Trump has his work cut out for himself

On Jan. 6, 2017 Outgoing President Barack Obama threw a star studded farewell party for himself and wife Michelle and reportedly the cream of the crop attended such as Robert DeNiro, Jay Z, Steve Wonder, Oprah Winfrey and Al Sharpton to mention a few.

On Jan. 6, 2017 At approximately 1:00 PM Esteban Santiago, 26 years old, flew into Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. airport from Alaska, deplaned, visited the men’s room, loaded his firearm, exited and shot to death five American citizens and wounded eight others. Many other’s sent to the hospital with chest pains while others with broken bones. I cannot tell readers the names of the people who were murdered because their names have not been released by law enforcement until next of kin have been notified, but was pleased to be able to name the stars that attended the Obama’s farewell party.

It is now 9:AM a full 20 hours since the airport attack and the country has not received a statement from President Obama concerning the attack.. What are his priorities?
Obviously the “star studded” gala.

I will make a prediction and predict President Obama, a day or two before leaving office will grant a Presidential Pardon for Hillary Clinton, although I can’t understand why an innocent party needs a pardon but we’ll see.

On Jan.20,2017 Donald Trump will be sworn in as America’s 45th. President of the U.S. and here is my wish list for my country.

I’m OK if he doesn’t have a party after his swearing in because I want him clear headed on Jan. 21 if he is needed to address the country because a state has been attacked.

I hope Obama care is overturned due to the fact it is a total disaster. When this 4,000 pages of health care was passed in Washington, Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, led the charge to get it passed, when asked what it contained she stated “But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what’s in it.” Seriously, she said that, the Washington elite passed the bill without reading it. We voted for them, so we can blame ourselves for not paying attention, and voting for color, gender pacific or political party.
I lost my doctor, my out of pocket deductibles doubled, emergency room visit up 48%, and doubled the cost of a hospital room.

I want our borders secured, and I don’t care if it takes a wall to do it. There are an estimated
11 million illegal aliens in the United States. If I were a terrorist wanting to harm our country I would enter through the Canadian or Mexican border where tons of illegal drugs pour over the border annually. Unfortunately the drug demand is here and drastic steps must be taken.

I want President Trump to overhaul the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Goods manufactured in Canada or Mexico are eligible for duty-free treatment or reduced duty rates under the North America Free Trade Agreement. Not a good deal for America, great for Canada and Mexico.

I want President Trump to take a hard stand on crime in America.
One extremely upsetting story this week was told about four suspects who are facing hate crime charges after an 18-year-old mentally disabled man was bound, beaten, taunted with racial slurs and forced to drink from a toilet over a two day period, and the thugs posted a video broadcast live on Facebook.
The disoriented victim was found wandering the streets of Chicago by police. He managed to escape his tormentors when a neighbor threatened to call 911 over noise coming from the apartment where he was held. The suspects were identified by police as Jordan Hill, 18, Tesfaye Cooper, 18, and sisters Brittany Covington, 18, and 24-year-old Tanishia Covington.
Two of these pathetic individuals are woman. What happened to women who were nurtures and put the band aid on the boo-boo?

I want President Trump to defend law enforcement who are brutally murdered for no other reason than the uniform they wear.
Who cant remember the heightened tension between communities across the country when two police officers and one sheriff’s deputy were shot and killed during an ambush in Baton Rouge by a black gunman who was later killed by responding officers. In Dallas, a black gunman opened fire on police during a protest against recent police shootings of black suspects; ( how do you promote peace by inciting violence?) the gunman killed five officers before being killed by authorities. There have been 63 law enforcement officers murdered in 2016.
Cities must find a way to terminate law enforcement jobs who prove to be a disgrace to the uniform, and endanger fellow officers like the eight officers mentioned above.

Some cops spend more time with each other than they spend with their families, and they are aware of who isn’t fit to wear the uniform. The hell with the blue line, those bad cops will get the good ones killed. Speak up. I offer examples:

Walter Scott, an unarmed black man,was fatally shot by Michael Slager, a white police officer after he was stopped for a non-functioning break light. Slager was charged with murder after a video surfaced which showed him shooting Scott from behind while he was fleeing, and which contradicted his police report.

Closer to home a recording of Corey Jones’ conversation with roadside assistance cast dramatic light into the confrontation between the stranded motorist and Palm Beach Gardens police officer Nouman Raja at the Interstate 95 PGA Boulevard off ramp. The entire conversation was recorded by roadside assistance. The conversation recorded was taken from the State Attorney’s report below.

Corey Jones: “Huh?”
Officer Nouman Raja: “You good?”
Jones: “I’m good.”
Raja: “Really?”
Jones: “Yeah, I’m good.”
Raja: “Really?”
Jones: “Yeah.”
Raja: “Get your (expletive) hands up! Get your (expletive) hands up!”
Jones: “Hold on!”
Raja: “Get your (expletive) hands up! Drop!”
Within two seconds, three shots ring out.
Ten seconds later, three more shots ring out, one shot per second.
33 seconds after the final shot is fired: Raja calls 911 on his personal cell phone. “Drop that (expletive) gun right now!” Raja screams before the 911 dispatch operator can utter a word.

I invite readers to check out the “Justice Network” which can be found on channel 25.3 (air) and 209 (comcast). Programming runs 24/7 and you will get an education on cold case files, forensics, DNA, absolutely everything involving law enforcement, and they are true cases. After 9:00 PM all about drugs pouring over the borders from Mexico and Canada. The war on drugs, I am convinced we can’t win.

WPB has a new Chief of Police

“Conduct national search for police chief” is the opinion of the Palm Beach Post as written in the editorial page on Dec.18,2016.
Noticeably missing is the name of the author who penned the article so whether one agrees or disagrees with the editorial there is no name attached if the reader wanted to respond to the author directly.

The Post mentions just five days have passed between Chief Kummerlen announcing his retirement and Mayor Muoio would have Assistant Chief Sarah Mooney, a 22 year veteran as the new Chief of Police. The post goes on to report “Indeed, Mooney appears to be more than qualified to run the 400 person Police Department. As The Post Tony Doris reported, she has a Masters in social work, experience in community outreach and years of work as a hostage negotiator, police trainer, field operations supervisor, and Patrol Division shift commander and Internal Affairs commander.”
With Sarah Mooney’s credentials why does the Post feel ” the city– all of the city– would benefit from a national search to ensure the best person is found for the job”.

The Post found it necessary to mention retiring County Administrator Bob Weisman who was replaced by Deputy County Administrator Verdenia Baker. The story went on to say how much time and money the county wasted looking for a replacement, but states it was time well spent as commissioners and residents were emboldened in the choice of Baker to guide the county. Obviously it was okay with the Post to fly recruits in, put them up in a hotel, pay for transportation and food just to ensure Ms. Baker was right for the job. By now you should realize your taxpaying dollars was used for the county job search.
Thank you Mayor Muoio for not putting city residents through that particular process and wasting taxpayer dollars, when the best candidate for Police Chief was already on the WPB police force.

For the last year I have marched in every Peace March the city has sponsored in the North End of the city where black on black crime and shootings are commonplace. At these walks is when I first noticed Assistant Chief Mooney. In the story the Mayor states “I’ve been watching her for a few years, the way she interact with the public.”

Folks who walk these marches have a minimum of 5 or 6 police officers accompany them keeping everyone safe in the process. What I’ve noticed is the comradery between her and the officers, the easy way they are with one another being able to joke and laugh and their respect for each other is mutual.

On 12/19/2016 the City Commissioners, (with the exception of Commissioner James who wanted a national search) Ratified Mayor Muoio choice for a new Police Chief, and that chief is Sarah Mooney. She has her work cut out for her with police officers due for retirement in 2017 and will need replacing.
I am keeping my eye on a cadet (JC) who is currently at the Police Academy and due to graduate in February. My last conversation with him he told me his grades were in the high 90’s, and he was looking forward to wearing the uniform of the West Palm Beach Police Dept.

Chief Mooney I wish you a smooth transition, and have no doubt you will lead the department with honor, trust and integrity.

I would like to thank Chief Bryan Kummerlen for his 26 years of service to the City of West Palm Beach, and wish him a healthy and happy retirement. You did good.

911 Where Is Your Emergency?


Here is everything I knew about calling 911.

I had an emergency, made the call, and in a short amount of time a police officer was at my door ready, willing and able to offer assistance. There is so much more to it.

The WPB Police Department recently held a power point presentation explaining the procedure from the moment the call is answered to the moment the officer is standing at your door.
The presentation was made by Ms. Candace Gaines, Training Coordinator who’s responsibility includes training a staff of 26 Dispatchers. Also included in the presentation was Ms. Suzette Dodd, who holds the title “Telecommunications Manager Dispatch Operations” and her Assistant Manager Ms. Natasha Potter who has 30 years experience with the city.

“Where is Your Emergency?” is the first question asked. A caller needs one of three departments: Police, Fire, or Medical Assistance. If Medical Assistance is needed the call is transferred.

This story includes a picture of 5 computer screens all being used while the call is being answered. (To enlarge the picture, click on)

1 Screen on left is for the phone.
2 Top Screen is a city map which shows the location of the call being made.
3&4 Two middle Screens are CAD (Computer Aided Dispatch)
5 Screen on right is the radio.
Note of interest: The city has installed the Harris P 25 radio system and the people who use it told me they liked the system. You may remember a few years ago the city considered going with “Open Sky” system which had many problems. It appears to me the city made the right decision.

The presentation started with an actual call the city received from a man who walked into his home to find his mother had been stabbed.
The son was crying hysterically and I was having difficulty following the conversation. The dispatcher was attempting to keep the man calm while asking pertinent questions.

“Is your mother breathing? (asked that particular question 4-5 times)
“Is anyone else in the home?”
“Is your mother bleeding?”
The man was pleading for help and wanted help immediately, and I know at that particular time I wouldn’t want to answer questions. But the questions I learned were critical. An armed intruder may have still been present, being a danger to the man and the responding police officers.

Now the whole time the dispatcher is asking questions, the 2nd. screen (city map) is showing where the call is originating from and the police have already been dispatched to the area with lights and sirens running. All they need now is the address.
This particular call lasted approximately 6-7 minutes and the dispatcher stayed on the line with the caller until the police arrived. Heartbreaking situation, but what’s important to understand is the questions being asked do not delay response time.

The second call was from a man who called police to report men were breaking into cars, and he was watching them do it. He gave dispatch the street name, and there was a continued conversation between the two. After a few minutes had passed he said he could hear the police sirens approaching. The thieves hearing the sirens tried to run and hide in the bushes but the caller told dispatch where the men were hiding, and she relayed the information to the officers. Next thing we heard was the caller all excited saying “the cops got them, the cops got them” Happy ending for everyone but the thieves.
The man in the second call asked to remain anonymous, and his phone no. was deleted from the system.

The city has bilingual operators, and if one is not working shift, a translator service is used to interpret between the dispatcher and resident needing assistance.
200 hours of training are needed for phone operators and 500 hours for radio dispatch, and all operators are certified by the state and must pass a state exam.

From Jan. 2016 until Nov.2016:
911 calls 126,872 incoming calls were received.
Non emergency 137,063 incoming calls were received.

We were told people called 911 asking if Sun Fest was canceled because of the rain, where was the boat show being held?

There is a non-emergency number for the police department and it is 822-1900. If you come home to find your child’s bike has been stolen 822-1900 is the number to call. An officer will take a report, and an attempt to locate the bike will be made.

Phone numbers you may find helpful:

Detective (C.I.D.) 822-1700
House Watch 822-1634
Crime Prevention 822-1620
Code Enforcement 822-1465
Records 822-1880

TIPS (Remain Anonymous)
Crimes 822-1701
Narcotics 822-1800

In a perfect world a police cruiser would arrive when the crime was in progress, the officer would witness the crime, arrest the culprit and bring them to justice. It is not a perfect world.
We are the eyes and ears of the police department and our help is needed. The man who witnessed men breaking into cars made the decision to get involved saved his neighbors the cost of replacing car windows, time off from work to have the work done, and most important peace of mind. If you see something and won’t get involved, don’t complain about crime.

NOTE: I just received an invitation to attend “Coffee With A Cop” and this one appears different and geared toward children. Here are the specifics.

When: Saturday Jan. 14, 2017 between 10:00 AM –1:00 PM
Where: McDonald’s 1720 Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard WPB Fl.

There will be children’s activities including face painting, free Child
Safety ID, Motorcycles and Vehicles, and always popular with
children and adults meet the K9 dogs and their handlers. There will be
free coffee for the adults, and ice cream for the kids. I understand
Ronald McDonald will attend. Bring your camera and take their picture
with Ronald and the K9 dogs.

Coffee With A Cop #2


The West Palm Beach Police Dept. held it’s second “Coffee With A Cop” where questions and concerns from the public are addressed by the police officers who ride our neighbors, are aware of the problems, and are committed to keeping our streets safe.

This affair was a little different from the original because eight students from Forest Hill High School were in attendance. These students are part of the Criminal Justice Academy and all want to be future Police Officers. I spoke with one young lady who told me she wanted to attend the Police Academy after she served in the armed forces. She is faced with the decision between the Army or Navy. Her head is firmly planted on her shoulders and she has a vision of what she wants to do with her future. These are children their parents can be proud of, but let’s not lose sight of the facts these kids are making wise decisions which will effect their lives and future.
Officer Acevedo is with the Forest Hill High School, and works in unison with the WPBPD to mentor these extraordinary young people who have decided to dedicate their career’s to Law Enforcement.

The next WPBPD “Coffee with a Cop” will also be a Family Fun Day. Free coffee for adults and an ice cream cone or apples for the kids. It is scheduled to be held at McDonald on Saturday 1/14/17 from 10-12 pm at 1720 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd. Please stop by and bring the kids, ask questions, find answers, and if you have suggestions share them. They want to hear from you. Help the police, help you.

Presidential Election is over–Lets move on.

The day after my eighteen birthday my dad accompanied me to the Election Office where I was registered as a Democrat. The first time I ever voted was for John Fitzgerald Kennedy for President.

I have voted in every election since, always voting straight democratic. If Adolph Hitler came to America and ran for POTUS on the democratic ticket he would have my vote. If Jesus Christ ran as a republican, doubtful. I don’t write this with any pride, just wouldn’t cross the line.

Then came 2008 and a contest between Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton. I voted to nominated Hillary Clinton for president. She lost, he won, and the country was forever changed.

We had Obama Care forced on us which turned into a complete disaster, and everything he said would not happen did indeed happen. I lost my doctor, my out of pocket expenses and hospital stay doubled. Are you aware you can spend a week in a hospital without a doctor admitting you, and Medicare wont pay a dime toward your care. Prescription drugs–forget it, when the drug company’s are allowed to raise prices a thousand fold for life saving medication. Seniors are still faced with prescription medication or food/rent. The only time I ever protested was over Obama care where I proudly waved a sign “Eleven million ILLEGAL aliens are not uninsured Americans”.

Congress passes Obama care in 2010 when Democrats controlled both the House and Senate, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi comment was, “But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.” The next day I changed my voting status from Democratic to Independent.

President Obama’s decision to send 1.7 Billion to Iran, a terrorist country that has sworn to destroy America. Now they have the money to do it.

President Barack Obama has directed officials to prepare to accommodate 10,000 Syrian refugees. Syria, along with Iran are on the Terrorist Watch List. The 10,000 have arrived. How well were they vetted? Think a terrorist or two slipped in?

Now this is my opinion:
To insure Ms. Clinton wouldn’t challenge Obama for his run in 2012 he appointed her Secretary of State. He may have done Americans a favor if they only paid attention.

Mark (Oz) Geist was one of five security contractors stationed in Benghazi, who co-authored the book 13 Hours– The Inside Account of What Really Happened in Benghazi, Libya. I read the book written by a man who lived through the horror, and the four men, Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods four American heroes who did not survive the 13 hours at the hands of terrorists.

Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis. at a Senate committee hearing held in Jan. 2013 asked Ms. Clinton, (who as Secretary of State was responsible for the security of the embassy) “Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night and decided they’d go kill some Americans” Ms. Clinton’s reply “What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?”

Do you think it made a difference to the families of the four men mentioned above? If she had won the election she would never have been recognized by Iran, Syria or other terrorist nations because of their disrespect for all women.

I understand the stories about the Clinton Foundation, her e-mail scandal, her lying and patronizing the American People, but Benghazi is the one that causes me pain to this day, and if she couldn’t protect these four men, what makes you think she could protect the United States?

FBI Director James Comey investigating her e-mails,and Clinton Foundation, and he reports to Attorney General Loretta Lynch. The investigation was nearly squashed after a meeting between AG Lynch and Bill Clinton when their planes were parked next to each other on a tarmac? Both parties denied discussing Hillary’s investigation, but spent an hour discussing their grandchildren. Bless the reporter who noticed and reported the incident.

Tonight I turn on the news and learn of demonstration’s in downtown WPB, Miami and Orlando and other parts of the country where thousands of residents are protesting and waving signs stating that “Trump is not my President” I understand their frustration, for the last six years I didn’t feel President Obama had America’s best interest at heart. A good question to ask yourself is who is financing these demonstrations?

I believe before he leaves office President Obama will grant Hillary Clinton a pardon, so all investigations will come to a close. You don’t pardon innocent people, and justice will be denied once again.

Reasons I voted for Trump: He wants to keep ILLEGAL aliens out of America–me too. He wants to appeal Obama Care and fix whats broken about it–me too. He wants to bring our jobs back home–me too. He wants to tax the super rich–me too. He wants to repeal NAFTA called “Worse Trade Deal in History”–me too. Law Enforcement’s across the country have endorsed him because they believe he will protect them from the war on cops–me too.

Mr. Trump won the election, Hillary Clinton lost and people should accept that and move on. Remember this is America, you can live where ever you choose.

9-1-1 Your Invited

Have you had an emergency serious enough to call 9-1-1 and wonder what happens after your call is answered?
Let me share 2 recent events that happened in my neighborhood.

In August I heard a light tapping and went to investigate and the tapping stopped. A few seconds later the tapping continued. It came from the direction of my front door and when I checked the “peep hole” I saw two young men standing there. I was trying to determine if they were neighbors, but didn’t recognize either man, when all of a sudden one man backed up and went to a window. I saw him cup his hand around his eyes as he attempted to look in my window.
The man left standing at the door proceeded to bang loud enough to wake the dead. Now I had no illusion as to what was happening, and I was damn mad, and did a foolish thing.
I stormed out my door and confronted him asking what he wanted. He gave the standard answer asking if “Tony” was home. I told him there was no “Tony” at this address and if I didn’t answer the door was that telling them no one was home and they were free to break in and steal whatever they wanted.
The guy at the window ran for the car and jumped into the open back door, followed by the second man. They were considerate enough to back into the driveway so I could read their license plate. I called 9-1-1 to report the incident and within minutes there was an officer at my door. A few minutes later another officer arrived and I was told they were dispatched at the same time. While the officer was at my front door the other canvassed the neighborhood looking for the car.
The officer took a report and then advised me to never, ever open the door and confront anyone again. I new it was a foolish thing to do, but I was so angry to think they would come into my home, destroy my peace of mind, and steal what I worked so hard for.
So finishing my story let me warn you to not ignore strangers at your door. Let them know someone is home without opening the door. I offer you a few suggestions on what to say.
“Just a minute while I wake my son, the police officer”.
“One moment please while I put my shotgun down, I’m in the process of cleaning it”.
“Please wait while I bring my Rottweiler in from the backyard”.
The police officer explained the light tapping at my door was to see if I had a dog in the home. A dog would hear the tapping long before I did and warn unsavory people there was a dog inside ready to protect his home/master.

Another recent incident that happened last weekend.
A neighbor was coming home from work and saw a group of at least four young men walking the neighborhood at 3:30 AM. He pulled into his driveway and observed them walking up driveways and checking car doors. When they arrived at his car he opened the door and stepped out while asking what they were doing. They scattered like the cockroaches they are. The sad end of the story—He didn’t call 9-1-1, but neighbors with outside cameras picked them all up, working both sides of the street.
All these young men did was move onto another neighborhood hoping to get lucky.

It upsets me when residents complain about crime in their neighborhood, but do nothing to help the police catch these criminals.
You can’t turn on the news or read a paper that doesn’t tell the story about car jacking, and loss of property because people can’t be bothered to lock their car doors and leave valuables in plain sight.

Did you know a police officer will visit your homeowners association meeting and talk to residents about keeping yourself and your property safe from people who would do you harm. An officer came to our meeting and the one suggestion that stuck in my mind was do not leave your garage door opener in your car if you park outside. That will allow easy access to your home. That was one of many excellent suggestions given.

With all that said the Dispatch Center at the City West Palm Beach Police Dept. has extended an invitation to all concerned citizens who would like to learn about the City’s 9-1-1 system which will include what to expect when you call, why they ask the questions they do, why they need the information they ask, how calls are prioritized for service, calls from cell phones vs residential phones, among other topics.
The presentation could be life saving to you and your loved ones.

It is my understanding there is much misconception concerning 9-1-1 calls so please consider attending the Power Point Presentation, listen to the people who deal with thousands of calls a year in order to keep you and your neighborhood safe.

Information is a powerful tool and the WPBPD is reaching out to residents, asking for help, and asking residents to do whatever possible to keep crime from their neighborhood and that starts with a 9-1-1 call. Please consider attending. What have you got to lose, except crime.

The Meeting Place & Date:
WPB Police Station 600 Banyan Blvd
Oct. 25, 2016 (Tues.) at 7:00 PM

Business Owners & Citizens of the City of West Palm Beach please join us for a presentation with a Q & A session about the functions of the 9-1-1 Dispatch Center
Please reserve your spot by e-mail to: [email protected]


Between writing this story and publishing it the neighbor with the outside cameras made a copy of the men checking the cars in our neighborhood for the police. Hopefully the police will recognize the crew, but I’m not sure what can be done at this time. It would have been better if the man watching them made the call, and the police could have caught them in the act. ? Lost opportunity.

OIG & Elliot Cohen–The Investigation

Palm Beach County Commission on Ethics: (A Joke Commission)

A complaint with the Palm Beach County Commission on Ethics (COE) was filed on Sept. 23,2015 against Communication Director Elliot Cohen for violation of 2-443(d) of the Palm Beach County Code of Ethics “by entering into a prohibited contractual relationship with a vendor of the City of West Palm Beach”

Note: The company Mr. Cohen supposedly did business with was namely Redevelopment Management Associates (RMA) run by Kim Briesmeister, who headed the CRA from 2004 until Aug. 2013 when her bid to take over WPB CRA with a budget of 28 Million dollars was approved by the city.
A note of interest:
Mr. Cohen left the City of WPB for employment in the Broward County Sheriff’s Office and when his employment was terminated he returned to the City of WPB and his application for employment named Kim Briesmeister as a reference. Cohen & Briesmeister have years of history. Coincidence? I don’t believe in them.

On April 7, 2015 the COE went through the steps and conducted a hearing and reviewed the Memorandum of Inquiry, Report of Investigation, and Probable Cause Determination, and came to the conclusion “Public Report Finding No Probable Cause and Order of Dismissal.” One page report sent to the city.

This finding by the COE should be no surprise to anyone following politics in PB County. It rubber stamps most complaints against elected officials and employees such as Elliot Cohen. The COE members are appointed by the very people they may be called upon to investigate. It is my opinion the COE is as helpful in ending corruption as an astray on a motorcycle or a screen door on a submarine. It just don’t work.

Office of the Inspector General: (Only hope residents have for clean Government)

What you are about to read are the first two pages from the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) report on Elliot Cohen former Communication Director for the City of West Palm Beach.

On September 18, 2015 the office of Inspector General received complaints involving the City of West Palm Beach Director of Communications, Elliot Cohen.

The complaints alleged that (1) Mr. Cohen disclosed “classified and confidential information” relating to the City Police Department and other local and federal agencies to the public. The complaints also alleged that (2) Mr. Cohen used his position at the City, as well as, City time and resources to conduct his private business (Cohen Publicity). The complaints further alleged that (3) Mr. Cohen had a “side job” with City contractor Redevelopment Management Associates.(RMA) After requesting and receiving further information from the City regarding the first two of these allegations, the OIG initiated an investigation.

As to the allegations 1,2,and 3 the information obtained and reviewed by the OIG supports the allegations. The OIG found that Mr. Cohen disclosed “exempt” and “confidential and exempt information”. We concluded that Mr. Cohen had an obligation to ensure that “exempt” and “confidential and exempt information” was redacted before he disclosed the records. In addition, Mr. Cohen should have done an analysis of exempt information regarding criminal investigations to determine whether disclosure would have impeded an ongoing investigation or allowed a suspect to avoid apprehension or escape detention or put police/informants in danger. Additionally, we found that Mr. Cohen did use his position, government assigned office space, desk, computer, desk phone, and cell phone to conduct his Cohen Publicity business.
Finally, we found that Mr. Cohen, doing business as Cohen Publicity, had a contract with City contractor RMA before, during, and after the City let RFQL 12-13-407 and awarded the contract to RMA.

Information obtained regarding allegation 3 as it relates to F.S.112.313(7)(a) was referred to the State Attorney’s Office and the Florida Commission on Ethics for any actions they deem appropriate (as well as any other matters of interest within this report). The Palm Beach County Commission on Ethics dismissed a (C15-021) complaint against Mr. Cohen on April 7,2016 after concluding that no probable cause existed to believe that Mr. Cohen had a relationship with RMA that violated SS 2-443(d) of the PBC Code of Ethics.

Based on the information obtained during this investigation, the OIG developed three additional allegations.

Allegation 4 that Mr. Cohen misused his official public office or employment to solicit business for Cohen Publicity.

Allegation 5 that RMA did not properly disclose its business relationship with Mr. Cohen (Cohen Publicity) to the City during the procurement process for RFQL 12-13-407.

Allegation 6 that RMA did not properly disclose it was employing Mr. Cohen (Cohen Publicity) after it was awarded the above contract by the City.

As to allegation 4, it was referred to the PBC COE, the State Attorney’s Office, and the Florida State Commission on Ethics for any actions they deem appropriate.

As to allegation 5 and 6 the information obtained and reviewed by the OIG supports the allegations. The OIG found that RMA had a contract with Mr. Cohen (Cohen Publicity) that began prior to RFQL 12-13-407 being let and the contract with Mr. Cohen (Cohen Publicity) continued for over eight months after RMA was awarded the contract for RFQL12-13-407. We also found that RMA failed to properly disclose its contractual relationship with Mr.
Cohen (Cohen Publicity) both during the proposal period after being awarded the contract as required.

Based on our supported findings in allegations 3,5 and 6, and particularly that RMA did not disclose its business relationship with Mr. Cohen (Cohen Publicity) as required, we consider that the entire amount the City has spent to date on the RMA contract, $3,205,611.78 to be questioned cost.

The OIG recommends that the City:

1. Take appropriate personnel actions.
2. Take appropriate action to ensure that City employees adhere to General Administration, Chapter 1 Policy 1-2, Public Records Request.
3. Revise written policies and procedures on outside employment requiring employees to obtain approval for leave or work schedule adjustments prior to performing outside employment during the official business day. They should be clearly communicated to city employees and documented.
4. Establish internal controls that accurately represent actual hours worked by exempt City employees.
5. Review the city’s contract with RMA in light of the findings and information provided within this report and take appropriate action.

The responses to this report from the City, Mr. Cohen, and RMA are attached. A summary of these responses with our related comments begin on page 33.

The report from the OIG is 100 pages long and can be read in it’s entirety. Go to the website of the OIG and search Recent Reports.It will be found under
9-28-16 West Palm Beach Public Records 2016-002.

Mr. Cohen had the run of City Hall before he resigned before the OIG report was made public. He was well protected by Mayor Muoio who was told constantly of his discretion’s and attitude towards City employees and residents. He allowed Mayor Muoio to “protect” him, and she did an excellent job of it. She could have been loyal to Mr. Cohen or the folks who voted her into office. I’m sorry she chose him.

The City Commissioners sit as the CRA board and oversee Redevelopment Management Associates (RMA) and they should take another look and fix the situation they created years ago. The fix was in then and if they couldn’t see it they have no right to sit as a commissioner. Commissioners Neering and Ryan were not City Commissioners at the time, and could lead the charge on the miscarriage of justice forced on residents.

One more food for thought. Under the guidance of former City Attorney Claudia McKenna the City sued the OIG over payment, basically crippling their budget and slowing investigations such as the one above. After she retired she received a contract from the City for “consultation”. Her contract calls for $4800.00/month and has been in effect since May 13,2014. So far she has received $139,200.00. One more joke played on the taxpayers. Remember this when you are asked to approve the 1 cent sales tax, as this is a reason the City needs extra funds.

Unhappy with this story? Tell the mayor or commissioners.

Coffee With A Cop

West Palm Beach Police Dept. are inviting residents to join them for a cup of coffee.

When: September 28,2016

Where: McDonald @ 2421 Okeechobee Blvd. between 8-10 AM

Join your neighbors and local officers for complimentary coffee and conversation. There will be no speeches or agenda,just a chance to get to know the officers in your neighborhood, ask questions,and discuss ideas.

I particularly like the “discuss ideas” with the police.

Do you have an idea or suggestion on how to make the streets, your neighborhood and your loved ones safer? An idea or suggestion is not useful unless it is shared with the people who can make a difference.

If you watched the news this month you heard about a shooting at a strip mall in Houston where several people were shot. A video captured the sounds and sights of residents running from the sound of gunfire, while 5 or 6 police officers ran toward the shootings.

That shooting come days after a shooting at a Washington state mall that left five people dead.
A 20-year-old man stabbed 10 people at a Minnesota mall before being shot to death by an off-duty police officer. Even when the officer has a day off, they are still on duty protecting us.

In Sept. WPB had 3 separate shootings in the Northend of the city and you can’t take anything for granted. You can no longer assume you can safely walk in your neighborhood or shop at a mall. The crazies are out there, and you never know when or where they will strike.

The residents can’t fix the problem without the police, and the police can’t fix the problem without our cooperation.

Please join the police for coffee and conversation. Your idea may change things for the better and make us all safer.

What have you got to lose?

Peace in the Streets

The City program “Peace in the Streets” continued monthly throughout the summer led by Rev. Kevin Jones who organizes and gets the word out inviting residents to join in the march in an attempt to show solidarity in a troubled neighborhood.

The City provides a police escort with a minimum of six officers to accompany the walkers, who split into two groups to cover more of the neighborhood.
We talk to the residents who are outside and ask permission to place a “Peace in the Streets” sign on their property.
We offer young men between the age of 18-24 an application for “The Mayors Initiative Program.” The City has arranged with businessmen to hire these young men in an apprenticeship position. With the amount of new construction jobs this could be a dream come true for many.

Over the summer walkers have had their own personnel police escort due to the lack of participation from residents which I admit can be discouraging when only five or six people show up to walk neighborhoods in 90 degree temperatures, until you notice many of the homes have no air conditioning. Then you take a moment to thank God for what you have and the advantages He has given you.

I admit to becoming discouraged and wondering if we even make a difference in people’s lives and then a resident offers you a bottle of cold water, another takes the time to thank you, another places a sign in their yard,a young man says he is looking for work and fills out an application. Yes, we are making a difference.

This last Thursday I arrived for the march to see 20-25 folks ready to march with us, a very pleasant surprise.
Channel 5 was present and I assume due to a relatively peaceful summer, the problems are back with a vengeance with three shootings in Sept; and they realized there was a story to be told.

I spoke with a resident who accepted a yard sign and we talked about the recent shootings when she pointed to a group of young men standing on a corner 2 blocks away.
I asked if they were gang members, and she replied yes, that’s “their” corner to sell drugs.

At a recent City Commission meeting I invited residents to join us in the Walk for Peace hoping a few more folks would attend.
A resident watching the meeting from home, named Matt Chambers, made the decision to join the Sept. walk and had the foresight to send his own invitation on his Facebook page. I saw many new faces in the crowd, and they mentioned they were from the south end of the city, and I asked them why they were walking today, and they said they read it on Matt’s Facebook page.
I credit Mr. Chambers for the turnout, and a sincere “Thank you” to him for taking the time to attend and send out invitations.

This is the difference one man can make.

The next march is to be held on 10/20/2016 at Coleman Park,1116 21st. St to start 6:00 PM.   Please join us.

One Cent Sales Tax Increase: What do you Think?

Last March the city asked voters to vote “Yes for WPB Jobs” with the signs going up throughout the city, and 68% of voters agreed, not realizing they were voting to grant property tax exemption to new businesses and the expansions of existing ones. This is exactly what government depended on, voters not being familiar with the issues.
Sneaky and underhanded but effective.

The State of Florida along with WPB,  PBC Officials, and the Public School System are hoping to strike it rich if voters allow a one cent increase in the sales tax.
Here is my opinion on why you should vote No, and I offer examples.

Lets take schools and the information below was taken from the Florida Lottery website.

“Nov 4 1986 By a two-to-one margin, Florida voters approve a constitutional amendment authorizing the state to operate a lottery for the purpose of generating additional “funds for education.”

Did the State set up designated funds for schools with the lottery windfall? No, they did not. The billions, over thirty years were placed in the “General” fund, for politicians to spend as they see fit, including taking dollars from public schools and transferring it to political friends/allies who opened for profit Charter Schools, with hundreds failing in Florida. Another slap in the face after the school failures the money was not returned, not sought, and the failed school owner is allowed, in some cases, to keep the land and building.

It’s not what you know, but who.

According to Fortune Magazine who wrote on 1/13/2016 the article states where the money went from the recent $1.5 BILLION Powerball lottery.

50% Jackpot winners=========           $750 Million
5% Administration===========          $37.5 Million
5% State General Fund========           $37.5 Million
11% Other=================           $82.5 Million
29% Education==============          $217.5 Million

21% of the $1.5 billion did not go to education, and you have to love the explanation where 11% went to “other” What is other? I believe $82.5 million deserves a better explanation than “other”.
The figures above represent $157.5 million not used for schools, and that is the report from one lottery.

“Other” is not raising teachers salaries, not building new schools, not repairing older schools, not insuring every student have books/supplies.

If you find the time to examine your tax bill for 2016, look where your taxes were spent. I offer mine as an example.
School Local================$201.08
School State================$403.61
Over $600.00 paid in 2016 for schools.

If the BILLIONS raised in the State Lottery over the last 30 years went to education, Florida would be graduating valedictorians instead of reading about “failing” schools.

A story in the PB Post written 4/29/2015. Here are a few highlights from the story. PBC, Florida School Board approved a contract for incoming school superintendent Robert Avossa, which included a base salary of $325,000.00, the highest paid in the state of Florida. Along with his salary he received $40,000.00 consulting fee for 21/2 weeks of orientation, $1,000.00 monthly stipend, a car, extra $24,000.00 annually for his retirement fund, a one million dollar life insurance policy, smart phone, computer, along with other perks brings his total compensation to $361,000.00 annually.

July 17, 2016. Story in the PB Post “Official demoted in bus crisis out-earns boss in new post” tells the story of Steven Bonino who works in a job created for him as part of his removal from his previous post as former chief of support operations and is earning $111,000.00/year.

What do you imagine the teacher who is responsible for your child 6=7 hours a day= 5 days a week earns?

At a recent WPB City Commission meeting City Administrator Jeff Green stated “Groceries” are not taxed. Mr. Green is correct.
Buy a loaf of bread and cold cuts, not taxed.
Buy a sandwich, ready to eat, Taxed.
Next time you are shopping take the time to read the sign that state what item’s can be found in a particular isle. The vast majority of the items are taxed. Next time you shop pay attention to your sales slip to see what is taxed.

Purchase a new car for $25,000.00.
Sales tax at 6% will cost you $1,500.00
Sales tax at 7% will cost you $1,750.00

Gas for your new car @ $2.25/gal. and you use 20 gal.
Sales tax @ 6% =$2.70
Sales tax @ 7% =$3.15
How many times a year do you fill your gas tank?

Family of four eat dinner at a restaurant. Bill comes to $80.00
Sales tax@ 6% = $4.80
Sales tax@ 7% = $5.60
How many times a year do you eat out?

Now lets look at the extra penny sales tax and businesses.

One story written on April 17,2016 “ex-cons defunct theater was on the list for sales tax funds” tells the story of the shuttered Prince Theater in Pahokee, which was purchased for $8,500.00 and was scheduled to receive $1.4 million dollars for a new makeover.

Despite no public vetting of the projects by government officials, county commissioners and school board members have embraced the proposal, agreed to commit $121 million to finance 23 private construction projects. Prince Theater was one such project, despite the councils assertion that each project had been “rigorously vetted.”
How many other projects slipped by and will receive tax payer dollars?

Once again I repeat it’s not what you know–but who.



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