Removed Again 4th.Time

Received the message below from someone watching the City Commission Meeting held on Feb. 22, 2022 when Mayor James had me removed for the 4th. time from a City Commission meeting for not wearing a mask.

“Why do you put yourself through it? You know he’s only going to throw you out again. He’s surrounded by plexiglass you’re not.”

I explained everyone on the dais does not have plexiglass in front of them, only on the sides.

When you sit in chambers you see and hear things that people watching the meetings on TV or their computer miss. Here is my side of the story.

When I arrived the dais was empty a few minutes later everyone was seated.The mayor was mask less so I removed my mask. We went through Call to Order, Moment of Silence, Pledge of Allegiance and the rules for Civility and Decorum.

James asked the City Administrator if there are any Additions, Deletion or Reorganization of Agenda. Both the mayor and I remained mask less.

The first item on the agenda was a Proclamation, presented by James. He stood and put on his mask to leave the dais and make the presentation. When he put on his mask so did I. When he returned to the dais he removed his mask. So did I.

Were both sitting mask less when a police office sat behind me and asked me to put on my mask.

I explained as I previously had, when the Mayor uses his mask so will I. My only concern is I hope the police understand my position and I am not disrespecting them. In my opinion the Police & Fire Dept. are the best in PBC.

The Mayor then asked me to put on my mask, I stood, held up my mask and put it on asking him to do the same. He did not, I removed my mask and he asked the police to remove me.

On the way from chambers people were looking at me and I said to the audience “He has 2 sets of rules, one for us and one for himself.”

So why do I keep doing it? It’s the principle of the mask issue.

James made the rule that everyone in City Hall, all employees and visitor must wear a mask, and in his own words there will be “no exceptions” Be happy you are not an employee of the city and either wear a mask or be fired.

In my opinion James has a sense of entitlement and self-importance which makes him inconsiderate, arrogant, self-centered and egotistical.

The stories I write are not to bring attention to myself but to bring attention to the City of WPB and it’s leaders who make and break the rules.

Here is where I ask readers to be patient as I’m writing about books which I believe will tie into the story, and I promise there is a point to be made. I hope you agree.

I enjoy reading and have my favorite authors and wait patiently for their next story. A friend recommended I read “The Real Anthony Fauci” written by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and honestly I’m sorry I ever listened because I never truly understood the meaning of “Ignorance is Bliss” until I read the book.

The next suggestion was Sharyl Attkisson, Investigative reporter who has won multiple Emmy awards, Edward R. Murrow Award and made New York Times bestselling author for her book “Slanted.” Below are 4 books she had published.

Stonewalled : my fight for truth against the forces of obstruction, intimidation, and harassment in Obama’s Washington / Sharyl Attkisson. Publication Date 2014.

Master manipulator : the explosive true story of fraud, embezzlement, and government betrayal at the CDC Author James Ottar Grundvig ; foreword by Sharyl Attkisson ; introduction by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Publication Date 2016.    (Before Coronavirus.)

The Smear : how shady political operatives and fake news control what you see, what you think, and how you vote / Sharyl Attkisson. Publication Date 2017  

Slanted : how the news media taught us to love censorship and hate journalism / Sharyl Attkisson. Publication Date 2020 

Over the years I have noticed how much the media has changed, and not to my liking. The two books Stonewalled and The Smear I read how Ms. Attkisson peeled back the layers of her own profession and allowed me a look inside the new media. Who else could explain it as well, after dedicating over 20 years of her life to reporting for CBS.

Here’s the point, and it’s a comparison between two Mayor’s Garcetti & James

Excerpt below from NBC news. This story was also reported by N.Y. Post, NBC, ABC, FOX, CNN, Politico and others.

“Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti claimed he held his breath while failing to mask up at a football game, drawing widespread criticism — and mockery — on Wednesday.

He was among top politicians and celebrities at Sunday’s San Francisco 49ers-Los Angeles Rams playoff game at SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles and hobnobbed with basketball legend Magic Johnson, who posted images of his high-profile pals on Instagram.”

Garcetti, Gov. Gavin Newsom, San Francisco Mayor London Breed, actor Rob Lowe, Dodgers manager Dave Roberts and other Golden State VIPs were not wearing their masks when cameras clicked, Johnson’s Instagram showed.”

When I publish a story I include media reporters who obviously don’t see a story when a resident is removed from City Hall on 4 different occasions for refusing to wear a mask when the Mayor does the same.

Below is a video with the Mayor and City Commissioners. Video made in 2021 when Cory Neering was still a Commissioner. Message wear your mask.
As always James has the first and last word.

The end

Is Common Sense Dead! R.I.P.

The big news this week are the crashes between Brightline and Automobiles. Let’s address it.

Folk Tale:    Once upon a time John and his young son Philip were driving through town when they came upon a traffic jam. Up ahead they could see that a large semi trailer with a high load had become wedged under a railway overpass.

The father experienced only the frustration of being held up while his son experienced a world of unbelievable wonder. There were police everywhere and fire trucks, a big crane and even a train that was forced to stop at the approach to the bridge.
While John sat in the car fuming, his son Philip could no longer contain himself. He sprang out of the car and raced away towards all the important people in suites, wearing yellow hats, all trying to figure out what to do.

I know how to get the truck out!” he cried out. The men were more concerned for the boy’s safety and shooed him away. The young fellow persisted until he found someone who would listen – all the time dragging an exhausted dad behind him.

What do you think we should do?  asked the man. If you want to get the truck out all you have to do is let the air out of the tires!

Common sense from a young boy, better known as “out of the mouth of babes”  and confusion from important people.

Brightline Train WPB Watch 1/11/2018 (published)

Brightline Train Speeds to 125 MPH
Every city along the route held meetings including WPB. Residents appeared before the commission with their opinions both pro and con. Residents were concerned with 2 issues noise and safety. The powers to be were concerned with insuring the train made a stop in WPB.   It does.

Let’s talk safety:  If you recall the horrific accident that occurred in Seattle when the train derailed, left the tracks, went down the embankment killing 3 and injuring over 80. The data recorder had the train traveling 80 MPH in a 30 MPH zone while approaching a curve.

This train was not equipped with a safety device called “positive train control” which is technology that can automatically slow or stop a train. Sounds like excellent technology.

For years regulators have requested the device be installed on all trains. What is wrong with these regulators, don’t they know that would be expensive and hurt the bottom line? Here is how I imagine the conversation went.” Read the entire story below which includes an interview with Senator Numbnuts.


2/21/2022  BOCA RATON, Fla. (CBS12) — “After multiple collisions with cars and pedestrians last week, officials in Palm Beach County and the Treasure Coast are considering ways to make Brightline train crossings safer.
The high speed train has had at least four high-profile crashes in recent days. Brightline released video of one of the incidents in Lake Worth, showing a driver trying to beat the train and crashing into it.

“Our drivers need to take responsibility for their actions,” said Palm Beach County Mayor Robert Weinroth, who also chairs the Transportation Planning Agency.”


2/21/2022  FORT LAUDERDALE  (Tampa Bay Times) “Brightline trains killed one person and seriously injured another in separate accidents less than 12 hours apart, the latest in a spate of collisions plaguing the higher-speed passenger trains since the railroad recently resumed operations.

Tuesday night’s death was the ninth involving Florida’s privately owned passenger railroad since it resumed operations in November after an 18-month shutdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s the 57th since Brightline began test runs in 2017, giving it the worst per-mile fatality rate in the nation, according to an ongoing Associated Press analysis that began in 2019.”

Now let’s revive common sense:    My car can travel over 100 mph, doesn’t mean I must travel that fast.  Brightline can travel 125 mph, and they do. Why are they allowed to run 80 mph through busy city streets with a posted speed of 30 mph?

That’s an easy question. The faster they run, the more trips they make, the more money they make. it’s always about the bottom line.

County Mayor Robert Weinroth, who also chairs the Transportation Planning Agency may want to check if all Brightline trains are equipped with a positive train control, as mentioned above. That would be an excellent way to begin talks on safety.

The end

Meet With the Chief Neighborhood Meeting

The day former Mayor Muoio term ended so did the Neighborhood Meetings with the Mayor, City Administrator, City Attorney, City Commissioner for the district, Code Enforcement and the Chief of Police were present to hear residents concerns, and all meetings were held at City Hall in the Flagler Room.

Before the neighborhood meetings were ended in 2019 I attended the monthly North end meetings because of the crime rate in that section of the city. I remember asking a regular attendee at the meetings if he thought the meetings would improve the crime in the area. He admitted he didn’t know, but at least the mayor and others took an interest in meeting and listening to residents concerns. That helped knowing they were heard.

Good news, the meetings have resumed and has a new name “Meet with the Chief”

I attended the Downtown residents and business owners meeting held at the Police Department on 2/16/2022.

Missing was the Mayor, City Administrator and the City Attorney. Present was City Commissioner Christy Fox, a representative from code enforcement, Police Chief Adderley, Deputy Chief Morris and Officer Seth Buxton who led the meeting, along with other officers.

People bought their condo’s downtown so they could live and play in the heart of the city. This is where the action is. What they have is sleepless nights that the TV and AC can’t block out the noise.

Sadly the resident count was 7-10 residents, but they did share their concerns and it was all about noise and various issues such as speeding, blocking intersections, going wrong way on 1 way streets, very loud mufflers , doing wheelies, drag racing and a new one I haven’t heard of before and it’s called “smoking” or “lighting-up.” A resident at the meeting mentioned it and understood the concept and he shared with the police and later with me, and the harm that can be done when drivers add a “line lock” to cars.

Line Lock Explained by a resident at the meeting, and later to me in an email. Best part of the story is his explanation where I simply cut & pasted his response.

“A “Line Lock” is an aftermarket component you can purchase and add to your car which will allow you to lock your front brakes enabling you to spin your rear tire while remaining stationary. In doing so, your rear tires will heat up (friction) and smoke.

Line Locks were designed for drag racing at drag strips; not for street use.

The driver would release the line lock and the car would lurch forward, tires heated, sticky, and spinning. This is dangerous on public streets for obvious reasons.”

Now imagine a pedestrian waiting to cross an intersection pushing a baby stroller or walking their dog, the walk sign is lit, they start to cross and the line lock fails. I get it.

Not one resident at the meeting complained about traffic noises during the day, as one resident stated it’s not a problem and expected. The problem begins early evening and continues at times until 2:00 AM.

Can you picture cars “smoking” or “lighting-up at 2:00am as the noise bounces off the many tall buildings, much like drivers going through an underpass where the childish drivers beep their horn to enhance the noise as it bounces off the roof and sides of the tunnel.

Here’s the problem as I see it. These meetings were just re-started and it’s a good chance for residents to meet with the police and discuss their concerns.

A downtown resident sent out 198 e-mails, and placed the upcoming meeting on Facebook inviting them to attend. There were 7-10 residents at the meeting. People complain about the noise but wouldn’t attend a meeting and have a conversation with the police.

It does no good to sit in a neighbors apt, drinking coffee, saying “did you hear the noise last night, wasn’t it terrible?” Downtown resident’s should make an attempt to attend the meetings to help their neighbors who are trying to make a difference for you as well as themselves. There is strength in numbers.


A resident told the story of how the noise affects her dog when they are out for their nightly walk. The noise starts, the dog cowers and pulls against the leach in an attempt to run from the offending sound.

“Do dogs hear louder than humans?”

“Dogs do have a much stronger ability to hear a wider range of sounds than humans do. In fact, dogs can hear sounds between 40 hertz and 60,000 hertz. … This improves their hearing and as a result, allows them to hear louder noises than humans. If noises get too loud, your dog will let you know” 


Meet with the Chief- Downtown meetings will be held 3rd. Wednesday, every other month @ 6:00 PM at the WPB Police Dept. 600 Banyan Boulevard.

Upcoming meetings: 4/20/22, 6/15/22, 8/17/22, 10/19/22, 12/21/22.

I would like to end the story on a positive note along with an apology to Allison the owner of “Blue Mountain Coffee House, located at 540 Clematis St.

I recently visited the Police Dept and was invited out for a cup of coffee and Blue Mountain was the destination. An easy walk from the station house. It was truly the best cup of coffee I ever had.

I suggested to a friend who was going to the meeting meet me @ 5:00 and she would have a great cup of coffee while we discussed the upcoming meeting @ 6:00 PM.

I took a booth ordered a coffee and waited for my friend to arrive.

We looked at the blackboard and saw hamburger and fries. We were told they were “sliders” and consisted of 2 burgers. OK we both ordered the sliders.

Hot damn, the best burgers ever. Fries were delicious. We took our time and enjoyed every bite.

Now the apology: I didn’t realize the restaurant closed at 5:00 but remained open for us, and the owner was so gracious, fed us, and it wasn’t until we were leaving she mentioned the closing time.

Have a craving for hamburger, bring your appetite and it will be satisfied. I highly recommend Blue Mountain.

Ready to close the story and a news report catches my attention.

“Paris inaugurated its first noise radar on Monday as part of a plan to fine loud motorcycles and other vehicles in one of Europe’s noisiest cities. High on a street lamp post in the 20th district in eastern Paris, the city installed the first noise radar that is able to measure the noise level of moving vehicles and to identify their license plate.”

Good enough for Paris, good enough for WPB

The end

WPB Police Getting A Helping Hand!

For the record I have and always support Law Enforcement, and all first responders. Bless them all.


Dec. 15, 2021 PB Post reporter Alexandra Clough, wrote the article, and below are excerpts from the story.  Entire story can be read below. My comments in italic.

‘Very powerful,’ ‘financially successful people’ create fund to back West Palm Beach police.

“A group of residents has created a group to raise money for the West Palm Beach Police Department.”

“Al Adelson, who launched the fund. Adelson is a developer of The Bristol, an ultra-luxury condominium at 1100 S. Flagler Drive.”

The Bristol is where Mayor Keith James sent the WPB Fire Dept. to issue the Covid vaccine to wealthy residents.

“Among the people involved in the new police fund is Stephen Ross, owner of the Miami Dolphins football team and chairman of New York-based Related Cos., developer of The Square (formerly CityPlace), and numerous office buildings.”

In addition to Adelson and Ross, financier Robert Garvey and attorney Bill Bone also are involved.

“Adelson said the money raised by the fund will be used to recognize police officers with awards, as well as purchase needed equipment, such as a new mobile command center van. The van costs $1 million, Adderley said.”

$1 million seemed high to me so I googled it and here’s the response.
How much does a mobile command center cost? ” A well equipped unit can range $100,000-$300,000 depending on options and features added.”

“This group is going to raise tens of millions of dollars over the next few years.”
In just a few months, Adelson said the nonprofit already has raised $150,000 for police.
On Wednesday, 277 West Palm Beach police officers each will receive $200 Publix gift certificates paid for by the fund at an event being held at the downtown police headquarters.

Adelson said members of the fund are concerned about “street people” in the downtown who may be dealing with addictions. “That’s a different element, and I’m concerned that element will turn to crime,” Adelson said. “We want our downtown and the whole city to be safe. He stressed that he is not singling out homeless people who may be struggling economically.”         All homeless people are struggling economically.

If I could give any advice to the “group” Adelson, Ross, Garvey and Bone it would be to work directly with the Police Dept; and the Police Union when dispensing the funds, and bypass the Mayor and City Administrator because past actions prove they can’t be trusted.

A presentation by City Administrator Faye Johnson concerning the city budget included the following information.

Slide 11 FY09 – FY18 Fire Assessment Fee • The total Fire Assessment Fee collected for the period was $19,675,963 of which: $11,434,115 (H) was allocated within the Fire Assessment Fund and $8,241,848 was allocated to the General Fund.”

James, along with the aid of the City Commissioners raised the Fire Fee from $50.00 to $100.00 effective in 2019.

WPB Watch did a story on the Fire Fee and if readers want to refresh their memory It can be read here:

The “group” never mentions crime in our area, just raised the issue of “street people & homeless people” so I am assuming the “street people” is a problem in their little slice of paradise.

If they can raise millions why not build housing for the homeless, and I don’t mean in the poorest section of the city where crime is a problem. See below: “Most Dangerous Neighborhoods In West Palm Beach, FL.”

A member of the “group” is Stephen Ross, owner of the Miami Dolphins and Related.

2/7/2022 Palm Beach Post reporters Alexandra Clough and Kimberly Miller wrote:

“Miami Dolphins owner Stephen Ross is a powerhouse real estate titan who helped transform West Palm Beach from a sleepy midsized city to a growing center of finance and business.

Along the way, his Related Cos. has become the dominant developer in the city, and Ross is known as a business leader who doesn’t take no for an answer when it comes to winning approval for his ambitious real estate projects.

Related’s presence in downtown is pervasive, from the company’s mixed-use project known as The Square, formerly CityPlace, to its ownership of the downtown’s top four Class A office buildings, and to a new waterfront office tower under construction that won city approval despite vocal public opposition.

But real estate brokers mindful of Related’s power privately refer to West Palm Beach by a different name: “Relatedville.”

If you read this far is there any doubt Stephen Ross doesn’t have the “pull” to make things happen in WPB? How about Mr. Ross build one less Class A office buildings and replace it with a Class A building to house the homeless.

“Most Dangerous Neighborhoods In West Palm Beach, FL.”

“Here are the most dangerous neighborhoods in West Palm Beach for 2022. The rankings are calculated based on the number of violent crimes per 100,000 people for each neighborhood, compared to the West Palm Beach violent crime average. Violent crimes include murder, rape, robbery and assault. The most dangerous areas in West Palm Beach is based on data from the local law enforcement agency and when not available, also includes estimates based on demographic data.”

It’s Super Bowl Sunday and see how the homeless embarrass Los Angeles. America, one of the richest country in the world, can’t take care of it’s poorest citizens. Shame on us.

Los Angeles wants to hide homeless crisis as Super Bowl approaches, community leader says.

The end

James Has Resident Removed For The 3rd. Time

I arrived at the City Commission meeting (2/7/2022) late because all I wanted to do was make a “General Comment” and not discuss any other item on the agenda. I walked in with my mask on, sat down and noticed James was not wearing his, so I took mine off.

He asked me to put it on, and I asked if he was going to use one. James had the police removed me again (3rd. time) I told him I filled out a card and expected to be allowed to make my comment at the end of the meeting. I went to the library and checked out 2 books and headed back to City Hall where the police met me and said once I disrupted a meeting I would not be allowed back in. OK.

Below is what I intended to say to James and the Commissioners, but not being allowed and having a few people hear my comments, I’ll write a story where hundreds can read it, and if readers help me get the word by forwarding the story thousands can read it.

“West Palm Beach has a Mayor who is egotistical, full of himself and completely self-absorbed, self-centered, selfish and extremely arrogant, and let’s not forget vindictive.

Some people should never hold power over others because they don’t know how to handle the responsibility. The city’s “Strong Mayor” form of government should be used for reaching a helping hand down and pulling someone up, not using the hand to knock someone to the ground, as James so often does.

At the 12/13/2021 CC meeting James, for the 2nd time had me removed for refusing to wear my mask, but unfortunately we have a mayor with a sense of entitlement who makes the rules, and refuses to follow what he himself set. Before the meeting started a resident approached the dais, wearing a mask, to address James who was mask less. Click on the picture to enlarge.

At the last Commission meeting held 1/24/2022 James coughed and sneezed throughout the meeting and a study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology noted that “germs from one sneeze could travel from 19 to 26 feet. What’s also unfortunate is how fast these germs travel: A sneeze can move 100 miles per hour, which makes getting away from someone when they sneeze close to impossible.”

What no one can accuse the mayor of is having empathy.

I remember sitting in chambers when the entire 8 million dollar contract was given to PSC Security, cutting out Giddens Security who worked City Hall and other areas.

People working for Giddens made comments, and one woman stood out telling the Mayor & Commission that she was previously homeless when Gidden’s took a chance and gave her a job, and she didn’t want to become homeless again. All this was said with tears running down her face. The Mayor’s reaction. “Pulling on our heartstrings is disingenuous.”

When neighboring city’s are starting Community Garden’s to help feed the hungry, James is shutting WPB farm down.

If James can’t relate to someone’s pain, he will have no qualms about causing it.

Just because someone has a law degree it doesn’t mean they are intelligent or have, or use common sense.

The end

Are You Going To Vote

Updated 2/7/2022 Received a response from Commissioner Shoaf and have updated the story. My apologies to Commissioner Shoaf and readers.


The PB Post has an article in Sunday’s paper (2-6-2022) concerning all upcoming elections to be held March 8, 2022, below are excerpts and the entire story can be read below and includes hours to vote, where to vote and good info on mail-in ballots.

“One City Commission race will be decided by voters of West Palm Beach, where just shy of 70,000 voters are eligible.

Two candidates have emerged to fill the District 1 seat, currently held by Commissioner Kelly Shoaf. Pastor and perennial candidate Martina Tate Walker faces attorney Cathleen Ward. Shoaf is not seeking re-election.”

This election was not off to a good start, and I ask readers to note the Qualifying dates. I have enclosed the link to the City Clerk Election Information and can be read below. The cut off date to qualify was 12:00 noon on 11/16/2021.

Kelly Shoat-Incumbent-Qualified  11/2/2021-Withdrew 11/16/2021
Martina Tate Walker-Qualified 11/12/2021
Cathleen Ward-Qualified 11/16/2021 (within 30 min. of Shoaf’s withdrawal)

If Ms. Walker had not entered the race and qualified, the race would have been between Shoaf and Ward. Shoaf decides at the last minute not to seek re-election and Ward is declared the winner, and no election is needed, and if a resident in District 1 was interested in the seat that’s unfortunate not enough time to qualify.

As you read above WPB has 70,000 registered voters, unfortunately not enough voters take the time to vote in city elections and according to the Supervisor of Election office for City Commission seat in 2020, 14,172 bothered to vote. That’s shameful.

WPB went from Single District voting to City Wide Elections and in my opinion voters made a mistake for the simple reason District 4, Located in the western community protected by walls and private security turn out the numbers of registered voters and pick commissioners in your district 1,2,3,& 5.

If you are happy with WPB and the direction they are moving forward with construction, so residents can’t exit their garage due to traffic congestion, don’t vote. If you are not bothered with the shootings and crime, don’t vote. If you are not concerned with being unable to afford to rent an affordable apartment, don’t vote. If the contaminated water is not an issue with you, don’t vote. If you are not bothered with city leaders giving our city to developers and meeting their needs, not concerned with neighborhood needs. Don’t vote. If your OK with commissioner’s not challenging Mayor James. Don’t vote.

I received the flyer for Cathleen Ward and looking at her endorsements by Mayor Keith James and 4 City Commissioners Fox, Lambert, Peduzzi and Shoaf speaks volumes to me and hopefully you too. No endorsement  from Commissioner District 2 Shalonda Warren. That talks to me also. Every one in the picture, with the exception of Commissioner Shoaf, uses Rick Asnani Cornerstone Solutions as their political consultant. If Ward is elected Cornerstone will represent the Mayor and all City Commissioners.

You will not see yard signs, t-shirts or flyers asking for your vote for Martina Tate Walker for one reason she has no money to purchase the items. Chamber of Commerce, Developers, Attorney’s have donated thousands to the Ward campaign.

Martina Tate Walker if elected will be sworn in and not be indebted to no one except the people who voted her into office. Below is a story published in WPB Watch in March 2018 as an introduction to her. Please take the time to read it.

In closing I will share a story with readers. I had a phone call from a friend who asked me what I knew about Walker, and I sent him the story “Who is Martina Tate Walker.” He called me back and said it appears God is the only one who ever heard of her. My response: Sometime God is all you need.

Meet Martina Tate Walker.

WPB City Clerk Election Information.

PB Post story published 2/6/2022.

The end


The Jab & The Media

The Jab

Moderna, Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson are the companies that brought us the vaccine. I’m familiar with Johnson and Johnson the company that brought us baby powder in 1894 along with ovarian cancer and thousands of lawsuits due to asbestos being found in their product. J&J internal documents were examined and was found they kept that information from regulators namely the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the public.

The FDA is responsible for regulating and approve new prescription drugs before they can be sold to the public which can take many years or a few months. The pharmaceuticals develop, run clinical trials and report findings to the FDA for approval, and according to Johns Hopkins School of Public Health cost of clinical trials for new drug with FDA approval is $19 million dollars. The return on their money is they are making billions on a drug many people can’t afford. I am going to introduce readers to The Epoch (pronounced epic) Times with the story below, and ask yourself why 75 years?

Judge Gives FDA Just Over 8 Months to Produce Pfizer’s Safety Data”

“The decision rejects the FDA’s request to release the data over what would be 75 years”

A federal judge on Thursday ordered the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to produce, at a rate of 55,000 pages per month, the documents it relied on to license the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine”

The Media

My preference for the news is Channel 25. When a commercial is aired I switch to Channel 12. Both stations have a black woman and white male as co-hosts so I am unsure what station I was on when I heard a story about Children’s Car Seats. The story was disturbing and was being told by the woman. When she finished the story the male made a comment about the story, when she interrupted him saying “we are not supposed to comment on the story” His response was “I’m not commenting as a reporter but as a father” If this is the new media, I’m not happy.

As I wrote about switching channels to avoid commercials, my 2 least favorite ones are Drugs & Attorney’s, do readers notice many of them are about a particular drug manufactures claim their drug will change your life forever. Now enter the Attorney’s and their commercials. Have you been injured by a particular drug, please call—we’re here to help. If it’s a class action lawsuit, all the better.

While were on the topic of the media the big story for over two years is the Corona Virus and were hearing about it 24/7.

When President Biden and Anthony Fauci, physician-scientist and immunologist serving as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the Chief Medical Advisor to the President. When they make a statement concerning the virus, the media run with the story, and once again I share a story from The Epoch Times. I have pulled quotes that drew my attention. Please take the time to read the entire story below, there is so much more to it.

Five-time Emmy award-winning journalist Sharyl Attkisson said she has seen an increased effort to manipulate the public to appreciate censorship and disapprove of journalism. One of the strategies that has been employed is the use of third-party fact-checkers, she said.”

Either they’ve been co-opted, in many instances, or created for the purpose of distributing narratives and propaganda,” said Attkisson. “This is all part of a very well-funded, well-organized landscape that dictates and slants the information they want us to have.”

The pushback came to be more about keeping a story from airing or keeping a study from being reported on the news, not just giving the other side, not just making sure it was accurately reported,” she said of pharmaceutical company stories she was covering at the time.”

For her book “Smear” she interviewed people who work to spread misinformation and propaganda with the goal of confusing the public. “And they explained to me that, if they do nothing more than confuse the information landscape, maybe you don’t totally buy what they say, but they’ve done enough to make you not sure of anything.”

Attkisson criticized large news outlets for being a “mouthpiece” of the government or other special interest groups instead of challenging them or holding them accountable, particularly as it relates to the pandemic.”

In closing I would like to recommend a book written by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. titled “The Real Doctor Fauci”and he included Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health. It’s 449 pages of one bombshell after another, and in my opinion should be mandatory reading for high school students.

Attkisson and Kennedy getting the word out. My kind of hero’s.


The end

Police Restart Neighborhood Meetings.

It started with former Mayor Lois Frankel, and former Mayor Jeri Muoio kept the program going for 8 years. They divided the City into 3 separate areas, the Northend, Southend and the Western Communities. The meetings were posted on the City’s website, and automatically sent to residents along with Cancellations.

The Northend meetings were held monthly, Southend held by-monthly and the Western Communities quarterly. All meetings were held at City Hall in the Flagler Room, and was attended by the Mayor, City Administrator, Police Chief, City Commissioner of their district, and heads of other departments.

The purpose of the meetings was to hear the concerns of residents living in their particular area. I attended many of the Northend meetings and was joined by other residents concerned with the crime rate, who spoke up and asked questions which was answered by city staff. In other words the City was listening and paying attention, and it was comforting to the Northend citizens who took the time to attend and many of the same faces appeared at the monthly meetings.

Mayor Keith James was elected and the meetings continued for a few months and then abruptly ended when at the last Northend Neighborhood meeting James stated he couldn’t see the value of these monthly meetings, and would replace meetings with a new program.

Below was taken from the City website, and I encourage readers to read Ms. David’s responsibilities and what was expected of her.

“On June 21, 2019 James announced that Tiffany L. David, AICP joined the City of West Palm Beach as Director of the “Mayor’s Neighborhoods First Initiative and Advisory Group.”

No mention is made about her working on the James campaign.

Did the new program established to replace the Northend Monthly meetings do a better job of bringing residents and the City together? You decide! Below are excerpts from a WPB Watch story posted in Nov. 2019, 5 months after Ms. David was appointed to her new position. Entire story can be read below.

“The Northwood Shores Neighborhood Association invited Ms. David to visit and see for herself the problems they are having and also the problems that will happen in the future if the city moves forward with their asinine plans to convert the Broadway Corridor from 4 lanes to two. Ms. David had put them off for months with one excuse after another.

Finally she made an appearance with Assistant Director Armando Fana who according to Mr. Flick, Mr. Fana paid attention to everything that was said, asked the right questions, and was a true professional.

Ms. David on the other hand appeared not to be able to focus, and spent too much time on her phone. Not respectful. I would take it as what you have to say isn’t important enough for me to listen or pay attention.

The North End Coalition of Neighborhoods (NCON) held a meeting last Saturday and the city invitees included James, Deputy Chief Morris, Jose Tagle and Tiffany David.
I spoke with Carl Flick for an update and he said all the speakers did an excellent job and James was outstanding telling the neighborhood the city’s plans for North Flagler and other North End needs. James was pressed for time and introduced Ms. David and told a crowd of 80 people she would introduce herself and answer questions they may have.

Well 15 minutes after James left, so did Ms. David. Mr. Flick immediately texted her and asked her not to leave, she was the next speaker. She didn’t respond.”

Now I’m receiving invitations to attend meetings held by the police. Below is the schedule for the Southend, Commissioner Lambert’s district, who sent out the notice to a few residents.

“The City of West Palm Beach Chief of Police and Police Department are organizing bi-monthly meetings in each city district.

Residents and business owners are encouraged to attend to voice their concerns and hear directly from our Chief and our local officers. At the meeting, we will be reviewing actionable steps and solutions to address safety concerns in our neighborhoods and businesses south of Okeechobee Blvd. At each meeting, we will receive an update on concerns raised at previous meetings in order to track progress.

The meetings will occur at 6PM on the 3rd Wednesday of every other month beginning January 19, 2022. On January 19, the meeting will take place at the South Florida Science Center STEM building at 4801 Dreher Trail North.

Please see below the list of upcoming meetings and mark your calendar.

MEETING DATES: January 19, 2022, March 16, 2022, May 18, 2022,July 20, 2022, September 21, 2022, November 16, 2022

*Dates may be subject to change due to holidays and other events.”

The notice above was received by a resident who forwarded it to another friend, who in turn emailed Commissioner Fox who responded with an answer below.

“As to your question, the West Palm Beach Police Department will be hosting the Downtown Police Chief’s meetings in their community room at 600 Banyan Blvd on the 3rd Wednesday every other month at 6 pm. The dates for 2022 are below. There’s not really an email list but I will try to remind people when we get closer to the next one in February. Let me know if you have any additional questions.
Best, Christy
2/16/22,  4/20/22,  6/15/22,  8/17/22,  10/19/22,  12/21/22

Christy Fox WPB City Commissioner, District 3

The Palm Beach Post has tracked homicides in Palm Beach County in an online database since 2009. Its findings for 2021 include:

West Palm Beach had 22 homicides, the most of any municipality. Read the story below.

My Opinion

Commissioners Fox & Lambert you should not be responsible for reminding people of the upcoming meetings. They should be posted on the City’s website as previously done, and that makes it the responsibility of residents who wish to attend.

“Dates may be subject to change due to holidays and other events.” Cancelled meetings should be sent out by the city. If a resident drives to a meeting, only to find it’s been cancelled do you think they will return? Trust now has to be re-built between Police and Residents.

If you want this to be successful help the police make it so.

Meetings should be held at City Hall where parking wont be a problem.

The Northend, where most of the crime is committed, should be held monthly as residents are concerned frightened to death with 22 homicides in 2021.

The meeting dates listed above are not posted on the City website, so who’s to know there is such meetings, let alone attend.

The end.

Beware- WPB is Hiring


My comments in italic.




Mark A. Parks, JrCFO (Chief Financial Officer) MBA (Master of Business Administration) CGFO (Certified Government Finance Officer) CPA (Certified Public Accountant)

Chief Financial Officer City of West Palm Beach Feb 2015 – Aug 2021   6 years 7 month, employed by the city.

What does a city CFO do? Chief Financial Officer (CFO) DEFINITION: “The Chief Financial Officer serves under the administrative direction of the city administrator. The CFO is responsible for planning, organizing, and directing budgeting, accounting, auditing and financial reporting functions of the city.”

Former Mayor Jeri Muoio was responsible for bringing Mr. Parks to the City in Feb. 2015 where he was our CFO for over 6 years, always presented the annual, balanced budget to the Commissioners, and never once did it on the backs of City Employees. Things change:

West Palm Beach places its CFO on administrative leave as budget process begins.

8/3/2021 “West Palm Beach’s chief financial officer has been place on administrative leave pending a management and operational review, leaving the city without its top accounting expert as the annual budget process kicks into high gear”.

“Multiple sources told The Palm Beach Post that the CFO, Mark A. Parks Jr., was escorted by security out of City Hall on Tuesday.”

“The city is crafting its fiscal year 2022 budget, a process where, in most municipal governments, the chief financial officer is heavily involved.”


Mr. Parks was never placed on administrative leave, you don’t have security walk you out the door unless you’ve been fired.  See text from Johnson to City Commissioners, as she misled the City Commissioners once again. Double click text to enlarge.

I never witnessed Mr. Parks give a presentation on the 2022 budget, but Ms. Johnson was front and center with her ideas to have a balanced budget on the backs of city employee, with lay offs and furloughs until commissioners and residents spoke up.

“An earlier iteration of the budget called for 30% cuts to the Mandel Public Library and the Parks and Recreation Department. That meant the library would lose 12.5 full-time positions and 12 “on-call” pages. parks stood to lose 36 full-time workers. Members of the public, citing the importance of those public resources, urged the city to back off those cuts.” .

Under a new proposal, presented to commissioners Monday by City Administrator Faye Johnson, the library instead would lose one full-timer and seven pages, while the parks department would loose about 11 full-timers and five on-call part-timers.”

“But other cuts would have to be spread among various city departments to make up for that, Johnson said. In all, 48 positions would have to go, including five layoffs and 43 vacant positions that would go unfilled.”

“She said the administration might have to come back to the commission for more cuts part-way through the fiscal year, if the budget crunch worsens.”      With James and Johnson in charge it will worsen.

The City found another way around the layoffs and furloughs when I learned 275 employees resigned their positions, knowing they had bonuses due between $2,500.00 & $3,800.00 from the Federal Government. When I questioned a few former employees, the response I received was working for the city had become hostile, another said toxic working conditions.

Dr. Philip C. Harris Assistant to the City Administrator:   Reads in part.

Assists the City Administrator in the annual budget preparation and presentation Here is what City Commissioners and residents didn’t know, and what Mayor James and City Administrator Johnson did to insure Mr. Harris was hired. James declared a “STATE OF EMERGENCY” so Commissioners wouldn’t vote on his employment and salary, a shoo-in for Harris.

“STATE OF EMERGENCY When normal operations of City departments are suspended or interrupted due to a declaration by the Mayor that a state of emergency exists, all employees will be deemed critical by the City. For the preparation and/or continuation of emergency operations or for special work detail, employees deemed necessary shall be required to work. This is a condition of employment.”

Dr Harris The City’s pay scale salary for level GM17. “Min. $121,330.00 Mid. $151,663.00 Max. $181,995.00. Harris receives a starting salary of $152,000.” (Mid. Level)

Monday, May 24, 2021 “West Palm Beach Mayor Keith A. James is pleased to announce the selection of Dr. Philip C. Harris for the position of Assistant to the City Administrator.”

“Dr. Harris holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communication degree from the University of South Florida and a Master and Doctor of Business Administration degree from Argosy University.”

“On February 27, 2019, the US Department of Education stated that they were cutting off federal funding to Argosy University. According to Inside Higher Education, “The Education Department said that the roughly 8,800 students enrolled at Argosy campuses could seek to transfer their credits elsewhere or apply for loan cancellation in the event their campus shuts down.”
All Argosy campuses were officially closed on March 8, 2019″

There are 3 job openings according to the recent Organizational Chart.

WPB Organizational Chart 12-13-2021

WPB Utilities Director, Poonam Kalkat’s last day was 12/3/2021 when her position was sacrificed over the City’s contaminated drinking water, that residents learned 8 days after the fact.

Chief Financial Officer, Mark Parks Jr. last day was 8/3/2021 when he was escorted from City Hall per orders of Faye Johnson. In my opinion Mr. Parks was removed either because he disagreed with Johnson’s idea of how to balance the budget or room was needed for Harris.

Director of Human Resources, Jose-Luis Rodriguez was promoted to Assistant City Administrator, which left his former position open.

The end

IS WPB Growing To Fast To Keep Residents Safe?

What is the population of West Palm Beach Florida 2017 106,805

What is the population of West Palm Beach Florida 2020 117,415 West Palm Beach is the 17th most populated city in the state of Florida out of 919 cities.

10,610 new residents in just 3 years. WPB is on the move and moving quickly.

11 Reasons Why People Are Moving to West Palm Beach

(1) Great Job Market (2) No State Income Tax (3) The Beaches (4) A Growing Arts and Culture Scene (5) Rosemary Square (6) Big But Not Too Big (7) Beautiful Natural Areas (8) An International Airport (9) It’s a Golfer’s Paradise (10) Great Restaurants (11) Travel to the Islands

“These are some of the reasons that people have decided to make West Palm Beach their home. Once famous for all the ex-New Yorker’s, West Palm Beach now is attracting people from across the country, with plenty of natives also staying and helping create one of the best cities in Florida.” Read the story below.

You only have to look at the skyline to see how WPB has grown, with thousands of class A office space and new luxury apartments already built and hundreds more in the making. Look at the new Bristol where apartments sell for many millions of dollars.

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (CBS12) —” West Palm Beach Fire Rescue responded to a record-breaking 30,000 calls this year, an increase of nearly 3,000 emergencies from the previous year.

30,000 calls for our fire department is an exhaustive amount of calls,” Jayson French, President West Palm Beach Association of Firefighters said in an interview with CBS12 News. “It still takes a toll on you physically and mentally.

French says the increase in calls was fueled by the city’s rapid growth, and made worse by the pandemic.

Meanwhile, the increase in calls comes as French says West Palm Beach Fire Rescue is short on first responders and facing cuts to the overtime budget, which is used to fill openings for rescuers who take time off or call out sick and to temporarily staff positions that have not yet been filled.

The City of West Palm Beach confirms that the department’s overtime budget was slashed in half, from $2,723,000 during the 2020-21 budget to $1,057,000 in the new 2021-22 budget.”

New safety worries following recent spike in West Palm Beach homicides.

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — The mayor of West Palm Beach and police are speaking about a recent string of fatal shootings in the city.

“Since the weekend, there have been two shootings that have left three dead.

One of the victims was a 16-year-old girl, who police said was an innocent bystander when she was gunned down Friday night at Spruce Avenue and 17th Street.

A separate shooting also occurred last Wednesday, killing a 17-year-old boy and injuring a 16-year-old.

Even one is too many. We continue and work and talk with the police chief, incorporating as many policy changes as possible and increasing our community policing efforts,” James said.
West Palm Beach police said this year has now seen 21 homicides, compared to 17 last year.”

Now lets use our common sense.

I attended both the Police and Firefighters negotiations held in 2020, between the union, Mayor James and City Administrator Faye Johnson and was shocked to hear the city declare an impasse in the talks. It took a Special Magistrate to bring our first responders from the bottom of the heap to making a decent wage to keep us safe.

The City’s constant complaint was overtime. I understand the overtime situation.

Both the Police and Firefighters are seriously understaffed, and more hiring should be at the forefront, but it’s not happening in either department.

The City is growing which is why I gave readers the information above.
In 3 years we have 10,610 new residents and still growing. How can the City justify the same amount of first responder’s it had years ago?

A first responder calls in sick, goes on vacation, is injured on the job, retires or moves away, the shift must be covered. By who?  Here’s where the overtime comes in.

Your suffering a heart attack or you wake up in the middle of the night and realize some stranger is attempting to break in, or God forbid he’s already in your home. What do you do? You call 911 seeking help, hoping they reach you in time.

Do you ever think the people helping you are exhausted from working overtime and a mistake may be made?

All these first class offices and apartments how comfortable are the residents reading about the murders happening right under their noses. How soon before people start the migration to safer shores?

City Administrators must take immediate steps to insure that first Responders are fully staffed. Until personnel is hired and trained, the focus must be on safety. Overtime is a must.

Streamline the budget without cutting overtime for first responders.

The end

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