Whither Chapel-by-the-Lake?

Sept.16,2013 was a late night for City Commissioners and the residents who met to discuss the First Baptist Church’s Chapel-by-the-Lake property. The church has a chance to sell the property for 23 million dollars, if the city agreed to allow developer Al Adelson to erect a 29 story condominium on 3 acres of land. To accomplish this Mr. Adelson would require the city of WPB to make large concessions concerning setback requirements.

The City Commission on Monday voted 3/2 to rezone the property from community service to multifamily residences, which would allow the Condominium to be built. Commissioner Robinson, who voted for the rezoning stated “My vote was for the Church” Did Commissioner Robinson listen to the residents opposed to the project? Commissioner Robinson supposedly represents the residents, taxpayers, and voters of WPB. In my opinion he does not do a very good job.

Commissioners Moffett, James, and Robinson want a smaller structure, so the developer will lower the building a few floors, and the City Commissioner’s will vote to approve the project, due to the fact they only hear ching, ching, the bell on the cash register, and many dollars will be gained in the form of taxes.

The city government does such a poor job of spending our tax dollars wisely now, why would they expect us to trust them with more of our hard earned dollars. A few examples:

  • In the last month it has cost the taxpayers over one million dollars to settle four law suits filed against the city.
  • Over five million dollars wasted on Open Sky Police Radio, and it still cost the taxpayers yearly on a radio system that has never been operational.
  • Well in excess of two million dollars wasted on Commissioner Mitchell’s pet project, Digital Domain, where the city nearly lost a piece of land worth an additional ten million dollars.
  • Commissioner Materio’s pet project to spend 2.9 million on land in her district to keep Wal-mart out.
  • The massive failure of the Waste Water Plant where the taxpayers dollars amounting to thirty seven million dollars was spent, and they shut the plant down.

Oh yes, they will vote for the Chapel-by the- Lake.

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