PSC Security Replacing Police Again

Channel 12 news reports on PSC Security. Below are excerpts, and the entire story can be read below. My comments in italic

“Drugs, prostitution and violence have been ongoing issues in West Palm Beach’s north end of the city. Officials have been working on it for years and agree something needs to change.
The City of West Palm Beach recently hired Professional Security Consultants (PSC) as part of a pilot program to tackle street crime in the Northwood area and the Broadway business corridor, near the Intracoastal.   It’s led by PSC Regional Director Willie Perez.

According to PSC, they will call the police if it requires their enforcement level.

“I can tell you where I want them to go is anywhere but in Broadway and in the city of West Palm,” said Perez. “They can figure out where they have to go. That’s their opinion, but I can tell you it’s not going to be in Broadway that’s for sure.” What does that mean, sentence doesn’t make sense

West Palm Beach Police Chief Frank Adderley said this security shows the strength of their ongoing partnership to serve and protect the community.” Chief Adderley why aren’t you pushing James & Johnson to hire the police officers needed to keep residents safe? Last number I heard is the department was short 23 officers, but I counted 10 police officers at

the last City Commission meeting when residents were expected to speak up about King Mayor James refusing a permit to close 500 block of Clematis.While on the subject please remind your cops not to park their vehicles at metered parking spots in front of city hall. Older residents need the spots and there aren’t many left.

“We needed more of a solid presence to push away some of the negative and bad behaviors we’ve seen in this area for a long time,” said WPB City Commissioner Cathleen Ward for District 1. “It takes a group of people to work together. What we noticed is if we can’t get the cops like we want on a consistent basis here, focused on these types of issues, then we needed to pull from elsewhere.” Commissioner Ward, before your time on the commission there was a city hall scandal,involving James, Perez, former City Administrator Jeff Green, and Sharagay Esposito among others. Please join Chief Adderley for more real police officers on the job.

Commissioner Ward, a little history on PSC & Willie Perez. Below are excerpts from the PB Post written 10/15/2019 and I have included the entire story below.

“West Palm mayor orders do-over of $8 million no-bid security guard contract”

“Mayor Keith James on Tuesday said the city would cancel a multimillion-dollar security guard contract and put it out to bid, a month after the city commission followed his urging to award it to one of his friends’ companies on a no-bid basis.”

“James and the city commissioners took heavy criticism from the public after The Palm Beach Post reported that the board unanimously approved the contract Sept. 9 for Professional Security Consultants.

PSC regional director, Willie Perez, is known to have socialized over a period of years with James, former Administrator Green, Police Chief Frank Adderley, Deputy Chief Rick Morris and City Commissioner Joe Peduzzi”

“At least 10 firms this year submitted proposals for all or part of the citywide security guard work had been told that James had ended that process two weeks after he became mayor in April. The firms were told they would be advised when the competitive process resumed. But the city never resumed that process and meanwhile James’ staff prepared to recommend a commission vote in favor of PSC.”

Channel 25 (WPBF)  “Graphic text photo linked to manager of company awarded $8 million no-bid security contract”

The city of West Palm Beach released a four-page investigative report late Wednesday revealing the person allegedly behind a graphic text photo that led to the forced resignation of the city administrator last month.”

Jennifer Ferriol wrote that Esposito said she had a personal relationship with then-administrator Jeff Green and would expose him. Ferriol said Esposito scrolled through the Perez texts and “revealed a picture of someone’s penis and stated, ‘This has Jeff’s name written all over it. Ferriol said Esposito said she had “support” from a city commissioner and the assistant police chief, that she had nothing to lose and that she was going to expose details and “get her job back.”

“The report includes a letter written to Perez’s company president in California from City Attorney Kimberly Rothenburg informing him Perez was allegedly implicated in the graphic photo. The letter said while the conduct occurred before the city made its contract with PSC, “should similar behavior occur during the contract term, such behavior will not be tolerated.”
“The investigative report said Perez denied the allegations and was advised of the standards and expectations of professional behavior required of city contractors. The investigation was closed.”

“Perez’s company won a controversial, no-bid, $8 million contract to provide security throughout the city shortly after Mayor Keith James was elected.” Entire story can be read below and includes pictures of the drinking buddies at the Blue Martini in City Place.

PB Post “Related Cos., owner of the Rosemary Square retail venue, on Wednesday dropped its security guard contractor, Professional Security Consultants, a firm embroiled in controversy over a $7.9 million, no-bid contract it won from the city in September, and over a smutty photo its regional director allegedly sent to a city employee.”

Channel 25 (WPBF) West Palm Beach pays $220,000 to fired employee over sex scandal allegations

WPB Watch Did The Diversion Work? originally published 11/19/2019

So was this another contract handed to PSC Willie Perez from his buddy the mayor with no bidding required? Got away with it once, what the hell, let’s try again. James and Perez at Blue Martini.

The End.

Willie Perez Did the Diversion Work?

Tony Doris of the Palm Beach Post wasted no time writing the story on the City Commission meeting held on 11/18/19 with the City residents filling most of the seats. The news stations were also all over the story with channel 5, 12 & 25 reporting the story.

“West Palm Beach City Commissioners were unanimous in wanting more information, including hearing former City Administrator Jeff Green’s side of the story.”

“City commissioners Monday night unanimously rejected settling an ex-employee’s case over allegations that former City Administrator Jeff Green sexually assaulted her.”

“The five commissioners expressed severe reservations about settling without the city having consulted Green to judge whether the employee’s allegations had merit.”

Along with their vote, I hope they realize the authority they have in controlling the city purse strings, and they don’t have to approve everything the mayor and staff request. Good for them, and I hope they continue to listen to residents when the TV cameras aren’t rolling, and they aren’t up for re-election in 4 months.

“Several called for a full investigation of the allegations before they would consider settling based on the accuser’s word alone.”

If events unfolded as reported a full investigation is indeed warranted, and a suggestion was made that FDLE (Florida Department of Law Enforcement) do the investigation, and I agree. Police Chief Adderley was seen socializing with James and Green and an investigation should be made by independent law enforcement.

I have been told on good authority, when employees enter City Hall with an entry card after normal working hours the lights automatically come on, and the camera’s start recording. It should be easy enough to confirm if both Green and Esposito entered together, and left separately, and how they both appeared.

“Mayor Keith James, sharply criticizing Green’s alleged behavior, had urged the board to approve the $180,000 settlement, saying the city could end up paying much more if the matter ended up in court.”

“But the five commissioners all said they needed more information, despite strong statements by the city attorney and interim city manager that texts and other information provided in mediation convinced them Green committed heinous, unethical acts that left the city open to a much more expensive settlement.”

In my opinion if the commissioners approved the settlement, they would have contributed to a major cover up and what the mayor and staff don’t want residents too be aware of. This story is far from over and hopefully the press will keep digging until all is exposed.

“The lawyer for fired city employee Sharagay Esposito has alleged that Green sexually assaulted Esposito in a City Hall conference room in June.”

There are 2 people who know what happened that night, Green and Esposito. The truth will win out, go back and check the cameras, unless they weren’t working that particular night, or accidently erased, or termites ate through the wires.

“But Green on Sunday denied the allegations to The Palm Beach Post and said he never had sex with Esposito. He said the city has never asked for his side of the story.”

Green is the first one the city should have had a discussion with over the allegation. Why didn’t they?

“He added that Esposito told Green’s wife, Barbara, with whom she was best friends, that she would be going to the press with made-up allegations because she wanted her job back.”

Once again 2 sides of a story. One is lying and one is being truthful. Which one?

“The allegations of assault were disclosed in a letter Friday from Esposito attorney Isidro Garcia to West Palm City Attorney Kimberly Rothenburg.”

Well, there went the confidently agreement.

“Rothenburg conceded she never called Green to get his side of the story. Neither she nor Johnson detailed the allegations at Monday’s meeting because of confidentiality requirements governing the mediation.”

What “confidentiality requirements governing the mediation?” Esposito’s attorney, Sid Garcia, reported to the city the rape allegation, possible whistleblowers complaint, problems with Garcia’s manager. What else is in the “confidentiality” report they didn’t want commissioners, or the public made aware of?

“Green said the Esposito lawyer’s letter, forwarded to him by The Post for comment, was the first he’d heard of any sexual assault allegations against him and that the city never called to confirm the allegations. I haven’t heard of any of this before,” he said, adding that he never had sex with Esposito. Green’s attorney, Denise Bleau, called the allegations “absolutely and categorically false.”

That tells me if the PB Post hadn’t sent the letter to Green he would not have known of the allegations against him. Shame on the mayor and staff. They even attempted to keep Green in the dark along with residents.

The majority of residents who showed up, and spoke out, asked the commissioners not to approve the settlement. This was the hot story of the day and probably into the rest of the week.

The story last week concerned Ms. Esposito’s involvement with Willis Perez, a friend of James, and the winner of the almost 9 million dollar-no bid security contracts.

As most know a picture of Willie Perez penis was text to Ms. Esposito, and every time James mentioned the “graphic” picture it was followed by Green’s name and many people I spoke too assumed the text picture was sent by Green.  A picture of James and Perez.   Drinking buddies.

I have known for weeks what the picture contained and the name of the sender but actually questioned myself, proving if you tell the lie or make misleading statements enough it becomes fact and believable.

I am willing to give James the benefit of the doubt and assume he believed the picture was sent by Green. Would love to know his reaction when he discovered it was actually his friend Willie, who he along with Green and City Attorney Rothenberg pushed the contract through the system.

An attorney representing PSC and Perez asked the commissioners not to cancel the security contract due to the fact PSC had already spent 200 thousand dollars on new equipment. If that’s true, they get the money they spent and WPB get’s the equipment along with the sales invoices/slips. No re-imbursement for equipment used in other cities where former Mayor Lois Frankel also has secured security contracts for Perez.

We heard from PSC security guards who praised Perez and what a wonderful guy he is and doing a great job for the city.

We know what kind of guy Willie is, and they can’t pull on my heart strings.

Leah Gaines a woman who appeared knowledgeable to me (please google her) informed the City Commissioners according to the City Charter they had the right to cancel the contract with PSC, and they should investigate if that is indeed a fact. If true, please follow through and cancel the contract.
Please don’t wait for James to do it, he lied over a month ago when he said he was cancelling it. Why hasn’t he? Willie has known James for years as a commissioner and now mayor. Does he know things and is James afraid Willie will “spill the beans” if he does cancel the contract?

Also on the agenda was item 13 which the commission was asked to approve many millions of dollars on improving the design of Banyan Boulevard.
A staff member in planning for the County spoke and asked the commission to consider the work being done on the weekend and nights so traffic wouldn’t be impacted as heavily. He explained the County sent a letter to the City with their concerns. So far so good.

At the meeting Commissioner Neering asked Interim City Administrator Johnson if the commissioners were sent a copy of the letter, and he simply overlooked it? She replied she did not send the letter to them. Appears it was sent to her and the mayor. Important information was held back from the commissioners, and I hope they file it away for future reference, and I thank Neering for having the common sense to ask the question. It passed 4-1.  Four commissioners knew they weren’t given all the information they needed to make an informed decision again, so why didn’t they postpone the item?

While were on the topic of City Commissioners not receiving the information needed to make informed decisions. On the no-bid contract Commissioners were not told that Procurement and Law were against the contract. What changed their opinions? My guess, James.


Artist Alley, 500 Block Clematis & Subculture Coffee Building

City Commission meeting held 4/17/2023. The first thing I noticed when arriving was the presence of 5 police officers in the city courtyard. Inside the building 5 more officers. There are always 2 officers at the City Commission meeting and my first thought was what’s going on when I realized residents were going to attend the meeting over the closure of the 500 block of Clematis St. Was Mayor James expecting civil disobedience therefore more police officers in attendance. Happy to tell readers nothing happened except residents gave their opinion on James not renewing the permit. Statements in bold are to draw your attention. My opinion will be in italic.

Three local TV stations 5,12 and 25 were present and each told a story, and between the 3 it pretty much explains the situation, and I encourage readers to read their stories.

Channel 5 “At the beginning of the City Commission meeting Monday night, the mayor stated he was not renewing the permit.”  Appears to me the mayor has his mind made up before hearing the approximate 40 people who were there to comment.

“The failure to renew a road closure for the 500 block, that is what has happened,” James said. “The permit runs out at the end of this month. An application was made to renew that permit for another six months, a road closure permit which falls within the mayor’s jurisdiction to approve or deny, and I have denied that motion.”   Read the story below.

Channel 12 “The notice comes from the Parks and Recreation Department, citing unreasonable danger to those in attendance, as well as noise complaints”.

“CBS12 News called several employees with the Parks and Recreation Department for clarity on their claims for this area, but they have yet to call us back. We also spoke to Mayor Keith James’ team, but they referred us back to the Parks and Recreation Department“. For those who aren’t familiar with the term “passing the buck” and “throwing someone under the bus” you have an understanding of both terms.

Channel 25 “I have not been able to meet with anyone. I keep getting transferred. The heads of all the departments are just saying Our hands are tied. One of them said, ‘You made your bed, now you gotta lie in it.’ So they all know what’s going on,” Mayo said.

WPBF 25 News tried to speak Mayor James after the meeting to see if what he had heard changed his mind in any way. A spokesperson for the city said the mayor did not want to comment“. What could he possibly say to justify his actions?

“He also said the city has now decided not to renew his lease for the Subculture Coffee building on Clematis Street in September this year”. This has come as a complete surprise to me as I always assumed Rodney Mayo owned the building. He does not, he leases it from the city and James will not renew his lease, so Mayo has to shut down operations. So let’s look at the facts. Rodney Mayo challenged Keith James for the mayoral seat. Judge decided Mayo doesn’t live within city limits and disqualified him. First time in the history of WPB Mayoral election cancelled, and James has another 4 year term. As I stated in the City Commission meeting the only thing worse than a sore loser, was a sore winner, and that’s Keith James. Since then James has hurt Mayo, along with other businesses and residents by closing Artist Alley, refuses to allow further permits for the 500 block of Clematis and now James will not renew his license for Subculture Coffee building. I would have to be deaf, dumb and blind not to see retaliation from Mayor Keith James.

Below you will find a video of the City Commission meeting which ran 2:10:29. (2H 10M 29S)

39:07 Public Comment began with a statement from Keith James stating it was his decision not to renew the permit for 500 block of Clematis St.

41:27 1st. public speaker began, and we heard comments from 10 residents.

1:01:36 James asks the City Clerk “any more cards, we turn to comments from the Commission.”

1:01: 46 The City Clerk tried to tell James she had more cards, twice, when he didn’t acknowledge her, I believe it was Commissioner Ward who said Mr. Mayor, when he finally turned and the clerk told him she had 27 more cards, where members of the public do not wish to speak,but want their comments to be part of the record.

1:02.08 People in the audience said that was not true they wanted to address the commission.

1:02:36 James said pass the cards down, he read more names and each had 3 minutes to make their point. Their little ploy didn’t work.

1:45:54    Time for City Commissioners to make their statement. Here is my opinion.
Commissioner Warren, Nominated as President of the City Commission. When James is absent, Commissioner Warren assumes the responsibility of the mayor. Supports the residents.

Commissioner Fox, supports the residents and received a hardy applause.

Commissioner Ward, supports the residents, made other heartfelt comments, and once again the residents gave hardy applause.

Commissioner Lambert, I believed walked the middle of the road.

Commissioner Peduzzi, reminded the audience this was the mayor’s decision, and he supported the LGBTQ community, but didn’t commit either way to the 500 block.

Commissioners the residents are aware who’s decision it was to stop the permits for Artist Alley and the 500 block of Clematis St. and now not renewing the license for Subculture Coffee building. The mayor makes policy, and unfortunately he abuses the privilege.
Do you have any idea what you think and verbally express is very important to the residents? It was a pleasure to watch you break from the establishment and speak out. Thank you!


The end.





Mayor Keith James once again seeks revenge

Deep down in our hearts we knew Mayor Keith James would seek revenge for Rodney Mayo’s challenging him for the Mayoral seat, and helping with the recall of James.

Judge Curly ruled Mayo did not reside in the city of WPB and wasn’t eligible to run for mayor. A win for James.

The recall was not successful due to the fear of residents, many who said they wanted him removed, but not enough to put their signature on the petition. A win for James.

For any reasonable man/woman that would be enough, but not enough for Keith James. He wanted revenge, and he has already put his plan into action.

Artist Alley.    A major disgrace initiated by Keith James.

The piece below was written by Rodney Mayo who knows the history of Artist Alley and explained it well.

“Goodbye, Einstein and The Artist Alley!”

“In the infinite wisdom of the City and Mayor Keith James, Subculture Coffees’ license to use the Alley to the west of the shop was revoked last week by Mayor James and the City. We were given five days to remove everything from the Alley. The five days will be today, Monday, April 3rd, under threat; the City will send trucks to remove everything and bill us if we don’t.

Subculture Coffee had partnered with the City, The CRA, and the DDA for seven years when the idea and project were initially proposed. It was to turn a dirt eyesore of an alleyway that was a haven for the homeless and led to many assaults and petty crimes in an amazing public space. The project’s first phase was to create a mural on the wall, now the iconic Einstein Mural seen and shared by thousands. Unfortunately, as the wheels of government-run ever so slowly, it took six years for the City to install the gates on either side of the alleyway. This occurred last October. After the Alley was secured at night with the gates, Subculture Coffee installed landscaping, planters, lounge furniture, tables, and chairs.

To our complete surprise, the city attorney personally hand-delivered an eviction letter last week with five days to remove everything and restore the Alley to what it once was, an abandoned, unused haven for the homeless and crime.

The Artist Alley has always been open to the public. Subculture Coffee agreed eight years ago to be a partner and activate it. We have held countless art shows for local artists who rarely get a chance to show their work in this City. We have held poetry and philosophy groups and numerous live music events. Many charities use the space for functions. Subculture Coffee has also policed the Alley and installed security lights and cameras. In the past six months, crime and homeless issues have virtually disappeared.

The Artist Alley has been the definition of an activated community space for all.

So why the surprise rash decision to end it all? There are no negatives, only positives. We even went so far as to offer to give all the improvements totaling $35,000 to the City. However, they still refused. We contacted every department, the DDA, the CRA, Housing & Community Development (you would think this would interest them significantly), and our commissioner. All said the same. We sympathize, but our hands are tied, and we cannot talk to you about it.

Unfortunately, the only explanation is what I feared would happen and what many warned me about. If I ran against this Mayor, there would be repercussions. Unfortunately, these are the tactics this Mayor and the City are using. They will continue to scare any potential political candidates from running against them. I spoke about this many times when I was a candidate for Mayor.

We are in this painful period of canceled elections where qualified candidates are fearful of entering any race because of intimidation. The intimidation results from the enormous sums of money thrown at the “regime” candidates (i.e., Cornerstone-backed candidates). Also, the pressure of revenge for what they can and are willing to do to someone, especially a business owner in the City.

I did expect it. It starts with Mayor James kicking us out of the Alley. I am sure it will not end there. I expect more retribution. Unfortunately, I am sad that the ultimate damage will be to our City and its community. But we will not be swayed. We will deal with whatever they want to throw at us.

Don’t forget pop-up dog park (on private property, the City denied us several times) is this Saturday, April 8th, from 3 pm to 8 pm. Adopt a needy pup, save some dogs, and have fun with our furry friends (unless Mayor James finds a way to shut us down…I’m sure he is already conniving about how)
Power to the People

Read the eviction letter here:   Termination of License(1)

Below is the picture of Artist Alley  If the colors represent Gay Pride, James has now insulted the gay community.

Click to enlarge.






500 block of Clematis St.   Updated 4/4/2023 @ 4:15 PM

For the past 3 years Rodney Mayo paid the city $950/ weekly to secure a permit to close the 500 block of Clematis St. from Friday @ 5:00 PM to Sunday @ 10:00 PM.  so residents could safely walk and visit stores and coffee shops without the challenge of automobiles traffic.
The current permit ends April 30, 2023 and that will be the final block closure, as the city (James) will not renew the permit.

There you have it, James doing what he does best, enacting revenge.

WPB has a “strong mayor” form of government along with to much power if you aren’t capable of handling it, and in my opinion James has never been able to handle power. To me the meaning of “strong mayor” is when someone is on the ground, you reach down and help him up. It doesn’t mean you have the power to knock someone to the ground.

The end


Food Not Bombs West Palm Beach Press Release

As the saying goes “a chain is only as strong as it’s weakest link”. We have 2 weak link’s in WPB. The first is Mayor Keith James, the second is the homeless population.

Unfortunately we can’t do anything about the first weak link because Mayor Keith James will serve another 4 years as mayor of WPB when he is sworn in on April 6, 2023 @ 5:00 PM.

As for the homeless there is hope because of the many people stepping up to help. One such organization is “Food not Bombs”, and below is a press release issued by them.

                                    Food Not Bombs West Palm Beach Press Release

                                    March 31, 2023 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

New WPB Ordinance will not deter FNB from weekly Saturday meal share.


Daniel Tarrant (FNBWPB member) 561-427-4773; [email protected]

Jeff Weinberger (October 22nd Alliance to End Homelessness) 954-839-5376; [email protected]

What: Weekly Saturday meal distribution

Where: Nancy Graham Centennial Square, 150 N. Clematis St, downtown West Palm Beach

When: April 1, 2023 at 4:30pm rain or shine

Like dozens of Food Not Bombs chapters before it, West Palm Beach FNB members will not obey a new food sharing restriction and will conduct their weekly meal sharing event this Saturday, April 1, at Nancy Graham Centennial Square in downtown West Palm Beach. This week’s event, planned prior to the new law’s passage, has been playfully dubbed April Foods Day. The group recently celebrated its 16th anniversary of conducting meal sharing events at the aforementioned and occasionally at another downtown park.

The new law, approved by the West Palm Beach City Commission on March 20, mandates that food sharing groups engaged in ‘public expression activity’ must obtain a permit when sharing food with groups of 25 or more. Groups other than those sharing food and engaging in ‘public expression activity’ are required to obtain a permit only if their number reaches 50. The vast majority of individuals served at FNB’s events are people experiencing homelessness, but the meals are available to all comers.

The law also limits the number of permits to two per year per location, so adherence would effectively terminate FNB’s weekly demonstrations of sharing food in the context of opposing war and militarism, the political principle on which the now international group was founded over 40 years ago in Cambridge, MA. Since its founding, chapters in various cities have repeatedly faced political and police repression, including arrests numbering in the thousands. At this writing, FNB in Houston, TX, is the latest chapter whose members have faced arrests in recent weeks.

While the ordinance doesn’t clearly define what the city means by ‘public expression activity,’ only two years ago Food Not Bombs in Fort Lauderdale won a precedent setting federal lawsuit against that city just an hour’s drive to the south, which hinged on a ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit that defined Fort Lauderdale FNB’s activity as “expressive conduct” protected by the First Amendment.

[Fort Lauderdale Food Not Bombs] “does not serve food as a charity, but rather to communicate its message that food is a human right, not a privilege, which society has a responsibility to provide for all, ” wrote Judge Adalberto Jordan in the federal appellate court opinion. “Providing food in a visible public space, and partaking in meals that are shared with others, is an act of political solidarity meant to convey the organization’s message.”

While the city acknowledged the historic ruling in its preamble to the amended ordinance (attached with press release), it must at least be considered questionable as to whether they understood its implications when it came to approving the new measure.

Whether the West Palm Beach FNB group will follow a similar course of litigating against what may be yet another unconstitutional ordinance approved by the city commission in just over two years remains to be seen. In late 2020 the commission, led by the same mayor, Keith James, under advice by still current City Attorney Kimberly Rothenburg, approved an ill-conceived ban on panhandling which was successfully challenged in federal court and repealed less than a year later. The city was forced to pay damages to three plaintiffs as well as attorneys fees.”

In closing it’s obvious to me Mayor Keith James is continuing to persecute the homeless and now persecuting the people who reach out to help the poorest of the poor.

Two stories on FNB lawsuit against the city of Fort Lauderdale

Williams v. City of West Palm Beach.

Another take on feeding the homeless.

City Commissioners:

Please, please, please understand what you are doing when you pass these laws. I am aware you are giving only the information the mayor and city administrator want you to have. I am aware you are not allowed to contact city staff with questions, but must present your questions to the city administrator who in turn will contact the dept. head to insure you are giving the info. they want you to have. Think for yourself, and ask the right questions.

You have been elected to represent the residents of WPB which includes the homeless people who reside in our city, if you don’t want to help, please, please, please don’t hinder the people who step up to help the poorest of the poor..

You will all return to your air conditioned homes tonight, enjoy dinner with your family, and wash the dishes, maybe watch a little TV, and get a good night’s sleep in your bed. Don’t take it for granted!

I attended FNB event on April 1, 2023 and I saw no police involvement with FNB feeding the homeless. The picture is the nine FNB volunteers who were feeding the homeless, not knowing if they would be harassed or possibly arrested. Double click to see the 9 heroes.

The end

Vita wins lawsuit against the City of WPB

Once again WPBF (channel 25) Investigative Reporter Terri Parker was the first to report Vita LLC has won the lawsuit against WPB Mayor Keith James.

“Vita Lounge LLC won its lawsuit against the city of West Palm Beach to get back its winning bid to take over the Sunset Lounge.”

“Specifically, Vita sought to have the Court determine whether the CRA improperly disqualified it as the winning proposer for the operation of the Sunset Lounge,” according to the final lawsuit judgement.”
The court had to decide whether the disqualification was proper and lawful.

“The Court finds it was not,” the final judgement states. “The City urges the Court to find that, as long as Mr. Bassar was acting in good faith, the Court must defer to his decision. The City asserts that in order to invalidate Mr. Bassar’s  decision, the Court must find evidence of illegality, fraud, oppression or misconduct.”

The court found that Bassar sent the letter after the fact that he had decided there had been reasons for disqualifications on an interpretation of rules that “may have been unconstitutional and therefore illegal.”

Ms. Parker’s story can be found below and includes the news interview with Darrin Cummings, who the City claims gave an interview with WPBF without the City’s consent and was part of the lawsuit.  Also includes Court Judge Bell’s 19 page decision.

Procurement Officer According to Google. What does a city procurement officer do?

“Oversees preparation or negotiation of contracts and awards. Oversees the preparation of proposed City Council resolutions for all public contracting activities. Plans, develops, and implement innovative strategies for value-based enterprise-wide procurement requirements.”

Keith James sworn in as Mayor on April 4, 2019, and the City has had 4 Procurement Officer’s in 4 years.

Frank Hayden 2013 until 2019. Mr. Hayden was successful as the city’s Procurement Officer for 6 years until April 4,2019.

Effective 5/24/2021 Nathaniel Rubel (7 months)

Effective 12/13/2021 Paul Basser (1 year)

Effective: 01/09/2023 Donna Levengood

The City has spent many thousands of taxpayer dollars on a lawsuit that should never have happened and thousands more it cost taxpayers to have the Sunset Lounge remain shuttered. The next process is to have negotiations in “good faith” between the City and Vita LLC. My best to Vita.
In closing this story, I am happy to inform WPB Watch readers that the black community has found justice, not because of the city’s first strong black Mayor Keith James but received justice through Judge Bell and the attorney’s who defended Vita F. Malcom Cunningham Jr. Esquire and Amy L. Fischer, Attorney at Law.

The end.

Stet Media Group

let’s examine some history of WPB.

Below you will find a story on WPB web site, and tells the story of the Styx, a black community that settled on the island known as Palm Beach. The story is a quick read and I encourage readers to take the time to read it before it disappears, and judge for yourself if history is repeating itself once again in 2023.

“The Styx and Early West Palm Beach (Late 19th-Early 20th Century)”

“Black Settlement of Southeastern Florida”

After the black residents were removed from Palm Beach they settled in an area where City Place (built and owned by Related) is now located.

Who was mayor? First strong Mayor was Nancy Graham who served from November 1991 to March 1999, and was responsible for introducing Related to WPB along with Faye Outlaw, now WPB City Administrator Faye Johnson.

Ms. Outlaw resigned from the city of WPB as Director of Housing & Development in 1998, after black residents were removed and before City Place opened in 2000 and black residents were once again relocated to “predominantly Black Historic Northwest Neighborhood” and it appears Related wants that property also.

Now we have a news story from the Stet Media Group founded by 3 investigator reporters, Pat Beall, Carolyn DiPaolo, and Joel Engelhardt, former employees from the PB Post, who now bring us the Stet Media Group, and I call attention to the 2nd. story, “Related buying block in Northwest Neighborhood

“Checks and balances”
“Good morning, Sunshine! For you today, (most) banks get their footing, Related extends its reach in West Palm Beach, a magical quiz, Owls for the win, and a Florida rambler.”

“Florida Public Utilities owns this half-acre corner at Sapodilla Avenue and Second Street in West Palm Beach, but Related Cos. has bought most of the rest of the block. (Photo: Joel Engelhardt/Stet)”

“We love property records because they don’t deal in rumor and innuendo.”

“So it’s a fact that Related Cos. out of New York has dropped $15 million to buy most of a large block in the predominantly Black Historic Northwest Neighborhood, just northwest of Related’s major holdings in downtown West Palm Beach.”

“Financing is uncertain for Stet Media Group, but a trio of journalists are betting it will catch on.
“Three veterans of the Palm Beach Post are joining forces to venture into a new dimension of news delivery: the email newsletter.”

“The Stet Media Group got its name from an old copy-editing term meaning “let it stand” — back when editors wielded red-ink pens — and former Palm Beach Post News colleagues Pat Beall, Carolyn DiPaolo and Joel Engelhardt are taking a stand for journalism with some new bells and whistles.”

In my opinion, any reporter willing to color outside the lines to bring us news of what’s happening in our city, we can’t afford to lose. Please consider making a contribution to keep these reporters going and bringing us the news when others can’t or won’t.

The end


FLCGA (Florida Center for Government Accountability)

Who is Cheryl Steckler? She was the first PBC Inspector General (IG) who did an outstanding job investigating government waste and corruption until County Administrator Robert Weisman, along with County Commissioners slashed her budget and made her and her small staff ineffective. The County expected cities to contribute to the IG budget, and WPB led the fight,along with 10-12 cities who refused to contribute. County employees were warned not to contact the IG office. Ms. Steckler resigned her position. Story can be found below.

Who is John Carey? He is the second PBC Inspector General. “Despite documented success at ferreting out, and drawing attention to questionable government actions, county commissioners last week decided not to grant Inspector General John Carey’s budget request for $500,000 for additional staffers.” County Administrator Verdenia Baker agreed with Commissioners. Like Steckler, Carey won’t get the funding needed to hire staff to do investigations of corruption in PBC. See how it works? We’re not going to pay you to discover our shenanigans.

PBC Commission on Ethics (COE) I filed a complaint against a WPB Commissioner who voted yes on a project that would enrich her husband employed by the company doing business with the city. The COE found no probable cause. I enclosed a picture of the commissioner sitting on the lap of a member of the COE at an event and asked if this influenced their decision. I received no response.

Everything written above is “old news” why write about it? I had to refresh my memory and am sharing with new readers and folks who need a reminder also.
Both the Inspector General and the COE depend on PBC financing and when it is denied how much can be done with no staff, and how do you investigate the politicians who control the purse strings? Easy answer, you don’t.


Now comes FLCGA (Florida Center for Government Accountability) and for the first time in years I have hope once more.

Who is Barbara Petersen? “For 25 years, Barbara Petersen has been Florida’s defender of First Amendment rights” Until her retirement. Ms. Petersen was my hero for many years, and I was heartsick with the news of her retirement. Read the story below, as she has led a fascinating life, and her work is not done. Barbara’s back.

Barbara Petersen Executive Director, FLCGA. “Formed by a group of concerned citizens, investigative reporters, and open government experts, FLCGA is a non-partisan not-for-profit organization based in Tallahassee. Its mission is to produce well-sourced quality reporting that illuminates complex issues, holds government accountable to its citizens and enhances civic engagement in the democratic process.”

FLCGA is self supporting, won’t depend on any government for support, won’t accept special interest groups or PAC money. How will they survive? People who care about government and want to see change will support them. All donations made to FLCGA, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, are tax deductible. Registration #CH64626.

People who care about cleaning up government corruption can’t do it without FLCGA, and they can’t do it without our help. Please consider donating. Let’s get it done.

Below is their website, and I encourage readers to sign up to receive news on latest investigations, and they are reaching out to the media. The media know their city and report on what officials are doing behind the scenes. I signed up and received information on House Bill HB991 and it can be found below. Terrible bill and may pass unless residents  speak up and tell their Representatives in Tallahassee they are not pleased.

Barbara Petersen Executive Director, FLCGA and staff members can be found below.

Jan. 1, 2020 Petersen retires.

Dec 05, 2012 Cheryl Steckler

June 22, 2017 Carey


HB991  “Bad for Florida, bad for America”  This bill was added to FLCGA website, and I believe they are doing their due diligence and warning Floridians how far government will go to silence any citizen who is critical of their behavior.

“Imagine that while some television and radio news shows still exist, they only feature endless stories about cats and dogs, and fawning coverage of those in power.”

Email address to use to alert FLCGA about issues:

The end

West Palm Beach wants to boot the Photographic Centre

Pat Beall is a former senior investigative reporter for The Palm Beach Post and USA Today Network

Carolyn DiPaolo, who was senior editor for news at The Palm Beach Post.

Joel Engelhardt is an award-winning newspaper reporter and editor, including 28 years at The Palm Beach Post.

Below are excerpts from a new media group, called Stet Media Group, and you will find the three reporters mentioned above responsible for bringing us the stories below. If not for them WPB residents would be left in the dark without knowing the newest antics of Mayor Keith James and City Administrator Faye Johnson.

If you are interested in receiving honest news concerning our city, I strongly recommend you subscribe to the new media group and have the news delivered to your in box. Link in the story allows you to subscribe. These reporters are on our side and are doing what needs to be done to shine a light on city leaders.

“Is West Palm Beach getting enough economic oomph from its decision 15 years ago to give a chunk of prime Clematis Street storefront to the Palm Beach Photographic Centre?

Someone at City Hall doesn’t think so.

Eight months ago, the city sued to evict the center from its 26,000-square-foot space at the base of the city library at 415 Clematis St.

For Art and Fatima NeJame, the couple who started the Photo Centre in 1986 and accepted the city’s overtures to move to Clematis in 2008, there’s little the city could bring to the site that could do more to draw outside visitors.”

Please take the time to read the story below to understand the full impact of how James and Johnson are attempting to further damage WPB. Another lawsuit, but what the hell It’s only taxpayer dollars. My opinion the site has been promised to a “friend” of the city.

Read the entire story to discover what mayor agreed to the lease and what excuse James and Johnson are using to break the lease. These two are in lockstep with each other, and has damaged the city, which will take years to undo.

The end

Dialing For Dollars

Campaign Treasurer’s Report 12/1/2022 to 12/31/2022

A total of 47 donations went to Mayor Keith James for re-election.

$1,000.00 is maximum donation allowed.

27 donations were out of state while 20 donations were in WPB area.

12/6/2022  #25, #26 and #27, 3 towing companies each gave $1,000.00 donation to Mayor Keith James campaign for re-election.

12/12/2022  # 35 Sean Reynolds, SVP/Marketing, & #36 Leah Reynolds, Homemaker, both gave $1,000.00 donation, both list same address Mt. Airy, Md.

This does not pass the smell test for me. “An informal method for determining whether something is authentic, credible, or ethical, by using one’s common sense or sense of propriety.”

Campaign Treasurer’s Report found below.


12/12/2022 City Commission Meeting held 6 days after receiving donations from 3 towing companies.

Item 8.1 “Public Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No. 4999-22 amending Chapter 86 of the City’s Code of Ordinances to establish the City’s Wrecker Operator System.”
“Originating Department: City Attorney’s Office.”

Background Information: Reads in part:

“The City previously provided for the towing or storage of disabled vehicles or vessels by entering into franchise agreements with towing companies selected through the City’s procurement process. The franchise agreements, among other things, charged the towing companies a franchise fee, payable to the City, for the privilege of operating within the City.”
The first thing I noticed was “Originating Department: City Attorney’s Office.” Why not the Parking Administration Edward Davis Office?  Read the agenda below.

CC meeting 12-12-2022

Below you will find a story written by Pat Beall, for the Sun Sentinel on 2/14/2023 and reads in part:

“A contest becomes a cakewalk, and voters are the losers”

“Don’t blame Rodney Mayo’s dogs. It was a lawsuit by West Palm Beach Mayor Keith James, not Mayo’s seven Lantana-housed pups, that robbed West Palm voters of a choice for mayor.

After Mayo filed to run against James last fall, the mayor sued the downtown businessman to make sure he would have no competition on the ballot on March 14.

Mayo did not live in the city, James argued. He lived in the Lantana house where he was getting his mail and keeping his dogs, and he had only recently changed his driver’s license to reflect a downtown Clematis Street address.

Of course, Rodney Mayo lives on Clematis. He practically created it.”

Read the entire story below.

Had enough? Below you will find the link that will allow you to download, print and sign the petition to recall Mayor Keith James. If you decide to help us be successful the petition must be signed and your signature witnessed. Only Registered WPB voters recall petitions will be accepted by the PBC Supervisor of Election Office.
Example: Mary and John Smith both want to recall Mayor James. They can witness each other signing and witness each other’s signature. Please send signed petitions too.
Committee To Recall Keith James
PO Box 1988
West Palm Beach, FL 33402

The end

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