Step1 Register to Vote. Step 2 Vote

The Information below was taken from the PBC Supervisor of Election Website, and I have included the links if you have any more questions. There have been changes to the voting rules so please take the time to read the information.

“If you are not already registered to vote in Florida, eligible individuals can register to vote at any time. The deadline to register to participate in an upcoming election is 29 days before the election.

If you are at least 18 years old (you may pre-register to vote at the age of 16, but you cannot vote until you are 18 years old); you have not been adjudicated mentally incapacitated with respect to voting in Florida or any other state; and you have not been convicted of a felony or have been convicted of a felony and had your voting rights restored.”

“Voters wishing to vote by mail in the 2023-2024 elections are required to make a new Vote-by-Mail Request for all elections.

A request must include the voter’s FL Driver’s License or FL ID, or the last four digits of their Social Security Number, whichever can be verified by our office. If your voter record does not include your FL Driver’s License/ID, or last four digits of your SSN, you must update your voter record before requesting your Vote-by-Mail ballot.

IMPORTANT: The deadline to request that a Vote By Mail ballot be mailed to you is no later than 5 p.m. on the 10th day before the election. If you miss the deadline, you can visit one of our offices and we will print a mail ballot for you through 5:00 pm on the day before election day. Or you can vote in person during Early Voting or on Election Day.”

 Please bring one or two forms of valid and current identification that include your signature and photo.

Acceptable Photo ID Florida Voters:
Florida Driver License
Florida ID Card (issued by DHSMV)
U.S. Passport
Debit or Credit Card
Military ID
Student ID
Retirement Center ID
Neighborhood Association ID
Public Assistance ID
Veteran Health ID (issued by the US Department of Veterans Affairs)
Concealed Weapon License (issued pursuant to F.S. 790.06)
Employee ID card issued by any branch, department, agency, or entity of the Federal Government, the state, a county, or a municipality.
If your photo ID does not include your signature, you will be asked to provide another ID that has your signature. If you do not bring your ID, you may still vote, however, you will be required to vote a provisional ballot, which will later be evaluated by a canvassing board for eligibility. 

General Early Voting Information

Early Voting allows you the opportunity to cast your vote when and where it is convenient for you. The Early Voting locations we select in Palm Beach County are chosen with you, the voter, in mind, while remaining in compliance with Florida law. 
As long as you’re an eligible registered voter in Palm Beach County, you can vote in any Early Voting site we have open.


P: (561) 656-6200 | F: (561) 656-6287
Hours for All Offices: M – F: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM

Now we have information needed to vote.  Will we?

The City of West Palm Beach is divided into 5 districts. Each has its own commissioner. Over 20 years ago the city asked voters to change from Single District to City Wide elections, and we handed it to them on a silver platter. That was our first mistake. Our second mistake was not taking the time to vote in Municipal Elections.

My vote won’t make a difference, and I reply the hell it won’t!

March 14, 2023, we have another chance to elect a new Mayor.

The choice will be between Mayor Keith James and Mr. Rodney Mayo. (I believe the court will make the right decision and we will have an election)

The gated communities in the west will vote for the people who protect their interest, and their main interest is to stop the expansion of S.R. 7. Below are excerpts from a story by Joel Engelhardt. Please take to time to read his story.

“Long-awaited State Road 7 project will wait five years longer”

“West Palm Beach’s litigation prompts state to withdraw $80 million scheduled to be spent in 2023 to build connector between Okeechobee Boulevard and Northlake boulevards.”

“But on Thursday, state officials will slam the brakes on the controversial project by formally asking local officials to sign off on a shocking twist: Delay it at least five years.”

“While cost increases contributed to the state’s action, a legal challenge filed by West Palm Beach to block the project remains the largest hurdle.”

“With more than 1,800 homes, Ibis is a key West Palm Beach voting bloc and its residents have opposed the route, first dedicated in the 1940s, for decades.”

“Cost of road skyrockets to $134 million”

“With $80 million in hand and $5 million already spent, the state had almost all of the money it would need to begin building both segments in 2023 at an estimated cost of $87.5 million.”

The five-year delay, coupled with rising construction costs and design changes to ease environmental hurdles, puts the new project cost at $134 million, an increase of $46 million.”

Over the years the City of WPB has spent millions of taxpayers’ dollars on lawsuits, and in my opinion, it is to protect the residents of Ibis and other gated communities. They will be out in force to vote to keep Mayor Keith James in office.

If the other 4 districts don’t come out in force to vote it will ensure James will have another 4 years to further the damage, he has done since 2019.
The end!

Rodney Mayo’s 10 Point Action Plan

I finished reading Rodney Mayo’s 10-point Action Plan for WPB and I have a decision to make. Should I post the story today, New Year’s Eve, when many will be celebrating the New Year, or should I post it on New Year’s Day. I have decided on New Year’s Day as my way of starting 2023 off on a positive note.
What you will read below is Rodney Mayo’s plan for our City and he has to start somewhere, he decided on “Ethics in our City Hall” If you don’t have ethics in government, you are governed by people who are not concerned about the people, they are concerned about their political future and special interest groups.

Below are three links from his campaign and that tells me he is not only going to talk ethics, but he has also actually researched the issue.

Rodney Mayo is not a politician and has said he will be a one term Mayor, as in One and Done. I have never heard him say he was going to do something and not follow through. To me, his word is golden. For those of you not familiar with him please take the time to meet him as he has extended an invitation to his Open House at Mayo Campaign Office, 522 Clematis Street, Wednesday Jan. 4 @ 6:00 PM. Mr. Mayo says he wants to hear from you. Meet him and put him to the test and see if he is worthy of your confidence and your vote. Hope to see you there.

“Below is our 10-point Action Plan in no particular order. We will explain in detail each chapter, why it is on our top 10, and how we plan to tackle the problem. For example, below is Ethics in our City Hall. Next week we will discuss A livable and Affordable City for All. Why not just list them all at once? We would be afraid no one would read all of it, and we want to allow you to comment on each point and open the discussion. We welcome your input.
Someone out there might be an expert in a particular field or have had first-hand experience.

I. Ethics in our City Hall
II. A livable and Affordable City for All
III. Sensible and Responsible Development
IV. Public Safety is Priority One
V. Efficiency in Government is Not an Oxymoron
VI. Transparency is Essential
VII. Our Drinking Water and the Environment
VIII. ACE- Arts Culture Entertainment
IX. A Welcoming Business Environment
X. Friendly, Customer Oriented and Compassionate City

Action Plan I.- Ethics in our City Hall –

“The principal goal of a local government ethics program is to further the public’s trust in those who govern their communities to put their personal interests aside in favor of the public interest.”  *

We are introducing the subject of ethics in our local government as the first step in our action plan, for without the strong moral fiber of our elected official’s government ceases to provide for and act as the people’s servants.

Liberti. Masilotti. Exline. Newell. McCarty. Koons. If any of these names sound familiar, they have all been convicted of felonies, and some served jail time; all were local City or County commissioners. It is too familiar in politics for our elected officials to practice a Quid pro quo, accepting significant special interest money to run their campaigns and help them get elected. Often leaving office to work for the same developers, they helped approve projects while in office.

We need to break this cycle.

We will create an ethics code within our City Hall by introducing a broad ethics program with oversight and enforcement powers. We will launch a 3-step program outlined below.

1- Create a Community Ethics Board to oversee any concerns of ethical behavior within our government. Including City administration, building department, parking department and most importantly where all our money is collected and spent in our City budget. It might come as a surprise, although it should not, that our city budget is rarely contested, questioned, or examined. Our City budget comprises over 600 pages of obscure acronyms and confusing charts. A sophisticated CPA would have a hard time reviewing in a month, but we ask our Commissioners and Mayor to approve this budget often within 48 hours. Yet, our elected officials approved our last budget in less than 1 hour with virtually no questions or comments.

A Budget oversight committee will ensure our city budget is accessible to the public a minimum of 30 days before the commission votes on it. This additional time will ensure qualified 3rd party eyes have time to review and allows the public ample time to be present at the budget review meetings and final vote to adopt.

2- We will require commissioners to abstain from voting on any contracts with any company requiring contract approval if they have received any political contributions from that company. It may be surprising to most, but this is not common practice.

3-We will introduce and expand on anti-nepotism restrictions through our local ethics program. Nepotism is generally defined as the bestowal of patronage by public officers in appointing others to positions because of blood or marital relationship. *
Below are excerpts from articles with links to successful ethical programs and research:

The Key Elements of a Local Government Ethics Program

A local government ethics program is not just an ethics code with a series of ethics provisions. Even in a town or small county, other elements are necessary to have an effective ethics program. The most important elements are quality training and timely, professional advice. Also essential are (1) three types of disclosure, (2) enforcement, and (3) whistleblower protection. An ethics program is administered by an independent ethics commission with enforcement authority and a monopoly on interpreting and enforcing the ethics code.

There is one big exception to the rule that government office should not be used for the benefit of its holder and those to whom the holder has obligations. That big exception is politics. A politician (as opposed to an administrator or employee) is permitted to give precedence to his political obligations and to benefit his political career and his political colleagues, with some exceptions. Our democratic system allows elected and some appointed officials to wear the additional hat of the politician.

Elected officials and their appointees often act to benefit their parties and factions, and their own political futures. Many elected officials do what they can to get re-elected or elected council president or mayor. And many mayors have their eyes on higher office. Board and commission members often think of running for council, or making sure their party remains in control of the government.

Citizen Engagement is Key

It is important that community members provide input throughout the budget planning process. Soliciting their input in the local government’s choices further strengthens trust and buy-in. Ways to engage residents in the process include:

• Open houses
• Citizen academies
• Focused discussion sessions
• Needs surveys

The annual budget directly affects where citizens live and work and should be influenced by their needs and concerns.
*Weschler, Robert. “City Ethics Inc.” 2013,
* National Conference on State legislators”

Paid for by Rodney Mayo for Mayor

The end

Court Decision on Mayo Campaign

Mayor James along with Commissioners Warren and Peduzzi are up for reelection. Warren and Peduzzi had no challengers and will retain their Commission seat.
I assume Mayor James was feeling good about the election until Rodney Mayo presented his papers to the City Clerk and qualified to enter the race the day before the cutoff date.
In an act of desperation Mayor Keith James has filed 2 complaints against Mayo, PBC Supervisor of Elections, and his own City Clerk and the taxpayers will pick up the tab for Attorney and Court costs.
For the past four years James has basked in the power of the Mayor’s seat, taking full advantage to enrich his friends with no bid contracts, Contracts to his Political Consultant Rick Asnani, forced the closing of Henrietta Farms, which helped feed blacks in poor neighborhoods, firing good employees, and forcing others from their livelihood, criticized the state for vaccinating Palm Beach while he ordered vaccinations for the Bristol ( millionaires and billionaires), let’s not forget the Sunset Lounge, located in the Northwest neighborhood, and always considered an African American nightclub. He found a way to cancel the Commissioners vote to allow Vita, a small black owned company to manage it which led to another lawsuit, and the court ruled James must give his deposition. Sometimes he just doesn’t care for courthouses. Allowing residents to use contaminated water for 8 days before sending out a notice and so much more happenings that we have learned about, and I shudder to think what he has kept secret.

Most importantly the total disdain he has for WPB residents, and the lack of respect he has for the black community.

Included with the story I have added the court documents along with Mayo’s City’s qualifying records if you care to read them, and I encourage you to take the time.


“COMES NOW the Plaintiff, KEITH A. JAMES (“JAMES”), by and through his undersigned attorney, and files this Complaint against Defendants RODNEY BRIAN MAYO (“MAYO”), WENDY SARTORY LINK AS PALM BEACH COUNTY SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS (“LINK”), and THE CITY OF WEST PALM BEACH (“THE CITY”)

Read the court papers here: Court Papers 1 of 2

The judge dismissed the complaint and Mayo can continue to campaign for Mayor.

2 “MOTION TO SET EMERGENCY HEARING ON PLAINTIFF’S REQUEST FOR A TEMPORARY INJUNCTION COMES NOW the Plaintiff, KEITH A. JAMES (“JAMES”), by and through his undersigned attorney, and moves the Court to set an emergency hearing on Plaintiff’s request for the entry of a temporary injunction prohibiting Defendant WENDY SARTORY LINK AS PALM BEACH COUNTY SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS (“LINK”) from taking any official action with regard to the “candidacy” of Defendant RODNEY BRIAN MAYO (“MAYO”) for the position of Mayor of the City of West Palm Beach; to prohibit MAYO from campaigning for the position of Mayor of the City of West Palm Beach; and prohibiting the CITY OF WEST PALM BEACH (“THE CITY”) from treating MAYO as a candidate of the position of Mayor of THE CITY in the election scheduled for March 14, 2023, and as grounds therefore would state as follows:”

Read the court papers here:   Court papers 2 of 2

The judge will set a hearing date before January 15, 2023, as that is the cutoff date when the ballot must be sent to the printers.

I am confident both names will be on the ballot. James & Mayo.

Mayo has made one promise so far. He will not accept donations from pacs, or special interest, and will not accept donations over $100.00. That tells me when the election is over and he is sworn in as the new mayor of WPB he will owe no one except the residents of WPB and will look after us. I had to check if he meant what he said, and his word is good. Read his financial statement below with names and amount of contribution’s.

Mayo Donations



Mayo campaign flier   to enlarge open the flier and left click.
Invites you to join his team “We will announce our 10-step action plan shortly, and you will be the 1st to see it as you have chosen to get involved.

Ask you to take a survey (what city issues have you concerned?)

RSVP for 1/4/2023 get-together   (come meet the candidate)

The end

Keith James fight to hold onto power

Below you will find a story concerning Mayor Keith James fight to hold onto power.

The story is by Investigative Reporter Terri Parker, WPBF channel 25. Below is an excerpt and the entire story along with Terri’s interview of Rodney Mayo and James campaign manager Rick Asnani, of Cornerstone Solutions. My comments will be in italic.

“The mayor of West Palm Beach has filed a lawsuit against his sole challenger in the March mayoral election. Keith James is trying to disqualify Rodney Mayo from running against him, claiming Mayo does not live in the city.

James is also suing Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections Wendy Sartory Link and his own city of West Palm Beach, asking a judge to stop them from allowing Mayo’s candidacy to move forward.”

In the story Mr. Mayo states his water & electric bills are sent to his home since 1982 at 520 Clematis St. Water bill should be easily verified because the City sends the bills. WPB Drivers License lists 520 Clematis St. His campaign lists 520 Clematis St. WPB. Now I am assuming people will send Christmas cards to 520 Clematis St, but unable to verify at this time.

Mayor James did not give an interview, although his campaign manager, Rick Asnani made a statement simply stating he didn’t believe Mr. Mayo lived in the city. If the name Asnani is familiar to readers it’s the same man James gave three contracts totaling $357,500 taxpayer’s dollars, without City Commissioners input and possible knowledge.

Ms. Parker has added the court papers to the story and can be read by simply clicking on the link.

I read them and a couple of things jumped out at me. On page 4 & 5 titled Certificate of Service.


“I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of foregoing document was served by process service on this 5th day of December, 2022 to: Rodney Brian Mayo, 520 Clematis Street, Apt 1, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 and 6171 Pine Dr., Lantana, FL 33462 ; Wendy Sartory Link Supervisor of Elections of Palm Beach County, 240 South Military Trail, West Palm Beach, FL 33415; Hazel Carson, City Clerk, City of Wes Palm Beach, 401 Clematis Street, West
Palm Beach, FL 33401.
By: /s/ Gerald F. Richman
Florida Bar No. 66457″

Above you read “foregoing document” that means: A subpoena which is a written order to compel an individual to give testimony on a particular subject. A subpoena was issued to Rodney Mayo at 520 Clematis St, and his home in Lantana. Lucky man got two, and Mr. Richman acknowledges Mr. Mayo does indeed live at 520 Clematis St.
A subpoena was also issued to Hazel Carson, City Clerk of West Palm Beach. Hazel Carson retired from the City 4-5 months ago and Jacqueline H. Mobley has been the interim clerk ever sense. Ms. Mobley has displeased the mayor, and most know the meaning of that.

Now ask yourself if you would re-elect a man who isn’t even aware who is in charge of the City Clerk’s Office. I believe James is terrified of losing his job. Maybe now he will have empathy for Phyllis Brooks and Mark Parks, two excellent employees who knew their jobs, along with where the bodies are buried.

The end

City Won’t Release Public Records

Below you will be able to read my request for a PRR (Public Records Request) to Jacqueline H. Mobley, City Clerk who responded.

Dates are important, and I have them in bold print to draw your attention. If it’s bold print please notice. Any comments I make will be in Italic.

I don’t believe Ms. Mobley is holding up my PRR, but is receiving direction from two individuals who obviously don’t want me to receive them. Judge for yourself.


From: Sandy Matkivich <[email protected]>
To: Jacqueline H. Mobley <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2022 3:24 PM
Subject: PRR 11/18/2022

Please provide an electronic copy of the following:
FY 2022-23 line item budget for the City
FY 2022-23 line item budget for the CRA
FY 2022-23 line item budget for the DDA
FY 2022-23 budget book

Please acknowledge request received.Thank you in advance for your help
Sandy Matkivich
—–Original Message—–
From: Jacqueline H. Mobley <[email protected]>
To: Sandy Matkivich <[email protected]>
Sent: Mon, Nov 21, 2022 9:13 am
Subject: RE: PRR 11/18/2022

Good morning,

We are in receipt of your public records request and will respond accordingly
Jackie H. Mobley
City Clerk, Interim
From: Sandy Matkivich [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: Wed, Dec 7, 2022 9:07 am

My PRR for the info. below was sent on 11/18/2022. On Nov./21/2022 you acknowledged receipt.
Today date is 12/7/2022.  That is 17 days I am waiting for a response from the city. Does that amount of time seem reasonable to you as City Clerk?

Florida Statute Section 119.07(1)(a) — Requires every person who has custody of a public record to permit the record to be inspected and copied by any person desiring to do so.
The documents I have requested are PDF files that already exist and require no scrutiny by any department.
By law, you, as the Clerk, are required to provide me with the ability to receive copies in a reasonable time.  My request only requires the sending of an email.
Please assure me you will get this done immediately,  and acknowledge email received.

Sandy Matkivich

FY 2022-23 line item budget for the City
FY 2022-23 line item budget for the CRA
FY 2022-23 line item budget for the DDA
FY 2022-23 budget book

Before publishing this story I checked my email and did not receive any acknowledgement from the City (Ms. Mobley)

Next step:
Ashley Moody, Attorney General
“Every citizen has been granted the Constitutional right to inspect or copy any public record with some exemptions in Florida, and the Sunshine Law provides a right of access to government proceedings at both the state and local levels.

Citizen Guide to Public Records and the Sunshine Law in Florida
You have the right to inspect and copy public records at any reasonable time, under reasonable conditions, and under the supervision by the custodian of the public records.

You have the right to request public records without having to show identification, without saying why you want the records, and without making your request in writing.

You have the right to request an estimate for the time and costs involved in producing your public records request.

You have the right to ask for a written statement of the statutory basis for denying access to public records.

You have the right to be present and unobtrusively record public meetings.

For more information regarding Florida Public Records and the Sunshine Law, contact the Attorney General’s Open Government Mediation Program, (850) 245-0140, or visit the FAQ section.     Attorney General website below.   

“How much is the fine for knowingly violating Florida public records laws?”

“Knowingly violating public records laws is a crime, a first degree misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in prison, a $1,000.00 fine or both.”

Dear Ms. Mobley,
Who do you think will be fined $1,000.00 and spend a year in prison?

The end (not even close)

Nov. 2022 Multiple Shootings In WPB

Below you will read excerpts from reported stories by TV Channels 29 (WFLX), 25(WPBF), 5 (WPTV) and Channel 12(WPEC) concerning multiple shootings in WPB in Nov. 2022. I have included the links if readers wish to read the entire story. You will find two stories by Channel 12 and the story published 11/18/2022 Reporter Al Pefley traveled to the area to interview residents living in the crime infested area for their opinions, and I urge readers to read the interviews.

One of the shootings included a WPB Police Officer and an armed suspect in the area where the first 2 shootings took place. I don’t know if the cop was a male or female, black or white, and I don’t care. The armed suspect was reported as a male, and again I don’t know if he was black or white nor do I care. What I do care about is one of them went home that night and one was admitted to the hospital. I’m happy the cop went home to his family.

What you will not read are stories by the PB Post, simply because none were written on the multiple shootings. WHY? In my opinion the Post will once again endorse Mayor James for re-election and Nov. was a bad month for the mayor so deceiving your readership to promote their agenda, which is re-electing James is necessary. What the PB Post does publish is the PB Post Homicide Tracker and can be found at the end of the story. I broke it down for readers and here are the figures since James was sworn in April 4, 2019.

Murders in 2019 (12), 2020 (15) including a 1 year old baby, 2021 (23), and 2022 (17) which included another listed as Baby Kaleb 1 year old and the year isn’t over.

Nov. 14, 2022 WFLX Channel 29      3 injured in 3 separate shootings in West Palm Beach.

Law enforcement agencies are investigating three shootings that injured three people near downtown West Palm Beach Monday afternoon, including an 8-year-old girl and a 17-year-old boy. The third shooting involved a West Palm Beach police officer.
The first shooting occurred just before 3:30 p.m. in the 900 block of Fifth Street off Tamarind Avenue. That’s where he says a 17-year-old male was shot, and suffered non-life-threatening injuries. Shortly after, at 3:38 p.m., the police department got another report of shots fired at the intersection of 13th Street and Tamarind Avenue, near the Kareem’s Food Mart convenience store. that’s where the 8-year-old girl was shot. Her injuries were also not life-threatening. The third shooting happened at 3:43 p.m. at the intersection of 15th Street and Windsor Avenue, a few blocks away from the second shooting. A West Palm Beach police officer was forced to fire at what he called “a violent 22-year-old male armed with a gun.”

Nov 18, 2022 WPBF channel 25    Man injured in West Palm Beach after string of shootings in less than a week
A man was shot Thursday evening in West Palm Beach, officials say. This comes after multiple shootings in Palm Beach County this week, including a man being wounded in a police shooting, and two separate but connected incidents where minors were shot. One of them was 8 years old. West Palm Beach police said the Thursday night shooting happened on 14th Street and Division Avenue. The victim is an adult male. There is no word on his status at this time.

Nov. 16,2022 WPTV channel 5          3 shootings less than a mile apart.

Reverend Benjamin Carrol of Greater Antioch Missionary Baptist Church said it’s obvious what’s triggering the recent rash of shootings.
“You’ve got poverty, you’ve got joblessness coupled with, not to sound preachy, but hopelessness,” he said. What he strives to do with his church is outreach connecting with kids who are in need of guidance. “I tell the congregation our responsibility is to be involved, be in that mix with them,” he said.

Nov.17,2022 WPEC Chanel 12 Man shot in West Palm Beach, 8th shooting of the week. The West Palm Beach Police Department responded to a shooting on Thursday night. Officers said at 8 p.m. an adult man was shot at 14th Street and Division Avenue.

Nov. 18,2022 WPEC Chanel 12 Police looking for help from public to solve shootings in West Palm Beach.
“West Palm Beach Police are investigating another shooting. The eighth one this week. The most recent shooting happened Thursday night and police have no information on whether it’s connected to Monday’s violence. But detectives hope someone in the area will come forward with a tip that could lead to an arrest.
“All I know is I hear something say pop, pop, pop, pop. And my grandson say, my great-grandson say grandmama! That’s gunshots. I say sure enough is,” said Johnnie Mae-Wilkerson, a West Palm Beach resident. She heard several gunshots Thursday night at 14th Street and Division Avenue in West Palm Beach, while she was inside her home watching TV. Police say a 37-year-old man was standing by his car when he was shot about 8:30 p.m. Thursday night. He’s hospitalized in critical condition.
“This neighborhood used to be a peaceful and nice neighborhood and now it’s goin’ to pieces and it’s sad,” said a woman who lives near the scene of Thursday night’s shooting. She did not want to be identified.
Police officials are urging people to come forward with information so they can solve these crimes.
But locals, including the woman who asked not to identified, say many people don’t want to talk to police officers. “I just think they just don’t want to say anything. They want to mind their own business,” she explained,” she said.
“You would say most people here are reluctant to help the police?” we asked Roger Jeffers, who lives near the scene of Thursday night’s shooting. “I would say that they’re not going to. They don’t like what’s going on but what are you gonna do?” said Roger Jeffers, another resident.

“People don’t say anything because they’re afraid, they’re afraid of retaliations,” said Chris Edwards, another West Palm Beach resident.

One example of just how little help law enforcement can expect in this area — last April a 16-month-old child was hit and killed by a stray bullet while he was sitting in the backseat of his parents’ car not far from where the shootings this week happened.

“Do you think people around here are willing to help the police or talk to the police to try to solve these shootings?” we asked a resident who would only give his first name, Jay. “I don’t think so. Why not? Because you know people don’t want to be involved in anything. They don’t want to be involved in any other situations that don’t really involve them,” Jay said.

But either way, as far as finding out who’s doing these shootings, police seem to be on their own.”

The police will never solve these crimes without the help of residents, and residents will never have peace without the help of the police. They must work together, but when residents are afraid of retaliation from criminals where’s the answer?

PB Post Homicide Tracker below.

Happy Thanksgiving to All

The end!

Rodney Mayo files to run against WPB Mayor Keith James

When it was announced that Rodney Mayo has qualified to challenge Keith James for Mayor of WPB I was overwhelmed with multiple texts and emails asking who is Rodney Mayo?

I met Mr. Mayo years ago, and was impressed by his openness and candor, he’s been an activist for the downtown business owners and residents, he has challenged Mayor James on many issues and policies, and has been punished by James for his opinion.

I wrote stories on Mr. Mayo and readers will be reminded if they take the time to read the story below titled “Rodney Mayo A man of Compassion” published  Oct.16, 2021.

Short answer on who is Rodney Mayo? He is a man of integrity, inspires confidence, as a successful businessman he has excellent decision making skills, he is his own man, nobody owns him. An honest man who can’t be bought. Mr Mayo is everything a good Mayor should be, and will return integrity to the WPB Mayor’s office.

Below is a story written by Joe Capozzi. For those of you who don’t know him here’s his story.
Joe Capozzi is an award-winning newspaper reporter based in Lake Worth Beach, Florida. For more than 30 years at The Palm Beach Post often collaborates with another award- winning former PB Post reporter Joel Engelhardt who spent nearly 30 years with the PB Post. Two winners working together, doesn’t get better than that. Mr. Capozzi operates a local independent news website, simply called By Joe Excellent read. Save the site.  Link added below.

Below are excerpts from Mr Capozzi story. My comments in italic.

“Subculture’s Rodney Mayo files to run against West Palm Mayor Keith James”

A DAY BEFORE the filing deadline, West Palm Beach Mayor Keith James has drawn an opponent in the March election, and it’s a name he’s familiar with — Subculture Group owner Rodney Mayo.
“I am not a politician. I am here for one term, to change as much as I can and then I’m going back to coffee,’’ he said, wearing a polo shirt, shorts and sandals when he dropped off two checks for the $9,000 qualifying fee.

James’ campaign consultant, Rick Asnani of Cornerstone Solutions, said his client would welcome any legitimate challenger. But Asnani said he planned to ask election officials to look into whether Mayo is qualified under residency rules to seek office in West Palm Beach.  And there we have it. James campaign manager Rick Asnani looking for a way to disqualify Rodney Mayo who barely has his foot in the race. Mr. Asnani received Three contracts, no bidding, no City Commission approval for a total of $357,500. James was very generous with taxpayers money, and if he’s not re- elected, Asnani will surely miss him.

Mayo owns a home in Lantana, but he also owns a building at 520 Clematis Street, where he said he lives and spends most nights in an apartment above his nightclub Respectable Street. He said he has maintained a water utility connection there since 1985. He said the Clematis Street address is on his driver’s license and voter registration. If readers are interested in sending a donation to to the Rodney Mayo Campaign Account please send donation to his residence 520 Clematis St. WPB Fl. 33401.

Mayo, 59, has flirted with the idea of running for mayor off and on over the years. He said the idea of James winning a second term by default because no one would challenge him spurred him to finally throw his hat in the ring and try to clean up the West Palm Beach “political swamp.”

“I’m the anti-politician,’’ he said. “I think people are ready.’’      People are more than ready.
Mayo, who has never sought public office, said he will unveil his campaign platform in the coming week, along with a motto that might end up being “One and Done,’’ his pledge to serve only one term. If WPB residents vote in the March 14,2023 election supporting Rodney Mayo we can make it “One and Done” for Mayor James.

Mayo knows he’s facing a formidable opponent in James, a former city commissioner who has amassed a campaign war chest of more than a quarter of a million dollars. James receives many $1,000.00 contributions from developers, attorneys, businessmen, and other wealthy contributors. That tells me if re-elected James will owe many people.

Unlike James’ campaign, Mayo doesn’t want big money. He said he will only accept contributions of no more than $100 from individuals and businesses. He said he won’t accept money from political action committees or special interests. This is a breath of fresh air. The only people he will owe is the residents who had faith in his leadership, and trust him to do the right thing, and honor him with their vote.

By challenging James, Mayo said he hopes to shine a spotlight on what he and other downtown business owners see as festering problems at City Hall under a mayor Mayo has accused on social media of employing “pay-to-play politics” and bullying tactics with political opponents. Lets not forget bullying tactics with city employees, decent city workers who have been fired, after years of devotion to a city they loved, employees re-assigned and working in a hostile environment with a Mayor who wields power and instills fear in employees always wondering who will be next to lose their job.

He has been critical of downtown parking fees, noise limitations and sidewalk cafe fees.Mayo said he has no animosity toward James, even though he and the mayor have had their differences over the years. Mr. Mayo has learned how vindictive Mayor James can be when challenged. One story written on Rodney Mayo WPB Watch can be found below.

In 2020, Mayo told The Palm Beach Post that James blocked Mayo’s proposed Clematis Street drive-in theater project because Mayo and his partners didn’t contribute to James’ 2019 mayoral campaign. A meeting in June of that year between Mayo and James ended with the mayor accusing Mayo of exercising “white privilege” for expecting the city to give him whatever he asked for, according to the Post.

Mayo said he has tried to communicate with James. “He’s the one who ignores me. He refuses to answer my emails,’’ he said.
Mayo’s campaign treasurer is Kristen Dagata, the operations and events manager for Subculture Group, which oversees 17 restaurants. Although Mayo has not hired a campaign consultant, he is taking advice from former city commissioner Kimberly Mitchell, Mayo’s childhood friend.
But Mayo, who grew up in West Palm Beach, sought to dismiss any notion that, if elected, he’d be a puppet for Mitchell.

“I am not naive enough to think I can go from business to government and answer all the questions,’’ he said.“I will take whatever experience and resources that are out there.’’ Mitchell, a commissioner from 2002 to 2015, when she ran for mayor and lost to Jeri Muoio, said she has no interest in getting back into city politics. But she said will offer advice to help her longtime friend. Rodney has no political experience, and if Ms. Mitchell can help guide him through the process he would be foolish not to accept her help, and one thing he is not, is foolish.

“If that’s what some people think, then they have a fundamental misunderstanding of Rodney,’’ she said.
“Like anything I’ve ever done with him, it’s his vision and you carry it out. That’s it,” Mitchell said.
“He wants input and ideas, but when Rodney moves on anything it’s because it’s sitting inside of him. He calculates it and designs it. He’s got friends and people that he trusts and they go and execute it.’’
Mayo is like “a Joel Daves in a younger body with incredible business sense. That’s who Rodney is,’’ she said, referring to the late former West Palm Beach mayor, who served many years as a commissioner before serving as mayor.
Mitchell said she tried to talk Mayo out of running as recently as Saturday, warning him about how ugly politics can get. He wouldn’t hear of it.
“I do believe every once in a while really good people can succeed in politics,’’ she said. “This is that once in a while. This is when lightning strikes.’’  If Mayo wins, she won’t be in control, she said.
Mayo can “bring true integrity and magic back to a town that deserves it and absolutely needs it,’’ she said. “It’s never about him.’’ I totally agree with Ms. Mitchell’s opinion.
Mayo said he doesn’t own a suit. He is comfortable in shorts, sandals and T-shirts, usually ones advertising Joy Division, The Cure and other alternative bands whose music is played at Respectable Street. Mr. Mayo, please buy a suit for your swearing in ceremony as Mayor.

“Does Rodney look like a politician? Heck no,’’ said Sean Scott, who helped Mayo launch Subculture Coffee Roasters before moving to North Carolina in 2020, in part because of his discontent over West Palm Beach downtown policies.

“He’s absolutely mayor material,’’ Mitchell said. “He’s the most reluctant politician you and I will ever know.’’
Mayo’s supporters warn against underestimating Mayo’s popularity in town and at the polls. They also point to the openness of voters in current political times to cast ballots for unconventional candidates.
They ask: If former professional wrestler Jesse Ventura can become governor of Minnesota, if singer Sonny Bono became a California congressman, if comedian Al Frankel can become a U.S. senator, if a former reality TV show host can become president of the United States, why can’t the man behind Subculture Coffee become mayor of West Palm Beach?

“Rodney is an idea guy,’’ said Scott, who flirted briefly, at Mayo’s urging, with a run for mayor a few years ago before backing out.
“He really cares about the city and he wants to get things done. If he has the right team in place, I think he will be a powerful voice whether he wins or not.’’ Read the entire story below for more information.

WPB Watch published a story on Oct. 16, 2021 titled Rodney Mayo A man of Compassion and I urge readers to read the story and get to know the real man.

Was ready to publish when I received Rodney’s website mayo4mayor. His website also has integrity, he put his promises in writing.

The end


Brightline & Positive Train Control

What I have learned about Brightline death train was witnessed by me while traveling Banyan Blvd. heading for City Hall. A few years ago the traffic light turned from green to red, bells rang, lights flashed and the crossing gate came down followed by the Brightline train. I can honestly tell readers I was shocked and frightened by the train’s speed.

The train passed, the crossing gate was raised, the traffic light turned green and people were off traveling over the tracks when the traffic light turned yellow then red. STOP! People trying to make the light stopped at the red light leaving cars behind them sitting firmly on the rail tracks. Foolish, foolish, foolish, but does not deserve the death penalty.

If you repeat a lie enough times it becomes a fact. Brightline claims people stand on the tracks to commit suicide. I don’t by it. If someone is depressed enough to want to end their lives there are easier ways to do it than standing on railroad tracks waiting for a train traveling at 80 miles an hour, and unable to stop.

Lets examine walking to your destination. Your walking when suddenly the crossing gates come down in front and behind you. Your standing between the two when you hear a train barreling down the tracks and your in the way. If your young and in good health you may manage to cheat death. If your my age good chances are you meet your maker, ready or not.

Brightline is testing runs from Cocoa to Orlando where trains will travel at 125 MPH. If people are not safe with speeds of 80 MPH what chance do they have at 125 MPH?

Why the speed? Common sense tells us the faster they travel, the more trips they make equals more money. Greed can’t see the blood left on the tracks.

It’s time for City, County and State leaders to step up and say enough is enough. You can’t speed through my City, County or State. Time for politicians to stop telling us they love us and start showing us.
Below are excerpts from stories written be media and I have enclosed the link if you care to have more information. The dates are important to the story, along with important facts concerning PTC (Positive Train Control.) If underlined please pay close attention.

WPTV Channel 5  12/19/2017

“Brightline plans to install Positive Train Control technology that could have prevented Amtrak crash. Amtrak confirms that technology could have prevented this derailment in Washington State was installed, but not active when the train left the tracks and crashed down on interstate five.
Positive Train Control slows down a train automatically when going too fast. This train was traveling at 80 miles an hour in a 30 mile-per-hour zone.

When Brightline launches its high speed service to Fort Lauderdale and Miami in a matter of days, those trains will not have positive train control either. Safety and speed are two reasons why leaders on the Treasure Coast oppose extending Brightline to Cape Canaveral, and then to Orlando.

Brightline plans to install Positive Train Control before Congress’ 2018 deadline, but in Martin County engineers worry that if that deadline gets extended that trains that one day travel through the Treasure Coast will not have the important technology.”

Treasure Coast Palm     May 7, 2018

“Clock ticking to install safety improvements for Brightline trains. The speedy Brightline trains will present a unique hazard when they begin zipping through Treasure Coast communities. But unless Florida East Coast Railway gets its act together, the fast trains could be even more perilous.

By the end of the year, Florida East Coast Railway — which owns and operates tracks between Miami and Jacksonville, including the main corridor through our region — is supposed to install important safety upgrades known as “positive train control.” The technology, which uses GPS and other technologies to monitor train positions, can automatically slow or stop trains to prevent collisions. A 2015 congressional order instructed Florida East Coast and 40 other railroads to implement PTC by Dec. 31, 2018.

As of the last quarter of 2017 — the most recently available report — Florida East Coast reported that none of 69 trains had received PTC upgrades; no PTC track improvements had been completed; and only 24 of 347 employees had received PTC training.

By the end of the year, Florida East Coast Railway — which owns and operates tracks between Miami and Jacksonville, including the main corridor through our region — is supposed to install important safety upgrades known as “positive train control.”

Florida Politics Feb. 24,2022  “Higher-speed train safety on agenda of Florida officials Brightline has had 58 deaths including 3 in past 10 days. Representatives of South Florida’s higher-speed railroad, other train lines and local governments met with federal safety officials Wednesday to begin working out plans that they hope will decrease the number of fatal collisions between locomotives, cars and pedestrians. Brightline has had 58 deaths since it began operations in 2017, including three in the past 10 days, giving it the nation’s worst fatality rate per mile, according to an ongoing Associated Press analysis that began in 2019.

Other Florida railroads are not far behind. None of the deaths have been found to be the fault of Florida’s railroads or their crews, but that doesn’t mean the rail lines and federal, state and local governments can’t find mitigation strategies that work, said James Payne, who oversees the agency’s grade-crossing safety program. South Florida’s commuter service Tri-Rail has the 13th-worst fatality rate and the Florida East Coast freight line is 15th-worst out of more than 800 U.S. railroads, according to the AP analysis. Most of the fatal accidents have been caused by drivers going around crossing gates, pedestrians trying to beat trains and suicides.”

Chanel 5 WPTV Oct. 12, 2022 “Driver dies after freight train hits vehicle in downtown West Palm Beach. A  76-year-old woman has died after her vehicle was hit by a freight train Wednesday in West Palm Beach. The crash occurred shortly before 5:30 p.m. at the railroad crossing along Quadrille Boulevard and Fern Street. West Palm Beach police said the driver, a woman in her 60s, was extricated from the vehicle and rushed to a hospital in “very critical condition,” where she later died. The crash occurred shortly before 5:30 p.m. at the railroad crossing along Quadrille Boulevard and Fern Street. Witnesses said several ambulances were at the scene. One person described the incident saying the train “plowed into a car.”

Please let this be the last death caused by speeding trains. May God hold her in the palm of His hand, and her family and friends find peace in the aftermath of her tragic death. Speed kills! Stop the insanity!
The end

Taxation by Citation

It appears Florida turned out to vote in the mid-term elections for Governor, US Congress, US Senator, Attorney General, Florida Chief Financial Officer among others.

WPB residents will once again go to the polls in March 2023 to vote for a Mayor and two City Commissioners.

One of the smartest men I ever met, I called him dad, was an avid reader and followed politics with a passion. Something happened in the city I grew up in and my parents, along with many others were outraged by a decision/policy made by city officials. One statement my dad made was if you’re going into politics and you screw up do it at the beginning of your term because the public has a short memory. I believed him, and still do.

So your street floods, has potholes, fees and taxes are rising, people struggle to pay their utility bill, over development, people can’t find affordable homes to buy or apartments to rent, gridlock driving and crime is up to name a few problems facing WPB. Who do you turn to for help? Certainly not the Governor or the other four mentioned above. You turn to elected city leaders. Hence the problem.

The four years Mayor Keith James has been in office, in my opinion, he has made decisions that have hurt residents and businesses alike. The story below concerns changes made to the city’s parking structure and I realize it’s “old news” but I ask readers to take the time to review the information taken from the city website and I hope readers become upset as we did when it first made the news. The City website does not mention that before this new administration on-street parking on Sundays and holidays was free, now you pay. They doubled the fee and set a two hour limit on parking. When asked, James said it was to keep traffic moving. When asked, Sandy said he found a new and more expensive way to reach into your pockets.

Below is information from the city, any comments or opinions by me are in italics, and if underlined a word or two it’s to bring to your attention.

Parking Locations:

“Terms of Use: This data is provided for reference only. Any reliance on the information contained herein is at the user’s own risk.”     That sentence from the city website, are they telling us we can’t rely on information the city supplies. We use it at our own risk?

With more than 3,600 parking spaces, City of West Palm Beach Parking Services has plenty of parking options to offer you the convenience, affordability and safety to enjoy your visit.

Metered Spaces:
About 1,500 on-street metered parking spaces are offered throughout the downtown in the area between Clearwater Drive and Flagler Drive, and Eucalyptus Street and Okeechobee Boulevard! The meters are solar powered ‘smart meters.’ The rates are determined by parking demand in three zones, A, B, and C.

Rates & Payment:    

Garage Rates:
$1.00 for the first two hours, $2 for each additional ½ hour
Maximum daily rate: $20.00
Saturdays & Sundays (excluding special events): $5.00 all day
Holidays (excluding special events): $5.00 all day
Special event rates: Up to $40.00

Monthly parking permit with 24/7 access (Check for garage availability): $100.00 plus tax

Downtown residential parking permit (Not offered in City Center Garage, Proof of residency required): $80.00 plus tax.

Metered Rates:  Parking rates at meters vary between $1.00 and $2.50 per hour, depending on location.

High demand, on-street meters in Zone A: $2.50 per hour (2-hour maximum).

Additional on-street meters in Zone B: $1.50 per hour (4-hour maximum).
Additional on-street meters in Zone C: $1.00 per hour (6-hour maximum).

Parking Permits: The City of West Palm Beach offers monthly garage, lot and on-street parking permits for purchase:

Residential Parking Permits: $80.00 plus tax (City garage permits for West Palm Beach residents who do not have parking at their facility)

General Parking Permits: $100.00 plus tax (City garage permits for the general public, but excluding residents who do not have parking at their facility)
Discount for Hospitality Workers: $50.00 plus tax (Businesses that employ hospitality workers may purchase monthly garage parking permits on a space available basis, at a discount of 50% of the market rate, for eligible employees with proof of employment as a hospitality worker.

Off-Street Parking Lot Permits: $50.00 plus tax (Monthly permits available to the public for parking in the following parking lots: Palm Beach Post Centennial Park Lot, Howard Park Lot, and Fishing Club Lot).
On-Street Parking Permits: Purchase and renew your On-Street Parking Permit with our Online Permit Management System.

Permit Locations and Availability:
Location Available                         In Use                                  Waiting List
400 Block of Gardenia St.                7                                                  14
Okeechobee Lot                                 55                                                  4

Above shows two locations Gardenia and Okeechobee. It appears the city did did not allow enough spaces for Hospitality Workers. So when their shift is over, been on their feet for hours, it’s dark out, how far must they travel to retrieve their cars?

Citations & Fines: The City of West Palm Beach Parking Administration offers four options to pay your citation.
Online: Click here for the Parking Citation Payment Portal. If your citation is over 35 days old or if you have more than 3 citations, contact Parking Services for assistance at (561) 822-1500.
By Mail: Pay the amount due and make full payment by mail. Send check or money order made payable to the City of West Palm beach with your ticket. Do not send cash. Send to: City of West Palm Beach Parking Services, P.O. Box 31240, Tampa, FL 33631-3240.
By Phone: Call (561) 822-1500 In Person:

Expired Meter: $35.50
2nd Offense within 6 months: $75.00
3rd Offense within 1 year: $150.00
Non-Moving Violations: $60.00
2nd Offense within 6 months: $75.00
3rd Offense within 1 year: $150.00
Disabled Parking: $250.00
Stopping, Standing and Parking in Restricted Areas: $75.00
Truck Parking Violation $150.00
Late Fees: $25.00
Immobilization Fee: $50.00

Google explains  “Vehicle immobilization is something the police use to stop a vehicle from moving. Police officers have the power to immobilize your vehicle when they stop you. They also have the power to move the vehicle, or tell you to move it so they can fit an immobilization device.”

Crossing Guard Surcharge (added to each citation): $3.00         Is this even legal?

Appeal A Parking Citation:

“To request an appeal hearing for a traffic citation issued by the City of West Palm Beach, you must do so within fourteen (14) calendar days.”
The City has 8 steps to be taken if you wish to appeal a parking citation.

Important Information:
Do not pay your fine at this time if you are appealing it (you will be required to pay the court later if the citation is upheld).
You waive the right to pay the current amount of the civil fee (parking fine) to the City of West Palm Beach when the citation is forwarded to the Clerk of Circuit Court.
If the citation is upheld, it may be subject to additional fees and costs.
Only those appeals filed correctly, and written within the time allowed will be processed.
Postal delays or electronic equipment failures will not be considered a valid excuse for an untimely appeal request

“Cities and towns nationwide use their power to enforce traffic, property code and other ordinances to raise revenue rather than solely to protect the public. And, as this report finds, a wide range of state laws may enable or even encourage such taxation by citation.”

The end


Mayor James 2nd. Attempt To Change FCOE Outcome!

July 29, 2020   State of Florida Commission on Ethics. James decision.  See below page 3

“The Commission rejected the recommendation of its Advocate and found probable cause to believe West Palm Beach Mayor KEITH JAMES misused his position to urge the award of a no-bid security contract to a company operated by one of his friends.”

FCOE James 7-29-2020

July 31, 2020  PB Post:  Below is an excerpt from the PB Post. Entire story below.

“State ethics panel finds West Palm Mayor James possibly at fault in no-bid deal

The Florida Commission on Ethics, rejecting its investigator’s recommendation, found probable cause that Mayor Keith James “misused his position to urge the award of a no-bid security contract to a company operated by one of his friends.”

The decision is not a finding of guilt but it means the commission found the case merited further review,  trial before an administrative judge or settlement talks with the board.

No additional action along those lines has been scheduled yet, said C. Christopher Anderson III, executive director and general counsel of the commission. If James is found to have violated state ethics law, he could face fines of as much as $10,000 per violation or removal from office.

The West Palm Beach case arose after the award of a $7.9 million citywide security guard contract last September to Professional Security Consultants without competitive bidding. The Palm Beach Post reported that James and other city officials socialized with Willie Perez, the firm’s regional director.”


PUBLIC SESSION AGENDA           James  Page 2
A. Complaint No. 19-180GPS/RGM
Elizabeth A. Miller (Advocate)    Ms. Miller is an attorney who works for the State of Florida Commission on Ethics and investigated the complaint, and found no probable cause to investigate.
Atty. Ron Meyer (R)         Ron Meyer represents Mayor Keith James
Adam Giddens (C)           Mr. Giddens is the complainant   (Giddens Security)

FCOE Agenda 4-22-2022

April 22 2022  Florida Commission on Ethics     Video runs 2:09:41

James case begins @ 9:43 and finishes @ 57:29. James attorney, Ron Meyer speaks to the Commission from 48:42 to 53:24. Commissioners end the James case @ 57:24. If you view the video you will hear the term DOAH which is a acronym for Division of Administrative Hearings. According to Google

(“DOAH is a state agency that employs full-time Administrative Law Judges to conduct hearings in most cases in which the substantial interests of a person are determined by an agency and which involve a disputed issue of material fact.”)

Motion to Dismiss: Commission found Probable Cause to investigate.
Mayor Keith James case goes quickly when enough Commissioners finds Probable Cause to continue the investigation. Other Commissioners disagreed and a conversation begins with Commissioners attempting to change the minds of Commissioners who voted they found probable cause. The meeting ended with Mr. Meyer addressing the Commissioners, and no minds were changed. 

My concern is how Mr. Meyer is paid for his service defending Mayor Keith James. I can think of 3 possibilities. Mayor James is paying his own way, the taxpayer is footing the bill or it’s paid out of James re-election campaign.

The good news is the lawsuit against James is tentatively scheduled for the end of November 2022. I’ll keep readers posted.
The end


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