Park & Rec. Part 2 of 3
West Palm Beach Parks and Recreation Outsourcing and Efficiency Analysis conducted by Management Properties
From: Management Properties
To: Dorritt Miller
Ms. Dorritt Miller Deputy City Administrator City of West Palm Beach
401 Clematis Street West Palm Beach, FL 33402
Dear Ms. Miller:
Management Partners is pleased to provide this report summarizing the results of our analysis of the Department of Parks and Recreation. We examined the department’s structure, service delivery, staffing, and operations to identify opportunities to enhance efficiency and effectiveness through outsourcing and process improvement opportunities. We have determined that outsourcing is a viable option for some functions, but the department accomplishes other functions so efficiently that outsourcing is likely to increase costs. Some recommendations may require additional investment to yield the anticipated service improvements. However, those investments will support the City’s ongoing efforts to provide excellent service while maintaining a sustainable financial position. We appreciated the opportunity to work with you on this important project and look forward to assisting you with the implementation.
Gerald E. Newfarmer
President and CEO
Department of Parks and Recreation.
The Department of Parks and Recreation consists of three divisions: Recreation, Parks and Grounds Maintenance, and Community Events.
There is some evidence that the Parks and Grounds Maintenance Division within the Department of Parks and Recreation does not have sufficient resources to adequately complete all of its maintenance responsibilities.
This is due to a significant increase in workload and a decrease in staff over the past several years.
FY 2009-10, the department absorbed the Public Works Grounds Maintenance Division. As a result, the City eliminated 25.5 vacant positions and saved $1.5 million, according to the City’s budget document. Since that time however, the Parks and Grounds Maintenance Division has lost additional positions, but has had an increase in workload
2009-10 parks and grounds maintenance FTEs have decreased by 11%. Over the same time period, average workload has increased by 24%.
Originating Work Orders:
1- Maintenance chiefs receive work orders from at least 11 different people in various City divisions and via four different methods, including by phone, verbal requests, email, and through MainTrac. When receiving requests outside of MainTrac, staff does not enter many of the maintenance requests into the system.
RESULT: Loss of valuable information about workload, cost, and time to complete the work. In addition, there have been issues about service requests for events. For example, for one special event, maintenance staff did not supply the event workers with electrical cords due to a communication error. In another example, an error in scheduling for hanging banners caused the use of overtime. The department can avoid miscommunication by requiring the use of MainTrac to initiate work order requests. This will increase efficiency, reduce costs, and reduce incidents of rework.
Recommendation: Require staff to initiate work order requests through MainTrac to improve the work order process.
2- Assigning Work Orders and Their Priority: Currently, staff members initiating work orders in MainTrac are able to choose the work unit and priority of work orders. However, these staff members often assign work orders to the wrong division or incorrectly classify the priority. The maintenance chiefs then reroute the work to the correct unit and reclassify the priority.
RESULT: This causes unnecessary delays in completing work order requests due to administrative rework on the part of the maintenance chiefs.
Recommendation: Route all maintenance requests through the Parks and Grounds Maintenance Division secretary who will request priority assignment from maintenance chiefs.
3- Recording the Close-Out of Work Orders: Maintenance staff currently use a paper form to provide information about closed work orders. Staff delivers these forms to the maintenance chiefs who then enter the information into MainTrac.
RESULT:This practice can create rework and increases the likelihood of data entry errors. In addition, maintenance chiefs do not have the time to enter all written worksheets into MainTrac, resulting in a loss of data.
Recommendation: Require maintenance crews to enter completed work order information directly into MainTrac. This will reduce possible transcription errors and free up valuable time for the maintenance chiefs.
4- Training Staff to Become More Effective Users of MainTrac: Some Parks and Recreation staff who use the MainTrac system are not aware of its full capabilities, which inhibits the most effective use of the system. If the City invested in additional training, it would ensure staff learns how to properly use the MainTrac system and more fully exploits its functionality. Training will provide the proper support for staff to adopt, customize and use the system.
Recommendation: Invest in additional training for staff including maintenance chiefs, secretaries, and crew leaders to support the use of MainTrac and reduce manual work tracking.
Collecting Sufficient Data: Staff indicated that the maintenance work order worksheets (from which such as the full cost of staff enters data into MainTrac) do not capture important information, completed work and time spent on work orders.
RESULT: Without this information, management cannot determine the total cost for work orders, projects, and the amount of time to perform work. The lack of data negatively affects the City’s ability to charge accurate fees. For example, the City charges fees for event permits. However, the Department is unable to capture the true cost of an event due to the incomplete work order data collected.
Recommendation: Incorporate full cost and time data for work orders into MainTrac.
5- Underutilizing MainTrac System Components: The Department of Parks and Recreation owns the Inspection and Results Module of MainTrac, but does not use it. The Inspection and Results Module enables the user to automate inspection work and has mobile capability. According to Vermont Systems, this module enables the user to: • Process inspections in real-time, • Customize inspection forms, • Trigger work orders for failed inspection items, • Schedule inspections, and • Track and store inspection data, including notes and photographs. Currently, Parks staff complete inspections of parks facilities on a scheduled basis and after visitors complain about a park or facility..
Recommendation: Use the Inspection and Results Module and the Job and Task Maintenance Scheduling Module from MainTrac.
6- The department also owns the Job and Task Maintenance Scheduling Module from MainTrac, but does not currently use it. This module enables the user to schedule and plan work duties and assignments. According to Vermont Systems, the module provides the following capabilities: • Schedule employee work duties, • Schedule routine jobs/work duties, • Distribute work orders, • Estimate job/task completion times, • Create individual and crew schedules, • Produce schedule log sheets, • View current schedule calendars, • Schedule jobs at any time, and • Schedule equipment and materials.
Currently, the department does all work scheduling and tracking manually. By using the Job and Task Maintenance Scheduling Module management could schedule crews and equipment more effectively. The system could also produce reports that show work calendars and job tasks.
Recommendation: Use the Inspection and Results Module and the Job and Task Maintenance Scheduling Module from MainTrac.
7- The report above consists of 89 pages including graphs. The City has ordered and paid for a computer program named “MainTrac” which I am told was expensive, but worth the money.
CONCLUSION It appears most of the program is not used. Why?
ANSWER: No one knows how.
Parks & Rec. is overseen by Dorritt Miller, one more department with multiple problems which has continued for years.
Parks & Rec. Part 1 of 3
The long awaited report from the city’s Internal Auditor report on Parks and Rec. has been released and accepted by the City Commission. I placed a PRR (Public Records Request) for a copy of the report and this is what the city does when they don’t want you to have certain information.
Below is the e-mail conversation between myself and the City Clerk
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Date: 03/25/2016 01:23 PM
Subject: PRR
The city hired a consultant named Managing Partners to review Park and Rec. I am requesting to view and possibly copy their report.
Deputy City Clerk
City of West Palm Beach
401 Clematis Street
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: 561-822-1206 Fax: 561-822-1214
“Your request has been received and forwarded to the appropriate department.”
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected], [email protected]
Date: 03/28/2016 06:39 AM
Subject: Re: PRR
Please send me a copy of the e-mail when you forwarded my e-mail to the appropriate department
Deputy City Clerk
City of West Palm Beach
401 Clematis Street
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: 561-822-1206 Fax: 561-822-1214
“It is actually done through an internal database so I would not be able to include you in what was sent to them.”
What I was looking for was the name of the individuals the clerk forwarded my request too. I believe it was sent to Deputy City Administer, Dorritt Miller, and obviously that information is based on a need to know, and Ms. Miller believe I don’t need to know.
Deputy City Clerk
City of West Palm Beach
401 Clematis Street
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: 561-822-1206 Fax: 561-822-1214
“The study is attached for your review.”
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected], [email protected]
Date: 03/28/2016 06:34 AM
Subject: Re: PRR
What I received is not what I requested. I asked for their report, I received what appears to be the contract.
Deputy City Clerk
City of West Palm Beach
401 Clematis Street
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: 561-822-1206 Fax: 561-822-1214
“I will submit your request and forward you the appropriate document.”
Deputy City Clerk
City of West Palm Beach
401 Clematis Street
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: 561-822-1206 Fax: 561-822-1214
“I believe that this is the report that you are looking for.”
Yes, after repeated requests I received the report which was named “West Palm Beach Parks and Recreation Outsourcing and Efficiency Analysis” the 89 page report dated Sept. 2014, and received from Managing Partners, the city’s consulting firm, with the original report sent to Dorritt Miller, who oversees the Park & Rec. Dept; along with the City Clerks Office.
The City Clerk originally sent me the contract between the city and Managing Partners and I did learn the contract was for $26,990.00 and consisted of 5 pages. More on the report from the consulting firm in part 2 of the story, but first I must re- read and understand the 89 pages of reports and suggestions that the taxpayers paid $26,990.00.
Elliot Cohen/Residents Lose Again
Elliot Cohen, Mayor Muoio’s fair haired boy, who definitely has the mayors ear, received a pass from the Palm Beach County Commission on Ethics (COE) in a ruling recently released.
The five Commissioners Michael Kridel,Clevis Headley, Michael Loffredo, Judy Pierman and Sarah Shullman, all unpaid volunteers, are nominated by the very people they may be called upon to judge. The COE spent nearly two hours behind closed doors to arrive at their decision that no probable cause exists to believe any violation occurred.
Mr. Cohen was at one time the city spokesman who released thousands of confidential e-mails on the city web site which included names of confidential informants and undercover police officers. With the current attitude toward law enforcement, who risk their lives every day to insure our safety, we should be happy he didn’t release home addresses.
Informants were relocated to a different area of the state to insure their safety. Since Mr. Cohen’s release of the e-mails there have been multiply shootings, and people question if any of the victims may have been working with the police to cleanup crime in their neighborhood, mainly the North-End of the city where drive by shootings are a regular occurrence. I’m beginning to understand why residents are not willing to talk with the police for fear their names will be released, as Mr Cohen has previously done.
The another complaint filed and investigated by the COE was his involvement with Kim Briesmeister owner of RMA (Redevelopment Management Associates) who’s winning of the city’s CRA contract drew suspicion when she announced to her crew the contract was definitely going to be awarded to RMA. Guess what? It was. The fix was in.
As he has been described as one of the mayor’s closest confidantes, one has to wonder how much influence Mr. Cohen had on the decision to outsource to RMA, a company he was reportedly making $175.00/ hour while drawing a city salary. City statutes forbid city employees from working with city contractors. That includes all city employees, with the exception of Elliot Cohen.
City directors and managers “clock in” with the use of their ID badges. Director’s and managers are not required to “clock out”. So Mr. Cohen can show up at 8:00 AM and leave the building at 8:05. If he’s needed calls are made to his cell phone, and he could just as easily be sitting in Kim Briesmeister’s office or tending to his private business. Mr Cohen reports to Mayor Muoio so who is going to complain? No one if they want to keep their job.
The Office of Inspector General (OIG) is also investigating Mr. Cohen so there is still hope the city residents, police and the CI may receive justice after all. One can only hope.
May be a rumor but gossip says the FBI is also looking into the matter, and the way the country has gone crazy executing law enforcement, lets hope the gossip is true.
Schools & Jobs
Jobs and schools those 2 magic words that politicians regularly use to con the public into voting for a change to the constitutional amendment or a city charter, which eventually hurts the pocketbook of every taxpayer in the state, Palm Beach County, right down to the City Of West Palm Beach.
Lets start with public schools.
In 1986 Florida voters authorized a lottery through a constitutional amendment. The purpose was to alleviate the money shortfall and enhance Florida public education. The lottery was a great success and over the last 30 years the state has raised billions of dollars.
Did the state put these funds in a designated account to be used on education? No, they did not. The funds were placed in the general fund to be doled out as politicians saw fit.
Pennies on the dollars went to teacher salaries. More pennies spent on books and supplies and schools in disrepair.
In PBC many school children have to share books, and there are not enough for students to take home so no homework assignments are given.
The booming business in Florida are Charter Schools where millions of dollars are given each year,money taken from public schools. While the majority of them fail, they are allowed to keep the land and building, and are not responsible for returning funds borrowed from you, the taxpayer.
“No child left behind” is a dismal failure. There are thousands of children who are forgotten and left so far behind I question if they will ever catch up.
If Florida wont invest and educate children who will? Well, there’s always the gangs.
On April 11 I attended the city commission meeting where the city passed Resolution No. 105-16 in support of Palm Beach County and the School District of Palm Beach County’s plan to raise the sales tax by one-cent to pay for needed improvement to public infrastructure, parks, public safety initiatives, and economic development.
Economic Development: WPB is beginning to resemble Miami and Broward with the construction going on in the area. The city has allowed this while they complain about flooding throughout the city streets. Have you noticed concrete and asphalt will not absorb water very well? Where will the water eventually go? In your house.
The city desperately wants the one- cent sales tax to pass. They need the money for reasons given above. If their so desperate for funds why give businesses a free ride on tax exemptions? Why throw this money away?
When I complained about the business exemptions the mayor explained to the audience the city commissioners would vote on every exemptions presented to them. Sure, they will vote to give Marriott the exemption, and tell the Hyatt no exemption. Which business will sue the city? All will receive the exemption.
The one-cent sales tax issue will be on the November 8,2016 ballot. Please think before you vote, and know the issues.
The March 15 election there were 3 items placed on the ballot. 1: to nominate your choice for president, 2: elect a city commissioner, and 3: to allow businesses to receive tax exemptions for new and expanding businesses.
Many residents voted for #1, and left the polls without voting their choice for commissioner, and many saw the “jobs” and voted for #3.
When speaking to residents they didn’t fully understand #3 and believed they were voting for jobs only. I repeat know the issues.
WPB City Commission President
Commissioners Moffett, Ryan and Materio were sworn in for another 2 year term. Commissioners Ryan and Materio were not challenged, Moffett had 2 challengers and won reelection by 59% of the vote. That should tell readers that residents throughout the city were delighted with her leadership and wanted it to continue.
Now lets talk about the City Commission President and how the seat is filled. After the commissioners are sworn in the sitting president nominates the next commissioner to become Commission President, and if the majority of commissioners vote for approval it’s a done deal.
Supposedly the commissioners are rotated for a 1 year term, and sit to the right of the mayor. If the mayor is absent from a commission meeting the president chairs the meeting, and signs city documents. If the mayor falls ill, the Commission President runs the city, with the help of the Commissioners.
2012 Commissioner James 1 year term ended. Commissioner Mitchell said that Commissioner James had done such a good job, she wanted to nominated him for another term as Commission President. Commissioner James said he was going to nominate her for the position. All in all it was a disgusting display. So with the votes from Mitchell, Materio, and Robinson the deal was done, and Moffett was cheated from the position of City President.
Why? I believe it was Commissioner Moffett’s “punishment” for refusing to go along with 2 items important to Commissioners Mitchell and Materio. The WPB Charter School, and outsourcing of city water. I along with others were extremely upset and voiced our opinion, which of course was ignored by city officials. I attended the swearing in and you would have to be deaf, dumb and blind to miss how it was orchestrated. Totally disgusting, and showed exactly how petty they could be.
2013 Commissioner James sat as Commission President for an unprecedented 2nd. term.
2014 Commissioner Moffett was nominated and approved for the position of City President.
2015 Commissioner Moffett was nominated and approved for a 2nd. term. This was just as wrong in my opinion, and should not have happened. Mitchell lost her bid for Mayor, and the remaining Commissioners may have thought a second term would “make up” for cheating her the first time around. Judge for yourself.
2016 Commissioner Moffett nominated Commissioner Materio as the City President, and Commissioner Ryan left early due to family business. Commissioner James voted against Materio as president. Obviously nothing petty about Moffett.
I was not happy with Materio as President, but knew in November she would be nominated. Why? Let me explain.
The City Commission oversees the Internal Auditor namely Mr. Strout who has recently finished 3 audits and will be presented to the commission at the 4/11/16 meeting for approval. The audit on Parks & Recreations will be the next story written on this site.
Mr Strout has been the City Internal Auditor for over 3 years, and meetings were held on a monthly basis for the first 2 years, and 3 residents were always in attendance. Then meetings changed to quarterly.
Commissioner Materio never attended a single meeting until Nov. 2015, when she arrived 45 min. late. She also attended the 3/24/16 meeting, and arrived on time. This is when I realized she would be nominated City President. You have to show up eventually to get an idea of how the meeting’s are run. Those two meetings were her dry run.
For what it’s worth Commissioner Ryan has attended every audit meeting, and Neering has attended most of them.
A request of Mayor Muoio: Please don’t leave town, and stay healthy.
Prediction: In 2017 Commissioner Materio will nominate Commissioner Neering for City President.
Voter’s Have Spoken
The voters have spoken and overwhelming reelected Commissioner Sylvia Moffett to another term as District 1 representative with 59% of the vote. The voters have shown their faith in her and the job she has done, and will continue to do. WPB Watch congratulates Commissioner Moffett for a job well done.
A disappointment for me is the 68% of voters who voted to grant property tax exemption to new businesses and the expansions of existing ones.
The city played the “job” card, and voters bought it. With signs going up throughout the city with the last line reading:
“Paid Political Advertisement Paid for by Jobs for WPB, 401 N. Flagler Drive, West Palm Beach, Fl 33401″ Click on the sign to enlarge.
Now let’s take a walk down memory lane. A complaint was filed with the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) when the city paid, through the City Attorney’s office, (McKenna) for the following items:
$904.00 for 200 t-shirts.
$105.75 for 500 2” labels (stickers)
$2,500.00 for 4 charter buses, a total of $3,509.75.
The city spent tax payers dollars to transport residents, while wearing t-shirts and stickers (opposing the extension) too attend a March 21,2012 Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) public hearing regarding the proposed extension of State Road 7.
Three buses were assigned to take residents from the western communities, all gated, while one was to take passengers from down town. City employees wearing their t-shirts were bused to the hearing. The OIG found the complaint to be legitimate and a letter was sent to Mayor Muoio. The last paragraph read.
“No response to this letter is required, as it only serves to notify you of the complaint and our subsequent review of the expenditures as they relate to the Attorney General’s opinion that such decisions be made by the legislative and governing body involved.” No sanctions, just a reminder to the city.
Lets return to the sign mentioned above where I list the 401 N. Flagler Dr. address.
According to the PBC Property Appraisers Office, the owners are:
West Palm Beach City of Lessor
PBC & Chamber of Comm Lessees.
Mailing Address:
PO Box 3366
5TH FLR Finance Dept.
West Palm Beach Fl 33402 3366
It is my opinion the city paid tax payer dollars to have the signs made. The city is the “Paid for by Jobs for WPB” The finance dept. at city hall is located on the 5th. floor where the bill will be sent for the signs.
Here is an example of three hotels in WPB listing their Market Value and taxes paid. These hotels will continue to pay property taxes, I only offer them as an example of what will be lost in property taxes.
Marriott 1001 Okeechobee Blvd.
Market Value: $27,131,123.00
2015 taxes paid: $636,664.00.
Hyatt 295 Lakeview Ave.
Market Value: $17,630,880.00
2015 taxes paid: $441,222.00
Double Tree 1808 S. Australian Ave.
Market Value: 12,293,726.00
2015 taxes paid: $306,317.00
These three hotel’s pay almost 1.4 million dollars in taxes.
The Sun Sentinel reports the newest 400 room Hilton hotel, roughly $110 million dollars, built next to the Convention Center, and scheduled to open early this year. Read the story below.
Another hotel to be built on the “old” city hall site will not be paying property taxes.
They are “new” businesses and will bring jobs to WPB.
The hotel’ will hire: administration, maids, waiter/waitresses, housekeepers, bellhops,valet. With the exception of administrators, most will be minimum paying jobs, which will insure more profit for the businesses. What they save in property tax will support paying for the new jobs. Profit, profit, profit. Please don’t concern yourself with the loss of property taxes, as you will see your property taxes raised to make up the difference.
I am attempting to open a new business called Sandy’s Dog Walking, and will hire a retired friend to help me and hopefully I wont have to pay property taxes in 2017. Think it will fly?
City Officials At It Again
Suggestion: Have your last WPB City Water bill handy when reading this post.
2004 The City of WPB Water Bills took on a new look and the CCF (Cubic Feet) was not listed on your water bill. Along with the new look came improvement. The city added the information that 1 CCF= 748 Gal. of water
While shopping in Race Track (45th. St.) I occasionally run into city workers, who recognize me from city hall, and are more than willing to speak with me. One conversation I had, I was told billing differed depending whether you lived east or west of 95. I can’t confirm his information and will include my last water bill received for 2015 so a comparison can be made by you and will bring to your attention “Day’s of Service” I live west of 95.
Once again the city changed the appearance of the water bill, eliminating the number of gallons per 1CCF (748) but left the No. of CCF’s used for billing purposes.
The city recently changed the water meters to more efficient units, and if a homeowner had the smallest leak these new meters would note it and charge accordingly.
Homeowners checked to insure their plumbing had no leaks, and if they found any they would be repaired. Smart move, water, along with money should not be wasted. So ended the monthly city worker who walked the neighborhood’s and input information into a hand held computer. The next time I met a reader he explained as he sat in his truck and aimed the new device at the newly installed meter’s (which in my neighborhood is located on the sidewalk) and information was automatically installed on the computer. He stated the new system was much faster and more accurate. He could read a dozen meters without moving his car. Just aim and shoot.
If you pay attention to your water bill–good for you–for those who don’t, and automatically pay your bill, this section is written for you with the hope I explain information so it is understood.
The first home my parents built (1955) came complete with a septic tank. My dad worried for years the tank would overflow, and he was the first to teach us water conservation. Every trip to the shower and brushing of teeth came with the reminder septic tank, septic tank, septic tank. We were taught not to waste water, not because of the cost of water, but because of the damn septic tank possibly overflowing. It never did, but lesson learned.
Years later I still conserve as much water as possible, not because of a septic tank but due to high cost of water in WPB.
If you check your water bill I would bring to your attention your monthly usage and “Day’s of Service” I use my bill as an example, and please keep in mind that 748 gallons of water=1CCF.
I went back to 2012 on my water bills and found the following.
2012 One month I used 2 CCF, 11 months 1CCF.
2013 Two month’s I used 2 CCF, 10 month’s 1 CCF.
2014 Two month’s I used 2 CCF, 10 month’s 1 CCF.
2015 Five month’s I used 2 CCF, 7 month’s 1 CCF. (Something wrong here)
With no change to my routine, and constantly looking for leaks, and finding none, I questioned my water usage, and my rate increase. Here is what I discovered.
If I vacationed in Mongolia for a month my bill would reflect O CCF used and my bill would reflect the minimum billing of l CCF
When I returned and actually used 500 gallons of water I would pay for lCCF. (748 Gal.)
OK so far so good. So why has my bill reflected 2 CCF for 5 months in 2015? What I found is a difference in “Day’s of Service.” My bill rose when the city read my meter, not in 30 or 31 day’s but 33 to 36 day’s. The new meter’s may be more reliable and accurate and if that’s the case, the city needs to hire more meter readers with more hand held computers. If my meter reads 1 gal. over 748 after 33 days my bill goes up. The following month I will use less but still pay for 748 Gal. A win-win for the city, while residents receive the shaft. Here is what my bill for February 2016 read.
Service From 1-26-16
Service To 2-24-16
Days of Service: 30
Previous Read: 78
Current Read: 78
Total Use: O CCF
Here is the difference in water bills:
Residential Water:
Usage: $2.42 $4.84 Doubles
Utility Tax $2.33 $ 2.58 ^.25
Residential Wastewater:
Usage: $3.47 $6.94 Doubles
The figures above represent the difference between 1 & 2 CCF If you have 3 or more kids and use 4 or 5 CCF you have my sincere condolences.
I was not on vacation in Mongolia, did use water, and when I questioned Assistant City Administrator, Scott Kelly. (Mr Kelly is the go to guy for water concerns) and asked why my water meter wasn’t read he responded with “I don’t know” I may have used 500 gal. and paid the maximum bill but my next bill will reflect 2 CCF used for a higher water bill. I will pay more money, for using less water, and I’m not alone.
Another slap in the face from elected officials.
Feb. 29,016 City Commission meeting held, and I attended.
Item # 16 reads: “Public Hearing of Resolution No. 51-16 providing notice of the City’s intent to collect non-ad valorem assessments levied for sanitation services through the property tax bills, if the Commission approves such assessment in 2016”
Before each meeting I go online and read the agenda item’s, and was upset when I read #16. I pulled my last water bill to check my monthly bill for “Residential Sanitation” and found “Garbage & Trash” has not has not changed from 2001 and remains at $16.00/month. Recycling in 2001 was $1.40 and 2016 is $2.85. I complained to the Mayor & Commissioners telling them I paid $192.00/year for Garbage & Trash and $34.20/year for Recycling for a total of $226.20/year, and now they want to charge more via non-ad valorem. The Mayor explained the charge for Residential Sanitation would be removed from our monthly bill. I was OK with that until 3 day’s later when it dawned on me the city wouldn’t charge me $226.20 on my tax bill and could set the rate much higher, and they will. Residents living on Social Security would find it easier to pay a total of $18.85/month instead of hundreds added to their tax bills. I know I would.
“Utility Assistant Program”
The city offer’s a $10.00 monthly credit on your bill if you are low or fixed income.
Check it out and see if you apply. I also believe if the city moves Residential Sanitation to your tax bill this credit will disappear due to receiving a lower monthly bill.
Remember 2008 when the City approved a “WPB Fire Protection” resolution and you were presented with a $25.00 charge on your tax bill under non-ad valorem? In 2014 the city wanted it raised to $100.00 and when residents were up in arms we were told other cities were receiving $100.00. What the city didn’t bother to mention was the fact that most cities in Palm Beach County were not involved in the practice. It is my opinion the city realized their mistake and wished they had fixed the amount at $100.00 to begin with. They will not make the same mistake with the sanitation and will go high immediately. Better to ask forgiveness, than permission.
Recently City Commission were voting to add tax dollars to a new fire station under construction after City Manager Jeff Green told Commissioners the building was over budget and more dollars were needed. Construction under way consisted of poured flooring, four walls and a roof. This cost taxpayers $1,000,000.00 dollars for a shell of a building.
Here’s what you may not be aware of. The city charges residents $2.85 to pick up our recyclables, dumps it at Solid Waste, free of charge. Solid Waste then sell’s all material, and the City of WPB receives a percentage of the sales. To add insult to injury, on your tax bill under non-ad valorem assessment “Solid Waste Authority of PBC” (Palm Beach County) assessed me on my 2015 taxes $170.00, which they may very well use to pay WPB it’s share of percentage made from recycling. Good deal for the city and they never tell residents how much of a percentage they are making on the deal. Please pay attention now, or be surprised next November when you receive your tax bill.
Your Invited 3/15/2016
The City of West Palm Beach will hold its General Election on Tuesday, March 15, 2016, for the purpose of voters approval of a referendum question and to elect a City Commissioner to District 1.
Commissioners Ryan, District 3 and Commissioner Materio, District 5 are unopposed so they will have another term.
Commissioner Moffett has two challengers who have qualified, so voters will have a choice this year and I ask you to vote wisely after knowing Commissioner Moffett’s voting record on two very important issues city residents recently faced.
1- The city, under the direction of former Commissioner Mitchell, and the support of Commissioner Materio, attempted to form a City of West Palm Beach Charter School. Now would be the time to remind voters how many Charter Schools have failed in Palm Beach County after receiving funding that was transferred from public schools. “No Child Left Behind” left many children behind when money couldn’t be found for text books, a shortage of teachers or decent wages for them.
Commissioner Moffett was the first to speak out publicly against the school, and continued to speak out until Commissioner James and retired Commissioner Robinson were on board and those three votes were enough to stop another plan to plunder the public school system.
You may recall the Digital Domain (another school) fiasco when the city voted to award John Textor the deed to a piece of property valued at 10 million dollars along with 2 million dollars cash that has not, and will not be recovered. The land was recovered after a court battle costing more thousands of dollars courtesy of the taxpayer.
2- Another item discussed on the dais was once again led by former Commissioner Mitchell, and again supported by Commissioner Materio, and that was to outsource the city’s water supply. This was hotly contested and tempers flared to the point that Commissioner Materio left the dais, not to return for the remainder of the meeting.
Commissioner Moffett, was outspoken from the beginning concerning this ridiculously bad idea and once again with the help of Commissioners James and Robinson the proposal was defeated. Can you even begin to surmise the cost of your water bill if this was allowed to proceed?
These two very important issues are enough to remind me who’s side of the issue Commissioner Moffett was on, and in my opinion she deserves another term, which is why she has earned my trust along with my vote.
The following referendum question will appear on the ballot:
“Shall the City Commission of the City of West Palm Beach, Florida be authorized to grant, pursuant to s.3, Art. VII of the State Constitution, property tax exemptions to new businesses and expansions of existing businesses that are expected to create new, full-time jobs in the city?”
Yes- For authority to grant exemptions.
No- Against authority to grant exemptions
The City of WPB is extremely business and developer friendly. It appears to me developers request are more often than not granted. I offer one example.
CMSJR Development appeared before the commission with a request to build rental apartments on Skees Road, off Okeechobee Blvd; one mile from the turnpike.
Residents from High Sierra, a development consisting of 32 homes appeared before the commission and simply requested the project be scaled back, and allow responsible development.
CMSJR previously built rental apartments in Lake Worth named Casa Brera and here is the comparison between the two projects with similar land size.
Casa Brera: 92 rental units on 12.2 acres or 7.7 units per acre.
Skees Rd. 245 rental units on 12.29 acres or 20 units per acre.
The project will move forward and could possibly bring an additional 500 cars daily to the Okeechobee corridor as the city continues to fight the State Rd. 7 extension.
On top of the gift mentioned above, the city now want to grant developers property tax exemptions.
Question: If the voters allow this to pass, who do they think will make up the shortage of tax dollars the developers will be saving?
Answer: The homeowner’s of course.
I had a discussion with a friend who told me it wasn’t a concern of her’s because she rents.
Well, duh, when the owner of her apartment receives his tax bill and pay’s his share plus the developers share and raises her rent, then it will concern her.
This she understood which is why she told me she will vote No to grant property exemptions to developers. Were on the same page here, hopefully you are too.
Let’s Talk Percentages
Much talk around town about the Mayor and City Commissioners voting to raise their salary.
The Mayor and Commissioners salaries have not been raised or adjusted since 2004.
Mayor’s salary would rise from $125,000.00 to $150,000.00, a 20% rate hike.
City Commissioner’s salary would rise from $30,000.00 to $35,000.00, a 16.7% rate hike.
The Commissioners voted themselves the following benefits.
Cadillac Health Insurance: for them, their spouse and Dependents age 27-30
The figures below were effective on August 1, 2012, and I assure you the prices have increased. The health plan includes no deductibles or co-pays and 100% taxpayer financed, with the exception of costing the employee $303.37/month for their dependents age 27-30. Taxpayer’s are very generous.
Employee: $605.43/month or $7,265.16/year
Employee + 1: $1,275.54/month or $15,306.48/year.
Family: $1,774.11/month or $21,289.32/year.
Employee: $35.14/month or $421.68/year
Employee+1: $69.28/month or $831.36/year.
Family: $120.80/month or $1,449.60/year.
Employee: $4.48/month or $53.76/year.
Family: $12.80/month or $153.60/year.
$16,291.44 Employee+1 includes Mayor Muoio, Commissioners Ryan, Moffitt.
$22,892.52 Family includes Commissioner Neering and possibly Materio.
$7,740.60 Employee Commissioner James with no spouse or dependent.
Question: Why are taxpayers supporting health care for elected official’s spouse and dependent children?
Answer: The Commissioner’s voted for it, and our input was not needed nor requested.
Car allowance: $500.00/ month, for a total of an additional $6,000.00 year for all elected officials.
Discretionary Fund: $3,200.00 a year for each Commissioners.
Mayor Muoio has her own fund where she can spend up to $5,000.00 a month without permission from the Commissioners, who control the city purse strings. The mayor uses this fund to pay former City Attorney Claudia McKenna, who retired mid April 2014, a total of $4,800.00 a month to continue the lawsuit against the PBC Inspector General. This payment has continued for 22 months @ $4,800.00/month for a total of $105,600.00 taxpayer dollars. I’ll never get over how generous we taxpayer’s are.
Travel Budget: Nov.2012 Commissioners voted to place $10,000.00 into a travel budget to be shared by all five Commissioners.
Retirement Benefit Package: The first time I knew of this benefit was when it was mentioned at a budget meeting when the city declared “We have no money”
I placed a PRR (public records request) for their retirement package and was told I would not be supplied with the information because it concerned private money matters. When taxpayers pay for this benefit it should not be private.
All City employees received a pay raise in Oct. 2014 & 2015 amounting to 3% both years.
Let’s talk about Social Security:
Barack Obama, 44th President was sworn into office on 1/20/2009. In his eight years in office seniors living on Social Security received no COLA a total of three times.
January 2009 — 5.8% Increase was approved in 2008 to commence Jan.1,2009. (previous administration)
January 2010 — 0.0%
January 2011 — 0.0%
January 2012 — 3.6%
January 2013 — 1.7%
January 2014 — 1.5%
January 2015 — 1.7%
January 2016 — 0.0%
SSI (Supplemental Security Income) Generally, legal immigrants – those who have become citizens and some who have legal permission to be in the U.S – can qualify for SSI and Medicare.
In a press briefing, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said that President Obama will direct his administration to make preparations to accept at least 10,000 refugees from Syria in fiscal year 2016. So Obama was true to his word concerning “spreading the wealth”
American born citizens who worked and paid into Social Security wont receive a COLA so we can share our benefits with Syrian immigrants. When Obama pledged to spread the wealth, did American’s believe he was going to take from the five richest such as Bill Gates ($54 billion), Warren Buffett ($45 billion), Larry Ellison ($27 billion), Christy Walton ($18 billion), and Charles Koch ($21.5 billion). No politician will cut their own throat and anger the wealthy who contribute to their Super Pac’s.
Keeping in mind elected officials have not had a rate increase in 11 years, I suggest they increase their salary somewhere between SS increase of 1.5% to city employees raise of 3%. So what do you think?
Where Do You Draw The Line?
I attended the WPB City Commission meeting held on 2/1/16 and witnessed the removal of a black resident, Douglas Ellington from the Commission Chambers. Here are my view’s of the altercation.
Residents can address the Mayor and City Commission for three minutes, on any Non-Agenda Items. Residents are free to commend, or criticize them, and many do.
Residents are also allowed three minutes to address any item on the agenda, and are free to agree or disagree with the city’s decision, once again many do.
At the February 1,2016 meeting Mr. Ellington was the first speaker called and he was polite and calm as he addressed the commission. He claims he was fired due to him being a “whistle blower”. When his three minutes ended, Mayor Muoio thanked him for his comments and said his time was up.
Mr. Ellington continued talking and Mayor Muoio again told him his time to address the Commission was over to no avail. She offered him the opportunity to meet outside chamber’s with City Administrator Jeff Green. He refused. The mayor then explained there were other residents waiting to address their concerns with the city. Mr. Ellington apologized to the audience, but continued to disrupt the meeting and refuse to leave the podium. Mayor Muoio adjourned the meeting, and she and three commissioner’s left the dais while Mr. Green again invited him to meet and discuss his situation.
A black resident from the audience approached Mr. Ellington and while I couldn’t hear the conversation she appeared to try and reason with him. Mr. Ellington continued speaking.
A white police officer was called and he spoke with him, and made every attempt to persuade him to leave the podium. He continued speaking. A black officer appeared and spoke to him. He continued speaking. The officer then placed handcuffs on him and he was escorted from chambers. I believe both officers were respectful of Mr. Ellington and went above and beyond the call of duty to try and reason with him.
City Administrator, Jeff Green, stated Mr. Ellington was given the opportunity to sign a citation rather than be arrested but he said he would return. What choice did the city have?
Mr. Green stated Mr.Ellington was fired approximately five years ago and was set to attend a disciplinary hearing but he refused to attend. Green further stated he was terminated because he wouldn’t come back to his job.
Mr. Ellington was arrested on two separate occasions on Aug. 5 and Oct. 15 2015 after by-passing security guards and metal detectors and running the stairs (with a security guard in pursuit) in an attempt to reach the mayor’s office. When police were called he refused to leave the building and was arrested. Monday night was his third arrest for trespassing at city hall.
“First Amendment to the US Constitution guarantees the right’s of people to express their opinions publicly without governmental interference subject to the laws against libel, incitement to violence, or rebellion.”
Another speaker at that meeting was William McCray, a former black WPB Police Officer, fired from the city, and is now with the PBC Sheriff’s Officer. Mr. McCray successfully sued the city and the city settled with him for $300,000.00.
McCray stated that on 1/19/16 Mayor Muoio was disrespectful to him and violated his right to free speech when she would not allow him to speak.
What he failed to mention was he arrived late, and the agenda for public comment was over and they had moved on to the next item. If you have a desire to verify this information, please visit the city website and watch the City Commission Meetings held on 2/1/16 City Commission part 1 and 2.
He then mentioned how Commissioner Moffitt, who chaired the commission meeting on 12/7/15, allowed a “white woman” to address the commission although she arrived late to the meeting and did not submit a card requesting to speak. At this meeting I was the “white woman” who can be seen on camera walking to the city clerk with card in hand while McCray was addressing the commission. McCray then stated that’s what you do for white people and won’t do it for black people. If you wish to verify my version please view City Commission meeting held on 12/7/15.
I recall at a commission meeting when Commissioner Moffitt was chair, she stopped me from speaking on an agenda meeting when I veered off subject and she respectfully brought me back to topic at hand. She was right, I was wrong.
In closing I will add at the 2/1/16 meeting one of the agenda topic’s was found on the consent agenda and was item # 8 concerning parking meter’s and the homeless. I wanted to address the topic and turned in a comment card. Unfortunately the Commission had just voted on the consent calendar and Mayor Muoio stated comments would not be heard on the issues. Did she violate my right to free speech? Absolutely not. Did I learn a lesson? Absolutely, be on time.