I Have A Questions—But No Answer
I live in a community with retired teachers and a few starting their careers. I had a conversation with a new teacher and asked how much homework she sent home with her kid’s and her answer was “my kids don’t do homework.” I was shocked remembering how much homework I had as a kid. My next question, which I regret asking (sometime ignorance is bliss) was why. Her answer was shocking. There aren’t enough books to go around. I spoke with her recently and she informed me she did receive 3 1/2 % pay raise, and no the school still doesn’t have enough books to go around.
Let’s do a small bit of history:
January 1988 Fl. voters approved a Referendum approving the lottery to benefit schools. I voted approval, brought billions to the state, and I learned a lesson.
January 2017 “When county residents voted two years ago to hike the county’s sales tax from 6 percent to 7 percent, the move was supposed to raise $2.7 billion over a decade for the school district and the county’s municipal governments. Palm Beach County’s 10-year “penny tax” may last for only nine years, thanks to higher-than-expected sales countywide since the tax took effect in January 2017.”
Please read the entire story below. The state beat expectations of 2.7 billion and in 10 years they will ask voters to approve an extension for another 10 years. Hope I live long enough to vote no.
Nov. 2018 Once again homeowners were called upon with a new Referendum. “The tax would add $1 for every $1,000 in taxable value, contributing $800 million to the district’s coffers over four years. The owner of a $225,000 home with a $25,000 homestead exemption would see a tax increase of $150 per year.” This tax will run for 4 years. Read the entire story below. In four years they will ask for another extension.
If you voted for this tax increase, below is the Referendum wording on the ballot.
Shall the School Board of Palm Beach County have authority to levy 1.00 mills of ad valorem millage dedicated for operational needs of non-charter District schools to fund school safety equipment, hire additional school police and mental health professionals, fund arts, music, physical education, career and choice program teachers, and improve teacher pay beginning July 1, 2019 and automatically ending June 30, 2023, with oversight by the independent committee of citizens and experts?
Seems pretty clear to me, so why are folks demonstrating at the PBC Supervisor of Elections office? Charter schools are suing and want a piece of the pie, and the media’s attention is the way to go. I only hope they are protesting at the State Capitol also.
“One area that opponents of charter schools largely take issue with is their management by for-profit companies. In the state of Florida, a higher percentage of charter schools are run by for-profit corporations than are nationally. About 45 percent of Florida’s charter schools were managed by for-profit corporations in 2017-18, according to the report, significantly higher than the national rate of about 15 percent.” Read the story below.
“A tax package approved by a Florida House committee Thursday seeks to settle the dispute by requiring school districts to share revenue generated through property tax increases with charter schools.” Read the story below.
“March 2019 – Florida falls in national teacher pay ranking to 46th. The Sunshine State swapped places with Arizona, now 45th. Florida teachers got some bad news this week that bolsters their case asking for better pay: The state dropped from 45 to 46 on the National Education Association’s annual report of average teacher salaries.” FYI Florida is short 2200 teachers.
Is Florida a third rate country? Read the entire story below.
Below is one more example of how the Florida Legislature respects what voter’s approved.
Nancy Graham First strong mayor 1991-1999 And the beginning of the end for WPB
March 1996 Voters pass 5 story limit on Flagler. Part of the story reads.
“If the referendum passes, no skyscrapers could be built east of Olive Avenue or in the Government District along Banyan Boulevard. New towers would be allowed only along Okeechobee Boulevard and Lakeview Avenue, east of the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts.” Read the story below.
When we voted for the second time to keep the building height at 5 stories, officials ran to the Tallahassee Florida Legislature’s and they ruled against voters, and WPB can and did go as high as developers wanted and have no problem spending millions of dollars in lawsuits.
My question, with no answer is. Why do we keep sending these guy’s to Tallahassee?
Who is Sean Jackson?
The Black Republican Caucus of Florida held a news conference Monday afternoon where they called for WPB Police Chief Sara Mooney to step down effective immediately. Sean Jackson has a history with the city and in my opinion it’s not good. In the interview he stated he was at the scene on the double homicide last Saturday and within an hour he learned who the shooter was. Bullshite. Also said he had a conversation with Mayor James, Commissioners Cory Neering, Joe Peduzzi and Richard Ryles. Why didn’t he have a conversation with the two women commissioners Shoaf and Lambert? Does he have a problem with women? He also has an opinion on who should be the next Chief of Police, but wont mention HIS name at this time, and please take the time to listen to Rick King of the PBA (Police Benevolent Association. Hear the press conference below.
Sean Jackson A former West Palm Beach city commission candidate is being accused of a hit and run in the city hall parking garage. When first asked about the incident by The Post, Jackson said, “My bumper tapped another car and that was that.” But this week he denied ever hitting the car, saying the “frivolous” charges were dismissed. Please pay attention to how he treated the women garage attendant, and the owner of the car he hit. Read the story below.
Inside the Bru’s Room Sports Grill in Boynton Beach, Carly Cass, a lesbian, says she was accosted and nearly assaulted by Sean P. Jackson, a Palm Beach County Republican Party operative. Jackson, Cass said, grew angry and eventually stated, “You want to be a man, I’ll beat you like a man.” My opinion Jackson is a bully who has no problem threatening women. Read the story below.
City website 4/29/19 Work Session with the mayor and commissioners. The only item on the agenda concerned the Police Dept; and guess who placed it on the agenda? Commissioner Joe Peduzzi the mayor’s right hand man. He is to James what James was to Muoio, their yes man. Rumor’s were flying around after James was elected Mayor his top priority was to replace Chief Mooney. You judge for yourself.
Mayor Muoio nominated Chief Mooney, and needed the commissioners to vote on her nomination but no vote needed to fire her. Does that sound right to you? Four commissioner’s voted for approval with James voting no. He wanted to look elsewhere. Chief Mooney has the backing of her officers, and if you talk to them they will tell you morale has never been higher, and I never met a cop who didn’t respect her.
She has initiated new programs and community outreach such as, Cops working with six year olds to join the Boy Scouts, cops reading to 3rd. graders, having lunch with cops, police going into elementary schools and talking to the kids. There is more, but you get the drift. It appears she is trying to reach the kids before they become a satistic like the 18-25 year old African Americans who join a gang to belong and it’s these very gangs who are killing each other in the north end of the city.
If I could make a suggestion to Sean Jackson come join in the monthly Peace Walk headed by Kevin Jones, a man dedicated to make the area safer. Where police go door-to-door talking with residents, handing out flyers, job applications, placing signs in yards to promote peace, but also to build bridge’s between law enforcement and residents, especially the children. Also take a “Ride with a Cop” and see what goes on during their shift, and please request the North End ride along.
Two pictures below show Officer Pinto with a child who love the Segway and line up to take a short ride or just to stand on it.
Chief Mooney completely unaware the picture was taken. She is at the April peace walks and that is the position you will find her in, on her haunches talking with the kids, handing out peel and stick badges. You would think she was given each child the Hope Diamond as they hold onto her every word.
Now that’s building bridges.
CTG Sues City Over Development.
Well here we go again, another battle with the city over development.
We have another 24 story waterfront condominium going up on Flagler Drive. City Commissioners ignored the zoning rule concerning height density and set back. They broke all the rules for developers–again. This project, like many others is trying to place 100 lbs. of baloney into a 1 lb. bag. It don’t fit.
All 5 commissioners James, Shoaf, Lambert, Ryan and Neering voted in favor of the project.
James: was rewarded with the title Mayor of WPB.
Shoaf: believes transit plan, minority hiring plan, a housing plan, an art plan, innovative design and preserving green space. Naïve?
Lambert: “I do care very much for this city,” while her vote continually say’s something different.
Ryan: lost and is no longer a problem for the city. Irony: Ryan took Lambert under her wing and she appeared with her at varius function’s around the city educating her. Lambert endorsed James. Kick in the ?
Neering: People are surprised he voted for this project and ask why.
It takes 3 commissioners to approve or stop a project and he does not have the support to swing the vote residents want or expect.
In my oppinion residents can depend on 2 commissioners Neering and Ryles. Were short one who cares.
New commission Joe Peduzzi in my opinion is definately in James corner and like Lambert and Shoaf will vote for developers and against residents, and will fight the State Rd 7 expansion wasting millions more of taxpayer dollars. He was very clear at forums and meet and greets.
So, what do we do? In March 2020 3 commissioners are up for re- election, Lambert, Shoaf and Ryles. Commissioner Ryles is finishing Ryan’s one year term in office, and must run again.
What am I going to do? I’m going to vote for whoever challenges Lambert and Shoaf regardless of who they are. We cant do any worse than these two. I’m going to vote to send Ryles back to the commission to assist Neering. If we are fortunate (smart) enough to replace Lambert and/or Shoaf residents stand a chance of taking their city back. Remember their vote to always assist developers, big money will be thrown at them.
Reasons I’ve been told folks don’t vote is because it is a waste of their time: Really?
People who do not vote are the reason we can’t elect decent representation. Don’t take the time to learn what is going on or it’s not their neighborhood so who cares.
Other people, like CTG (Citizens for Thoughtful Growth) spend countless hours watching what the city is doing, and more endless hours trying to convince them this is the wrong project for the city.
When the commissioners are ready to vote the project they invite people to the meeting who will speak in favor of the project.
The story in the Palm Beach Post, which can be read below, mentions the resident’s name who spoke against the project.
A resident who spoke in favor of the project no name mentioned. Why?
Read the story below.
What’s an EB-5?
The first time I heard the expression EB-5 was uttered by former City Commission Materio. The powers to be were discussing a new development and Materio was directing her comments to Mayor Muoio and I can’t recall verbatim but it went something like this.
Materio: You know this project is an EB-5, and we know what that means.
Muoio: Shaking her head up and down in agreement.
Well I’m sitting in chambers and not only don’t I know what it means I’m aware Materio was upset with it. I make a note to myself to find out what EB-5 means.
Before I could investigate 60 Minutes did a story on it and now I’m upset. Basically 60 Minutes said wealthy foreigners were buying their way into the U.S. Below is an excerpt from Lightstone Investment and the information along with an application can be found.
Read the entire story below:
Have you been looking for inroads to high level real estate projects in the Unites States? Are you interested in an expedited United States green card?
If you are foreign to the United States and a high net worth individual looking for immigration opportunities, the EB-5 visa program may be the right solution for you. An eligible investment into a US business through the EB-5 visa program is the fastest way to a permanent United States green card for you, your spouse and eligible children.
The EB-5 program is actively seeking foreign investors in commercial projects that create at least 10 new US jobs. This program is one of the fastest and easiest ways to receive a green card with no sponsorship needed.
This shouldn’t surprise anyone:
Related is one of the largest private real estate developers in the United States and operates its own EB-5 regional centers.
Read the story below:
How many readers have heard of Hudson Yards in New York? It’s a Related project and you have to read the story to believe it. Residents were asleep until they woke up and saw the size of the project. Too late.
“The Hidden Horror of Hudson Yards Is How It Was Financed”
China is the biggest user of EB-5 in America. If I may be so bold as to make a suggestion. Start taking Chinese speaking languages, we already owe then $1.13 Trillion.
This is happening while illegal residents are pouring over the border by the thousands and President Trump wants to build a wall, which I am in complete agreement. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, is fighting the wall tooth and nail. Below is a picture of Pelosi’s house not the one I originally posted. My bad.
Where There’s Smoke There’s Fire
The last thing on my mind Monday night was attending the City Commission meeting. Monday is the day I work on my lawn. trimming, weed whacking, edging and mowing the lawn leaves me feeling like I have 5 acres of land. I just want to relax with my feet up, and that was the plan, until I checked my phone and had messages and text’s telling me Police Chief Sara Mooney’s job was in jeopardy and Mayor James would replace her. I attended the meeting, and there was a change in procedure and the City Commissioners made their comments at the beginning of the meeting instead of the end. A member of the public attended and wanted the commissioners to address the rumor of the Chief’s removal in their closing comments. That didn’t happen. Now I am asking for their comments on the supposed rumor. Hopefully the media will follow up.
Mayor James addressed the “rumor” of Chief Mooney being fired and basically said it was just that, a rumor. Really? I sat in the audience when Mayor Muoio announced that she was appointing Assistant Chief Sara Mooney as the new WPB Chief of Police, and needed the vote of the City Commissioners to ratify the appointment. Four Commissioners approved the appointment with Commissioner James stating they should “look outside” the department to insure the best candidate was found. He was the only commissioner to vote no on her appointment. That alone should have been a sign of what was to come.
Previously the city did look outside for a new Police Chief and appointed Vince Demasi in 2012 and he resigned in 2014 and recommending that Assistant Chief Bryan Kummerlen be promoted as the new Chief. He was and served until his retirement in 2016 when he recommended Mooney as the best person to replace him, and Mayor Muoio agreed. Read the story below.
The first City Commission meeting led by newly elected Mayor Keith James was held on 4/8/19 and an item on the agenda was “Proclaiming April 14 -20,2019 as National Public Safety Telecommunications Week” Proclamation was to be accepted by Police Chief Sara Mooney, who was absent from the meeting and the award was accepted by Telecommunications Manager, Suzette Dodd and Assistant Telecommunications Manager Natasha Potter. So where was the Police Chief? She was at the PBC Convention Center, along with an estimated 2,000 people discussing homelessness and racial profiling. Personally I prefer she attended the event at the convention center than receiving a proclamation. Please take the time to read the story below. To me it is very telling, who was invited, and who couldn’t be bothered to attend.
The piece below was written by Andrew Loftholm who is a reporter for WPTV.
From Andrew Loftholm at channel 5 on Facebook about possible firing of West Palm Beach police chief:
“I just talked to Keith James, Mayor of West Palm Beach, on the phone. He said the rumor that Chief Mooney would be let go tonight is “ludicrous and it’s false.”
Long term, “anything is possible,” he said.
John Kazanjian, the president of the Palm Beach County Police Benevolent Association (the police union) told me on the phone,
“it’s not happening tonight.”
Important to note: Mayor James has a 50 person transition team that is reviewing all positions with the city, including public safety.
A public safety liaison will be appointed at tonight’s meeting.”
Another item on the agenda is #14 which reads “Public Hearing and Second Reading of Ordinance No. 4835-19, amending the Code of Ordinances at Chapter 62- Personnel Policies, to update and clarify allowable severance payments upon separation from employment” In other words after the city fires you your severance pay will go from 12 weeks to 20 weeks, “to certain classifications of employees” I take that to mean the upper echelon will be well compensated for taking our city in a direction that benefits developers. In my opinion it’s worth the price to get rid of them and I have suggestions.
One other concern I have under the new administration is for Beverly Mahaso, Manager of the Internal Audit Dept; and is responsible for bring fraud and waste to the city’s attention so that corrections can be made. She was trained and recommended by Roger Strout to replace him upon his retirement.
Once again Commissioner James stating they should “look outside” the department to insure the best candidate was found. They did just that and it was found Beverly was the best candidate.
The Mayor supposedly has no jurisdiction over the Internal Auditor, and when Mayor Muoio was first elected with James the Internal Auditor was Imogene Isaacs who was forced out by James, and as I was told directly by Ms Isaacs once Commissioner Muoio was elected mayor, her time with the city would be ending. Read the story below
So Commissioner Lambert is now the President of the Commission, will she be Mayor James puppet, as he was Mayor Muoio, and find a way to eliminate Beverly Mahaso?
I have to ask myself why some men are intimidated by strong women which in my opinion are both Sara Mooney and Beverly Mahaso.
If you are out and about and see a cop, ask them what they think of the Chief. I have and found them to be protective and supporting of her. Many stating morale has never been higher. If James terminated the chief I will pray for a blue flu and maybe the governor will check out the City of West Palm Beach as suggested by Gregory Daniel in the above story.
FYI: Please be aware that newly elected Commissioner Richard Ryles will serve the remainder of Paula Ryan’s term of one year and will seek re-election along with Lambert and Shoaf in 2020. Be vigilant.
Hurricanes, Restaurants & City Place
When you receive your city water bill there is an informational sheet enclosed and contains useful info but I question if the powers to be read it and understand what they are releasing. A few months ago we received one called
“Flood Hazard & Preparation Information” and one paragraph caught my attention and it was written:
“Just because you haven’t experienced a flood in the past, doesn’t mean you won’t in the future. Flood risk isn’t just based on history. It is also based on rainfall, tidal-surge data, topography, flood-control measures, and changes due to building and development.”
That makes sense because I have noticed that asphalt and cement will never absorb water as easily as green space. It tells how to prepare for hurricanes, flooding and evacuations, and states “If mandatory evacuations are issued, you must leave.”
So say we are hit with a hurricane of the century, and we are ordered to leave. Now keep in mind the estimated population of WPB is 110,222 according to the most recent United States census estimates. West Palm Beach, Florida is the 20th largest city in Florida based on official 2017 estimates from the US Census Bureau. Let’s take one development Ibis a gated community and the figures below are from their website.
Total Population: 9,097
Total Household: 3,154
Average people per household: 3
Cars: 3,927
Ibis is one of a dozen gated communities and residents of Ibis and others do not want the State Rd 7 extension, and city officials spend millions of taxpayer dollars to insure the elite have their way. The extension would give those developments another means of escape. Well there is always Okeechobee Blvd.
Speaking of Okeechobee Blvd. I received info. on another closing in City Place, which is owned by none other than Developer Related. Here it is.
“As if Related could be even less popular with downtown residents, the latest victim of skyrocketing rents at City Place is The Panera Bread Co. At some point our elected officials should have conversation with Related. This has worked in other cities. Enough is enough. Panera & Related could reach an agreement if they act in good faith. There has been dozens of closings over the years. The Brewzzi location has been empty for over 5 yrs. now. How is that good for any of us?”
It appears to me the millenniums and bicyclist are not supporting local businesses and seniors who do dine out wont go where they can’t park and feel safe.
I recently wrote a piece on Clematis VS Northwood, and if you missed it you can catch up by reading the story below. I wrote it was up and coming and would draw business away from Clematis and City Place.
Last February Mayor Muoio was a guest for the grand opening of Mestizo Peruvian Cuisine a new restaurant in (guess where?) Northwood Village. The story finishes with “It is the latest edition to the popular and award-winning restaurants in the neighborhood.” This is an area where you can park on the street, with no parking meters, and keep an eye on your auto.
Just received more info on City Place and it’s private security can be read below.
‘This past Saturday evening a riot broke out at the Burger Fi restaurant at CityPlace. A large gang of teenagers had a brawl and, according to employees, security was non-existent. The restaurant
had to close for repairs until Monday, had to change their hours & now has to pay for security detail. Many of you know the politics of the security at CityPlace. It needs to change NOW. We need our elected officials to take action & stop putting people’s lives in danger. This email is going viral so everyone can take action before a major crisis occurs. Thank You for your support.’
It’s a plus for the city and neighborhoods when residents are involved in their neighborhood and speak out about the problems. Read about the private security firm below.
Internal Audit Department
I have written previously, and believe it needs repeating.
A city cannot fix problems it doesn’t realize it has, and it is up to the Internal Auditing Dept. (IA) to investigate and bring to the attention of the city their findings, and hopefully “Fixed.”
I attended the Internal Auditors meeting on (3/21/19) and it included the discussion and approval of Chronic Nuisance and Police Property and Impound Lots report.
1st. Chronic Nuisance:
The report contained 4 recommendations.
#1 Management update: Implemented May 2017
#2 The audit found 4 dept. working independently. Development Services, Finance, Police and City Attorney’s Office.
Recommendation: Development Services and the Police Dept., in conjunction with Finance and Law Dept. should ensure continued success of the program b developing written procedures and necessary training.
The city has implemented written and training procedures.
#3 At the time of the audit they found that the departments did not consistently communicate or follow-up with one another to ensure that all work and procedures had been completed.
City management agreed with the recommendations and appointed Deputy City Admin. too oversee the successful coordination among the individual dept.
#4 Audit dept. noted the city’s program could be strengthened if it were established in State Statues because stronger remedies are more frequently available.
City management agreed and is continuing to strengthen the program through legislative opportunities.
2nd. Police Property Room & Impound Lots:
The impound lot is used to store vehicles involved in fatalities or serious bodily injuries, and to preserve the chain of command for state court cases, and insure evidence is not tampered with.
The audit Dept. toured the lot and found that the current conditions were insufficient to ensure vehicle evidence would be safeguarded or preserved and noticed the following:
1- Did not have a surveillance system or functioning lights.
The city agrees and requires upgrades, enhancements and more coverage. The Police Dept. has been pursuing upgrades for several years.
2- Had been burglarized and evidence stolen.
The P.D. Has requested an assessment of the property by the building dept. which is responsible for city owned property; the current condition of the property is not sufficient to house evidence properly.
3- No tracking system to determine who was on the premises and for what reason.
Upon securing the lot the Property & Evidence Section will be responsible for ensuring the safekeeping of vehicles in the lot.
4- No covered buildings to protect vehicles from the elements or conduct tests.
5- Had severe overgrowth of landscaping, brush and weeds.
Management Update:
The impound lot has been modified to include a fence with barbed wire, camera alarm system, a two factor access which is a swipe card and key for entry. The city has not incorporated the impound lot with the evidence section and are planning to add additional fencing to accommodate the evidence section. Target date is 6/2019.
Paving was requested and denied. Parks has no access to the lot. This problem still needs work.
All of the above are follow up reports, and please notice many of them have been corrected.
“Audacity” Bold or arrogant disregard of normal restraints: I received a mailer for the upcoming Commissioners race and was asked to tell Richard Ryles “The city of WPB is not for sale” Stupid, dumb flyer. How is Richard going to sell our city when the mayor and commissioners have already sold it to the highest bidder. Please make an effort to vote this coming Tuesday 3/26/2019, and make it count.
To end this piece on a positive note Ms. Beverly Mahaso, Chief Internal Auditor, and her crew were honored with winning an award issued by the ALGA (Association of Local Government Auditors) She along with her crew should be proud of their accomplishes.
Who is Richard Ryles?
I attended the recount of the mayoral race that was conducted by the canvassing board who consisted of H. Carson (WPB City Clerk) D. Miller (City Administrator) and Wendy Link (Supervisor of Elections) and have information I will share with WPB Watch readers. The results are final and Keith James will be the mayor for the city of WPB. Below are the final results.
Keith James 5,746 votes=50.38%
Paula Ryan 3,289 votes=28.84%
Priscilla Taylor 2,370 votes=20.78%
Under votes 69 “Under vote is when a voter cast a ballot but doesn’t vote in one of the contests on the ballot.”
Over votes 6 “Over votes occurs when one votes for more than the maximum number of selections allowed in a contest. The result is a spoiled vote which is not included in the final tally.
There are 68,240 registered voters in WPB and only 11,420 folks bothered to vote. What happened to the other 56,820 voters? Obviously they don’t care who oversees their city.
The day before the election City Commissioners met and both James and Ryan voted to rezone the property at 1309 So. Flagler Dr. which included a waver to allow a 24 story building to be constructed on 1.136 acres where previously 10 acres of land was required. Developers won—again. Residents lost–again.
Here are the Commissioner results:
Clint Fowlkes 1,976 votes=18.03%
Christy Fox 5,046 votes=46.04% (A Related girl)
Richard Ryles 3,938=35.93%
under votes 517 That figure is not an error.
over votes 3
On March 26 we will be asked to vote for a commissioner in district 3 because no candidate received 50% of the vote.
I originally supported Clint Fowlkes because he wanted to change the commission votes to a “Super Majority” meaning it would take 4 commissioners to vote approval instead of 3, and he actually listened to residents needs. I loved his idea. I spoke with Clint and he told me he was throwing his support behind Richard Ryles and he’s asking his supporters to do the same.
A group of us met with Mr. Ryles on Monday night and he answered all our questions and I was convinced he is the commissioner we need to stop what is happening to our city. He listed a number of his ideas and I will mention a few in order of importance to me.
Develop a cooperative relationship with the PB County Commission. Mayor Muoio used her “Strong Mayor” form of government to divide WPB from the County Commission, Palm Beach and the Dept. of Transportation. We need each other to survive and I believe Mr. Ryles can make that happen through communication.
Traffic and Transportation. If you live in WPB you know the problems with traffic. Enough said.
Increase and improve affordable housing. The average rent for an apartment in WPB is $1,456.00 for 983 square feet of living space. There’s a popular rule of thumb that states your income should be 3 x your monthly rent or $4,368.00.
Police Officers: Average base pay is $53,911.00 or $4,492.00/month
School Teachers: Average Annual Wage is $50,325.00 or $4,193/month
Homelessness: Re-Read Increase and Improve affordable housing.
Revitalize the great Northwest Community. Imagine an elected official wanting to improve an area outside of Clematis St. or Flagler Dr. It boggles the imagination. Boggles, according to Google: To be astonished or overwhelmed when trying to imagine something.
Please take the time to vote on 3/26/2019. Poll’s are open from 7:00AM until 7:00PM.
Truth or Consequences
Below was written by CTG (Citizens for Thoughtful Growth) and is being posted with their permission. We have 2 commissioners running for mayor and their vote should be noted for this huge project which both James and Ryan continue to tell us when they are mayor they will listen to us, and James going as far as to state he will not be a dictator. Muoio wants this to pass to keep the developer happy, lets see what happens. If you can’t appear in person, please turn to channel 20 to view the meeting, and please vote on Tuesday, and take our city back.
Dear CTG Members and Supporters,
We are asking for your HELP!
We are very appreciative of the messages, emails, letters and comments thanking us for leading the charge on Responsible Growth in our City and clearly expressing your concern about lining our waterfront with high rises.
We now need you to stand with us and attend the Commission meeting Monday night. We need you to tell the Commissioners what you have told us. We know the developer will have speakers lined up in favor of this project and we need your help to impress upon the Commissioners that the wishes of ALL the people need to be heard. Won’t you please join us?
City Commission Meeting
5 pm (this project will be heard after 5 pm)
Monday March 11
A Call to Action – Monday March 11th
On Monday the City Commission will Vote on final approval of 3109 South Flagler – The vote on first reading was unanimous. This vote will take place the night before election day!
1309 South Flagler is bringing Dade County’s Sunny Isles Beach in Miami-Dade or Ft. Lauderdale to West Palm Beach!
The high-rise condominium proposed will be one of the tallest buildings in the City – taller than the Bristol, taller than Trump Plaza —
The building is proposed on 1.28 acres of land
Lots of Waivers are needed to approve this huge building
The Scale of the proposed building is out of context with surrounding areas
The applicant is asking for a special Planned Development Approval which under the city code is reserved for innovative projects claiming a walkway they don’t own is innovative.
The proposed building is entirely out of context to the neighborhood, which is surrounded by existing college, church, small office and residential buildings.
An approval of this project would certainly be the city’s justification to allow the entire waterfront blocks north and south of the Norton to be redeveloped into a new Sunny Isles Beach (Miami Dade County) or Ft. Lauderdale (Broward County).
Is this what everyone wants in West Palm Beach? If not, please come and let your thoughts be heard at the meeting. You may fill out a card indicating your position and/or you may speak for three minutes.
You may also send emails to the Mayor and Commissioners.
emails for Mayor and Commissioners:
[email protected]. Mayor Jeri Muoio
[email protected]. Commissioner Paula Ryan
[email protected]. Commissioner Cory Neering
[email protected]. Commissioner Keith James
[email protected]. Commissioner Christina Lambert
[email protected] Commissioner Kelly Shoaf
WPB Running Out Of Time.
We have a very important election on March 12 and you must decide who will lead West Palm Beach for the next 4 and possibly 8 years. To understand where Mayor Muoio and City Commissions have taken politics please take the time to read the very informative piece “Palm Beach County Issues and Views” below, and note that Clint Fowlkes running for City Commissioner in District 3 wants to change commissioners vote to a super majority vote, meaning it would take 4 commissioners instead of 3 to approve a development that is good for developers and bad for residents. It also easily explains how a 24-story residential tower on Flagler would consist of 42 luxury condominium units built on just 1.29 acres of land, instead of the 10 acres previously required. Acreage and setback waivers would have to be approved by the Commission for the project to advance— and approve they will.
Former WPB mayor, and now a Florida US Representative, Lois Frankel endorsed Keith James to be our next mayor. Read the article below, and ask your self if you would want her endorsement.
Both Commissioner James and Ryan have a plan to end homelessness in Fla. James has had 8 years, and Ryan 4 years to work on the problem. Read the link below to understand their priorities. Again telling residents what they want to hear, and working hard to please developers.
The elected official’s have taken Clematis Street and turned it into a dismal failure where one business after another are leaving the area for greener pastures just down the street in Northwood Village. According to the Post in Feb. 2019 Mayor Muoio celebrated the grand opening of Mestizo Peruvian Cuisine which joined “popular and award winning restaurants in the neighborhood” One of the reasons to do business in Northwood Village is on street parking with no meters, so you can have dinner and keep an eye on your car, or as the mayor and Commissioners prefer your bike. I shouldn’t write about free on street parking with the mayor still in power and able to tear up the street or install the meters removed from Clematis.
I end this story with a quote from Thomas Sowell
“It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.”