South End Neighborhood Association Invites You!

It is not often I write something positive on WPB Watch but here it is.

The South End Neighborhood Association is inviting everyone in the city to attend their Fiesta on Flagler in Support of Family Promise North / Central Palm Beach County.

Their inviting the entire city. I have seen these groups in Florida and you can attend if you live in the development or know the Pope.

They will have a dozen vendors supplying food, and I’ve eaten in a few of the restaurant and found the food excellent. The only bad experience was when my dish was empty.

Support of Family Promise

“In the United States Families now make up the fastest growing segment of the homeless population. A mother loses her job, a father is kept from working by an injury, a family is forced from their home by fire or natural disaster. Healthcare costs soar, public transportation is underfunded, affordable housing is almost impossible to find. These are just some of the reasons one out of every four homeless persons is a child.”

Anyone who lives in the city knows we have a large homeless population which the City has difficulty dealing with. The South End is off to a good start with their second Fiesta. lets support them in their endeavor.
Open the link below and read the date, location and food vendors. Then come and meet new friends.

Open Letter to Commissioners and Mayor

On 2 separate occasions Commissioner James voted to approve $114 million dollars to developer Michael Mananoff to build a mixture of office, hotel, and residential space north of downtown tri rail station. Thankfully it went nowhere and $114 million was saved from developers.

Here’s the question: The city obviously has millions for a developer, so why are they asking residents to vote for a $30 million Park Bond? Appears they already have the money, why aren’t they applying those dollars to for parks?  Saving it for another developer? James was very generous with taxpayer dollars as a commissioner. No holding him back as Mayor. Please remember this story when you are in the polling booth wondering if you should vote yes or no on the Park Bond. Please read the CRA minutes for July 17, 2017  Item #8 here:   07172017 CRA minutes

CRA minutes for 1/9/17 item #2     01092017 CRA minutes

James hires a new Police Chief Frank Adderley. Soon after taking command of the department Adderley stood at a podium at a commission meeting and stated he was told (I assume by James) the department was short 5 officers, and Adderley learns 25 officers are needed. Adderley is now aware he is working for a mayor who lies is less than honest. Residents knew he lied was less than honest 1 month after being sworn in as mayor.
Here’s the question:  Why aren’t they using part of the $114 million to hire the needed 25 officers? If you are being attacked who would you want to come to your aid, a cop with a gun or a security officers if you can find one.

Commissioner Lambert:
County Commissioner Melissa McKinlay apparently pulled her endorsement of Lambert “due to blatant lies in 2 recent campaign emails” Double click the Tweet to enlarge and read the entire message, McKinlay obviously has ethics, and I was shocked to hear Lambert lied was less than honest.

One of my biggest disappointments in City government is Commissioner Richard Ryles who ran successfully against Christie Fox in 2018. Residents worked extremely hard to insure he was successful, and his voting record as a commissioner proved to us he gave thought to his vote and actually listened to residents. We were hopeful.

Fox decided to run in 2020 again challenging Ryles and he has decided not to seek re-election.
Friend’s of mine attended a forum at the DNA Speakeasy Political gathering at Voltaire, and mentioned it was very dark with a small crowd. The candidates spoke for approximately one minute and the real reason for the forum was another spiel on the Park Bonds. Small crowd, City plan foiled. This all leads up to one story, and here it is:
Christie Fox made an appearance at the DNA Speakeasy and my friend spoke to her about concerns residents were having with development and traffic throughout the city. Fox response: “Traffic caused by a 5 story building was the same as a 25 story building”  Commissioner Ryles, you let a Fox in the hen house and not a bright one but will listen to the Mayor, “staff” developers and the Chamber of Commerce.

2 Forums 1 Story

2/11/2020  I attended the forum to hear the answer’s of 2 sitting City Commissioners, Lambert & Shoaf and their challengers Sylvester & Walker.  One comment made by Ms. Walker was don’t tell the residents what you are going to do but “put it in writing.”  What a concept. One woman in the audience thought her suggestion was “brilliant” and approved of her message. Imagine asking any politician to sign anything but their paycheck. The election will be held on 3/17/2020 and my first disappointment was the small number of people who took the time to attend and learn about the candidates before voting.

There was one learning moment for me when former Mayor Jeri Muoio addressed the crowd asking for their support in passing the 30 million dollar tax bond for parks.
Jeri stated the 30 million would be used for 20 parks throughout the city. Do you live near one of the lucky chosen parks? The City has not told us what 20 parks will get a re-do. Probably the same ones done with the 20 million park bond voted for in 2000.
She also mentioned there would be an “oversite committee” to monitor how our tax dollars would be spent on parks.  You do realize the mayor will appoint the oversite committee, and already I am suspicious. Jeri left forms for folks to fill out if they want to contribute to the park bond so they can inundate us with signs and flyers suggesting we vote yes for the bonds.

Also mentioned was State Rd. 7 and a very important meeting to be held in front of the TPA (Transportation Planning Agency) on 2/20/2020 @9:00AM @ 301 Datura St, WPB.  One of the speakers  mentioned there would be buses available. Who’s paying for the buses, and will they be used for the western community as before?  A complaint was made to the Inspector General after Geri rented buses to transport residents from Ibis to the fairgrounds and t-shirts made for residents who were opposed to the State Road 7 extension.
The City spent a total of $3,509.75 tax payer dollars to provide individuals from the western  communities with t-shirts, stickers and transportation for individuals to attend a March 21, 2012 FDOT (Florida Dept. of Transportation) public hearing regarding the proposed extension of State Road 7.  Read the letter from the OIG to the City of WPB below.

If you were in favor of the extension you didn’t receive t-shirts, stickers, and we had to find our own way to the event. That is how the city takes care of residents if you don’t live in a gated community. If State Road 7 and the multiple millions the city has wasted fighting it please try and attend this very important meeting and speak up. The western community will show up in force.

2/13/2020 Another forum with the SENA (South End Neighborhood Assoc.) The people living in the south end of the city take politics very seriously as the room was packed with residents. Of course we had to listen to another spiel on how important the Park Bond is to the city before residents are informed and allowed to speak on issues important to the south end, namely 8111 So. Dixie and the plan to narrow the car lanes on South Flagler.

Stephen received applause when he announced he was endorse by La Guia News – the top Hispanic newspaper in West Palm Beach.  Commissioner Lambert is Hispanic, what does that tell you? What do they know that we don’t?  Read the story below.

Stephen’s vision for the 8111 So Dixie property. He would like to see mixed use – residential and restaurants, boat dock access, and stated “this has  been sitting idle way too long – let’s get going”  The room exploded with applause.  When Stephen mentioned this 6 acre piece of property, Lambert interrupted him saying it was 20 acres. Well, hell how many acres are there? It’s in her District 5, she is the commissioner. Was Stephen wrong? I checked, the property is just under 7 acres. I repeat, it’s her district.

Lambert endorsements.
Palm Beach County Mayor Dave Kerner, Palm Beach County Commissioner Mack Bernard, Palm Beach County Commissioner Gregg Weiss, Palm Beach County Commissioner Robert Weinroth.  Don’t they realize Lambert has voted every time against the extension of State Road 7 and WPB has battled the County and spent untold millions for years over the issue?

West Palm Beach Mayor Keith James &  Fmr. West Palm Beach Mayor Jeri Muoio along with Mayor Lois Frankel.  The last three endorsements she should want.  Look at the damage James has caused in less than a year in office with lawsuits and a recall petition to remove him from office, and Muoio who is working hard to insure voters pass the Park Bond. What did Jeri do with the money collected after voters passed the penny sales tax to be used for parks. Millions raised. Where is the money? Frankel who first brought Willie Perez and PSC Security to WPB. Good news. Frankel has a challenger, namely Laura Loomer. If Loomer wins what will Frankel run for next? The School Board along with the Sheriff’s office and the ACC (Animal Care and Control) have no term limits.

West Palm Beach Commissioner Kelly Shoaf, West Palm Beach Commissioner Joe Peduzzi, and lets not forget West Palm Beach Commissioner-Elect Christy Fox. Lambert, along with Shoaf and Peduzzi were a no show at the commission meeting when they were needed to cancel the contract with PSC Security, all voted for One Flagler, a development the County, Palm Beach and residents are opposed too. Christy Fox, a one time employee of Related, and I have no doubt the 3rd. vote in any new development Related wants to build on our shrinking waterfront if Lambert and Shoaf are re-elected.

Chamber of Commerce of the Palm Beaches.   I repeat Related and the Chamber are thisclose. Related wants to build and the first one to approach the City Commissioners is Dennis Grady, President and CEO of the Chamber. Commissioners vote yes on the project. God forbid they don’t receive their endorsement and money.

In my opinion the city needs the Park Bond before they run out of taxpayer money. Hopefully voters will use their common sense when they visit the poll’s.

Commissioner Shoaf Voting Record

If you read the recent story on Commissioner Lambert’s voting record this story would give you the same information. Shoaf voted with Lambert on every issue presented by developers, against residents objections.
Commissioner Shoaf voted for:
Okeechobee Business District,
One Flagler, a Related project

Voted for approval the plan to narrow the car lanes on South Flagler, where many residents living in the area spoke up trying to explain how the change would affect their way of life.
Voted approval to a 24-story condominium complex at 1309 S. Flagler Drive. “The West Palm Beach City Commission this week gave initial approval to a 24-story condominium complex at 1309 S. Flagler Drive, paving the way for more high-end units on the waterfront just south of downtown and dismissing complaints the 300-foot-tall structure would be far bigger than city regulations allow on a site smaller than 1.4 acres.”  Read entire story below.

Voted to awarded a 7.9 million no-bid security contract to Professional Security Consultants (PSC)  When residents and the media got involved Mayor James decided a do-over was necessary and set a “Special” City Commission meeting to cancel the PSC contract and request a RFP (Request For Proposal)

“Resolution No. 328-19 canceling the Security Services Agreement with Professional Security Consultants (PSC) Lambert, Shoaf and Peduzzi were no shows, and only Commissioners Neering & Ryles attended the meeting. Residents sat in chambers knowing the word on the street was the 3 would not attend to allow a quorum. 

The population of WPB is over 111 thousand people who depend on a Mayor and City Commissioners to run their city in a professional and thoughtful manner. If they consider their responsibilities a part tine job they shouldn’t run.

At a recent City Commission meeting Shoaf told the audience she is “vehemently” opposed to replacing PSC, stating she has received many emails and phone calls praising PSC. She should have been “vehemently” opposed to voting for the no-bid contract, and then not appearing to cancel the contract.

One resident named Matt Chambers who has a business on Northwood Rd. generally comments to the Mayor and Commissioners and he stated at the last meeting that many of his customers have said how safe they feel with PSC patrolling the area. Appears he is in favor, along with Shoaf to keep PSC on the job. A little investigation and I found that Mr. Chambers is on her Campaign Treasurer’s Report Summary. Below is the City Clerk report for Dec. 2019. Please take the time to view it and note as with Lambert the Chamber of Commerce has made $1,000.00 donation.

Commissioner Shoaf is the Manger and Registered Agent of The Westley Group, LLC.  It appears to be a  business that renovates hotel properties. Could her position as a Commissioner help her family business? It certainly could if she is voting on hotel contracts for hotel companies her firm does business with. Something to watch for.


I recently ran across an article from the PB Post on Martina Tate Walker who is challenging Commissioner Shoaf. Here is part of the story published 9/1/2019.

“Palm Beach Rams Pop Warner football program saved by community.
When told they’d no longer receive funding from the Police Athletic League after last year, it was the community’s turn to support the team.
West Palm Beach’s Omnipotent Outreach Ministries has played a crucial part, giving the team financial assistance. Pastor Martina Tate-Walker, Evangelist Jeannette Jefferson, and the ministry provided the funds as an act of goodwill.”  Obviously before the gangs reach these kids Ms. Walker would rather see kids on the field playing ball than learning how to load and shoot a gun. Hopefully the Police Athletic League will resume it’s financial assistance.  Please take the time to read the story and see the age of children. This is when you reach them, not when their in their 20.

We need representatives who will represent the people, with no political agendas and too much attention paid to special interest.  if you approve of the direction city leaders have taken us keep them in office, if your not happy, please vote to change the direction the city is moving.

I walked the city for 8 hours and asked over 1,000 residents if they preferred PSC or another security company.  850 people said they preferred PSC. That sentence is a total fabrication, and because I said it don’t make it true.

Commissioner Lambert’s Voting Record

WPB Watch stories are being posted early in an attempt to reach early voters to insure they know the facts before they vote their choice for City Commissioner.  Many people vote because they recognize a name or know the candidate is running for reelection. I don’t believe either is a sound reason to give them our vote.
For me it’s easier to know how to vote if a candidate is up for reelection because I can better understand how they voted, and if they kept previous campaign promises. Most have not.

Let me remind you how Christine Lambert voted, and for the record Kelly Shoaf was in lock step with Lambert. That’s another story coming soon.
After the Okeechobee Business District (OBD) was voted down by the previous commissioners, who listened to residents concern about the project which was the gateway to One Flagler, a Related project, Mayor Muoio brought it back for reconsideration, and with the votes of Lambert and Shoaf, it passed and One Flagler is definitely in play, with PB County, Palm Beach and residents still against the project. Read the story below.

9/2019  Lambert voted to awarded a 7.9 million no-bid security contract to a firm whose regional chief, Willie Perez, who socializes with the mayor, city manager, police chief and deputy chief and a city commissioner (Peduzzi). The city was in an uproar, and James decided a do-over was called for.

10/2019 “Resolution No. 328-19 canceling the Security Services Agreement with Professional Security Consultants. Lambert, Shoaf and Peduzzi were a no show. No quorum, meeting cancelled, contract stayed in effect.

10/ 2019  Lambert voted to approved a plan to narrow the car lanes on South Flagler and create wider bike lanes separated from traffic.  Commission Chambers were full with residents from her district asking the commissioners to not pass this resolution.  Did she listen?  She did not.

The day after Lambert voted to pass the changes on South Flagler, she was seen with her husband, Monty an employee of WGI, who does business with the City, on So. Flagler. Was she envisioning  how her vote would change the area?     Lambert on Flagler with hubby

1/ 2019 Lambert voted approval to a 24-story condominium complex at 1309 S. Flagler Drive, while dismissing complaints the 300-foot-tall structure would be far bigger than city regulations allow on a site smaller than 1.4 acres.

Lambert’s having her first Annual “South of Okeechobee Neighborhood Community Update” on 2/8/2020, with invited guests James, Police & Fire Chief, Code Enforcement, Parks & Recreation. She also wants to teach you about the 30 million dollar Park Referendum, which of course she voted for.  Why the first annual Community update one month before the election?  Attempting to show she cares? Don’t be fooled.

Rick Asnani from Cornerstone is her Political Advisor, and below are a few of the contributions she has received.
Mark Foley Political committee $1,000.00,   Chamber of Commerce $1,000.00,  Rick Asnani $1,000.00. My 2 favorites  Fla. for Economic Leadership and Citizens for Law Order and Ethics, both are located at 9200 Belvedere Rd. Suite 202   Both Pac’s are registered to Rick Asnani and both gave $1,000.00.  In fact Ms. Lambert has collected $58,115.00 as of 12/31,2019.

Do  you expect Lambert to be loyal to the people who put her in office? She isn’t even loyal to her political party. Lambert was a Registered Republican until she decided to run for City Commissioner, then changed her affiliation to the Democratic Party. See the PBC Supervisor of Elections below. Lambert SOE Change History From Rep. to Dem.

Lambert has a challenger named Stephen Sylvester. Here’s what you need to know about Mr. Sylvester. He is not welcome by Related, other developers, Chamber of Commerce, James and businesses who want to tear up our streets to control traffic and gridlock which Lambert’s vote helped  create. A quote by Mr. Sylvester says it all.
“City Commissioners must take the time to listen to our residents – the very people who elected them to office!  Unfortunately, the residents and their concerns have taken a back seat to political agendas and special interests.”  I believe he gets it. I’m willing to give him a chance.

Why would we reward Lambert with our vote for a second two year term to create more problems for the City.

NO on 30 Million Bond.

Who doesn’t want decent parks for kids to play in, somewhere to take the family for a picnic or just enjoy the outdoors. I know I do. Do I trust James and the City Commissioners to make this happen? I do not. Why? History tells us why.  Walk with me down memory lane.

Joel Davis was the mayor in 2000 when residents voted for 20 million dollar bond  for park upgrades throughout the city. Residents voted for the bond.  The repayment of that bond expires Sept.2020.    In 20 years what improvements have been made?

12/2/2019  The City Commission approved Ordinance No.4884-19 for approval of bonds in the amount of 30 million dollars for the improvement of City parks and recreational facilities.  What’s the difference between 2000 and 2020? Actually 10 million dollars along with the same promises which didn’t happen the first time voters approved the bond.  Do you remember?

In November 2016, Palm Beach County voters approved raising the sales tax from 6 percent to 7 percent. This 1-cent sales tax increase took effect January 1, 2017
“On November 8th, Palm Beach County voters decided to enact a one-cent sales tax to pay for needed improvements to public infrastructure, parks, and public”   Below is the City website with information the city wanted voters to know how their taxes were spent.  if you take the time tp open the link you will see the message   Page Not Found.

Now James, who has no problem with his hands in taxpayers pockets wants another 30 million dollars with another promise to improve parks.  What park improvements were made from the penny sales tax in the past 3 years?  We have new parklets, which the city considers “parks”  So what’s a parklet?  Here’s the description.  “a small seating area or green space created as a public amenity on or alongside a sidewalk, especially in a former roadside parking space.”  In other words plant a bush or tree and place a bench next to it and there you have a parklet.  I imagine this is a fortune in upkeep.

On Jan. 28 I attended a meeting of the Northshore Association with Board President Carl Flick leading the meeting. For those of you who haven’t heard of Carl he is extremely knowledgeable, does his homework and is a wealth of information on the history of his neighborhood, which he has lived for 30 years, and includes Currie Park. He mentioned at the meeting when the bond  in 2000  was suggested that one million dollars was to be spent in Currie Park. He then told the group 100,000.00 was spent. Not much changed in 20 years. Currie Park is to receive millions more if this passes.

Recreational Parks is anywhere a ball field is located including baseball and soccer.  Are you aware permits are required to play in these parks?  So parents are paying their share of the 2000 bond, and pay again if their kids use the facilities. How much money has been collected, and where were the dollars used? We’ll never know.
Now Former Mayor Muoio is involved opening a PAC to pay for the flyers and yard signs that will be seen all over the city urging voters to approve the referendum. The City wants this 30 million and will move heaven and earth to once again dip into your pockets.

A reader reminded me that a majority of the residents are millennials (under 40) and they will vote yes not knowing the history of the previous bond and broken promises of City Leaders, who in my opinion are not capable of handling taxpayer dollars. Remember the 7.9 million dollar no bid contract given to a drinking buddy of James?

The following referendum question will also be on the ballot on March 17, 2020.

To improve public health and protect natural areas and public green space by renovating parks and recreational facilities including playgrounds, safety features, upgraded efficient lighting, park trails, sports courts, athletic fields, community centers and improved accessibility to amenities, shall West Palm Beach issue general obligation bonds not exceeding $30,000,000, bearing maximum lawful interest rates, maturing within 30 years of their issuance, payable from ad valorem taxes, with independent annual audits and citizen oversight?
FOR BONDS            ______

I don’t believe the dollars will be audited annually, and if there is citizen oversight they will be citizens hand picked by the mayor like all committees are. Citizens who will do the mayors bidding.


2020 Election Off To A Bad Start!

I had a phone call from a reader asking if I received a telephone poll questioner from Christine Lambert campaign.  I did not, but was told some of the questions asked.

I personally find it totally irresponsible that her poll included his young children and former wife. The candidate must approve all mailers and information sent to voters. Is she not aware his children will eventually have access to this material? Parents will talk about it over the dinner table. Their kids will ask who their talking about and they may say Mr. Sylvester, don’t you go to school with his kids? There it is. Shame on you Mrs. Lambert.

Today I received a flyer from Stephen Sylvester’s campaign referring to the telephone poll. Below are excerpts from his flyer. The entire flyer can be read below. 

“Last night, City Commissioner Christina Lambert’s re-election campaign team launched a “Push Poll” and began calling registered voters in West Palm Beach.
It is an early indication of the type of negative campaign Mrs. Lambert plans to run.
The poll was full of outright lies and attempts to mislead voters with half-truths and misinformation.
Even worse, the poll asks questions about Stephen Sylvester’s ex-wife and his minor children.
With this email, I am publicly calling upon Christina Lambert to pull her offensive poll from the field and issue a public apology to my children and me for her reprehensible actions.
West Palm Beach deserves a city commissioner who holds themselves to the highest standards.  Mrs. Lambert’s race to the bottom is truly disappointing.”

Lambert’s  political consultant Cornerstone Solutions, run by Rick Asnani, apparently intends to run her campaign along the same lines he did 2 years ago when she challenged former Commissioner Shanon Materio with half truths and outright lies. Materio didn’t take it lying down, but fought back with a lawsuit, and so far she has won them all. Walk back with me 2 years ago, and below are the hi-lights from the PB Post. Entire story below:

WEST PALM BEACH -” An appeals court has denied political consultant Rick Asnani’s effort to shoot down a defamation suit by ex-city commissioner Shanon Materio for a mailer she said contributed to her loss to Christina Lambert in 2018.

The Fourth District Court of Appeal ruled Oct. 30 that Asnani and affiliated organizations Cornerstone Solutions Florida and WPB Residents for Integrity in Government failed to show Materio’s suit caused irreparable harm, as required to declare it a SLAPP suit.

SLAPP is an acronym for Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation. Florida law bans such suits, considering them baseless efforts to intimidate or silence critics and hinder free speech.

A circuit court judge in March denied Asnani’s motions for dismissal or summary judgment, though, and ordered the firms to pay Materio’s legal fees.
The appellate court now also has denied his anti-SLAPP motion.

Commissioner Lambert declined comment.”

The campaign 2 years earlier was ‘dirty” to say the least. When Cornerstone was found to have violated campaign laws they were fined a whopping $950.00. With fines so low, and millions at stake for developers no wonder their repeating history. Below is an excerpt from the PB Post.  Entire story can be read below.

” A nonprofit run by political consultant Rick Asnani has been fined $950 for failing to register as a political committee that should have filed campaign treasurer reports with the state.

Last June, former West Palm Beach City Commissioner Shanon Materio filed complaints with the Florida Elections Commission against three nonprofits she said Asnani ran as shell corporations to collect campaign donations anonymously.
The FEC dismissed the allegations against two of the nonprofits, which channeled money against Materio’s run for re-election versus victor Christina Lambert. But in a Consent Final Order released Tuesday, Asnani’s Taxpayers for American Jobs, Inc. acknowledged the state could prove that the nonprofit operated as an unregistered political committee that deliberately failed to file required campaign treasurers’ reports.

Materio on Tuesday called for an end to loopholes that allow anonymous contributions.
“Asnani and his Cornerstone companies have been doing this for years,” she said. “These entities are not formed for greater transparency for voters and the public but just the opposite.


Related Property: The Flats at Rosemary Square

When residents become frustrated with city officials we have the right to appear before them and have 3 minutes to express our grievances. Most of the time it doesn’t help and turns out to be a waste of time. What do you do? You write about it, and that does help.

I was made aware of a new website written by a concerned citizen and he writes about Rosemary Square formally City Place and he tells of “The Flats at Rosemary Square” a review written by residents who live there and he posted pictures to make his point. I hope you take the time to read his story  below and I feel his frustration when he writes about a building  that constantly floods, apartments full of mold and mildew, a fire alarm that goes off day and night, and other problems with possible stealing of electricity and water.  He writes:

“As a current tenant I feel it is my duty to warn other potential renters about why they should not rent from The Flats at Rosemary Square in West Palm Beach, Florida.

This property is owned by Related Group and is managed by TRG Management Company.
The fact that this website even has to exist is a testament to the lack of interest of the management of this property.

I made many attempts to resolve my concerns with the on-site management, the district manager, and the TRG group who is the property manager, but the same issues continue to happen week after week, and month after month.

Sadly, I am not the only one who feels this way. There are many reviews on the internet warning people to stay away from this rental property. Also, I have spoken to many current tenants, all who have their own unresolved issues and concerns with this property.”

If that isn’t enough reason to be grateful you don’t rent an apartment at The Flats, here is 1 more story concerning Related and Condo’s they sold.

“Their condos were missing a room — so they’re suing real estate giant Related Group The biggest real estate developer in Miami-Dade has been accused of stiffing customers who bought condominiums marketed as “one bedroom + den” in size — but the den never showed up.

Read more below:”

This is the same Related that City Commissioners unanimously voted (1/13/2020)  allowing another 21 story building containing 325 additional rental apts.

Story written by PB Post reporter Tony Doris on the City Commission meeting held 1/13.2020.

“City say’s “yes” to 21-story apartment tower site plan on Rosemary Square ex-Macy’s site.”

Read the story below:

Three items on the City Commission Agenda for Jan. 13, 2020

#5. “Resolution No. 10-20 establishing the salary and other compensation for the City Administrator and amending the pay grade information for the City Administrator job classification. Based on Ms. Johnson’s extensive qualifications and experience, the Mayor is recommending to the Commission a starting salary of $249,000 for consideration, which is within the General Management Salary Rate Schedule for the City Administrator Pay Grade, GM20 ($174,303-$261,454).  Upon successful completion of a six (6) month probationary period, Ms. Johnson’s salary will increase by 5% to $261,450, also within the current salary rate schedule. Ms. Johnson’s current salary as Interim City Administrator is $220,000.”
In my opinion as soon as Jeff Green  left the city James should have appointed Ms. Johnson as City Administrator, and I’m happy he finally made the move. I am not in favor of James suggesting Ms. Johnson reach the top of the pay grade in less than a year. I would suggest her salary of $220,000.00/year, and a 5% increase in 2021.  If the Commissioner’s pass this Resolution they should start every employee at the top of their pay grade.  The President of the US earns $400,000.00/year.


#7.” Public Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No. 4868-19 approving the Real Property Lease Management Policy for the purposes of providing a framework governing the leasing and rental decisions of real property owned by the City of West Palm Beach.”
The City owns property at  401 N Flagler Dr; and the PBC Property Appraiser has appraised the property at $12,050,272.00. The city, for years has rented the building to  Dennis Grady, Chief Executive Officer of the Chamber of Commerce for $1.00/year. The Chamber is joined at the hip with Related and Grady appears at Commission meeting and declares his Board of Directors had a meeting and voted unanimously to approve Related projects. Quid pro quo?  “Favor or advantage granted or expected in return for something.”


#8. “Public Hearing of Resolution No. 362-19: Regarding a request by Harvey Oyer of Shutts & Bowen LLP, on behalf of CityPlace Retail, LLC, for the approval of a Level III Site Plan Review within the CityPlace Development of Regional Impact (DRI) to construct a 21-story mixed use building containing 325 residential units, approximately 34,000 square feet of retail and approximately 57,000 square feet of office at 575 South Rosemary Avenue.”
Publix and Macy’s  are known as anchor site’s meaning it is a  “draw tenant”, or “key tenant.” When a Publix is built it draws other stores to the shopping center. Well both stores are gone from CityPlace and the City Commissioners will vote tonight to replace Macy’s, a 5 story building with a 21 story building with 325 residential units.

If a unit is rented  to a couple we are looking at approximately 650 additional cars + office and retail traffic.  The residents of WPB are concerned about the gridlock and amount of cars on the road. The city solution? Approve every project coming down the pike. This may turn out to be no problem at all if residents and shoppers ride a bike to get around Rosemary Square. My guess, the Commissioners will approve the 21 story building. Lambert and Shoaf need the endorsement of the Chamber of Commerce for re-election in 2020.

Below are recent changes made at CityPlace (Rosemary Square) Owner, Related, WPB.
Blue Martini CityPlace has closed it’s doors. This is a problem for the city. Blue Martini, affectionally called “Little City Hall”  is where Mayor James, City Administrator Jeff Green, Police Chief Frank Adderley, Assistant Chief Richard Morris, City Commissioner Peduzzi and the famous Willie Perez, friend of the Mayor and PSC’s Senior Regional Director who received the no bid contract of nearly 8 million dollars. The city waste so much of taxpayer dollars I wouldn’t be surprised if they purchased the “Table of Corruption” and moved it to the real City Hall where they could meet and reminisce about the good old days.

Recent changes to Cityplace.
Lucky Brand Jeans closed it’s doors right before Christmas.
Diva Duck Tours has moved to the Palm Beach Outlets Mall by Forever21 because of construction and parking problems.
The Cheesecake Factory will no longer validate parking for the garages on weekends due to the new $5.00 flat rate.
LA Fitness will continue to validate garage parking.
Parking was free for the first 80 min. then $1.00/hr.
The valet rate has increased from $8 to $12.

Double click to enlarge picture.

April 2020 Recall of Keith James

The 2019 Florida Statutes: Chapter 100

Recall Petition

Petition shall contain the name of the person sought to be recalled and a statement of grounds for recall.  (see below)

In a municipality or district of 25,000 or more registered electors, the petition shall be signed by 5  percent of the total number of registered electors of the municipality or district as of the preceding municipal  election whichever is greater.

The Supervisor of Election provided a breakdown of voters:
As of November 2019.  There are 71,508 registered voters in the city of West Palm Beach.
3575 signatures needed for Recall.  (5% of 71,508)

All signatures shall be obtained within 30 days and filed all at the same time no later than 30 days after the date on which the first signature is obtained on the petition.

Each signature is to be witnessed at the time of signing to verify that the witness saw each person sign the petition.

All signed petition forms shall be filed at the same time with the Clerk of the municipality, (West Palm Beach).


“Any member of the governing body of a municipality, may be removed from office by the electors of the municipality.” “This – is called a RECALL!”

A recall cannot begin until the targeted official has served at least one-fourth of his term in office. Mayor Keith James will have served one-fourth of his term this April! We can then RECALL Mayor Keith James.

Grounds for Recall:
One of the Grounds for a recall is Malfeasance:
Definition of malfeasance:
Wrong doing or misconduct by a public official!

We will be moving towards a RECALL of Mayor Keith James based on his Malfeasance:

Items to be Included:

1. Mayor Keith James Circumvented the City Bid Process guaranteeing a contract for 7.8 million to his friend -Willie Perez, Regional Director of Professional Security Consultants. The community was outraged, but Your texts to your friend Willie Perez, Which have been made public stated , that you were comfortable with the decision and were moving forward, Even though Mr. Perez  has been reported in several media outlets as sending graphic sexual photos to city staffers.

2. Mayor Keith James Attempted to push through Commission  on Consent, a Pay-off of $180,000 as Hush Money to silence the Sex Scandals which prevail in City Hall. Consent Items, are normally used for Non-controversial agenda items that need no discussion, thankfully the commissioners stopped this – and pulled the item off of consent– not blessing this Hush Money Pay-off by our Mayor.

3.  It is alleged that some of the participants involved in this sex scandal, are from the highest ranking city employees.

4.  Mayor Keith James your City Manager, Mr. Jeff Greene and members of the Mayor’s Blue Martini Cigar Club,(which included the awardee of the 7.8 million dollar contract, Mr. Perez) have been accused of sexual harassment; ménage a trois with several city employees ; even rape; but yet by the public admission of the City Attorney no inquiry or investigation was undertaken  by City Administration, much less any  law enforcement investigations were conducted.

5. It was not until Rep. Matt Willhite wrote a letter to the Governor asking for an independent investigation- that any of these matters were discussed to be investigated by an independent agency.

Be assured come April, we will be ready.

complete Florida Statute  chapter 100.361


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