Now we have information needed to vote. Will we?
The City of West Palm Beach is divided into 5 districts. Each has its own commissioner. Over 20 years ago the city asked voters to change from Single District to City Wide elections, and we handed it to them on a silver platter. That was our first mistake. Our second mistake was not taking the time to vote in Municipal Elections.
My vote won’t make a difference, and I reply the hell it won’t!
March 14, 2023, we have another chance to elect a new Mayor.
The choice will be between Mayor Keith James and Mr. Rodney Mayo. (I believe the court will make the right decision and we will have an election)
The gated communities in the west will vote for the people who protect their interest, and their main interest is to stop the expansion of S.R. 7. Below are excerpts from a story by Joel Engelhardt. Please take to time to read his story.
“Long-awaited State Road 7 project will wait five years longer”
“West Palm Beach’s litigation prompts state to withdraw $80 million scheduled to be spent in 2023 to build connector between Okeechobee Boulevard and Northlake boulevards.”
“But on Thursday, state officials will slam the brakes on the controversial project by formally asking local officials to sign off on a shocking twist: Delay it at least five years.”
“While cost increases contributed to the state’s action, a legal challenge filed by West Palm Beach to block the project remains the largest hurdle.”
“With more than 1,800 homes, Ibis is a key West Palm Beach voting bloc and its residents have opposed the route, first dedicated in the 1940s, for decades.”
“Cost of road skyrockets to $134 million”
“With $80 million in hand and $5 million already spent, the state had almost all of the money it would need to begin building both segments in 2023 at an estimated cost of $87.5 million.”
The five-year delay, coupled with rising construction costs and design changes to ease environmental hurdles, puts the new project cost at $134 million, an increase of $46 million.”
Over the years the City of WPB has spent millions of taxpayers’ dollars on lawsuits, and in my opinion, it is to protect the residents of Ibis and other gated communities. They will be out in force to vote to keep Mayor Keith James in office.
If the other 4 districts don’t come out in force to vote it will ensure James will have another 4 years to further the damage, he has done since 2019.
The end!