Do you need Smart Water?
The alarm clock goes off in the morning, you hit the snooze button, thinking I only need 10 more minutes. Ten minutes later your reminded it’s time to get up. You do, still tired, but you have to get to work because you have responsibilities such as the mortage, car payments, utilities–you get the idea. You work when your tired, maybe not feeling your best but you do your job and go to work because you need that paycheck.
Monday night your husband is watching Monday Night Football on the big screen TV you both saved months to buy.Your son is playing Nintendo while your daughter’s on the computer, and you plan as a family to watch a new movie tonight on your DVD player.
Tuesday morning and everyone’s up. Kids leave for school, you and your mate leave for work. The driveways empty and that’s when they come out riding up and down streets looking for empty driveways, homes where there appear to be no activity. There is no activity at your house because your where your supposed to be–your working. Some are not, their casing your house because they want what you work for. They want your “stuff” and come hell or high water they’ll do their job which is to steal what they can from you.
You come home from work and learn you are a victim of someone breaking into your home and the TV, Nintendo, Computer and DVD player are gone along with your son’s games, and they even took your movies, the ring your mother left you along with the watch your husbands father left him. The thieves don’t care about the sentimental value of the watch and ring. They don’t care you spent $1,000.00 for your TV; if they can sell/pawn it for $150.00, they had a good day. It doesn’t always happen to someone else, you may very well be that someone else.
What can you do to protect what’s yours. One idea thats catching on in Police Departments across our state is “Smart Water”
I attended the first presentation led by Officer Seth Buxton and learned the WPB Police Dept. invested in the product “Smart Water” and presented it to residents Tuesday night and they are making another presentation on 9/29/18 (Sat) @ 9:30 AM at 3510 Spruce Ave, WPB Fl. and it is worth your time to attend and have the product explained to you. Residents asked many questions and Officer Buxton went into detail on the product.
Here’s the short version:
You will be asked to fill out a form with your name, address, phone no. and e-mail address. A small dot of Smart Water on your possessions and it leaves a code which is registered to you. One bottle will mark approximately 75 of your possessions, and will remain active for 5 years. You also receive 3 stickers to place on your window/door stating; THIEVES BEWARE Smartwater Forensic System In Use. Many neighborhoods have “Neighborhood Watch” signs and now you can replace them with signs warning thieves your neighborhood is Smart Water protected.
Pawn Shops have rules and regulations they must follow. Most do, some don’t, and this is where most thieves pawn your TV and items listed above for pennies on the dollar. I learned if you pawn an item you must show identification and police don’t need a search warrent to inspect pawn shops for possible stolen items. The police have a flashligh that is similar to a black light and if a TV shows the Smart Water code, and it’s registered in your name, guess what? You get it back.
If you have the time Saturday morning it’s an hour well spent to learn about this new product. The Police Dept. is making this available to residents at no cost. Help them, help you.
Commissioner Ryan Busted
At the City Commission meeting held on 8/13/2018 Commissioner Ryan commented she had received 8,000 pieces of correspondences concerning the OBD, stating the majority of the correspondences was in favor of the OBD, and invited anyone wanting to view the documentation was welcome too. I want to review the documents, all 8,000 and sent a PRR to the City Clerk.
BREAK IN PROCEDURE: For the first time I did not receive a direct response from the City Clerk but dealt directly with Ms. Brooks, Executive Assistant to the Commission.
Ms. Brooks wrote in part ” In response to your inquiry, Commissioner Ryan has asked me to follow up with you. Commissioner Ryan will be out of town the remainder of the week and would like to schedule a time next week for you to come into the office and review her files. I will contact you upon her return to coordinate a mutually convenient time.”
I did not request a meeting or conversation with Ryan, as any dialog with her was unnecessary. Her vote in favor of the OBD was all the conversation I needed.
The appointment was set for 8/31/18, and what I did not find was 8,000 e-mails supporting the OBD. I did find e-mails and petitions sent to Ryan and the vast majority were against the OBD.
*Support in favor (petition) 650
**Against (2 separate petition’s) 4,655
Individual e-mails for 22
Individual e-mails against 253
** City Commission held 9/25/17 a member of the “Preserve WPB Citizens Coalition” presented the city with over 4,200 petitions against the OBD. These petitions were not presented to me in my PRR (Public Records Request) and if not for a concerned citizen I would not have known about them and neither would you. I watched that meeting on the city website to verify what I was told, and you can check it for yourself if in doubt.
*The large binder I was presented with petitions (650) in favor was discouraging because I didn’t want to count hundreds of pages which contained 1 signed petitioner per page. After thinking about it, I went back the next day and set reams of paper(500 sheets per ream) next to the petitions and decided 650 was in the ball park.
Clearview is a Polling and Research Co. that contacted the city with results from a poll and dated 7/21/17. Not sure I was meant to see this document. Read their letter below.
Correspondence from Ken Himmel, President and Chief Executive Officer of Related to Commissioner Ryan dated 7/23/17. Read the e-mail below.
Commissioner Ryan was far from truthful when she stated she received 8,000 petitions in favor of the OBD and if you listen to the meeting, she spoke on and on like she was trying to justify her vote. News Flash: No one bought it.
And I would like to make a prediction here as far as her announcement she is running for mayor of WPB 2019. Not going to happen, and here is why I believe it wont.
1st. She would have to resign as City Commission to run. She won’t give up the power.
2nd. She would want Rick Asnani, President of Cornerstone Solutions to run her campaign, and they are already committed to Commissioner James, also running for mayor, and voted in favor of OBD.
in my opinion Cornerstone Solutions would say and do whatever is necessary to elect their candidate, and are under investigation for their handling of the Materio/ Lambert campaign. So why did Ryan announce her intention to run?
Around town it’s called “Pulling A Moffett” Announce your running for office and the day qualifing ends, pull out of the race, so anyone who wanted to run–to late–to bad.
It worked once, please don’t let it work twice. If you believe you would make a good mayoral candidate, would listen to residents and have common sense please consider stepping up. We are represented by college educated teacher’s, attorney’s, and business folks, who listen to what “staff” recommends. News Flash: We didn’t elect “staff” to run our city. I prefer one with common sense, how about you?
One of my favorite pictures presented again for your viewing pleasure, along with the names.
Lobbyist Lawyer for Related Companies Harvey Oyer (middle), Christina Lambert (bottom) Rick Asnani (left) political consultant for Christina Lambert and Related Companies community outreach, Gopal Rajegowda, (bottom right) Vice President of The Related Companies.
Clematis VS Northwood Rd.
Clematis Street was the place to be for entertainment with shops, restaurants and too many bars rocking the night away with loud music that the city allow to remain open into the wee hours of the morning. Now add residents who chose to buy condo’s in the area who complain to the city about the loud music keeping them awake at night. So who’s complaining? Appears to be the “older generation”.
The Millennia’s (also known as Generation Y) is anyone born between 1981 and 1996 (ages 22 to 37 in 2018) is considered a Millennial. This age group wants to be able to work, dine, have their entertainment, bicycle and walk in the downtown area without worry of the evil automobile slowing them down.
So Mayor Muoio decides to travel to Copenhagen, comes back home converts WPB into Copenhagen by tearing up Clematis St; removing parking meters to narrow streets and widen areas for outdoor dining, walking and bicycling. Outdoor dining is very important to restaurant owners and diners so the city in it’s infamous wisdom placed “No Parking” hoods over two meters right across from City Hall, allowed restaurant owners to place a small table and chairs in the road gutter for patrons dining pleasure. That plan didn’t last long.
After attending a commission meeting I stood outside Duncan Donuts talking to a friend when a dozen bike riders converged on the area, and I would estimate late teens or early 20’s taking over the courtyard, jumping their bikes off and on steps and small wall. One came at us very fast, dropped his bike, skidded toward us and at the last minute pulled his bike up while laughing like hell and flew off down the stairs. I thought I was going to be thrown through D.D. plate glass window. City Hall security personnel witnessed the incident on camera, came outside, and the punks rode off. At the next meeting I told the tale to the mayor who advised me to “call the police”. (There are two police officers stationed in the commission room during meetings and they keep the politician’s and residents safe from harm.) I mentioned to the mayor I would have notified the police but they were busy escorting her to her car in the garage. Obviously she doesn’t feel safe in the city hall parking garage without a police escort. She may be onto something there.
We had two recent incidents with a vacationing sidewalk diner being stabbed in the neck while lunching with her daughter, and another 60 year old woman stabbed in the chest while riding her bike. It was decided to hire security personnel to walk Clematis Street.
Please read the stories below.
How’s that working out? Businesses are leaving Clematis St. and the Y generation can walk and bike in complete safety without diners, shoppers and visitors along with auto drivers getting in their way. I hope there are enough of them to sustain what few businesses will be left on a street that is slowly dying with help from the mayor and city commissioners. Have you heard Clematis may be made one way—-maybe. What a dismal failure.
Please read story below:
Old Northwood
I went on an excursion this morning and traveled to Old Northwood with Northwood Rd; being my destination where dozens of quaint shops and courtyard restaurant appeared to be thriving. Rumor has it the Alchemist will be relocating to Old Northwood along with other businesses. Better not wait long I only saw a couple of empty store fronts.
A picture of Northwood Road shows wide streets with on street parking, and please notice no parking meters. Free parking where diners can dine and shop while keeping an eye on their auto’s. What a concept.
WPB Penny Wise-Pound Foolish
If you travel on Village Boulevard do you take the time to appreciate the landscape, the medium strip separating the 4 travel lanes with well trimmed Oak Trees, grass that is virtually free of weeds, the flowers planted at the entrance to “The Villages?” We have The Villages to thank for the upkeep from 45th.St to Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard.
Here’s the story:
There are 54 West Palm Beach Parks & Rec area’s which the city is responsible for it’s upkeep. While I have the upmost respect for city workers who maintain the 54 parks there are too many parks and not enough staff to maintain them all properly. They virtually run from one park to another trying to maintain the area.
While some parks receive extra attention others have grass cut along with the weeds, and a few, plain and simply, are a disgrace.
Recently removed from Village Boulevard were the Australian Pines, and here is the history of the tree according to Google.
“Australian Pines were introduced from Australia to Florida during the 1890s.
Appearance: This tropical evergreen tree grows up to 150 feet tall.
Habitat: Australian pine now occurs throughout South and Central Florida and because of its aggressive growth rate, never plant Australian pine trees. There are native trees that provide shade and do not harm the environment. Possession of Australian pine with the intent to sell or plant is illegal in Florida without a special permit. Australian pine trees tend to uproot and topple during high winds and pose a significant hazard to coastal storm evacuation routes.”
Many years ago the city planted the pine trees along Village where the needles on the ground were ankle deep, the rain washed the needles down to the storm drains where they overwhelmed the drains, and the outcome was severe flooding in the area.
The city spent $800,000.00 to remove the pines and plant palm trees with Coco Plum hedges in between and when the hedges are grown they will need to be maintained. While traveling Village I noticed a fern growing on the fence, and am familiar with this fern because my development has a problem with them growing on our Coco Plum. I brought a piece of the fern to the Mounts Botanical Garden where they identified it for me as the “Old World” climbing fern. Here’s the story on the fern:
Why the Old World climbing fern must be managed:
Highly invasive in natural areas.
Severe threat to Everglades tree island communities
A canopy producer that smothers native trees and shrubs.
Can serve as a fire ladder that carries fire into native tree canopies that normally wouldn’t burn.
The fern is rapidly spreading in South Florida’s public conservation lands.
About now you may be asking yourself why is she making an issue of the pines if they have been removed. The issue is not the pines, the issue is the vine.
While traveling Village I noticed the vine overtaking a fence that separates 95 from Village. I contacted Commissioner Neering who reported the vine to the city. Later that week I saw a couple of men pulling the vine from the fence. Well done Commissioner, and thank you.
Well damn the vine is making another appearance and will continue to do so until the root is removed and city workers continue to pull the vine off the fence, hedges and palm trees before they smoother $800,000.00 dollars worth of taxpayer dollars.
So what’s the solution?
The Villages have a contract with the city to maintain the medians on Village Boulevard and in my opinion it’s money well spent. Eight years ago the city decided they could save money by trimming the Australian Pines and that’s when it all went to hell. The city allowed the pines to get out of control with months of no trimming and then proceeds with “Hat Racking” known as Tree Abuse, by removing the top of the tree while ignoring the fast spreading vine. (WPB had code enforcement violate homeowners for “hat racking” in my development when homeowners were actually trimming trees back before the start of hurricane season)
The “city” should contact the Villages and sign a contract allowing them to maintain the new plantings and control the vine before $800,000.00 flows to the storm drains. penny wise, pound foolish, if they don’t/wont.
8/13/18 City Commissioners to vote OBD
City Commission meeting to be held Aug.13,2018 @ 5:00 PM. Commissioners will vote on the OBD
“A City initiated request for the approval of the following: Public Hearing and Second Reading of Ordinance No.4783-18: an amendment to the Downtown Master Plan Element of the Comprehensive Plan in association with the creation of the new Okeechobee Business District within the Downtown Master Plan.”
Sept. 2017 when this proposal was presented to the City Commissioners it was defeated by Commissioners Materio, Moffett and Neering. Both Commissioners James & Ryan were in favor of the project.
This entire OBD has only one purpose and that is to allow Related Group to construct a 25-story, Class A office tower, on Flagler, 400′ off the waterfront, where residents voted twice construction was not to exceed 5 stories.
This is “Spot Zoning” at it’s worst. Disrupt, and upset thousands of residents to appease one developer. The city has repeatedly denied the project was “Spot Zoning” and if you repeat the lie enough, it becomes fact. The city insults the intelligence of it’s residents.
Ask yourself- if it was defeated in Sept. 2017 how can it possibly be on the Aug. 2018 agenda for a Second reading? Well, In March 2017 we had an election with 2 commissioner seats up for grabs namely Moffett and Materio.
Here’s how the election went:
Commissioner Moffett had 2 challengers namely Martina Walker and Kelly Shoaf. The day qualifying ended Commissioner Moffett dropped out of the race leaving Walker and Shoaf in the running. Commissioner Moffett was retiring to oversee her Non Profit Organization she was about to start. Good timing. Kelly Shoaf had the backing of Related, Chamber of Commerce and Mayor Muoio.
Commissioner Materio had one challenger, Christine Lambert who was working hand in hand with Related, Chamber of Commerce and Mayor Muoio who wanted this project done come hell or high water. What can they do to make this happen? Get Lambert elected, at all costs.
Commissioner Neering was not up for re-election.
Outcome of the March 2018 election: Shoaf and Lambert elected and sworn in April 2018.
2 months later on June 2018 OBD was back on the agenda, and passed unanimously . I imagine the champagne was flowing at Related and the Chamber of Commerce.
2 months later Aug. 2018 the second reading will take place and I believe it will pass again unanimously.
Champagne will flow again, Related will win and residents will lose. Did anyone really expect the city to look after the taxpayer?
In my opinion Mayor Muoio would never have pushed this project as hard as she did if this were her first term because she would have never seen a second one. She has nothing to lose and maybe something to gain.
Commissioners James and Ryan have much to lose. James is term limited out and has nowhere to go but try for the mayors seat in the upcoming March 2019 election. Ryan who has never had a challenger has thrown her hat in the ring for the mayors seat also. To run for mayor she must resign her commission seat.
Unfortunately, many members of the public have a short memory when it comes to politics, but with only 7 months to election I believe Monday’s vote will be remembered. Let’s hope.
The mayor and commissioners will invite folks to the meeting who will speak favorably for the OBD. If you are against the project please join us on Monday Aug. 13 @5:00 PM and let your thoughts be known.
Below are 2 letters sent to the city from the Palm Beach County and Florida of Transportation along with an article from the Palm Beach Post all concerning the OBD. Please take the time to read them, as the city wont share them with residents unless you learn about them and request a PRR.
Florida Department of Transportation , consisting of 3 pages
Sent: 8/7/2018
To: City Administrator, Rick Greene
From: Director of Transportation Development
Read letter below
West Palm Beach 18-1ESR FDOT Comment Letter (1)
Palm Beach County, consisting of 12 pages
OBD Objection Letter
Sent: 8/3/2018
To: City Administrator, Rick Greene
From: Assistant County Administrator, Patrick Rutter
Read letter below.
OBD Objection Letter 080318
Read PB Post story below
PB Post Article
City of WPB Fire and School Taxes
Before you start reading this story I would suggest you have your 2017 tax bill at hand.
West Palm Beach recently issued a booklet “Community Workshop Fire Assessment Rate Resolution” and this booklet contains information such as what other cities and towns are charging residents for Fire Assessment Fee. Here is what the city isn’t telling you.
Riviera Beach, Lake Worth, Vero Beach, Stuart, Mangonia Park, Palm Beach Gardens, Royal Palm Beach, and Wellington along with most Florida cities don’t have a “Fire Assessment Fee.”
“This increase is necessary to generate additional revenue of approximately $2 million.”
At a commission meeting 3 years ago an item on the agenda was to transfer funds to a fire station that was in the process of being built, and reading “background” section it stated that a million dollars was spent on the “shell” of the building. The “shell” to me is pouring the floor, 4 walls and the roof. Staff Recommended Approval, so of course it passed. When I went to the podium to complain and read aloud what the resolution said the commissioners started turning pages to see what I was talking about. What member of “staff” was responsible for watching tax dollars, and why wasn’t the commissioners aware of what they were voting for until it was brought to their attention?
“This is not a tax, and therefore the assessment fees apply to all residential property, regardless of homestead exemption”
Non-ad Valorem Assessment: In Florida, the real estate tax bill is a combined notice of ad valorem taxes and non-ad valorem assessments. Non-ad valorem assessments are not based on value but a unit of measure determined by the levying authority. The assessment periods vary and may not be based on the calendar year. Examples of non-ad valorem assessments are stormwater utility, fire and rescue, and solid waste collections. Check your 2017 tax bill and you should see Solid Waste Authority of PBC $172.00 and City of WPB $25.00. The city wants to raise the assessment to $50.00.
“A 46% increase in call volume in the past 10 years”
I’m not surprised at the 46% increase due to the city’s over development, creating severe traffic congestion, angry drivers caught in gridlock, not listening to residents, while favoring developers to build whatever they want, wherever they want. Our elected officials created a disaster and don’t know what to do about it except allow more development such as the OBD (Okeechobee Business District) and Related 25 story tower on Flagler, where residents voted twice no buildings over 5 stories. Two commissioners James and Ryan are hoping for the mayors seat in 2019. I will be the next mayor of WPB before either of them, and I’m not even running.
“In 2008, the City Commission adopted Ordinance No. 4141-08, establishing an annual recurring Fire Services special assessment program for properties within the City, to fund the assessable cost of providing fire services, excluding Emergency Medical Services (EMS)”
Have an emergency, need an ambulance, it will cost you between $700.00 to $850.00 plus $12.00 mile. Read the charges and see what the city collected over a five year period. The total is $15,625,633.00 and does not include 2017 where the opioid epidemic is in full swing, so I assume that would be the $850.00 charge. Passed under Mayor Muoio’s watch.
I have an idea. Instead of giving developers millions in tax incentives to build in WPB how about Staff Recommend Approval for a developers fee of $100,000.00 for every floor built over 5 stories? That will buy a few new fire trucks. Problem solved. Your welcome Mayor Muoio and commissioners. A public hearing will be held 8/27/18 @ 5:00 PM, please try and attend and let the commissioners know your thoughts.
School Taxes Local and State.
School Board is asking voters to approve a new tax to insure children are safe in schools. This will be the 3 request in 4 years, and may be placed on Novembers ballot. Read story below:
The median price of homes currently listed in Florida is $294,900. The latest proposal would add $1 to every $1,000 in taxable value or an additional $295.00. Last year my taxes for School Local was $208.50, School State was $356.48 for a total of $564.98. I have homestead and senior discounts. God help those who don’t.
I want Teachers (Which make all other professions possible.) and children to be able to attend schools and their only fear is not having their homework done. I am in favor of having law enforcement in all schools to insure their safety. I know someone has to pay for it so here’s my idea. Every hand gun manufactured and sold in Florida pay a gun tax of $500.00. Every gun normally used by the United States Military pay a gun tax of $10,000.00 ea. If the NRA wants to do business in the State of Florida they must pay 10,000,000.00/year.
The Florida Lottery began operation on January 12, 1988 when Tallahassee politicians told voters the money was needed for teachers pay, new school construction, and enough books and supplies so every child would benefit and thrive.
Well, the lottery has been going strong for 30 years with untold billions collected, and pennies on the dollars going toward it’s intended purpose.
After 30 years we should be graduating Einsteins not having kids murdering other kids and teachers in a classroom.
Do you ever get tired of politicians using kids and jobs when they pull on your heartstrings for more money.
Latest joke was voting for medical marijuana to help cancer stricken children and seniors.
Well we passed it, and not with my vote, and now the hell with medical marijuana, their already working on recreational marijuana.
They tell you what you want to hear, get it passed and on the books and the new business thrives and once again businesses are born, and leaders still lie.
Let the people who created the problem pay to fix it. That would be developers, gun manufactures and the NRA.
Who is Rubin Anderson?
There isn’t much I can tell you about Mr. Anderson . He has never held political office, is running a grassroots campaign relying on volunteers for financial and consulting advise.
That last sentence is important because it tells me he has no political consultant to stack the deck, pour thousands of dollars into a candidate who will vote for any issue important to a developer, gun lobbyist, drug manufacturer, you get the picture. Rubin Anderson will not be bought and paid for.
I had a conversation with him and asked what issues were most important to him. Here is his list.
#1 Keeping children safe in school. #2 Supporting education by demanding significant additional monies promised. #3 Supporting socioeconomic and ethic schools. #4 Clean water. #5 Affordable housing. #6 Health care. #2 issue is very important to Mr. Anderson. He wants the state to put more money into education.
My opinion: Remember when we were asked to vote for the lottery to be used toward schools and education? Billions have been collected and pennies on the dollar are used for education. Florida among the lowest in the country for decent teacher pay. Children not given homework because there is not enough books to go around. Now they want us to vote to allow a tax increase of $1.00 on every $1,000.00 of home value to pay for law enforcement’s presence in every school. Hell no, I wont vote for the tax increase. Why wont Florida Senators and Congressman join forces and have the gun manufactures and gun lobbyist pick up the bill? Don’t wait for that to happen because the politicians refuse to kill their cash cow that pour thousands into their campaigns, then sit back and wait for the return on their donations.
A Democratic Party primary election takes place on August 28, 2018, in Florida to determine which Democrat will earn the right to run in the state’s November 6, 2018, general election. Here are your choices.
Bobby Powell Jr. (I)
Rubin Anderson
Josh Santos (Write-in)
Below are three stories recently published concerning Bobby Powell.
Bobby Powell Sen. Bobby Powell D-West Palm Beach for District 30
(1)Sunshine Scorecard ’18: Grading legislators on open government.. It assigns points for a list of critical government openness bills. Votes against openness lose points. Bobby Powell along with a dozen other Senators received an “F” grade. Read story below:
(2)Florida’s political cockroaches return to wreak havoc in primary elections.
Write-in candidates — Florida’s political cockroaches — have resurfaced to wreak havoc in several of the state’s primary elections. Much like their counterparts in the insect world, write-ins operate almost exclusively in the shadows. They venture into the sunlight just long enough to file paperwork, then disappear completely from view. After filing, most write-ins are never seen again: They don’t campaign, advertise or attend public forums. Read story below:
(3)State attorney requests ethics investigation into write-in candidates
In an election in which only members of one party are running, a primary is open to all voters. But if any other candidate — including a write-in candidate — enters the race, the primary is open only to registered party voters.
“Write-in candidates are almost always put up by a candidate and his or her political consultants,” said Palm Beach State Attorney Dave Aronberg, who filed the complaints along with Sherry Plymale, who sits on the Florida Constitution Revision Commission.
If a candidate determines he or she would benefit from only having party members vote, they can convince a write-in candidate to enter the race.
Third-party candidates rarely win election in American campaigns. Third-party candidates can shift national attention to particular issues. Third-party candidates can take votes away from major political party candidates, influencing the outcome of elections.
Read Story below.
What is a party spoiler?
A third political party formed to draw votes away from one of the two major parties, thus spoiling its chance of winning an election. Dirty politics at it’s best.
Change doesn’t just happen. We, by our vote make it happen. Please take the time to let your voice be heard, and registration date ends July 30,2018.
Who is Beverly Mahaso?
Ms. Mahaso is an attorney, a CIA (certified internal auditor) and presently the city’s “Interim” City Internal Auditor.
Mr. Roger Strout who held the position of City Internal Auditor until his retirement in January had Ms. Mahaso audit “problem” departments where she found room for improvement, and always had the answers to all questions asked of her. He considered her a valuable part of his department, and assured city leaders he was leaving them in good hands.
I attended the Audit Committee meeting held June 14, 2018 and saw her in action and listened to the remarks of city management and heard nothing negative said about the IA department and many positive comments. She took the time to credit her staff as any good manager would.
Peter Bieniek, Director of Public Works, made a comment that many departments saw the Internal Auditor as “the enemy” but he welcomed Ms. Mahaso audit of his department, commented on how well they worked together and he wanted to know and understand any problems in his department so they could be corrected.
My opinion: The city cannot correct problems they don’t know exist, and it’s the responsibility of the IA Dept. to bring these problems to their attention.
City Directors and Managers praised her for her cooperation, patience and professional attitude while she thanked them for the speed in which they were processing the documentation needed in order to complete audit’s of their department.
The agenda contained 25 items which included:
Approval of the Human Resource Audit
Approval of the Housing and Community Dev. Post Audit Review.
Approval of the Real Estate Management Practice Post Audit Review.
Approval of the Leases and Contract Revenue Post Audit Review.
Approval of the Commercial Refuse Post Audit Review.
As you read above you can see how busy the IA Dept. has been and it was a very positive meeting and Mr Strout was correct when he told all who attended his last IA meeting that he was leaving the city in good hands.
The City Commission oversees the IA Dept. and I can’t understand why Ms. Mahaso who has worked for the city as the Interim IA for almost 7 months hasn’t lost the Interim title.
The commissioners should move to make her position permanent before they lose another dedicated employee who plays very well with others.
Mayor Muoio Travels–WPB Suffers the Cost.
Construction has began tearing up the streets of downtown Clematis Street, between Dixie and Olive all because Mayor Muoio visited Copenhagen, Denmark.
She must have loved it due to the fact she is bound and determined to turn WPB into a copy of another country with her Streetscape project which is the first of 40 projects.
Let’s not give the mayor all the credit, she couldn’t go forward without the help of the City Commissioners who control the purse strings and allow your tax money to be spent on projects many residents don’t want or need. Please take the time to e-mail Commissioner James, Ryan and lambert and thank them for supporting Mayor Muoio’s project.
The plan is widen the sidewalks, add biking lanes and remove parking meters and this is where it starts.
I can understand why residents living and working in downtown WPB love the idea. Would be easy to walk or bike to work or lunch.
How about the residents living in other sections of the city who must drive to Clematis St. if they want to dine or shop or attend a city meeting?
Are there enough residents living downtown to support businesses? Without the changes being made businesses are closing by the dozens in the last few years.
Copenhagen, Denmark
Weather averages
Month High / Low(°F) Rain
January 38° 30° 10 days
February 38° 30° 7 days
March 43° 33° 9 days
April 51° 39° 7 days
May 62° 47° 7 days
June 68° 53° 8 days
July 71° 57° 8 days
August 71° 57° 8 days
September 63° 52° 10 days
October 54° 45° 9 days
November 45° 38° 11 days
December 40° 33° 10 days
Mayor Muoio visited Copenhagen in Oct. 2015. Hope she brought a warm coat.
Rain in Denmark comes on a regular basis year-round, and there are no true dry periods, although September through November brings the wettest season. The annual rainfall in Denmark averages 61 cm (24 in) of precipitation with Copenhagen having an average of 170 rainy days.
The city has a population of 775,033 (as of January 2018)
Median age 35.9
West Palm Beach, FL
Weather averages
Month High / Low(°F) Rain
January 75° 57° 5 days
February 76° 58° 5 days
March 79° 62° 5 days
April 82° 66° 5 days
May 86° 71° 8 days
June 89° 74° 12 days
July 90° 75° 11 days
August 90° 76° 13 days
September 89° 75° 13 days
October 85° 71° 9 days
November 80° 65° 6 days
December 77° 60° 6 days
Days of Hot Weather in West Palm Beach
During any month of the year, the temperature at West Palm Beach can reach into the 80s Fahrenheit. From late spring until early fall, the thermometer often tops 90 degrees. Nearly half of summer days here have highs in the 90s. But temperatures of 100 °F (38 °C) or more aren’t normal here. How many folks are out walking or biking with these temperatures?
The city has a population of 104,978 (as of January 2018)
Median age 39.6
The information below was found on Google.
The most populous city is Jacksonville, which had over 800,000 residents as of 2016. The next most populous city, Miami, has roughly half that population, clocking in at over 441,000 people.
I haven’t read about Jacksonville or Miami tearing up their streets, eliminating automobiles while adding bike lanes and widening sidewalks. Both cities obviously have better city government representation than the City of West Palm Beach.
This is a picture of the WPB Organizational Chart. Note top line “Citizens of West Palm Beach” Can you see the humor in that line?
Double click to enlarge pictures.
Shameful City Commission Meeting
5/21/2018 City Commission Meeting with 28 items on the agenda.
At the beginning of every meeting Mayor Muoio makes a point of reading the “Civility and Decorum” which sets the standard for the meeting, what is and is not allowed. There are 5 items listed. I draw your attention to #1. “Officials shall be recognized by the chair and shall not interrupt a speaker”
The City Commission Chamber was nearly filled to capacity with residents who wanted to address item # 22: Resolution No.134-18 accepting the Downtown Mobility Plan, and the supporting Citywide Bicycle Masterplan, the Downtown Parking & Transportation Demand Management Study and the Okeechobee Corridor Study. Item #22 was moved to position #28,
My opinion: Discourage residents from staying.
When #22 was called Mayor Muoio stated in part “I know a lot of you are here to discuss “Flagler Shores” and the OBD (Okeechobee Business District) I want to make a point of clarification were not here tonight to talk about “Flagler Shores” and not here to talk about the OBD. Is that clear? Good, and thank you”
The mayor then called on Scott Kelly (Assistant City Administrator) to address the residents with a con job presentation.
Mr. Kelly first sentence started with “One thing I want to make clear is we have heard stories we are trying to force people out of their cars, and that couldn’t be further from the truth. During Mr. Scott’s soft sell, the Mayor interupted him twice. (See #1 above)
My opinion: Mr. Scott statement couldn’t be further from the truth.
On Clematis St; between N.Quadrille and Dixie Hwy. there are 18 parking spots which consist of 1- handicapped, 1- 15 min. parking and 1 for library book drop off.
A few months ago the city removed 3 parking spaces on Clematis to make room for “Parklets” which consisted of placing a table and 2 chairs in the street gutter so people could have lunch or dinner. How would one out of control car have impacted their dining pleasure?
I attended a meeting at City Hall and there were approxamately 8-10 covered meters with “No Parking” After residents complained the spots were re-opened.
The city wants to expand the sidewalks. How? I see 2 choices move city hall back a few feet or remove the parking spaces. Can you see another way?
In all fairness Mr. Kelly tried hard to ram the mayor’s agenda down our throat.
Now it’s time to hear from the residents on the Downtown Mobility Plan, and Mayor Muoio
repeats ” I’ll tell you up front were not taking comments involving “Flagler Shores” or the OBD. If you come up and start talking about “Flagler Shores” I’m going to ask you to sit down. If you don’t I’ll have you removed.”
First speaker up:
Robert Garvy (who’s website “Fix Flagler” was developed to inform residents what the city was planning with their Downtown Mobility Plan and how the city’s brainstorm “Flagler Shores” has affected the city.) Nice guy, well spoken, very professional, and not the least bit intimidated by city officials.
Mr. Garvy began to speak and did sin by saying “Flagler” not Shores, just Flagler.
Mayor interrupts him about “Flagler Shores” and he told her “I have not mentioned Flagler Shore’s” and back and forth, eating up the clock.
Mr. Garvy continues speaking.
The magic 3 min. bell rings, and Mayor informs Mr. Garvy his time was up.
He had 2 more sentences to complete which would have been within the 3 minutes time frame if the mayor hadn’t interrupted him. He finished the sentence, and the next thing the room is aware she is calling for “Seth” to come forward. Seth is the police officer stationed in the back of the room. Mayor Muoio was about to remove Mr. Garvy from the room when he finished, turned and took his seat. My opinion: Mr. Garvy did the intimidating.
In hindsight Mayor Muoio’s plan not only worked, it was brilliant.
After her treatment of Mr. Garvy, people left the chambers, when she called people forward to speak they had left the building. Others refused to make a statement for fear of how they would be treated.
Gail L. Coniglio, the Mayor of Palm Beach addressed the commission with her concerns about the Downtown Mobility Plan, and how it would affect residents crossing the bridge on Flagler to evacuate during a hurricane. If Mayor Muoio has her way Palm Beach would evacuate by bike.
I have to wonder if Mayor Muoio would push such an unpopular program if she was in her first term as Mayor. She has less that a year to go so remember the past election, and remember which commissioners listened to residents and which ones are hoping voters have short memories.
There are 2 meetings on the horizons concerning the city’s plan, and I encourage residents to attend, stand strong and speak up. Your opinion is just as important as the next guy, including elected officials.
DAC (Downtown Action Committee) June 13
City Commission Meeting June 23