Who is Martina Tate Walker?

The story below was first published 3/7/2018 and I am once again attempting to introduce Ms. Walker to residents and voters who are concerned about the direction our city is moving in with overdevelopment, traffic congestion and Commissioner Shoaf voting with developers every time ignoring residents concerns.

Ms. Walker lost the election to Commissioner Shoaf in 2018 and I must ask myself is WPB better off today. My opinion, no it is not, with developers contributing dollars to the Shoaf campaign to again insure her re-election so she can continue to support their projects.

I first heard Ms. Walker speak at the first City Commission debate where she is running for City Commissioner District 1.

The audience seemed to like not only her, but her message as well. After listening to her views and hopes for the city I wanted to meet and speak with her, and am happy I made the effort. Here’s what I learned.

Ms. Walker doesn’t have sponsors throwing big money at her. In fact Ms. Walker has no money. You wont see yard signs, t-shirts or fliers in your mailbox. She has no campaign manager guiding her. You will not see the Chamber of Commerce or Related funding her election with expectations of a payback with her vote if she’s elected.

So who is this woman, and why does she want to be a City Commissioner?
Ms. Walker is an ordained minister, and told me her strongest assets are her God, and family.

When I asked her what she wanted people to know about her she mentioned integrity first, her transparency(what you see, is what you get) She feels it is important to listen to people, but places more importance on hearing them. Re-read that last line and think about it. She understands problems, but places more importance on finding the solutions.

Martina retired after 25 years from the PBC Health Dept; working in Human Resources and 6 years with USPS.
Important topics for her are children and the elderly.
For the kid’s she wants the city’s to engage in finding ways to entertain children, and supply a way to move them from point A to point B. She asked me what good a soccer field would do kids if they don’t have a way to get there. I didn’t have a answer.
She would like to see more affordable housing for the elderly, and support groups for them.

I asked her how she spent her day’s, and I thought my pen would run out of ink before she finished.
She councils married folks, singles, elderly and most important to her, children.
She “partners” with FPL requesting they not shut off a customers electricity and finds a way to bring the account up to date and find acceptable payment plans.
Partners with DCF to assist folks acquire food stamps.
Partners with Toy’s for Tot’s.
Partners with food banks and delivers food to needy families.
Works with programs for Youth Bullying.
Rides 12 hours a month with the C.O.P. (Citizens on Patrol) program.
Visits Nursing Homes and Hospital’s.
My next question was how she found the time and energy to do it all. Her answer: “God gives me the time and energy and all the guidance I need”.

What you have read is not known to many people only herself and the people she helps. Ms. Walker has an almost innocent childlike way about herself, but I wouldn’t want to try and pull anything over on her.

I like this lady very much, I believe what she say’s, and have no problem supporting her in her bid for a commission seat.

Keep your hands off our cars–Fix Flagler

Dear Neighbor,

After months of constant feedback from hundreds of concerned citizens, it appeared Flagler Shore would be dead for good March 1st.

That is until Mayor Jeri Muoio published a Point Of View article in the Palm Beach Post on Saturday, March 3rd. This article makes it clear that any signals we might have gotten that Flagler Shore might go away were wrong. The mayor has doubled down on Flagler Shore and called all of you a “special interest group.” The text of her article can be found at the end of this email.
We are developing a comprehensive plan to respond to the mayor’s article. We will be convening a meeting of the Fix Flagler! steering committee the week of March 11.

In the interim, please keep up the drumbeat of opposition to the outrageous act of escalation by our city’s elected leader and be grateful for term limits. Please urge your friends to join our movement and contribute to our cause. We are a grassroots movement of concerned citizens, and we won’t give up until Flagler Shore is no more!
You can sign our petition and email the mayor, city commissioners, and candidates all from our website, www.fixflagler.org.

Robert Garvy and Carol Garvy
Fix Flagler!

Point of View: Flagler Shore a good step in improving space for all
The future of West Palm Beach rests in our ability to try new things and embrace new ways of thinking. That is exactly what we have done with Flagler Shore, a pilot project that temporarily closes two lanes of Flagler Drive to reclaim 63,000 square feet of road for the public benefit, providing more space for walking and biking, and events. Our goal? To take a small step forward, with minimal investment, in creating a quality open space along West Palm Beach’s most loved but underutilized destination.

Quality open spaces do more than improve health and well-being. They also contribute to increased property values. As more individuals move back into cities, there is increased demand — which West Palm Beach can’t afford to ignore — for better quality public spaces, including urban green spaces, where friends can meet up for coffee and good conversation, where our children and grandchildren can play, where families can make memories, where the public can gather together.

Contrary to what critics orchestrating a heavily funded, opposition campaign may want you to believe, Flagler Shore has been a success — even with some “bumps in the road” — and I firmly stand by it.

Flagler Shore has been successful in yielding valuable data about Flagler Drive, its safety, and how it’s used by pedestrians and motorists alike. We now know with absolute certainty that this road was overbuilt and that, today, there still is not enough vehicular traffic to justify four lanes of Flagler Drive.

Flagler Shore has been successful in starting the dialogue about our city’s public spaces, what they should look like, how they should be used, and whose voice — if any — should matter most in the creation of temporary or permanent public spaces.

The city received many favorable responses to Flagler Shore and — mixed with the good and the bad — constructive ideas about how we can be better, all of which we have taken into account and from which we have learned. We are appreciative of everyone who took the time to share with us your thoughts by writing, calling or attending any of the Flagler Shore neighborhood meetings, focus groups or think tanks. We wanted as much input from as many people as possible, and now we know that West Palm Beach demands a high-quality public space.

We must remember that Flagler Drive is public property, and so it must remain a space for all West Palm Beach residents and visitors. The city’s public policy will not be determined by any special interest group, as the views of those who are loudest do not always reflect the views of everyone.

As we have promised from the very beginning, Flagler Drive will reopen on March 1st, and, soon, city staff will present a final report detailing findings and recommendations. Once complete, we look forward to presenting the results to residents and, also, to our city commission.

We look forward to an ongoing dialogue on how to design quality public spaces for people.


Dirty Business

The City Commission meeting held Sept. 25, 2017, three Commissioners Moffett, Materio and Neering voted to defeat Related “One Flagler” 25 story office building.

I have learned that Rick Greene, Development Services Director, holds a quarterly “Developer Outreach” meeting between the city and developers doing business in WPB. The last meeting was held November 9, 2017; and from that meeting rumors hit the street that if Related didn’t receive the backing from City Commissioners to build their 25-story office building named “One Flagler” on the waterfront, they would “draft” people to challenge Commissioner’s Materio and Moffett for their commission seat, and if they were defeated in the March election “One Flagler” would be brought back to the commission for reconsideration.

I did what I could to verify the story by sending a PRR to the city wanting information on the “Developers Outreach” program and received from Rich Greene almost a hundred pages of presentation’s made at the meeting.

What I wanted to know is if Related attended, and how the conversation went. I made a request for more records. Below is the e-mail exchange between Mr. Greene and myself.

“Thank you for the information. I also requested a copy of the recording of the meeting along with the minutes, and also would appreciate viewing the sign in sheet of those who attended the meeting.”
His response was immediate:
“This meeting is not recorded nor do we have a sign in sheet or minutes. This is a periodic update of what is happening in our Department and what projects have been approved or under construction in the City.”
Rick Greene, AICP

I can’t prove or disprove the rumor, but I believe where there’s smoke, there’s fire.

Here’s the question you should ask yourself:
Did Related “draft” Christina Lambert who is challenging Shanon Materio for District 5 seat and Kelly Shoaf who it appears has a clear run for District 1.
If these 2 women are elected, and the rumors are true, residents will live with “Flagler One” like it or not.
In any election I pay particular attention to who endorses candidates. It’s a tell all of where the candidates stand and how they could possibly vote on issues important to residents.

Chamber of Commerce
Their mission statement below was taken from their website.

Our Chamber Means Business

The Chamber is a proactive organization that achieves results and meets community needs. The association has always been on the cutting edge of the community’s critical concerns, working for new small business programs, representing business interests at all levels of government, promoting tourism and recruiting new business and industry to the area.
The Chamber’s strength is derived from its diversity and number of members. Both large and small businesses, from virtually every profession, are represented within our organization. These members make the Chamber one of the most effective and respected business associations in the state, providing both input and the manpower to see that the needs of area businesses are met by the city, county and state governments.
As a unified voice for businesses, the Chamber accomplishes collectively what no one business can do alone, dealing with the many issues that affect the community’s quality of life.

Governmental Affairs Committee

The committee reviews proposed area, state and federal legislation impacting the business community. The role of the governmental affairs committee is to accumulate information relative to candidates for the Palm Beach County Commission and West Palm Beach City Commission and convey it to members, along with recommendations for candidate selection in the City and County elections. The Government Affair Committee meets on an as-needed basis.

About Leadership West Palm Beach

The mission of Leadership West Palm Beach is to cultivate the leadership potential of those individuals who reside or work in the City of West Palm Beach and utilize their skills to foster the development of programs and opportunities that would enrich and improve the quality of life in the Palm Beaches.
Participants are exposed to a variety of aspects of the community including government, health and human services, education, economic development, arts, culture and festivals, neighborhoods and even the water catchment area. All of these areas are integral components of our community. Informing the class participants generates leaders with a well-rounded knowledge base to assist in future planning and decision-making for the betterment of West Palm Beach.

Dennis Grady President/CEO had his wife introduce Ms. Lambert at a recent event. So the Chamber is endorsing Ms. Lambert.
Good for Related, bad for residents.

The Chamber of Commerce did not endorse Materio, but 2 of my personal heroes for the city did, namely the PBC Police Benevolent Association along with the Association of Firefighters. Both organizations know Materio has their back, nice to know she has their support.

A story in the PB Post reported the following:
“Moffett was one of three commissioners who voted against Related Cos.’ plan to rezone the Okeechobee Boulevard corridor and allow a 25-story office tower in a 5-story waterfront zone.
Shoaf said she has not yet formulated an opinion on the controversial issue, which could come up again if elections create a commission more sympathetic to the developer.” Really!

Please consider everything, do your homework, and most important vote in the March 13,2018 upcoming election.
These are the people who make decisions that effect your everyday life financially and environmentally.

If your too busy to vote, OK, just please don’t complain about the direction the city is moving in.

Who Is Shanon Materio

In my opinion Shannon Materio is not the same woman she was in March 2015, and has evolved into a commissioner I can stand with in her bid for re-election for City Commissioner District 5. My eyes were opened when Commissioner Materio was one of 3 who voted against Zoning and Land Use Changes that would have allowed for the Related project “One Flagler” to move forward, and she was the most outspoken on the dais. If you were at the City Commission meeting held on Sept. 25, 2017 you witnessed a chamber full of residents both for and against Related Developer seeking approval for their 25-story office building namely “One Flagler” to be located on the waterfront, where residents twice voted for a 5 story height limit on any new building.

Development Services Director Rick Greene did all he could to move the project forward, and went out of his way to not mention 3 little words. (Related One Flagler) and continually referred to OBD (Okeechobee Blvd. District.) Mr. Greene and 3 others spent over one hour on their presentation in an attempt to convince commissioners and the public we needed this project to make West Palm Beach a great city. I didn’t realize we were not already a great city. I appreciated the city bringing this to my attention.

Commissioner Neering asked: “If Related didn’t bring this project forward, would we be talking about the OBD?” and later questioned if the project was “spot zoning.” Mr. Greene’s response to Commissioner Neering question was “Yes” we would be discussing OBD, and Mr. Greene denied it was “spot zoning” told a whopper and you could hear the whispering in the audience while the developers smiled.

Commissioner Materio called out Mr. Greene on his denial and said “I disagree with you Rick, we wouldn’t be here if Related didn’t want to build this building, it is “spot zoning, and the city is willing to give away it’s best asset, the waterfront.” When Commissioner Materio was finished, no one had to ask what did she mean, we knew exactly what she meant, they weren’t pulling the wool over her eyes.
I had to investigate the meaning of “spot zoning” and here is the definition.

“Spot zoning is the application of zoning to a specific parcel or parcels of land within a larger zoned area when the zoning is usually at odds with a city’s master plan and current zoning restrictions.– The small size of the parcel is not the sole defining characteristic of a spot zone”

Commissioner James requested that Related CEO be allowed to make a statement Mayor Muoio denied his request.
My thought was what the hell is he doing here, we were just told this meeting was not about “One Flagler”

Now it’s time for comments from the public, and the first speaker was former Mayor Joel Davis who stated he supports Related “One Flagler” and looks forward to it’s completion. 2nd speaker former CC Brandenberg say’s she supports “One Flagler.”3rd. speaker Adelson, another developer, Chamber of Commerce, Developers and Business community along with a few residents all support “One Flagler” Those mentioned above are considered by some to be “Big Hitters” in the city.

Those opposed were many residents along with attorneys for Preserve West Palm Beach Citizens Coalition and CTG. (Citizens for Thoughtful Growth)

Now the commission vote on the project.

Commissioners Ryan & James vote to move the project forward.

Commissioners Neering, Materio and Moffett investigated the proposal, did their homework, and looked at whether the proposed changes to City Zoning Code and the Downtown Master Plan met the standards required. They did not vote for the “Staff Recommends Motion” and most important to me–they listened to the people and looked at the legal requirements for such approval. All three commissioners voted not to move forward.

All three commissioners are the “Big Hitters” for the residents.

This should be the end of the story, but it’s not. Follow up story on Related’s next plan of attack.

Believe me there is one coming.

You Really Had To Be There

On Jan.29,2018 I attended the WPB City Commission meeting because of an e-mail I received concerning “Flagler Shores” and it rang a bell with me due to an article I had read the previous day in the PB Post. The story written by Alexandra Clough “Foes of Flagler Shore rally opposition.” was well written and informative.

When I approached the room outside the City Commission Chambers I encounter 10-15 people and everyone confused about the procedure to be allowed to voice their opinion on the city’s Flagler Shores experiment. I was asked if I was for or against the project, and my honest answer was I didn’t know enough about it to be for or against. Second question was did I know how to fill out the card? Pointing to the comment card I explained they were to sign their name here, and place the item no. here. Third question what was the item No? I picked up the agenda which contained 21 items and started reading. Arrived at #21 and thought hell I missed it, and started looking again, when the City Clerk came by and I asked her what the item # was. She replied Flagler Shores was not on the agenda. By now there are 20-25 folks waiting for answer’s when they heard the clerks response, they looked at me and I said it wasn’t on the agenda so the commissioners would not discuss it tonight. Do you have any idea how loud 25 people can groan in disappointment?

Now I’m thinking what was the e-mail I received concerning the project if it wasn’t on the agenda. At that point God slapped me on the back of my head, and whispered “General Comment” People started to leave when I said they all had 3 minutes to comment on any issue not on the agenda. The folks that had ripped up their cards thinking they wouldn’t be heard grabbed new cards and started over and people just kept coming.

Mayor Muoio made a point of reading the Civility & Decorum statement which in part reads “Unauthorized remarks from the audience, stamping of the feet, whistles, yells and similar demonstrations are strictly prohibited.” (I assume this also includes clapping)

The mayor recognized they were there to discuss Flagler Shores and wondered out loud why, when it wasn’t on the agenda. Well guess what happened? A hand full of people all at once attempted to answer her question. That’s when my giggles started. They stopped when the mayor pointed at them and asked if they wanted to be removed from the room.
She told the group the road would be reopened on 3/1/18 and they would have their 4 lanes back. Audience clapped, and the mayor thanked them. She also said the city intended to “Redesign” Flagler and after the road was reopened the engineers would come in and start the planning process, and the city will decide if it will be made permanent. The Boat Show and Sunfest will be the first to let the city know their needs. A meeting would be scheduled and residences input would be welcome. The audience claps, and the mayor thanked them again and I’m thinking Boat Show & Sunfest, aren’t they businesses? Think about it, needs of business vs. residents. Oh Oh.

Mayor Muoio had the cards in front of her and she said when I call your name please step up to the podium. People started walking to the podium and she repeated “when I call your name”
I had the impression many of the residents have never attended a city meeting and were confused about the procedure and the mayor may have shown a little more patience with them, but honestly it was funny. Roberts Rule of Order went out the window.

I listened to a few speakers who were very professional, spent their time wisely and when they said something profound the audience started clapping, the clock kept running and they lost valuable speaking time. Mayor Muoio brought this to their attention, but it did continue.
One speaker brought with her a petition signed by 650 residents living along Flagler, who are opposed to the road closing and redesign.

By the time I left the meeting I had an understanding of the problem and residents complaints and decided to drive down Flagler and see for myself.
Flagler Drive is a 4 lane road running North & South with a medium strip in between The city has closed a section of Flagler eliminating 2 driving lanes on the east, and made two way traffic on the west side.
It appears the city wants to permanently remove the two eastern lanes and sidewalk and grass it in.
While I was driving I saw people on the sidewalk walking dogs, people strolling or sitting on the seawall looking at the water, and many, many barriers stopping people from driving by.

Mayor Muoio wants more people in the downtown area to do more walking and bike riding, and leave their cars at home to help with the traffic problems. There seems to be more cars than road, and the city helped create the problem allowing developers to build 20 & 30 story condo’s and office buildings along the waterfront.
The day Ford introduced the Model T Americans have had love affairs with their cars and trucks and will not give them up–ever.
This is going to be another battle between residents, businesses and city government. I told the residents if they lost the battle they could still have the last word. I told the woman that arrived at city hall with 650 names on the petition to march them and others down to the polling booth and vote their commissioner out of office. Time will tell.

Just Tell The Truth–Please

This story is one example of why American’s have a problem trusting government. They lie! Not everyone with a government job lies, but enough do so we become suspicious of them all. Here’s my story.

I live in Spencer Lakes which is located on the corner of 45th.& Village Blvd. There are 187 homes and most residents are a 2 car family, and if their children live with them add more cars to the equation.

Village Blvd. is a four lane road and many children exit the development on Keats Grove walking across 4 lanes of traffic heading for Palm Beach Lakes High School. There are hundreds of cars exiting and entering the development daily.
Village Boulevard is a race track, and the police have been present where they have ticketed 40 speeders between the hours of 6:30 to 9:30 AM; and they are still ticketing speeders. Ongoing since May.

5/24/17 I sent an e-mail, and included pictures, to Assistant City Manager Scott Kelly detailing the problem residents were having leaving the development.
Driving North on Village drivers enter a curve and many don’t realize/care they are approaching an intersection where a traffic light exists, and they blow right through the red light endangering exiting residents.

6/5/17 Mr. Scott responded he was forwarding my e-mail to “our Transportation Engineer for consideration.” Uyen Dang is the city’s Transportation Engineer.

6/6/17 I forward the entire package including the pictures, previously sent to Mr. Kelly to Uyen Dang. Then I wait for a response. FYI. My computer confirmed Uyen opened my e-mail the day she received it and the IT department can also confirm.

8/10/17 Over two months later another e-mail to Uyen asking for update. Received no response.

8/30/17 Sent another e-mail asking when she is going to respond to me, with a Cc to Mayor Muoio.

8/31/17 Uyen responded with an apology “I apologize for my delay in response, this e-mail was in my spam mail box for quite a while.” The hell it was, she opened it on 6/6/17; and who doesn’t check their spam folder for over 2 months? That was the 1st. lie.
She continues “Our speed study shows that the 85th Percentile of speed on this roadway is traveling at 42MPH and is consistent with the 40 MPH posted speed.”
I don’t care what her speed study shows. Check with the police department who issued the speeding tickets.
Then she recommends “Advanced Warning Flasher” which along with a flashing light has a sign stating
“Be prepared to stop.” We will coordinate with PBC to get this system installed”

8/31/17 E-mail from Uyen to PBC “We would like to request a quote from you to install this system at Village and Shiloh NB and SB.”
OK now were getting somewhere.

10/6/17 I e-mailed Uyen asking for an update. No response

10/12/17 Another e-mail asking for update and included a Cc to Mayor Muoio.
10/12/17 Uyen responds “The request was sent to PBC Traffic. We are waiting for them to respond and give us a quote. I don’t have a status because the ball is not in our court. Thank you for your patience.” (ever hear of follow up?) She responds when mayor is Cc’d a copy of the e-mail.
10/12/17 I respond “Thank you for responding. Can you give me a time frame when you will follow up with the county to see if progress is being made”
10/12/17 Uyen responds “I can give them a call tomorrow and see where were at” That message was the last I heard from Uyen, and the 2nd.lie

11/13/2017 I sent a PRR (public records request) to the city clerk requesting all correspondence between the city and county regarding the “Advanced Warning Flasher” Below is the response dated 4 days after my PRR request. Notice Kelly Cc on e-mail.

Re: TRANSFER: Public Records Request Khanh Uyen Dang to: Kevin C Volbrecht 11/17/2017 01:43 PM
Cc: Erik Ferguson, Hazeline Carson, Jomekeyia McNeil, Scott D Kelly

We had a teleconference with the County to request flashing lights to be installed on Village Blvd. The outcome of the meeting was for the County to add this work request in their list. The County to perform a traffic study at that location to determine if flashing lights warrants. Once the study is complete, they will send us an estimate for us to issue a PO. At this time, we do not have anything to provide for the PRR.
Thank you,
Uyen Dang, PE Engineering Services 401 Clematis Street, 4th Floor P.O. Box 3366 West Palm Beach, FL 33402

11/20/17 I attended the City Commission meeting where I had 3 minutes to explain what you have read so far just giving dates and hi-lites. Of course I didn’t have time to finish.
When I was leaving the meeting Scott Kelly spoke to me and said “the sign was approved.” I repeated it was approved. He said “yes,” now all we have to do is find the money.” 3rd. lie.

What did I do? I talked to many of my neighbors and told them the city came through for us and the project was approved. It was a feel good moment knowing they and their children would finally have a fighting chance leaving the development. I was lied too and passed the lie onto my neighbors.

11/30/17 While attending the Internal Audit meeting I saw Scott in the mezzanine, and he said “Good morning Sandy”
I responded with: “Scott you lied to me about the light being approved”
He responded with: ” I don’t know what your talking about.”and raced into the meeting room like I had leprosy. I followed him in and took my seat. That was the 4th. lie.
He sat for approximately 5 min. and left the meeting room not to return.

So finishing this story my conclusion is:
Uyen Dang, PE Engineering Services, fails to follow up with projects and ignores e-mails.
Scott Kelly, who oversees the dept. can’t be trusted because he also lies and fails to supervise employees. The city can do better!

Brightline We told you, You didn’t listen.

Brightline Train Speeds to 125 MPH

Every city along the route held meetings including WPB. Residents appeared before the commission with their opinions both pro and con.  Residents were concerned with 2 issues noise and safety. The powers to be were concerned with insuring the train made a stop in WPB. It does.

Let’s talk safety:

If you recall the horrific accident that occurred in Seattle when the train derailed, left the tracks, went down the embankment killing 3 and injuring over 80. The data recorder had the train traveling 80 MPH in a 30 MPH zone while approaching a curve.

This train was not equipped with a safety device called “positive train control” which is technology that can automatically slow or stop a train. Sounds like excellent technology.

For years regulators have requested the device be installed on all trains. What is wrong with these regulators, don’t they know that would be expensive and hurt the bottom line? Here is how I imagine the conversation went.

(Lobbyist for RR.) Good morning Senator Numnuts, how are you this fine day?

Senator Numnuts:  I’m good how about yourself, what can I do for you?

Lobbyist:  Were having a little problem with the regulators concerning the installation of a positive train control, and were hoping you can assist us by pushing it out for a year. By the way don’t you have an election coming up?

Senator Numnuts:  “Well, as a matter of fact I am running for re-election.

Lobbyist: I thought so. Don’t let me go without writing you a check. So can you help us out with the regulators so we can postpone upgrades for a year.

Senator Numnuts:  Only for a year, sure I can help you with that, what can go wrong in a year? Don’t forget the check for my campaign.  Senator Numnuts was re-elected.

The above conversation continued and the technology has been extended for years at the behest of the industry. The Brightline in Florida will be equipped with automatic train control a similar technology that monitors the train’s speed and notifies the engineer if the locomotive is going too fast. Why can’t we have the upgrade that slows and stops the train automatically? Was the check bigger than expected?

With the horrific train accident in Seattle I imagine extensions are finished. Unfortunately death and injuries have a tendency to open eyes, and get attention.

Noise Control

On a recent trip to city hall I was stopped at the lights waiting for the Brightline test ride to pass. I can’t possible describe the intensity of the train whistle and my heart goes out to the residents who reside along the track corridor who will listen to 4 trains hourly, from early morning to late evening and as many as 16 round trips daily.

So with all I have written, I have one question. Who allowed the permits to be issued before the safety devices were in place, and there was no train whistle as promised.

No devices, no permits, no permits train stays parked.



Who is Deyshia Hargrave?

Veering away from city politics for this story which absolutely infuriated me.

Deyshia Hargrave who won “Teacher of the Year” award is a language arts teacher in Louisiana, who had the audacity to appear before the School Board and voice her objection to approving a new contract for superintendent Jerome Puyau which included a $38,000 raise.

She is quoted as saying:
“I have a serious issue with a superintendent or any person of leadership getting any type of raise. I feel like it’s a slap in the face to all the teachers, cafeteria workers and any other support staff we have. We work very hard, with very little, to maintain the salaries we have.”

After Ms. Hargrave’s comments, board president Anthony Fontana ruled that she was out of order and warned her that the public comment section was not a question-and-answer session. (These arrogant,elected officials truly believe they don’t answer to the lowly public. I mean really, who the hell are we to question their authority?)

When the board ultimately voted to approve superintendent Jerome Puyau new contract with the $38,000 raise Ms. Hargrave raised her hand, was recognized, stood once again and spoke on the issue of teachers raises. (Teachers in Louisiana have not had a pay increase in a decade, a decade, that’s 10 years without a raise. Thank God bread, milk and tuna prices haven’t increased over the years.)

After Ms. Hargrave began asking more questions about the raise, she was interrupted by Mr. Fontana the school board president, saying that her question was not related to the agenda which was the superintendent’s new contract, and a number of teachers in attendance shouted in unison “with a raise.”

OK Here is where it really get’s interesting.

In my opinion when Ms. Hargrave was interrupted by School Board President Lord Fontana, that was the signal for her removal and a city marshal approached her and warned, “you are going to leave or I am going to remove you. Take your things and go.” while he is trying to remove her Superintendent Puyou is addressing her, but the cop pay’s no attention. In the video it appears Ms. Hargrave picked up her purse and started to leave.

When she and the cop were out of sight in the hallway Ms. Hargrave could be heard shouting “What are you doing, your hurting me.” The video shows her on the ground and the cop placing her hands behind her back while applying handcuffs then she was placed under arrest, and later bonded out of jail.

If you see the video the cop is well over 6′ and she looks like she may reach 4′. The unidentified cop is a prime example of why people distrust cops and paint them with the same brush. He sure showed her, smart enough not to throw her on the floor where folks could see what was happening but in the hallway with no one watching. Oops, is that a camera up there? Hell of a way to treat “Teacher of the year.”

The school board members aren’t making comments but Ike Funderburk, city attorney and prosecutor viewed the video made this statement: “I have reviewed the video and I am not going to approve any charges against the teacher, I talked with the attorney for the school board, and they do not wish to pursue any charges against the teacher.”
Ya think?

OK teachers who spend more time with our children than some parents do are not receiving the respect they deserve from the children they oversee, can’t go a week without hearing of a teacher attacked by a child, parents refusing to back them, my Johnny/Janie wouldn’t do that and the total lack of respect by the Louisiana school board and a city marshal. You have to wonder why they choose teaching as a profession.
I hope she sues and receives enough money her great, great grandchildren will be set for life. When a politician have to pay out–then they get it.
Bless them all

Just read the school board has received death threats.






“What did you expect, what did you reasonably expect?”

“What did you expect, what did you reasonably expect?”
If that line sounds familiar to you it is a quote from a prosecutor starring in Law & Order.

Prayer In Schools:
The ongoing contention started when Steven Engel, a Jewish New Yorker, came together with other parents in 1958 to sue New York State over state-endorsed prayer that was being recited in schools. The Supreme Court inevitably sided with Engel and the decision was issued on June 25, 1962.
The invocation in question was one that had been approved by the New York State Board of Regents. The prayer, which read, “Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers and our Country,” was relatively benign in nature.

Madalyn Murray O’Hair is best known for the Murray v. Curlett lawsuit, which led to a landmark Supreme Court ruling ending official Bible-reading in American public schools in 1963.

What was the outcome when we banned God from schools? Below are a few example’s.

School Shootings

8/1/1966 Charles Whitman, murdered 17 and wounded 31

12/30/74 Anthony Barbaro, murdered 3 and wounded 11

2/24/84 Tyrone Mitchell, murdered 2 and wounded 12

5/16/86 David & Doris Young, murdered 2 wounded 74

9/26/88 James Wilson, murdered 2 and wounded 9

1/17/89 Patrick Purdy, murdered 6 and wounded 32

5/21/98 Kip Kinkel, murdered 4 and wounded 23

4/20/99 Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold, murdered 15 wounded 21

3/21/05 Jeffrey Weise, murdered 7 and wounded 7

10/2/06 Charles Roberts murdered 5 and wounded 5

4/16/07 Seung-Hui Cho, murdered 33 and wounded 17

2/14/08 Steven Kazmierczak murdered 5 and wounded 21

4/02/12 One L. Goh, murdered 7 and wounded 3

12/14/12 Adam Lanza, murdered 28 and wounded 2

10/24/14 Jaylen Fryberg, murdered 4 and wounded 1

10/1/15 Christopher Harper-Mercer, murdered 9 and wounded 9

Church Shootings

2015 Emanuel AME Baptist Church in South Carolina: 9 murdered–3 injured
2017 1st. Baptist Church in in Texas: 26 murdered–20 injured


2017 Las Vegas: 59 murdered over 500 injured

Below are examples of the Ten Commandments ordered removed from court houses and public land. There are many cities being sued by the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) to remove them from other cities.

July 18, 2011 Federal Senior District Judge Maurice Paul ruled Friday that Dixie County has 30 days to remove a granite monument of the Ten Commandments from atop the steps of the county courthouse in Cross City, where it has sat since 2006.

July 2, 2015 Oklahoma’s high court made a stir of its own in a ruling that had a group of self-proclaimed Satanists and an ordained Baptist minister celebrating.
The Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that the state must remove a 6-foot tall granite monument of the Ten Commandments from its capitol because it violates the state’s constitutional ban against the use of public funds or property to benefit a religion.

October 16, 2017 WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday sided with a lower court that ordered a New Mexico city to remove a Ten Commandments monument from the lawn outside City Hall.

The Christian Cross
A federal judge reluctantly ordered the removal of the Bayview Cross from a public park in Pensacola, Florida. Senior U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson gave the city 30 days to remove the cross, which has stood in various forms in a corner of Bayview Park for about 75 years.

A federal judge has ordered a Pennsylvania county to remove the cross from its seal, saying it violated the Constitution.

“So help me God”
A few years ago I was called to testify in court and was asked to raise my right hand and the clerk said “Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.” I stood there waiting for her to finish with ‘so help you God, which never happened. It was then I realized I wasn’t asked to place my hand on a bible. My thought was when this change?

Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia, contains the remains of more than 400,000 servicemen/women who died defending the United States of America. Every grave contains a cross. How soon before the ACLU sues to have them removed? Think it can’t happen—wait.

I was raised a Catholic, and I believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, and Christians recognize the Son as Jesus Christ. That’s my belief, and you are certainly entitled to yours.
Christmas is coming and Christians celebrate the birthday of Jesus, and people afraid of appearing to be seen as “politically incorrect” will be greeting friends and family with the greeting “Happy Holidays.
“Politically Correct” has gone over the edge and no matter what you say you will offend someone.
So with that said I don’t care if I am P/C or not. Merry Christ mas to all.

So ending this story here are my thoughts: We threw God out of schools, out of courthouses and out of government. Were removing every symbol that reminds us of Him. So ask yourself:

“What do you expect, what do you reasonably expect?”


Three stories in the Post

Three stories written by the Palm Beach Post in Sunday’s paper certainly grabbed my attention.
An editorial titled “Troubling rise in West Palm slaying needs quicker action.”

The story continues “About a third of this years killing’s have been on the city’s North End, in the impoverished neighborhoods inhabited mainly by African- Americans. Almost a third of the victims were males younger than 24.
It is naive to believe that police can stop every shooting in the troubled North End. But it’s also unacceptable to concede that this terrible cycle of killings can’t be mitigated – faster.”

Note to the Post: If you know of a way to “mitigate- faster.” please contact Mayor Muoio of Chief Mooney. I guarantee both will listen.
Everyone has opinions but no ideas or solutions.

It is my opinion these streets are run by gang members selling their drug products to our kids, and God help you if you get in their way, or try to sell your product in “their” neighborhood. What happens? The death rate rises.
I have walked these streets for over a year with public officials and police officers in a monthly “Peace Walk” and have seen neighborhoods with mounds of trash in yards and on city sidewalks and in the streets. I understand ” impoverished” but it doesn’t take money to have pride in you neighborhood and keep yards and the surrounding area clean of debris.
By allowing a neighborhood to deteriorate to this degree residents are sending the message I don’t care, I don’t see what’s going on. This type of neighborhood is exactly what people who don’t obey the law are looking for and they move right in and take over, and hold onto a neighborhood with fear and intimidation.
Please take the time and Google the “Broken Window” which will explain the situation better than I am able too.
The Post continues in part “With the death toll rising, it seems a strange time for city leaders to tout progress in long-term efforts to reduce violence, but that’s just what Muoio and Mooney did on Thursday. They held a press conference.”

Note to the Post: Both women have earned and deserve the respect to be addressed by their title Mayor Muoio and Police Chief Mooney, not Muoio & Mooney.

The Post also neglected to mention when gunshots are heard, residents shut their doors and pull the blinds. When questioned most see and hear nothing. Decent people are living in fear of retaliation. Hell of a way to live–if that’s what you call it.

Second story: ” Killings, gunfire spark fear, anger”
This story concerns WPB neighbor Lake Worth where the fifth homicide this year occurred with the last two in the last week and a half. The Post reports “Residents who live and work in the area appear nervous.” See how the evil spreads?
The Post does not report any programs in the city or anything the residents can become involved. No Peace Walks, no initiatives at all.

Third Story: “Trump protesters march through West Palm Beach”
“About 100 protesters taking aim at President Donald Trump stormed the streets of downtown West Palm Beach on Saturday night in a fairly tense display, halting traffic and surprising bystanders.”
“I think we had more visibility than we’ve had in the past” says Star Fae, a Lake Worth
activist who organized the march a year ago. The story also states:
“West Palm Beach police directed traffic away from the marches, who commanded the downtown streets for about an hour. Crowd-control efforts did not come without discord though, as some officers ordered protestors to march on sidewalks.
They refused, and responded with the chant: “Whose streets? Our streets.”
A police SUV at one point hopped a street medium to get around protestors who blocked it’s path.”
Six protestors wore burgundy cloaks and white bonnets partially hiding their faces.
One Jupiter women made a statement, but refused to give her name.

Third story has a lot of irony to it, and leaves me with some questions, such as:

Why doesn’t activist Star Fae organize a march in her hometown of Lake Worth to combat the shootings and killings happening there? Remember–Charity begins at home.

Why did the protestors disrespect our police officers and march on the sidewalks as directed? We have a Lake Worth and Jupiter resident chanting “Whose streets? Our streets.” No, dears, I am a resident and taxpayer in WPB. It is my street and I have a right to drive downtown without being encumbered by your protest.

Why did the police officer hop a street medium to get around the protesters?
Was a call received to 911 with a report of a murder, rape, robbery, assault, and the protesters made it impossible for the officer to get to a victim?

When I awoke this morning I heard a story on President Donald Trump. Guess he is still president of the free world.

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