Who is Hazeline Carson?

Cast of character’s.

Joanne Sharp:  Former City Clerk
Lakisha Burch: Interim City Clerk
Dorritt Miller:  Deputy City Administrator
Hazeline Carson: City Clerk


Joanna Sharp, Former WPB City Clerk, was as her name suggest, sharp. She was very careful about doing what she was supposed to do and concerned with doing it right. In other words she was extremely conscientious, and expected nothing less from the people who reported to her. She trained them well.
If you were to talk to employees who knew and worked with her they recall her fondly, and she was missed when she moved on. Ms Sharp resigned in May 2012.

Lakisha Burch, who worked and trained under Ms. Sharp was appointed as interim City Clerk. Ms Burch had the same work ethics as her former boss, and I always found her knowledgeable, courteous, and extremely helpful. If you placed a PRR (Public Records Request) with her she always responded within a day or two.

Hazeline Carson was at one time employed by the city of WPB as a legal assistant where she formed a friendship with Dorritt Miller before she left for a position as City Clerk in Lauderdale Lakes, Fl; and she was eventually fired from that position. You see a pattern here?

Ms Carson re-applied to the city for employment in the City Clerks office, and was denied a position. It appears someone did their homework in vetting her.

Right about this time Ms. Sharp resigned her position, and Ms. Burch appointed interim.

Here is how the story was told to me by a city insider:

Ms. Miller called Ms. Carson and told her to apply for the position of City Clerk.

Ms. Carson said she had already been denied a position with the city clerks office.

Ms. Miller told her not to be concerned, and just re-apply. She did. Guess what? She got the job, and was hired in Sept. 2012 as WPB City Clerk, 4 months after Ms. Sharps resignation.

Ms. Burch, who had done an outstanding job in the short amount of time she held the position returned to her former job as clerk.

A few weeks later I was walking into city hall and saw Ms. Burch holding a tissue to her face and running into the ladies room. I followed and asked what was wrong. She told me Ms. Carson had written her up again for some supposed infraction. It seems Ms. Carson was writing Ms. Burch up on a regular basis.

My advice to her was don’t let her force you out.
Her response to me was she would not allow her reputation to be damaged. She resigned.
In my opinion the city lost a good employee due to a bad one.

It is absolutely exhausting for a resident to receive a PRR since Ms Carson took office.

Ms. Barbara Peterson, President of Florida’s First Amendment Foundation, where she works exclusively on PRR has stated many of the complaints filed with her office come from WPB. When a complaint is filed she writes the city, the city complies only to revert back to their old way’s. I am enclosing a recent e-mail as an example of how the city tries to hide information from residents.
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
CC: [email protected]
Sent: 10/1/2015 9:57:50 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: 9/28/15 CC meeting

Dear Ms. Carson,

I have sat at my computer for the last 11/2 hrs trying to view the commission meeting held on 9/28/15. I was particularly interested in Item # 16. I tried to hear residents and commissioners comment’s and the meeting shut off before Resident #1 (William Crouse) finished his comment. He was followed by at least 6 more speakers.

I am requesting to visit city hall and be allowed to listen to the rest of the comments, commissioner’s comments, and how they voted.

Please let me know a convenient time to visit and hear the remainder of the meeting.

Please verify this request received.

In a message dated 10/2/2015 10:57:51 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [email protected] writes:

Ms. Matkivich,

This is to acknowledge receipt of your request. I checked with TV18 and they were able to view and hear the meeting on the website. I also checked the website and was able to view and hear the meeting.

TV18 staff has informed me that there is no public computer available for viewing of City Commission meetings. The September 28th meeting will be rebroadcast on Saturday, October 3, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. and again on Sunday, October 4, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.
Hazeline F. Carson, CMC
City Clerk
City of West Palm Beach
401 Clematis Street
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
[email protected]
561-822-1210 (office)
561-822-1214 (fax)

In a message dated 10/2/2015 11:18:23 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
[email protected] writes:
Ms. Carson
What are you talking about the city has “no public computers for viewing” I am pleased you and the TV 18 people were able to view the entire meeting. I watched the entire thing until resident Crouse (unsure of spelling) was making his statement and it ended. Where will the TV 18 be rebroadcast.on the dates you mentioned below? Did you and the channel 18 folks watch the entire 3 hour meeting? If yes, I think it’s wonderful you are having a slow day at the office.
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: 10/5/2015 11:30:56 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Re: 9/28/15 CC meeting

Ms. Carson,
I sent the original e-mail on 10/1/15. I am requesting a PRR on all city employees and elected officials you have forwarded my request to. When you forward this e-mail please CC me a copy. Verify request received.
Sandy Matkivich.
Please verify this request received.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: 10/14/2015 2:32:31 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: PRR Request

Ms Carson,
My e-mail sent to you on 10/1/15, I am requesting the names of all city employees and elected officials you have forwarded my e-mail’s too, and their response.
I sent a request on 10/5/15, I am requesting the names of all city employees and elected officials you have forwarded my e-mail’s too, and their response.
Please verify this request received.
Ms Carson responded to my 1st e-mail, and has not responded to the other 3. It has now been 13 day’s and counting.
What I am looking for are the names of the people Ms Carson forwarded my requests too.

My guess would be:

Dorritt Miller: Her good friend she reports too.

Kimberly Rothenburg City Attorney

Eliot Cohen     Disgraced Director of Communications for the City of WPB. He oversees
the city TV channel (18) (No love lost between us)
And possibly Mayor Muoio and City Administrator Jeff Green.

Your tax dollars support Ms. Carson in the position of City Clerk.

In closing let me share with you
The city clerks office has a computer that is not used by regular staff, and clerks have allowed me to use it on 2 different occasions.
The city has a “training room” where a minimum of 20 computers sit on tables, but she writes TV 18 (Cohen) states there are no public computers available for viewing.

Who Knows Where The Bodies Are Buried?

Residents have questioned Mayor Muoio choice of people she has placed in position to supposedly help her run the city. People such as City Administrator, Jeff Green, who she promoted from Finance Director to City Administrator, Development Services Director, Richard Greene, there is more to be written on Mr. Greene at a later date, and former City Spokesman and Director of Communications, Eliot Cohen. Mr. Cohen is no longer the City Spokesman but remains on the city payroll as the Communications Director.

After Mr. Cohen released names of Confidential Informers, Undercover Police Officers, and sensitive investigations by the FBI on the city web site, and with call from residents and the Police Benevolent Associations to remove Mr. Cohen, Mayor Muoio refuses to let him go.

This following story may help explain one of the possible reasons why.

In 2013 the city announced they would outsource their CRA Department and Kim Briesemeister,who ran the city’s CRA dept from 2004 until 2013 resigned in August which allowed her Broward County based firm, RMA Associates to participate in the bidding process. Word leaked to the press that Ms. Briesemeister expressed confidence to her CRA staff that the commissioners would choose her company but denied the accusations when confronted by the press.

The residents were upset with the city and especially Ms. Briesemeister company RMA due to her numerous decisions made while working for the city. For Instance:

City Center: A citizen’s alliance group sued the city over the building of the new city hall, library and garage. The alliance group sued for the right to allow residents to vote on the project. The courts agreed, but then Mayor Frankel, pushed to have the projected finished, while giving the residents the one finger salute. This cost the taxpayer’s $300,000,00.

Digital Domain: The city gave prime city land valued at $10 million, along with $2 million in cash to Digital Domain in a partnership with FSU for a digital animation college.It was reported in the PB Post that Kim Briesemeister approved the deal between the city and Digital Domain, and said CEO John Textor was fully vetted.

On Sept.10,2012 Commissioner Kimberly Mitchell, Kim Briesemeister, and City Attorney Claudia McKenna drove to John Textor’s home for a private meeting.

On Sept.11, 2012 Digital Domain filed for bankruptcy.

On Sept.13,2012 Ms. Briesemeister reported to police her home was burglarized, and two laptops were stolen along with two briefcases filled with paperwork. A week later another burglary and more computer equipment along with jewelry was stolen. Ms. Briesemeister stated it was a private matter and refused to discuss the situation. It leaves one to wonder if the computer’s and briefcase’s contained information on Digital Domain, lost forever.

Now enter Mr. Cohen:
If you have kept up with city politics you are aware of the power Mr. Cohen has been given by Mayor Muoio. If you haven’t kept up, please take my word for it, this man has power over city employees, reporters, residents, and possibly the mayor herself.

The information below was received by a PRR from the city of WPB and the dates are taken from Mr. Cohen’s employment application. Please note the dates.

Jan. 2005 to Sept. 2005:  Office of the mayor, city of WPB. (Employed for 7 months, and didn’t appear to give much notice upon his leaving)

Sept. 2005 to May 2008:  Broward Sheriff’s office and was allowed to “resign.” The date on his “Broward County Sheriff’s Office Resignation Form was signed by both John F. Curry, Sheriff of Broward County on 3/7/08 and Dee Gargotta /IA (internal affairs). on 2/20/08. It appears Mr. Cohen left the BSO on Feb.6,2005, and not May as his WPB application states.

Aug.2008 to Feb.2012: Health First, Inc. Mr. Cohen started his new job 6 months after “resigning” from the BSO.

May 2012 to present: City of WPB. Back where he started.

About now you are asking what the CRA has to do with Mr. Cohen. Well they have history. When Mr. Cohen applied to the BSO he gave Ms. Briesemeister as a reference. So they go back at least 10 years. Coincidence, I don’t believe in them.

How much influence did Mr. Cohen have with Mayor Muoio in order to eliminate all applicants for the city’s CRA outsourcing and insure Ms. Briesemeister received the contract which has a budget of 28 Million dollars, and not much oversite.
See Mr. Cohen’s BSO application below.

Development of Significant Impact

The City helped name this story.

I start this story well aware that many who receive it will not be interested in reading it due to the fact it is not located in their neighborhood or surrounding area. I promise you it will be a matter of time before a developer comes snaking through your hood with the idea this would be a great place to make a few million dollars, and move on. Then you will care when your small piece of paradise is invaded with the full support of the mayor and city commissioners of WPB. Here is the story of one new development just approved by the Lords & Ladies, better known as city commissioners.

I attended the City Commission Meeting held on 9/28/15 and commission chambers had more residents than usual. They were there for Item # 16 on the agenda which was to change the Future Land Use designation of approximately 12.29 acres from Commercial to Multifamily.

Commissioners in attendance were: James, Moffett, Materio and Neering. Commissioner Ryan was out of town and therefore absent.

I listened as a dozen residents living in High Sierra, a community consisting of 32 homes addressed the commission. The speakers were professional, knowledgeable and respectful with their allotted 3 minutes to make their case. At no time did a resident ask that the development not be built. They asked that it be built with consideration of area residents and the traffic that would come with the new development.

The meeting started with the mayor and commission’s Quasi-Judicial (Disclosure of Ex Parte Communication) swearing in of witnesses, and this is where I became concerned.

All 4 commissioner disclosed they had received e-mails from residents.
Commissioner James disclosed he made a site visit which is located in his district.
Commissioners Moffett, Materio and Neering did not make site visits. These 3 commissioners were going to make a decision affecting people’s lives and they weren’t concerned enough to drive to the area to have a better idea of the situation they were about to vote on.

City Commissioners voted themselves, the mayor, along with other city hall royals $500.00/ month for car allowance which the taxpayer so generously supply. Mayor Muoio passes the area on her way home to Ibis, and she declared she didn’t make a site visit. You good with that?

I took a drive to Skees Rd (which is 1 mi. west of the turnpike) to visit High Sierra, which is the first development on Skees Rd; and spoke to a gentlemen named William Crouse who was the first speaker at the commission meeting.

I wanted to verify what was said at the commission meeting and Mr. Crouse showed me documentation and I had a tour of the small well maintained development. I saw Adonel Concrete, the second commercial business south of Okeechobee on the east side of Skees where they are producing and shipping concrete daily.

The developer of the new project is CMSJR Development Group (Mr. Scardina) who previously built Casa Brera in Lake Worth. The residents requested Mr. Scardina build the same size development on Skees as in Lake Worth.

Here is the comparison between Casa Brera and the yet to be named development, but for the sake of clarification let’s call it Skees Folly.

Casa Brera:    92 rental units on 12.2 acres or 7.7 units per acre.
Skees Folly:   245 rental units on 12.29 acres or 20 units per acre.

Casa Brera was built in 2013 and sold in 2015.
Skees Folly will consist of 5 buildings 4 stories high.
245 rental apartment and let’s figure 2 cars per household for an additional 490 cars traveling on Okeechobee Blvd. Some families will have 1 car-some will have 2 or 3 depending how many kids still live at home.

At the end of the commission meeting Commissioner Materio basically told the residents to suck it up and be good neighbor’s. She mentioned a development in her neighborhood that she didn’t particularly like, but there it was. What ever development she spoke about may have been approved before she was appointed to the commission. Just like the Walmart fiasco she didn’t want built in her district and with the help of her BFF former Commissioner Mitchell the city spent 2.9 million to purchase the land and insure Walmart didn’t build.

Q: Why did the Mayor and Commissioner’s vote to approve this massive development?
A: Because they can.

Q: Why does city government favor developer’s over residents?
A: Because they can.

Q: What can residents do?
A: Election March 2016 up for re-election Materio and Moffett, pray for challengers.
Payback has always been a bitch.

It would be nice if intelligent, honest candidates who are truly more interested in approving issues, and new developments that help, and are supported by the citizens and less interested in helping big money make more money. Unfortunately in the world of politics today it is nearly impossible to find a politician who will stand up for the common people and possibly lose their big money supporters.

Another Weekend 3 More Shot in W.P.B.

The “Peace March” recently held in the northend of the city, did it help or not? I believe no harm came of it, and at least may have shown residents living in the area that residents care about this section of their city. It was a good effort but unfortunately it has been undone by the release of confidential information by the city, and once again the rash of shootings.

Another weekend and Sunday night shots rang out and 3 men were shot, where else but the northend on 14th. St, and later on 10th.St. where black on black shootings have taken place over the summer. Names, ages, and conditions of the victims are unknown at this time.

The Police report “The preliminary investigation indicates that this was not a random act of violence as the victims appear to have been targeted.”

Is it possible the 3 men that may have been targeted, and may have been CI’s (Confidential Informers) for city police?
Is it possible gang members found their names on the city website where Elliot Cohen, City Spokesman, released them to the public?
If the answer is found to be true both Elliot Cohen and Mayor Jeri Muoio who refuses to fire Mr. Cohen over this grievous error in judgement have blood on their hands.

Half the problem is admitting you have one. No mayor wants to admit their city has a “gang” related problem, but the City of West Palm Beach has done exactly that, and the residents living in the city are very much aware of it. Denial should no longer be accepted by residents.

These thugs have to be rounded up and jailed, not pushed to another section of the city to reign hell down on other neighborhoods. The police have their work cut out for them and I question if they can count on northend residents for assistance.

Mayor Muoio has traveled to Denmark for a week of walking and bicycle riding. I’m betting she’s safer than the residents in the northend who live in fear of walking to the grocery store or sending their children to wait for the arrival of the school bus.

Below are listed the Mayor, City Administrator, and City Commissioners  e-mail addresses. If you’ve had enough please take the time to tell them.

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Closing on a positive note: Palm Beach Gardens who joined the W.P.B. lawsuit against the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) met and voted to include in their budget the funds to pay their fair share of the cost of running the OIG office.  Good for them, hope more cities follow their example.


Who is Elliot Cohen?

Elliott Cohen is the Director of Communications for the City of WPB. He oversees the city TV channel (18) and the city’s website. He reports to the Mayor. If you don’t follow city politics you don’t know who Mr. Cohen is or what function he serves. The majority of residents know the name Mayor Muoio which is why she will take the hit for this story and others that are sure to follow.

I’m damn angry, and have to wonder why good people who try and make a difference in the city are constantly shocked by what happens behind the scenes at city hall.

Mayor Muoio invited residents to a Peace March and we showed up and marched black and white together, side by side. My objective was to let residents know I cared about what was happening in a very small section of our city.

I just finished posting a story “Police & Northend Neighborhoods” where I asked residents to find the courage to step forward and help the police with the rash of black on black murders happening in the Northend of the city.

Now all the marches, forums held by Commissioner James and Neering, police dept. reaching out to residents, new programs the city initiated trying to build trust between residents and police may be in jeopardy. Why? Read the story for yourself.

City spokesman exposes sensitive police records, informants | The Insider

WPB Watch previously wrote about concerns receiving public records report and copies of meetings held. Mr Cohen made the decision to switch from CD to thumb drives and the cost to residents went from free (CD) to $7.00 (thumb drive). Read the story below.

DVD vs Thumb Drive : WPB Gov Watch

Mr. Cohen’s actions have damaged the city and it will be extremely difficult to reach out to residents, who admit to being afraid, and once again ask for their trust.

A good start would be a new City Spokesman. One the city, press and residents can trust.

Police & Northend Neighborhoods

All over the country there are law enforcement officers who make major mistakes and use bad judgement. Some should never wear the uniform because they bring shame and disgrace to the multitude of officers who serve and protect with honor and integrity.

With that said WPB has been plagued with as many as nine straight weekends of violent shootings with loss of life. Many perpetrators being children as young as 10 or 12 years of age.These shootings cover a 21/2 square mile area in the Northend section of the city, and is black on black crime.

Commissioners James and Neering joined forces and held a summit on youth violence with the kid’s in the Northend. The PB Post wrote an editorial on 8/23/15 when they interviewed Commissioner James who said the city along with the Police, Schools, private sector, government, nonprofit’s, churches, synagogues…All of us must get involved with finding solutions to this crisis.” At no time did anyone question the responsibility of the parents.
Why are these young people out all hours of the day and night and their parents don’t know where they are or who they are with. When did the parents responsibility end?

In August Mayor Muoio asked residents to join her and city officials in the city’s first Peace March in a section of the city where shootings occurred. The residents responded and the march was considered a success. The residents came on crutches, and on walkers, and the elderly lady in the picture walked as far as she was able and with the police officer help she finished the march. Young people jumped off their porches and joined in. Please join us and show your support for the residents and police and take our city back from those who believe they can terrorize a neighborhood, and murder innocent teens. For example:

Johnny Davis was a nineteen year old man, described by his family and friends as a young man who mentored other teens and tried to make a difference in his neighborhood. On Aug. 26 Mr. Davis was walking with 3 friends when a car drove by and opened fire killing him and another young man and injuring 2 others. No mother should bury her children or ask residents to speak up if they know something.

On 9/8/15 I attended the Mayor/Commission Work Session where there were 3 items on the agenda.

#1 S. Dixie Presentation. (Dana Little of TCRPC)

#2 RMA Presentation: South End Real Estate Redevelopment Strategy of Municipal Golf
Course & Vacant Land at 8111 S. Dixie Hwy. (Materio)

#3 Status report On Police Efforts To Combat Recent Spate Of Youth Violence in our
City. (James, Captain Bernhardt)

Normally the meeting is held in a smaller room, but due to a large residents turnout the meeting was held in the Commission Chambers, with TV Camera’s present.
Immediately after Item 2 was discussed there was a mass exit for the door.
I find it hard to comprehend residents are more concerned about a golf course and empty lot on Dixie Hwy. than the youth violence going on in their city.
If you missed the meeting below is an excerpt on item #3 and I encourage you to please take the time to listen to Captain Bernhardt, Mayor Muoio, and your commissioners.

[vimeo 138894496]

Also there is a plan being implemented called Mayors Village Initiative Overview.
Please take the time to read the overview and see what steps the city is taking to
combat crime in the Northend.

See “Mayors Village Initiative Overview”

On 9/6/15 the Post ran a story and interviewed a resident who stated “I teach my kids and grand kids not to walk up or talk to police because I’ve seen the way police are treating these young people.” There is one generation teaching two more generations not to trust police.

In the Northend residents are fearful. I can’t imagine going to bed afraid and waking up afraid. I can’t imagine not wanting your children to play in their own front yard for fear of them being murdered by a drive-by shooting.

As Commissioner James recently stated Northend neighborhood’s are in crisis.

Residents can’t do it alone. Police can’t do it alone. You need each other.

Please, if you know something speak to the police, don’t wait until you become the parents
of another Johnny Davis pleading for someone to help catch the people who murdered your child.

WPB vs. Office of Inspector General Continues

The recent election in 2015 held in WPB for Mayor and Commissioners was vital for the welfare of our city. The mayors race was particularly important and much attention was placed on it with an excellent outcome when Mayor Muoio was overwhelming re-elected.

What went completely under the radar, not raised as an issue was the City’s lawsuit against the Office of the Inspector General. (OIG)

To refresh memories the OIG was overwhelming voted on by residents who took the time to vote after 3 County Commissioners, (McCarthy, Masilotti and Newell) and 2 City Commissioners (Liberti & Exline) were sentenced to prison for various wrong doing.

It didn’t take long for the mayor and City Attorney Claudia McKenna to file the original lawsuit in an attempt to undermine the budget of the OIG. It worked! The OIG was unable to hire people needed to investigate cities under their jurisdiction. A loss for residents.

WPB Watch wrote a story on October 3, 2013 concerning the investigation of the city reimbursing former City Commissioner Kim Mitchell $7,325.00. I invite you to read it below and direct your attention to City Attorney Claudia McKenna’s answers to questions asked. WPB Watch wrote their opinion of her statements to the OIG.

“City Attorney Claudia McKenna appeared disingenuously repetitive, and vague. Ms. McKenna answered no questions, and repeatedly questioned the OIG jurisdiction over her and others, and used the word “Jurisdiction” no less that 40 times. When asked a question her response was with the words Fraud, Waste, Mismanagement, Misconduct, and Abuse 22 times. My question to Ms. McKenna would be if you believe, as stated, the OIG “has no jurisdiction over me” why did you feel compelled to accept their invitation to meet for an interview, why not decline?” Her Interview time was 42 min. where she repeated the same statements until the investigator ended the interview.

WPB Officials Disrespects OIG : WPB Gov Watch

Too add insult to injury Ms. McKenna retired from the city in April 2014 and was kept on retainer for $4,800.00 a month. In 15 months she has collected $72,000.00 from taxpayers.You good with that? How many hundred’s of thousands has the city spent to continue the lawsuit?

A new story written by the Palm Beach Post can be read below.

Cities owe $3.7 million for Palm Beach County Inspector General

In March 2015 lower court Judge Catherine Brunson issued her 11 page ruling that the Town of Gulf Stream vs. PBC the costs imposed on cities to pay for the office of Inspector General are legal. Of course Judge Brunson’s ruling will be appealed which will be an added expense for the taxpayers. You good with that?

There may be new hope on the horizon with an upcoming election of 3 city commissioners Moffett, Materio and Ryan in 2016. This issue will not slide under the radar this time around, and if these 3 commissioners will not commit to ending the financing for the lawsuit, they don’t deserve to represent the citizens of WPB.  Time will tell.

A Good Deal For The City?

Mr. Green as the city’s Financial Director did not do a monthly bank reconciliation for over a year meaning the difference between the city cash balance shown on a bank statement and the amount shown in the city account holder checkbook. This was reported by Marcum the city’s outside CPA who works in unison with city’s Internal Auditor and Audit Committee Members. If there were unscrupulous, dishonest employees working in the finance department who knows what kind of damage could have been done in a years time with taxpayer dollars.

Business and Rental Licenses:
The Internal Auditor Dept; which is headed by Mr. Roger Strout, has an outstanding staff who audit departments for the city. I attended the Audit Committee Meeting held on 2/27/2015 and received an excellent report from the audit dept. which included a report on business and rental licenses which is needed to conduct business in the city of WPB.

Here is a small part of their audit report.
Numerous business and rental property are operating without a license.

Rental License:
The audit department made a comparison between the city, county, and PBC Property Appraisers office to locate businesses and rental property not licensed by the city.
The city’s Development Services Department (DSD) has a policy of going back 3 years if they found property being rented. The report states there is a potential to collect $1,000,000.00 a year, and possibly $3,000,000.00 for the previous 3 years.

Business License:
A grocery store for example may need multiple licenses with the city in order to do business. A Supermarket, Pharmacies & Drug Store, Beer Wine & Liquor Store, and including an ATM license. One store = 4 licenses.

The audit dept. obtained a list of businesses licensed with the county and made a comparison with the businesses located within the city limits and found based on a sample of 60 businesses they estimate that the potential yearly revenue could amount to approximately $9,000.00 a year, or an average of $150.00 per business. Now add to that a business which also pay’s for fire and zoning inspections and possibly a Certificate of Use which could raise yearly revenues to $13,000.00 or 217.00 per business.

When the Internal Auditors report was released Mr. Green stated the report was wrong and Mr. Strout was confused about the process.
Audit: West Palm Beach not collecting all its fees | www.palmbeachpost.com

City Administrator Jeff Green has one of the most responsible job’s in the city with each department reporting to him with the exception of the Internal Auditor who the City Commission oversees. I don’t believe we are getting our money’s worth with Mr. Green and questioned why he was promoted to City Administrator when he had absolutely no experience in the field.

Mr. Green recently negotiated the purchase of 336 Flagler Drive. Below are the results.

A piece of property at 3336 Flagler Drive has the lowest point along a four block length of Flagler Drive and is prone to flooding and I agree with the city something must be done to alleviate the problem. A little history.

This property was purchased in March 1983 for $300.000.00

On March 16,2015 the City Commission unanimously voted to purchase the property. Here is my problem with the commissioners vote.

When Mr. Green was finished with negotiations the commission voted to spend
$2,950,000,00 for the land and home.

1/22/15 Anderson & Carr appraised the property for the city at $2,400,000.00

PBC Property Appraiser Total Market Value as of 12/31/14 was $1,764,000.00

The city commissioners voted to spend $1,185,603 dollars over the PBC Property Appraisers market value. I don’t find this to be in the best interest of the taxpayer, but rather in the best interest of the homeowner selling to the city. This amounts to over 980% profit. The city is not only bailing the owners out, we are enriching them also.

The city had three alternatives to alleviate the problem and they choose the most expensive option.

The property is in Commissioner Moffett’s district and she has stated she wants to see the home, which she say’s is in excellent condition, moved instead of being torn down. How much will it cost the taxpayer’s to move the home, and to where? Will the city purchase more land in which to place the home? Why not auction the house to the highest bidder, and the winner moves the home?

With the city’s purchase the land and homes in the area have increased dramatically, and the city is aware there is flooding in other area’s of Flagler and will it cost taxpayers many millions more to acquire other property. The city states:

“The city is not prohibited from paying more than the appraised value if necessary to acquire property” Because the city can doesn’t necessarily mean it should.

I believe the city should advertise for a City Administrator with experience. We can’t afford more negotiation by Mr. Green.

DVD vs Thumb Drive

It is at times an exhausting endeavor to request and receive public records request (PRR) from the city of West Palm Beach. The leaders continue to make it as difficult, and now as expensive, as possible to receive documentation. 1 example.

First Amendment Foundation letter to Jeff Green, City Administrator and Elliot Cohen, Director of TV 18. This letter is in reference to a complaint filed by a city resident who’s PRR went unanswered and ignored by the city. Please read the response below.
New Tab

10/24/14 A PRR was placed with the City Clerk for the last three invoices for the purchase of DVD and Thumb Drive purchased by the city.

Here is the results of that request.

12/9/2009: 200 DVD purchased at a cost of $87.96 or $.4398 ea. (Office Depot)
6/11/2013: 400 DVD purchased at a cost of $395.58 or $.98895 ea. (VSA Inc.)
1/6/2014: 300 DVD purchased at a cost of $105.72 or $.3524 ea. (B&H)
The three invoices average out to $.65 ea.for the DVD

The city provided one invoice for a Thumb Drive.
11/ 2014 Purchased 5 at a cost of $49.95 or $9.99 ea.
Coupon for $20.00 discount for a cost of $5.99 ea.

Elliot Cohen at a public meeting when asked about the decision to change from DVD to Thumb Drives told the mayor and commissioners it was less expensive. Really?

When a complaint is filed with the OIG or the PBC COE their office request a copy of the city meeting when the residents has concerns of improper management.

The resident filing the complaint request a copy of the meeting and provides the DVD with all pertinent documentation to be investigated. The WPB DVD is imprinted with the city logo and includes the date, time, and type of meeting. Both agencies request DVD with the city logo imprinted on it.

Residents could request a copy of any meeting and it was made available within two day’s, and residents were not charged for the copy of the meeting due to the inexpensive cost of the DVD. There is no labor charge for a meeting to be copied.

Here is an e-mail sent to the City Clerk on March 19,2015. Over 5 weeks have passed with no response from the city.
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Date: 03/19/2015 09:02 AM
Subject: Copies of CD
Good morning Ms. Cobb,

Debbie Finnie filed a complaint with The First Amendment Foundation, and you can view the letter she received from them below.

Previously when complaints were filled with the PBC Commission on Ethics or the Office of the Inspector General both agencies required copies of WPB CD to have it’s logo printed on the CD. (We could not make copies and present them to either agencies)

With that said could you please give me the procedure for requesting copies of meetings on CD.

Please confirm e-mail received


Sandy Matkivich

New Tab

Subject: Re: Copies of CD
Date: 3/27/2015 10:02:48 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

Sent from the Internet (Details)
Good morning Sandy,

I wanted to follow up on your request. I emailed the City Attorney and asked for direction when your email was initially received. I followed up on Wednesday, March 25th, and am waiting for a response. I apologize for the delay and will let you know as soon as I receive a reply.

Thank you,
Venice P. Cobb
Deputy City Clerk
City of West Palm Beach
401 Clematis Street
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: 561-822-1206 Fax: 561-822-1214
Email: [email protected]

The City of West Palm Beach is governed by the Public Records Act as set forth in Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. E-mails are subject to the Public Records Act and are public records subject to disclosure. All e-mails sent and received are retained as public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in a response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.

It is now been five weeks with no response from the city. Why the clerk felt it necessary to forward my e-mail to the city attorney Kimberly L. Rothenburg and why she hasn’t responded would be a guess on my part. My guess would have to be the city doesn’t want the information known.

Mayor Muoio has placed on the agenda for city commission meeting for
4/27/15 Ms. Rothenburg name for appointment as City Attorney replacing former City Attorney Claudia McKenna. If you have followed city politics you are aware of McKenna’s leadership of the attorneys office. So many bad decisions coming from her office. Ms. Rothenburg
worked under the direction of Ms. McKenna. What do you think?


Judge Brunson’s Opinion on the OIG Funding.

A long awaited decision has been reached concerning the funding for the Office of Inspector General.

Circuit Court Judge Catherine Brunson ruled in the case, Town of Gulf Stream vs. Palm Beach County, the costs imposed on cities across Palm Beach County to pay for the Office of the Inspector General are legal.

The lawsuit led by West Palm Beach elected officials and former City Attorney Claudia McKenna hopefully is over and the city will not spend any more tax dollars to appeal the ruling that residents overwhelmingly voted for after three County Commissioners, Mary McCarty, Warren Newell and Tony Masilotti, along with two West Palm Beach City Commissioners Jim Exline and Ray Liberti were sentenced to Federal Prison for betraying the public trust.

In my opinion this lawsuit was never about who should fund the OIG but an attempt to destroy their budget which led to minimal staffing. If the funding isn’t available the investigations aren’t available. Read Judge Brunson’s ruling here which is posted on the City of WPB website.

Judge issues IG Case ruling | City of West Palm Beach

Newly reelected Mayor Muoio has recently stated WPB will join PBC State Attorney Dave Aronberg “Anti-Corruption Taskforce” and has pledged WPB police officer’s will be permanently assigned and will work under the direct supervision of the State Attorney’s office. I applaud Mayor Muoio on her decision to join forces and have more eyes on elected officials. I believe it’s needed, and hopefully this partnership was not put in place to replace the Office of the Inspector General.

The mayor further stated “Transparency and integrity have been top priorities of my administration from day 1”

I would encourage the mayor to allow Judge Brunson’s ruling to stand and not allow the city to waste taxpayer dollars in an attempt to appeal her decision.

Time to stop talking the talk, and start walking the walk, and fund the Office of the Inspector General. It’s long overdue.

Stories written on the OIG can be read here.

The Inspector General Lawsuit – Myths and Reality : WPB Gov Watch


Inspector General: West Palm Beach Ethics Probe : WPB Gov Watch


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