Sarah Sends Her Thanks.

Old Northwood Neighborhood Association members (Jerry Shields, Matt Chambers and Louise Stoney) received information one of our police officers was in need of help and didn’t waste any time jumping into action and in a short amount of time organized a fund raiser for Officer Sarah Burgoon-Yoos, who is home from the hospital and recuperating. Two messages from Sarah can be read below.

I find her son, Cade’s medical condition heartbreaking.

Money was donated to purchase the appetizer’s, food, and drinks and Old Northwood residents prepared it all, with all proceeds going toward the Fund Raiser.
Residents busy with Christmas shopping took the time to drive to the Fund Raiser and drop off a check for the family.

From: Sarah Yoos <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2021 6:50 PM
To: Richard Morris <[email protected]>; Police Dept <[email protected]>; Police All Sworn <[email protected]>

Subject: RE: Fund Raiser for Officer Yoos/ Sgt. Yoos and family.

“I would like to start by thanking everyone for all the calls, texts, and prayers we have received.

My son Cade is 16 and started to develop jaw pain a few months ago. After a visit to the dentist, it was believed the pain was from his wisdom teeth growing in and although he was uncomfortable it was a non-emergency. Just before Thanksgiving he had his pre-op appointment with his oral surgeon for the removal of his wisdom teeth. During this appointment a large mass was discovered in his jaw and cheek bone. The following day he was in CT scan and surgery to biopsy and relieve some of the pressure from the mass which at this point was causing him unbearable pain.

The week after Thanksgiving we received the results that the mass is a non-cancerous (thank God) yet very aggressive tumor called a Ameloblastoma. Due to the unfortunate misdiagnosis the tumor was left to destroy a large portion of his jaw and cheek bone.

We are in the beginning phase of his medical journey which seems to change daily. What we do know is he will have another surgery to remove the tumor and bone surrounding it, and a titanium plate inserted. Followed by bone grafts, the removal of teeth, and eventually plastic surgery to repair the facial distortion that will occur.
Thank you again for all the love and concern.”
Sarah Yoos

Text Thank you note read Saturday at fundraiser

“I am truly heartbroken I am unable to attend tonight, but so incredibly filled with love. I cannot begin to express how much this means to me and my family. To be supported by such an amazing community is an honor!!
My son is strong, he has a very long road ahead of him, but I know he is a fighter and will get through this.

To say I am blessed to have a community full of people I truly feel to be family is an amazing gift!!
So thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

You have to love it when a community comes together for one of their own. Thank you to all who assisted in making this event the success it was.
I saved the best for last! With very little time to organize the event, and get the word out, over $10,000.00 dollars was raised for the family. Good job WPB.
The end

PBC School Board Members Attempt to Quiet Parents/Residents

I attended the PBC School Board 12/15/2021 for one reason. The School Board is attempting to limit speaker’s voices. Many parents attend these meetings, and speak on issues that affect their children’s education, hoping for relief from School Board Members, that seldom come according to the parents, so they continue to appear and speak up over and over again and I listened to a child tell how he is bullied in school.

As I listened to parents many spoke with passion and a couple of people I could hear anger in their voices, and definitely related to them. I have appeared at every WPB City Commission meeting and have commented many times and when the people elected to make change look at you glassy eyed watching the clock to see your time run down. What to do?  Repeat and do over.

What the board is attempting to do.

When many parents show up and each speak for 3 minutes that extends the meeting for hours and the board finds that unacceptable, so they want to limit public comment to one hour and each speaker is allowed 6 minutes, meaning 10 parents will be chosen to speak. Out of 10 speakers I can’t help but wonder how many of them will be “friends” of the board who speak their praises with pats on the back. Also, no speaker can mention a board member by name. Below is what I read at the board meeting.

“Full disclosure, I don’t have children or grandchildren in school. I don’t have children. I am concerned about the Palm Beach Co. School Board examining new rules for school board meetings.

I sent an email on 12/5/2021 @ 9:32 AM to all 7 School Board Members. It was a test.

“I wish to attend the school board meeting on 12/15/2021 and be allowed to make a public comment. Please confirm request received.”

School Board Member Alexandria Ayala responded to my email at 9:32AM. Don’t get any better than that. I want to feel free to make that comment and let her know I appreciated her quick response and allow those present to also appreciate her, while telling the other 6 board members I didn’t appreciate being ignored without actually mentioning it.

I also want to be able to say I am a strong believer in term limits and in my opinion, Ms. Robinson first elected in 2000 with 21 years on the board and up for re-election in 2022 has put her time in and should consider retirement.

I cancelled dinner with a friend to attend this meeting, drove to the meeting, and waited patiently to have my opinion heard and considered.

Please think where your decision will take us. If you successfully pass this other government officials will follow suit, and attempt to stifle residents. If you don’t agree with what I say, that is your right, and if I don’t agree with your decisions, that is my right also. It is also my right according to the First Amendment which allows me the freedom to speak my mind to elected officials.

Listening to these parents speak up I now fully understand the old saying “beware of coming between momma & pappa bear and their cubs.”

If they do pass these new rules, I am certain lawsuits will follow, and defending the lawsuit tax money will be used, taking even more dollars from schools already running on a shoestring.
I must end on this note. With the exception of 2 school board members, all removed their mask, and every word spoken could be heard and understood. My old ears appreciated the gesture. Thank you!


I’m looking at our future.






The end!

Her name is Sarah

Her name is Sarah Burgoon and she is married to Sgt. Yoos, who oversees the WPB K9 unit.

Sara and her husband are two cops we have watching over us, and now they need our help.

“An officer of our local police department, Sarah Burgoon, is currently home recovering from surgery and just learned that her child was diagnosed with serious and rare health issues which will require multiple surgeries. With these two unforeseen medical issues, the family is struggling financially. Many of you know Sarah. She has been deeply involved in crime prevention in the North End and was our local Community Response Officer for several years.

Old Northwood wants to step up and support Sarah by sponsoring a fundraiser. We are planning a cocktail party at the Clubhouse 3510 Spruce Street, Old Northwood, West Palm Beach on Saturday, December 18th from 5 PM to 8:30 PM. All proceeds will help this police officer pay medical and other related expenses.

We want to raise as much money as we can, so please consider making a donation – even if you can’t attend the party. So far we have raised a total of $2,500 from three anonymous donors. Let’s knock this out of the park and show our local police officers how much we value what they do!”   Double click to enlarge picture.

Old Northwood Neighborhood Association is very much involved in the community and are in the process of purchasing toys for children to insure every child has a toy for Christmas.
If you are unable to attend please consider sending check to Gerald Shields, 423 26th Street, West Palm Beach, 33407. Checks should be made out to Old Northwood Neighborhood Association, and under memo please write Donation Sara Burgoon.
Donations are fully deductible. Old Northwood Neighborhood Association is a 501(c)3 and their Tax ID (EIN) 650343770.
Jerry Shields
Matt Chambers
Louise Stoney
The end.

Mayor Keith James Protects Wealthy Bristol Residents!

Dates are very important to the story

April 4, 2021 James is interviewed by 60 Minutes, and below are the hi-lights, and video can be seen below. Sound on Please.

60 Minutes reporter, Sharyn Alfonsi: “You were ready in West Palm Beach for the vaccine?”
Keith James: “Absolutely. And I even put my signature on the letter to let the governor and the county know that we were ready, willing and able.”
James told us after he and other mayors complained about the town of Palm Beach getting the 1,000 doses, the county’s health director took the blame, calling it a “miscommunication.”

Keith James: “Listen, the county health director has fallen on the sword on that and said it was her bad. Her organization’s bad. They made a mistake. But isn’t it funny that these mistakes only happen in communities that have that kind of wealth? They didn’t make a mistake and send a thousand doses to the poorest communities in our county?”

In West Palm Beach, Mayor James says he was still trying to secure vaccines for his town’s firefighters when he learned that at a nursing home in town, some board members and their wealthy pals got vaccinated. Even though those doses were only supposed to be given to elderly residents and staff.

Keith James: People were saying, “Listen, this is a resource and I know it’s out there and I’m gonna use whatever leverage I have to get that resource.” There were no rules.

Mayor James is among a number of community leaders who say the state’s vaccination rollout has favored the wealthy.”
See and hear the interview here, with just enough disgust and indignation in James voice and on his face. Sound on please.

I watched 60 Minutes that Sunday night and was shocked to see James on the program being interviewed and recalled favoritism being shown to Andros Isle residents, where James calls home, and 36 days before 60 Minutes interview.

2/27/2021  Ms. Shalonda Warren managed to sponsor a Carona Virus testing sight in Andros Isle, which is located in District 4, and she was running for Commissioner in District 2. The message to residents read:

Sponsored by Shalonda Warren, a candidate for WPB City Commission.
Free testing for Andros Isle residents only. (proof of residency required)
9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Appointment required. Read the WPB Watch story below.

I received a phone call from a resident asking if I was aware of the City issuing the Covid-Vaccine to the residents of the Bristol Condominium and placed a PRR with the City Clerk for information. The Bristol sells apartments between $5.2 million, and one resident paid $42.6 million for an entire floor, combining two units at the top of the complex. Read what units are selling for below.

11/23/2021 My PRR (Public Records Report) was sent to the City.

“On Jan. 20, 2021 WPB Fire Dept. issued the covid vaccine to residents of the Bristol Waterfront Condominium located at 1100 S. Flagler Drive.
I am requesting all records pertaining to the distribution of the vaccine such as:
The age of the recipients?
Official place of residency?
The name’s of the Fire Fighters who issued the vaccine to the residents?
Who directed the vaccine be issued?
How many doses were issued?
Thank you,
Sandy Matkivich”

I received a response from the City with an invoice for $59.82, and knew the tip was credible.

Dec 7, 2021 2 weeks later I received my PRR and missing were Who directed the vaccine be issued? How many doses were issued?

1/20/21 WPB Fire Dept. issued the covid vaccine to residents of the Bristol 74 days before the 60 Minutes interview.

I refuse to continue asking for the records the City wont release, and residents are aware the City is run by two people, Mayor Keith James, and City Administrator Faye Johnson, so we know “Who directed the vaccine be issued?

When you view the PRR below you will see many pages, most are useless. Here is what I am asking readers pay attention too.

First Page is the WPB Fire Dept. (ics Form 214 Version 2)

Three Fire Fighters/Paramedics were dispatched to the Bristol to administer the vaccine from 8:30AM – 12:30PM. I don’t know if other wealthy, or connected residents were invited to the Bristol, but 3 paramedics spent 4 hours issuing the vaccine. Honestly I don’t care if 10 or 1,000 doses were administered, James did exactly what he accused the State and County of doing “rollout has favored the wealthy”

The next 8 pages (actually 4 pages sent twice) and in no particular order I call your attention to page 3 where it states on 3 lines, vaccine dispensing–Bristol, can be found near the bottom of the page, left hand side.

5 pages “Paramedic Vaccination Agreement” City Forms (Blank)

2 pages “Covid-19 Vaccine Screening” City Forms (Blank)

WPB PRR Fire Bristol

I imagine the City wanted me to feel better about spending $59.82. I don’t, and the City legally robbed me, but it was worth it if it opens the eyes of voters when the time comes to elect a new mayor.

This may be my last story before Christmas, but you never know what I might be told to peak my interest, after all this story remained hidden for almost a year.

In closing a very Merry Christmas to WPB Watch readers, and all I want for Christmas is this story to end up in Governor DeSantis mailbox. HO HO HO.

The end





Mayor Has Resident Removed From City Hall.

I attended the City Commission Meeting on 11/29/2021 and Mayor James had me removed from City Hall by the police. My side of the story!

I addressed two issues on the Consent Calendar, and as always spoke my mind.
6.4. “Resolution No. 296-21 approving a Conditional Settlement Agreement
totaling $83,600 in the matter of Rosa Williams, Gary Frashaw, and
Thomas Hyland v. City of West Palm Beach.They contest the constitutional validity of portions of the City’s panhandling Ordinances.”

I witnessed that meeting when the Commissioners passed the Ordinances concerning Panhandling and the Homeless. Two Commissioners, Neering and Ryles opposed sections of the Ordinances, and the City removed sections of it. I mention Neering and Ryles for a reason which will become evident as you read the story.

6.9.” Resolution No. 316-21 amending the City’s Salary Plan for FY 2021-22 by creating the job classification of Internal Audit Manager; and Resolution No. 315-21(F) amending the FTE budget for the Internal Auditor’s Office.”

The IA (Internal Auditor) department has gone from 5-6 employees to 1 and the Chief Internal Auditors. Two people to audit the entire City.

Why I was removed!

At the start of the meeting I had a coughing fit due to my mouth being absolutely dry, and my bad smoking habit didn’t help. I knew I needed water, but hoped it would pass. It didn’t.
A police officer sent me a text at 5:18 with a message “Is it possible for you to come to the back a quick moment please?” My phone is always turned off at meetings, and I didn’t feel a vibration, didn’t read his message.

I walked out of chambers and headed for the water cooler, when the officer who sent me the text believed I was responding to it. He asked me to please put my mask on, and I told him I would as soon as the Mayor put his mask on. When walking back the officer was joined by a staff member who also requested I put my mask on. I repeated my previous message.

I returned to the chamber and at 46:57 James spoke and in part said “We have a clear and distinct mass mandate if your in chambers you are to be wearing a mask”

He then said he saw one person not wearing a mask, (me) He should have looked to his left and he would have seen his City Administrator, Faye Johnson was mask less until he gave this little speech, and her mask suddenly appeared, and asked his officers to remove me.

He said I could stay if I wore a mask. I stood and pulled my mask from my pocket and said I would put my mask on as soon as he put his on. James: “your out of order”, called for his officers and had me removed.

Full disclosure. While being removed I turned back and said ” James your a Son of a Bitch.” Am I sorry, absolutely not. James sits on the Dias and has never worn a mask. Good for the Goose -good for the Gander.

At 1:24:37 into the meeting James felt it necessary to make the following statement, which I never heard because I was gone, but question why he was compelled to explain himself.

”She was contacted privately several times and asked to put on the mask, and she absolutely refused to do so. I don’t want you to think that was a spontaneous eruption on my part. We tried to work with her but she blatantly refused to put on the mask and that is unacceptable”

Not true, I said I would put my mask on when he did.

City’s Civility and Decorum Statement reads in part:

“The City of West Palm Beach is committed to civility and decorum by its officials, employees and members of the public who attend this meeting.”

“Public comment shall be addressed to the City Commission as a whole and not to any individual on the dais or in the audience.”

Meaning you cannot mention a Commissioner by name, it could have you removed from the meeting. Here is what I witnessed.

A few years ago a resident walked to the podium and started addressing a Commissioner by name when she was interrupted by the former Mayor and was told she mentioned a Commissioner by name and a vote would be taken to have her removed.
Apparently a vote of at least 3 Commissioners are needed to remove a resident, and when the Mayor requested a vote, not one voted to remove, and the resident was allowed to finish her statement.

Mayor James did not call for a vote to have me removed.

WPB Watch has 5-7 attorneys who receive it and if anyone has a desire to sue the City they have me as a plaintiff, and if you win I don’t want a penny of the award, you win, you keep 100%. It’s not the money, it’s the principal.

Commissioners Corey Neering and Richard Ryles, 2 commissioner’s were up for re-election when they made the decision not to run again. Recently Commissioner Kelly Shoaf made the decision not to seek re-election.

What is going on when 3 Commissioners decide they’ve had enough under the rule of Mayor Keith James?

Final City Commission meeting held 11/29/2021 can be seen/heard below.

The end

The End of Urban Farming In WPB + Fines+ Election

Please read to the bottom of the page, surprise waiting!



This will be the last story on Henrietta Farms as Mr. Bosley has removed all equipment from the acre and a half piece of land the City leased to him seven years ago which allowed him to grow fresh fruits and vegetables in an effort to feed the poorest of the poor in the neighborhood. This picture of people hurt by the closing.





Below are excerpts from an editorial from the PB Post. Entire story can be read below.

“Find urban farm a new home” | Editorial

“Sadly the city, by executive authority of Mayor Keith James, has given urban farmer Stewart Bosley a couple of weeks to clear out.”
“The city chose not to renew the lease to explore other opportunities and land purposes that will address other long-standing, critical needs in the city,” said a statement from the Mayor’s Office. The city sees the acre and a half as a potential site for housing for downtown workers, or for transitional apartments for the homeless. It’s considering other possible sites for a community garden.”

The farm is closed Nov.2021 and the picture shows whats left.    Nothing

In closing the book on Henrietta Farms I have a request of WPB Watch readers, an appeal.

Mr. Bosley is $50,000.00 out of pocket over the years to get the farm up and running and more dollars to break down the equipment and store it, and start over.

If readers would like to help, it’s the end of the year and if your looking for a worth while organization to make a donation, please consider Urban Growers Community Economic Development Corporation, it is a 501c3 tax deductible organization, and you will be helping a man who has spent his entire life helping others. Information you need if you decide to donate.
The 501c3 organization is Urban Growers Community Economic Development Corporation. EIN: 80-0814655 Henrietta Bridge Farm is their d/b/a.
mailing address:
Urban Growers CEDC
401 N. Rosemary Ave, WPB FL 33401

Heads Up.
A few months ago I gave readers a heads up that the City passed a new ordinance stating you must acquire a City permit before you plant or remove a tree. Along with our water bill we also receive an insert informing residents what a wonderful job our local elected leaders are doing along with all the events happening in the City. Everything but information on new ordinances we can use. Here is an example of the new ordinance, and the penalty for removing three trees.

Case # CE21100149
Code Officer: MICHAEL WILLIAMS – 822-1488
PROPERTY FOR 94-448-d-1.
VIOLATION OF 94-448-d-3-b FOR A

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! Upcoming election!
District 1: Martina Tate Walker, who previously challenged Commissioner Kelly Shoaf Qualified 11/12/2021 in an attempt to win election.
Kelly Shoaf Incumbent-Qualified 11/2/2021- Withdrew 11/16/2021
Cathleen Ward-Qualified 11/16/2021

The last day to qualified for the election is 11/16/2021. Shoaf waited until the last minute to withdraw, and there was Cathleen Ward waiting in the wings to qualify. This is a prime example of why residents can’t beat government. This is also the third City Commissioner to not seek re-election under Mayor Keith James, the others were Neering and Ryles.
The end!

Homeless Take Care Of their Own

Panhandling can be seen daily in my neighborhood, and I will share 3 stories I was involved in, and thank Channel 12 reporter Albert Pefley for reporting on the story.

The first encounter was while traveling on Military Trail.
There was a young woman standing in the street, holding a sign “Homeless and hungry, please help, God bless you” I stopped and asked her how she became homeless, and truly can’t remember her response. I told her I was willing to drive her to a homeless shelter where she could receive help. Without missing a beat, she said she would never go to a homeless shelter, because she was raped in one. Now I take a good look at her. She was well dressed in clean clothes, and a smile that you knew her parents spent a fortune on her mouth with teeth any one would be envious of.    I didn’t contribute any money.

On 45th. St. There was a young man holding a sign “Hungary, Will work for food. Thank you and God Bless.” I stopped and offered to pay him if he would mow my lawn, and explained I lived in the neighborhood and had a lawnmower he could use. His response ” I have been here all day in the heat, and am going to leave now.   I didn’t contribute any money.

I saved the best story for last. Coming off 95 onto 45th. St. there was a young couple, well dressed. The man was holding a sign “Trying to make it home for Christmas” while the young lady sat on a suitcase. I had a flashback to the time I was traveling from one state to another in an effort to get home to my parents for Christmas, in a car that was not reliable. I stopped and gave the young man $25.00. He thanked me profusely, and I was on my way.

A few days later I saw them again, in the same place, he was holding the sign while she took her place on the suitcase. I pulled over, got out of the car and demanded my money back. The last time I saw them they were running down 45th, St, suitcase in hand. I learned my lesson, and also learned the truly homeless, (easily spotted because they have their worldly possessions in a garbage bag, and the lucky ones push a grocery cart) They have never asked anything of me. You actually have to buy them a sandwich and cold drink and offer it up. Most will accept, some have refused. When good folks realize they are contributing to the problem, and stop donating money, the problem will cease to exist.

City Commission Meeting 11/15/2021 My comments will be in Italic.

10.7. “Public Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No. 4983-21 regarding the repeal of Sections 54-127(2), (3), & (5) and 54-147(a)(1) pertaining to panhandling or soliciting in certain public areas of the City.”

Panhandling is the way some folks earn their living, like a 9-5 job. What bothers me is the City’s attempt to curb panhandling in certain sections of the City, namely the downtown (Clematis St) and Northwood Village. I assume it is OK to panhandle in other parts of the City, and believe me they do. I believe panhandling and homelessness are two separate issues, but obviously I’m wrong. Advocates have made changes in panhandling, and I hope the fight doesn’t stop there, and homelessness situation is also looked into. Below readers will find a story by the Miami New Times concerning the homeless in WPB Fl. and I have included excerpts and the entire story can be found below.

“Because of a recent U.S. Supreme Court case and other court rulings, the city of West Palm Beach may join a list of other cities in the state that have had to throw out their ordinances that outlaw panhandling.

In the face of intense backlash from homeless advocates and civil-rights organizations, the West Palm Beach City Commission voted unanimously to criminalize certain homeless behavior in order to preserve the city’s “aesthetic beauty.” Please note the dogs food & water dish. They care for their own, loyalty is rewarded.

During the meeting, Mayor Keith James said the ordinance was not meant to target homeless people but merely meant to regulate behavior that harms businesses in downtown and Northwood. And he claimed the ordinance was perfectly legal because the regulation is limited to two areas of the city, allowing homeless individuals to move to other areas.

Commissioner Joseph Peduzzi, who began to question the ordinance during the discussion, pushed back against the mayor’s argument, saying that if homeless people are driven to other parts of the city, at some point they may have nowhere else to go.”

Another commissioner who challenged the ordinance, Cory Neering, said he has a family member who experienced homelessness in West Palm Beach and was unable to find space in any shelters in the city. Neering was concerned that people who couldn’t find shelter space would wind up getting arrested or fined because they had no choice other than to sleep outside.

But James resisted requests from commissioners to table the ordinance for further review, saying he wanted a vote on it right away. After a long period of discussion, the ordinance finally passed without the language prohibiting sleeping outdoors; the prohibitions on public urination and defecation and on panhandling remain intact.

Jackie Azis, a staff attorney for the ACLU of Florida, says that even without the outdoor sleeping provision, the ordinance violates the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution because prohibiting people from asking for donations infringes on their freedom of speech.
“The concern is that the government cannot tell people what they’re allowed to talk about in public,” Azis tells New Times. “What they passed is the same as telling the community, ‘You can’t talk about politics in downtown.'”

Although the pandemic has left many people jobless and without their livelihoods this year, South Florida cities haven’t stopped trying to criminalize homeless behaviors or otherwise make life difficult for marginalized people. In May, Miami Beach passed a panhandling ban that was challenged by the ACLU. (The city quietly removed the ban.) In Fort Lauderdale, advocates alleged that the city built an unnecessary parking lot in order to drive out a homeless encampment.

Azis says the ACLU is prepared to challenge West Palm Beach’s ordinance in court and is eager to hear from anyone who is arrested or fined for panhandling once the new law takes effect.”

Mayor Keith James has stated, on more than one occasion, he is not criminalizing homelessness. What does he call making the act punishable by a fine of up to $500 or 60 days of jail time? Channel 12 also reports they have reached out to City Commissioners and Mayor James for comment, and have not heard back. I’m shocked! Not really, they are the government, and explain nothing. I Have a bed to sleep in, food in the refrigerator, hot water to shower with, and I thank God every day for my blessings. Other’s are not so fortunate. In closing I should inform readers at the time the ordinance was passed neither Commissioner Fox or Warren sat on the dais, but replaced Commissioner Neering and Ryles, who decided not to seek re-election, and broke my heart.

Update on contaminated water situation!

The contaminated water situation residents faced when we were not advised by the City for 8 days we were drinking and using tainted water.Mayor James denied being aware of the situation. City Administrator, Faye Johnson made no such claim, leaving Public Utilities Director Poonam Kalkat aware. There is no one that will ever convince me Ms. Kalkat kept the news to herself. She reports to Johnson who reports to James. Ms. Kalkat recently took one for the team and handed in her resignation letter. My opinion, wrong person resigned.

The end








Is the Internal Audit Dept. Needed?

The Internal Auditor is the best friend tax payers can possibly have.

They have the responsibility of auditing City Departments and find ways to improve the way business is done, find way’s to save the City money, and run more efficiently, while offering recommendations for improvement.

Internal City Auditors have the following responsibilities:
Evaluate financial documents, identify the financial risk and offer recommendations to reduce the risk, Identify accounting and financial record-keeping processes that can be improved, determine ways to cut costs, assess the efficiency and productivity of internal staff and make recommendations for improvement, and present findings to upper management in the form of reports and presentations.

You cannot fix a problem you don’t know you have, and the City of WPB has problems from the top down.

A little history:

Along with the Chief Internal Auditor there are five members of an audit committee who work with the IA. One member is appointed by the Mayor, and three are considered “Member -At- Large” who volunteer their time in an effort to assist the City. Presently the City is missing one “Member -At- Large” due to relocating to another city. The City Charter requires the audit committee members to reside with-in city limits, as the Charter also calls for the City Administrator to also reside within city limits, and she does not. The President of the City Commission (Peduzzi) acts as the Chairperson.

Chief Internal Auditors:

The first WPB Internal Auditor for the City was Imogene Isaacs, who devoted 22 years of her life to the City of WPB before being forced out by then Commissioner Keith James, when he accused her of leaking a story to the Palm Beach Post, concerning Bishop Ray of Redemptive Life, who as an attorney James previously represented Ray and the church.

WPB Watch posted a story in 2013 and can be read below, and I ask readers to read the memo James sent to Ms. Isaacs, which caused her resignation. Ms. Isaacs biggest complaint was her budget was cut severely enough that she didn’t have the money needed to hire enough staff to do a decent audit. After her resignation the entire audit staff resigned in protest.

The second Internal Auditor was Roger Strout, hired by the City Commissioners in 2013. Mr. Strout gave excellent reports, easily understood, and also mentioned problems he had with some departments releasing documentation in a timely manner so he could audit a particular dept. He was very professional in his remarks, but you could hear the frustration in his voice. Just my common sense working here, but if there is a problem releasing documentation, my first thought is what are they trying to hide?

Mr. Strout had his “right hand man” who turned out to be a woman named Beverly Mahaso Esq. (identifies her as an attorney) CIA (Certified Internal Auditor) CFE (Certified Fraud Examiner) and when he retired from the City he stood at the podium and recommended her as his replacement. The City listened to him and offered her the position. She accepted, which brings us to the City’s third Chief Internal Auditor.

There are 21 Departments in the City of WPB, and at one time or another they all will be audited. The IA just finished an audit on “Police Special Investigations” one area of the Police Dept; there are many more.

Audit Committee Meeting, Tuesday November 9, 2021.

Very upsetting meeting where I learned the Internal Auditor’s Office. is down to one Senior Internal Auditor. Last month they had 2, but one resigned due to personal reasons.
The Internal Auditors Office has been given only 3 staff auditors to do audits of the entire City and its been like that for years. So how many are needed to properly run the dept.? Certainly more than 3 especially with all the money the City is receiving.

Ms. Mahaso said she was concerned she would lose her last Senior Internal Auditor, and that should concern every City Commissioner and taxpayer of WPB. She said that she has been trying to promote the one person but it sounded like she must have hit some resistance. It was clear that this was an urgent matter. Some even called it an emergency.

The other interesting statement was Commissioner Peduzzi reported the IA Dept. reports to the Committee Members mentioned above because the charter calls them a management committee. According to the charter this is to ensure the independence of the audit function. But the City Commissioners appoint the Internal Auditor also in the charter. So between the audit committee and the commissioners, the Chief Internal Auditor should be able to go to them and get the support she needs to get the work done.

City Charter: Sec. 4.05. – Internal auditor.

“The city commission shall appoint a city officer with the title of internal auditor. The internal auditor shall conduct, or cause to be conducted, financial, compliance, and expanded scope audits following generally accepted government auditing standards. The internal auditor shall have access to all records and personnel.
The internal auditor shall be appointed by the city commission. Removal from office must be for cause by a majority vote of the entire membership of the city commission (three affirmative votes).
To ensure independence of the audit function and to coordinate internal audit work with the needs of the mayor and the city commission, an audit committee is hereby established. The audit committee is a management committee and not a public board, commission or committee as specified in Article III, Section 3.01(5) above. The audit committee shall be comprised of five (5) voting members; the mayor or designee, the president of the city commission and three (3) at-large members who shall be appointed by the city commission.

The at-large members shall be city residents with expertise in auditing preferably internal or management auditing and at least two (2) of whom shall be a certified public accountant or a certified internal auditor; appointments shall be staggered for terms of three (3) years. The president of the commission shall be appointed as chairperson of the audit committee. The audit committee shall perform an evaluation of the internal auditor annually and present such to the city commission.”

City of WPB Org Chart Effective 05.24.21-1

Readers look what I found on the agenda for the upcoming CC meeting
Resolution No. 299-21 amends the City’s Salary Plan as provided in Resolution No. 248-21, approved on September 20, 2021 for fiscal year 2021/22 by creating the job classification of Grants and Special Projects Administrator with the pay grade allocation of GM04 and providing a salary range of $84,249 – $130,164. This job classification is created to facilitate complex grant planning, budgeting, monitoring, reporting, procurement compliance and task management.

Previous new hire

“Mayor James Announces New WPB Assistant to the City Administrator Dr. Philip C. Harris
The City’s pay scale salary for level GM17. “Min. $121,330.00 Mid. $151,663.00 Max. $181,995.00” “Mayor’s Office Harris, Philip Christopher 101117. Assistant to the City Administrator. Admin, Clerical&Fiscal GM17 $152,000.” (Mid. Level)” Very generous Mayor and City Administrator with taxpayers dollars.

So Administration can create new positions for friends and family, but can’t take care of the employees they have. The employees they need. So where does that leave the Internal Auditor’s Office when they need positions and funds to pay staff? Who benefits from not having audits done?

The end


Tent Site

Cast of characters. Developer Charles Cohen, representing Cohen, Brian Seymour, Chief architect Kristin Hawkins of world-renowned Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects, CRA Board who is made up of the 5 sitting City Commissioners, Planning Board, City Place South Tower Association, 1 & 2 City Plaza, Downtown Neighborhood Association, and lets not forget Mayor James in the mix.

The Tent Site is a piece of city owned property that has been dormant and a terrible eye sore for 24 years, until the Cohen Brothers has a vision to build “West Palm Point”

4/21/2020 Cohen Bros. signed a Ground Lease: “A ground lease is an agreement that permits a tenant (Cohen) to develop a piece of property during the period of the lease. After the lease period, the land and all improvements the tenant makes return to the property owner.(City) Ground leases may also be referred to as land leases since the landlord is leasing out only the land.”

Once the building is up and a Certificate of Occupancy is issued Mr. Cohen will pay the City $1,280,000/year. Due to the length of time it is taking the City to decide this project is worthy residents will lose out on millions of dollars in revenue.

Cohen and chief architect Kristin Hawkins presented the board with their concept for the project. It will include an elliptical tower with 23 floors of offices, rising beside a 10-story garage.

8/17/2020 City commissioners, acting as the Community Redevelopment Agency board, voted unanimously for the West Palm Point project to rise on the 2.4 acre property at the corner of Okeechobee Boulevard and South Dixie Highway.

8/17/2021 Planning Board recommended approval.

Commissioner Kelly Shoaf has a problem with the project’s garage. She constantly states “Make it not look like a parking garage.” and unfortunately the other 4 bobble heads jumped on her wagon.

Cohen, along with his architect has been back and forth with the City trying to appease Shoaf and came up with ” living green wall.”

The garage stands alone, is 10 stories tall and as readers can see in the picture the seven bottom floors have living trees surrounding the garage so not a car can been seen, and is adorned with art and topped with a sky terrace with a reflective pool and landscaped seating areas. The architect will place Cysteine’s in order to water the trees. Click to enlarge.

Commissioner Peduzzi questions hurricane season. This building will attract big business who will pay top dollar for renting space and can you imagine the building and garage not being kept in pristine condition. If a tree is lost it will be replaced before the City wakes up. Going forward

11/1/2021 CRA Meeting scheduled for 4:00 PM followed by the City Commission Meeting at 5:00 PM. Tent site was on the agenda for both meetings. For unknown reasons the CRA meeting was changed to 3:00 PM and many residents mentioned above from the immediate neighborhood planned to attend and speak for the project. Residents I spoke to were upset about the time change and felt their opinion didn’t count, especially the people from the Downtown Neighborhood Association who are pictured here, and loved everything about the project, and Mr. Seymour stated he was surprised when he received a standing ovation. You can watch the CRA meeting below.

The entire CRA meeting lasted for 1:47:26. I hope readers will take the time to view the meeting and listen to 2 speakers who did manage to make the time change. If you choose to watch the Tent Site presentation starts at 21:04, and Mr.Seymour begins at 25:28. Sherry Elias 1:19:31 tells the Commissioners what happens on the property weekends. Christopher Arlata starts at 1:23:16 and calls out the Commissioners for referring to the property as theirs.  He doesn’t mince words.

Listen to the conversation between Commission Peduzzi and Mr. Seymour when the word litigation is used. Mr. Cohen, without a brick being laid has spent well in access of a million dollars to date. What was accomplished-nothing. Come back and “Make it not look like a parking garage.”

Buy the time the next CRA meeting rolls around (Dec. 21) Cohen’s Ground Lease will expire and he will have to request an extension. Is this what the City is waiting for, the lease to expire?

It’s the end of the meeting and Commissioner Peduzzi asks the City Clerk if there are any comments emailed to the City. Well, yes there are. In fact there are 77 comments to be read. Due to the amount the Clerk is advised to just read the names and addresses, and if they are in favor or opposed to the project. I listened and wrote every name and address down.
All 77 comments were opposed to the project, and if that’s not surprising to readers this should be. The vast majority who opposed live in my area, District 2, called the Villages and live many miles from the Tent Site.

The beginning of the City Commission meeting 5:00 PM Peduzzi asked Faye Johnson, City Administrator, if there were any changes to the agenda, and she stated no, no changes.

The Tent Site was the last item on the agenda, and due to no action being taken at the CRA, there was no discussion. People waited until 9:30 PM to discover their night was wasted.

The City can’t pass the smell test, and should hang their heads in disgrace the way they treat residents.  All act like little demigod.

1100 Okeechobee Rd. Give-A-Way

This story contains emails between the City and business people interested in the sale of 1100 Okeechobee Rd; along with 2 Commercial Contracts and a Agreement for Sale and Purchase of Real Property I found the communication interesting, telling, and a bit long. I ask readers to pay attention to the dates when reading the emails. The entire PRR (Public Records Request can be read below, if you have the courage-go for it.

Original contracts for 1100 Okeechobee Rd. can be read and Marto Rentals offered $700,000.00 and the city accepted the offer, drew up the 23 page Agreement for Sale and Purchase of Real Property without the benefit of 2 appraisals as required by Code of Ordinances. City eventually asked for and received a fair market value of $775,000.00, and a new contract was issued.

Commercial Contract

Gladstone Realty Investment Corp, (TBD) offered $875,000.00. Contract consisting of 8 pages was signed 10/15/2021

Commercial Contract

Keith Beaty Buyers Broker  JON Schmid & Associates offered $900,000.00. Contract consisting of 8 pages was signed 10/16/2021 This is a dad/son operation and you will read emails by the son Mark.

City Commission Meeting held Oct 18 2021

9.2 Public Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No. 4954-21 authorizing the sale and conveyance of property located at 1100 Okeechobee Road to Marto Rentals 2, LLC for $775,000.

Background Information: In part reads:

On April 5, 2021, the City received a letter of intent to purchase the property from Marto Rentals 2, LLC.

The interested party intends to utilize the site for expansion of Property Works, a minority-owned small business located at a neighboring site and intends to create 10 -15 local jobs to be offered to West Palm Beach residents.

The Ordinance must be approved by 4/5 of the Commission at either First
or Second Reading, or both, as required by Sec. 2-31(27) of the Code. Meaning 4 of the 5 Commissioners must agree to sell. If a Commissioner is absent and there is a tie vote Mayor James will vote to approve. Both Peduzzi & Lambert were absent on 10/18/21.

The registered agents for Marto Rentals 2, LLC are also the owners of Property Works, a current vendor of the City who provides landscape and maintenance services to various Departments. An ethics opinion was provided by the City’s Ethics Officer which determined that transaction does not present a prohibited conflict. Really?


Emails from Alexander Millan to the City concerning 1100 Okeechobee Rd. Offered $800,000.00

From: Alexander Millan <[email protected]>

Sent: Saturday, October 2, 2021 5:31 PM

To: Jennifer Ferriol <[email protected]>

Subject: 1100 Okeechobee Rd.

“The reason for my email is I noticed 1100 Okeechobee Rd. was declared surplus and Property Works is trying to buy it. We are also interested in purchasing the property. What is the process for submitting a bid?”

(City) On Mon, Oct 4, 2021 at 11:24 AM Jennifer Ferriol <[email protected]> wrote:

Hello Alexander,

As it relates to your inquiry, the City received an unsolicited proposal to purchase the building. As you know, the City Commission has authorized for us to formally negotiate with the interested party and we are moving forward with that direction. Do you have a purchase price in mind?

From: Alexander Millan <[email protected]>

Sent: Tuesday, October 5, 2021 3:10 PM

To: Jennifer Ferriol <[email protected]>

Subject: Re: 1100 Okeechobee Rd.

“Do we get one chance to submit an offer or is there a bidding process?”

(City) On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 3:27 PM Jennifer Ferriol <[email protected]> wrote:

Hello Alexander,

“As per my email below, we have already accepted the unsolicited offer from the interested party and the City Commission has authorized for us to formally negotiate with them.

In accordance with the code, we are not to follow any process outside of what the City Commission has authorized for us to do. As such, we plan on bringing forward the negotiated agreement in a future meeting.

I was simply inquiring on a potential purchase price to determine if it warrants other considerations.”


From: Alexander Millan <[email protected]>

Sent: Wednesday, October 6, 2021 11:04 AM

To: Jennifer Ferriol <[email protected]>

Subject: Re: 1100 Okeechobee Rd.

“Following up to see if the city will entertain our offer?”

(City) On Wed, Oct 6, 2021 at 11:57 AM Jennifer Ferriol <[email protected]> wrote:

“Hi Alex,

“I will inform the City Commission and have them review for consideration.”

From: Alexander Millan <[email protected]>

Sent: Wednesday, October 6, 2021 12:01 PM

To: Jennifer Ferriol <[email protected]>

Subject: Re: 1100 Okeechobee Rd.

“Thank you! Please let me know if you need any further information. Have a great day!”


On Mon, Oct 11, 2021 at 6:47 PM Alexander Millan <[email protected]> wrote:

“When will our offer be presented to the commission? I’ve been talking with our architect about making renderings of the remodel and improvements we would perform on the buildings and I’d like to see if we have enough time” The City did not respond to the email

On Wed, Oct 13, 2021 at 8:55 AM Alexander Millan <[email protected]> wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

“Following up on the timeline to see if we have time for renderings.

Best,  Alex    The City did not respond to email


From: Alexander Millan <[email protected]>

Sent: Friday, October 15, 2021 8:31 AM

To: Jennifer Ferriol <[email protected]>

Subject: Re: 1100 Okeechobee Rd.

“I saw on the draft agenda for the October 18th commission meeting the sale of 1100 Okeechobee is on there for $775,000. As I mentioned, our offer is $800,000 and I believe we are better buyers for the property. Our intentions are to completely renovate the property to transform it into industrial office space to attract high quality businesses and jobs to the area. As it is very clear, the direction of the neighborhood is more in line with that vision. I believe selling the property to be used as a landscape yard is a great under utilization and doesn’t add great value to the neighborhood.”

(City) On Fri, Oct 15, 2021 at 12:14 PM Jennifer Ferriol <[email protected]> wrote:


The City Commission will be made aware that there are other organizations that are interested and will have the ability to make a decision on how they would like to proceed. I will include your intent and proposal in my presentation on Monday.”

From: Alexander Millan

Sent: Fri, 15 Oct 2021 15:57:30 -0400 (3:57PM)

To: Jennifer Ferriol

Subject: Re: 1100 Okeechobee Rd.

“Thank you for the update, Jennifer! I appreciate your time and consideration. Have a great weekend!”

Emails from Mark Schmid to the City concerning 1100 Okeechobee Rd. Offered $900,000.00

From: Mark Schmid <[email protected]>

Date: Mon, Oct 11, 2021 at 9:57 AM

Subject: 1100 Okeechobee Rd, WPB, FL. 33401

To: <[email protected]>


“My name is Mark Schmid and I’m a Real Estate Associate in West Palm Beach. I have a client that wants to purchase the City property located at 1100 Okeechobee Rd, WPB FL. 33401. Can you call me back or email me to provide further assistance on the sale of this property?”        The City did not respond to the email.

From: Mark Schmid <[email protected]>

Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2021 3:27 PM

To: Kelly Shoaf <[email protected]>

Cc: Joseph Peduzzi <[email protected]>

Subject: Fwd: 1100 Okeechobee Rd, WPB, FL. 33401

To all,

“My name is Mark Schmid and I’m a Real Estate Associate in West Palm Beach. I have tried contacting Jennifer Ferriol by phone and email regarding the City property located at 1100 Okeechobee Rd, PCN#: 74-43-43-28-09-008-0010 and to this date there has been no reply. Over the years my company has been told repeatedly that if this property was for sale by the City that there would be an RFP and a formal notification.

This property is owned by the taxpayers of WPB. The Mayor and Commission have an obligation to sell it to the highest bidder not take the first unsolicited proposal.”

Mark Schmid

(City) On Thu, Oct 14, 2021 at 3:41 PM Armando Fana <[email protected]> wrote:

“Hello Mr. Schmid,

“The City is following the allowed process under the City Charter. Although price is a consideration it is not the only consideration that government entities follow when reviewing a property disposition as there are other public benefits that are of value. For example the City has donated properties for the development of affordable housing.

The proposal that is being considered is above the appraised value and provides additional public benefits. I’ve CC’d Ms. Ferriol who will reach out to answer any further questions you may have.”


Armando Fana


From: Mark Schmid <[email protected]>

Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2021 4:13 PM

To: Armando Fana <[email protected]>

Cc: Kelly Shoaf <[email protected]>; Joseph Peduzzi <[email protected]>; Christina

Lambert <[email protected]>; Christy Fox <[email protected]>; Keith James

<[email protected]>; Shalonda Warren <[email protected]>; Jennifer Ferriol

<[email protected]>

Subject: Re: 1100 Okeechobee Rd, WPB, FL. 33401


Thank you for the quick response. I meant to CC everyone in the email but I accidentally BCC’d some of the commissioners. From my understanding, in order for the City to sell property they have to form an RFP and present it to the public. Please read below:

Legislative declaration of surplus and method of disposition. Prior to the commencement of formal negotiations for the sale, lease or exchange of city property, the subject property shall first be presented to the city commission so that the city commission may by resolution (by simple majority vote):

1. Make a legislative finding that the city property is not needed for city purposes and declare the property surplus; and

2. Select a method of disposition as follows by:

i. Authorizing formal negotiations with interested parties;

ii. Issuing a competitive request for proposals from interested parties;

iii. Issuing a competitive invitation to negotiate for interested parties;

iv. Authorizing disposition by auction and establishing the minimum acceptable bid and other parameters to allow disposal at action; or

v. Submitting to the electors in a referendum the question as to whether or not the property should be sold.

If the city commission selects disposition by request for proposals or invitation to negotiate, the request for proposals or invitation to negotiate shall be approved by the city commission prior to publication of the notice and issuance of the request for proposals or invitation to negotiate. Any request for proposals approved under this subsection (27) shall establish the criteria for proposal award. Any contract for the sale or disposal of real property shall be approved by ordinance and by a super-majority vote of the city commission in accordance with subsection (27)e. of this section.”

(City) “On Thu, Oct 14, 2021 at 5:46 PM Armando Fana <[email protected]> wrote:

“It can be one or more than one. We received an offer that includes an over appraised value price and other public benefits that we deemed as valuable to the City’s interest. That has been presented to the City Commission.”

From: Mark Schmid <[email protected]>

Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2021 5:51:11 PM

To: Armando Fana <[email protected]>

Cc: Jennifer Ferriol <[email protected]>; Kelly Shoaf <[email protected]>; Joseph Peduzzi

<[email protected]>; Christina Lambert <[email protected]>; Christy Fox <[email protected]>; Keith

James <[email protected]>; Shalonda Warren <[email protected]>

Subject: Re: 1100 Okeechobee Rd, WPB, FL. 33401


It states “Parties” (more than one). Can I make an offer?

Thanks, Mark”

(City) On Thu, Oct 14, 2021 at 5:59 PM Armando Fana <[email protected]> wrote:

“Absolutely you can. We are way down the line with the negotiations on the offer that we have so I’m not saying it will be accepted or considered but you can present an offer through Housing and Community Development and we will certainly take a look at it.”

From: Mark Schmid <[email protected]>

Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2021 6:18:28 PM

To: Armando Fana <[email protected]>

Cc: Jennifer Ferriol <[email protected]>

Subject: Re: 1100 Okeechobee Rd, WPB, FL. 33401


I will get you an offer tomorrow. Can you provide me with the appropriate contact info to send the offer to? Thank you for your time and efforts.

Thanks, Mark”

From: Armando Fana

Sent: Thu, 14 Oct 2021 22:26:01 +0000 (10:26PM)

To: Mark Schmid

Cc: Jennifer Ferriol

Subject: Re: 1100 Okeechobee Rd, WPB, FL. 33401

“Hey Mark,, you can send it to Jennifer. Thanks”

From: Mark Schmid <[email protected]>

Sent: Saturday, October 16, 2021 3:23:53 PM

To: Jennifer Ferriol <[email protected]>

Subject: 1100 Okeechobee Rd Offer


Please see attached 2nd offer for 1100 Okeechobee Rd. Please confirm that you have

received both offers.

Thanks, Mark

From: Jennifer Ferriol

Sent: Sun, 17 Oct 2021 18:14:38 +0000 (6:14 PM)

To: Mark Schmid

Subject: Re: 1100 Okeechobee Rd Offer

Hello Mark,

“Received. Thank you.”

Jennifer Ferriol

Emails from Martin Murphy to the City concerning 1100 Okeechobee Rd.

From: [email protected] <[email protected]>

Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2021 4:28 PM

To: Andre D. Lewis <[email protected]>

Cc: Jennifer Ferriol <[email protected]>; Christina Lambert <[email protected]>

Subject: City of WPB City Commission – 10/18/2021 – Draft Agenda – Section 10.2

“Mr. Lewis,

My name is Martin Murphy, with JAMCO, Inc. We noticed in section 10.2 of the City Commission Draft Agenda set for this Monday that the property located at 1100 Okeechobee Rd. has staff recommendation to sell to a private entity. We are long time property owners in this area and have been interested in this property since the City acquired it. When we have reached out to the City in the past we were told that, if the property would be put up for sale, it would be offered in an RFP or other formal notification.  Can you please tell us if an RFP or formal notification was previously advertised? We remain interested in the property and would like to be included in the process if possible.

Thank you.”



Martin E. Murphy


From: Jennifer Ferriol <[email protected]>

Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2021 5:10 PM

To: [email protected]; Andre D. Lewis <[email protected]>

Cc: Christina Lambert <[email protected]>

Subject: RE: City of WPB City Commission – 10/18/2021 – Draft Agenda – Section 10.2

“Hello Martin,

In accordance with Section 2-31 of the City’s Code of Ordinances, prior to the formal negotiations, the City Commission must make a determination that the property is not needed for City purpose and must declare the property as surplus and select one method of disposition. The method of disposition may be formal negotiations with an interested party as detailed in your email below. In the case of property located at 1100 Okeechobee Rd, a surplus declaration and method of disposition was determined at the September 7th meeting via resolution 145-21. Feel free to contact me directly at 561-822-1276 for further discussion”

From: [email protected] <[email protected]>

Sent: Friday, October 15, 2021 10:35 AM

To: Jennifer Ferriol <[email protected]>; Andre D. Lewis <[email protected]>

Cc: Christina Lambert <[email protected]>

Subject: RE: City of WPB City Commission – 10/18/2021 – Draft Agenda – Section 10.2

“Jennifer – thank you very much for the quick response. However, we are not a little disappointed that this is the path the City is taking regarding the sale of 1100 Okeechobee Road property. We have inquired numerous times over the past 31 years about the possibility of purchasing the 1100 Okeechobee Road property since the City obtained it in 1990 and were never told that we could effectively make an offer to purchase that would be considered in this fashion. Reading section 14 of the attached agenda from September 7th, it states that an offer was made on April 5, 2021 and the City has decided to sell without investigating if other higher offers would be available for their benefit. We assume that the offer was unsolicited, is this correct? Is there a reason the City would not explore the possibility of receiving a potential higher offer for the property? We are long time property owners (The Murphy Construction Co./JAMCO, Inc.) within the City limits of West Palm Beach, in this very City district, that have paid our property taxes since 1925. As stated in the initial email, would like to have the opportunity to pursue the potential purchase of the property. Please advise if we have an chance to participate in such or not. If this items remains on the Agenda, I plan on attending the Monday City Commission meeting and reiterating out position above.”

Thank you.



Martin E. Murphy

From: Jennifer Ferriol

Sent: Friday, October 15, 2021 12:12 PM

To: [email protected]; Andre D. Lewis <[email protected]>

Cc: Christina Lambert <[email protected]>; Armando Fana <[email protected]>; Philip Harris <[email protected]>

Subject: RE: City of WPB City Commission – 10/18/2021 – Draft Agenda – Section 10.2


“In accordance with Section 2-31 of the City’s Code of Ordinances, the City has the authority to accept unsolicited proposals and formally negotiate with the interested party. Based on the proposal received, City staff made a determination that the purchase price and public benefits provided where suitable to bring forward for consideration by the City Commission. Although price is an obvious consideration, it is not the only aspect that we review when determining property disposition as there are other public benefits that are of value. At this moment, we intend to move forward with the agenda item . The City Commission will be made aware that there are other organizations that are interested and will have the ability to make a decision on how they would like to proceed. We welcome your feedback and public comment.

I hope this email answers your questions. Please let me know if I could be of further assistance.

From: Jennifer Ferriol <[email protected]>

Sent: Friday, October 15, 2021 12:17 PM

To: [email protected]

Cc: Armando Fana <[email protected]>; Philip Harris <[email protected]>

Subject: RE: City of WPB City Commission – 10/18/2021 – Draft Agenda – Section 10.2


As a follow-up, do you have a purchase price and intent in mind? Again, I will be presenting to the Commission and would like to have as much information as possible so that they could make an informed decision.”

Jennifer Ferriol

From: [email protected] <[email protected]>

Sent: Friday, October 15, 2021 1:08 PM

To: Jennifer Ferriol <[email protected]>

Cc: Armando Fana <[email protected]>; Philip Harris <[email protected]>; Christina Lambert <[email protected]>

Subject: RE: City of WPB City Commission – 10/18/2021 – Draft Agenda – Section 10.2

“Jennifer – thank you again for the very quick response. I don’t have a purchase price at this time unfortunately, we just noticed the agenda item for this coming Monday. The real estate market is very active and we would like to take a look at the site/structures prior to offering a purchase price.

Thank you.



Martin E. Murphy

From: Jennifer Ferriol

Sent: Fri, 15 Oct 2021 20:30:05 +0000 (8:30PM)

To: [email protected]

Cc: Armando Fana;Philip Harris;Christina Lambert

Subject: RE: City of WPB City Commission – 10/18/2021 – Draft Agenda – Section 10.2


Understood. I will express your interest to the City Commission in order for them to make a determination on how to proceed. Have a great weekend! “

Jennifer Ferriol.

email below between the City and buyers Marto Rentals 2, LLC. and Pworks, better known as Tony and Jason.

(City) On Sep 27, 2021, at 2:43 PM, Jennifer Ferriol <[email protected]> wrote:

Hello Tony and Jason:

Find attached the agreement for sale of property located at 1100 Okeechobee Road. Please review and provide comments, as needed. Otherwise, please execute and return to my attention via email. As a reminder, we intend to seek first approval at the October 18th City Commission meeting. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

From: Jason Pworks

Sent: Thu, 30 Sep 2021 16:12:41 +0000 (4:12 PM)

To: Jennifer Ferriol

Cc: Antonio Batallan

Subject: Re: 1100 Okeechobee Road – Sale Agreement

Importance: High


Contract looks acceptable just a few small things.

Section 3.1 says time for redevelopment, we intend to remodel not redevelop the two are different and I would prefer it say remodel.

Section 3.3 says 6 month after CO from redevelopment once again we are planing on remodeling not redeveloping, also the 10 employees will not be employees of the entity buying the property (Marto rentals 2 LLC) they will be employed by other entities owned by me. Also include Not withstanding market availability of employees

Section 12.3 again says redevelopment  THANKS!

PRR (Public Records Request can be read here.  1100 Okeechobee Rd.

And there you have it, the deal is done, and this is a good example of why the City gets sued so often. Remember the no bid PSC Security contract. Couldn’t give our 1st responders a new contract for over a year because the city was so short of funds, but they walk away and leave $125,000 on the table. If folks are foolish enough to give Mayor James a second term, they will get the leadership they deserve.

The end

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