Fishing For Votes
On Feb.19,2015 I attended the SENA (South End Neighborhood Association) Debate between the Commissioners and Mayor Muoio & Commissioner Mitchell running for election. Here are the hi-lights of the debate.
Upon arrival we were presented with an invitation to join a newly established PAC called “SEPAC” and it contained a “Preference Poll” asking our preference on candidates.
During the debate a question was asked concerning 8111 So. Dixie Hwy. The city spent 2.9 million dollars for the land in order to prevent Walmart from building, money that was not budgeted for the purchase.
Commissioner Mitchell pointed to her BFF Commissioner Materio,(sitting in the audience, and on home territory) and stated Commissioner Materio was familiar with the plans for the land and on March 11, after she was elected Mayor, she was “going to cut her lose” What does that mean? Cut her lose with more of our tax dollars? I was surprised to hear Commissioner Materio was familiar with the plans, I wish they would educate the taxpayers on their plans.
Well, anyway SEPAC was born and within the week they made their first endorsements.
SEPAC endorsed Mitchell for Mayor, Neering for District 2, Fintzy for District 4.
On Feb. 23,2015 I attended the Downtown Neighborhood Association Debate between the Mayor and commissioners running for election. I sat first row, center, best seat in the house.
At all previous debates here were the seating arrangements. Commissioner Keith James sat next to Len Fintzy (District 4) Mayor Muoio sat next to Kimberly Mitchell, and Katherine Waldron sat next to Cory Neering (District 2)
Commissioner James took his seat on the left side of the stage, Katherine Waldron took her seat on the right side of the stage, leaving a chair for their opponent. That left Mr. Fintzy and Mr. Neering standing. (Did they forget they were to sit next to their opponent?)
I sat in total amazement as Commissioner Mitchell pulled out the chair next to Ms. Waldron and directed Mr. Fintzy to sit down, she then pointed to Mr. Neering and told him to sit next to Commissioner James. Now is the time to tell you the moderator was occupied with directions to the folks keeping track of time candidates were allowed to speak. When he finished he turned and asked if everyone was ready.
Ms. Waldron questioned the new seating arrangements, and explained the District Commissioners should be sitting together. Commissioner Mitchell stood and unfortunately I didn’t hear what she said, but the moderator requested Mr. Fintzy and Neering change seats and sit next to their opponent. Ms. Mitchell appeared disappointed. Here’s where I need reader’s input. Why was it important to Commissioner Mitchell to have Fintzy & Waldron and James & Neering seated next to each other?
Fishing For Votes
Commissioner Mitchell, along with Mr. Neering & Fintzy visited Joseph’s Village, an African American retirement home, located in the northend of the city. All three were thoughtful enough to bring fish dinners with them to pass out to residents. While they were there they did ask seniors for their vote. I can’t help but wonder if they would receive the support of the residents if Commissioner Mitchell drove them by Westward Park, located in her district, and allowed them to witness the corroded railing sitting in the canal, that children walk by daily on their way to school. It is by the Grace of God no children have fallen in, and hopefully will live to see their own retirement.
In closing I would tell readers that I am a senior citizen, and we are not so easily fooled. Amen!
Keith James vs. Len Fintzy
In 2011 when Commissioner Keith James won election to the WPB City Commission, I must admit he was not one of my favorite commissioners on the dais.
I noticed a change in Commissioner James during his second term in office and he became more attuned to the residents and their concern. He “broke” from the controlling members of the commissioners, became much more independent, and free thinking.
Today Commissioner James is among my favorites on the commission due to the fact he has “led the charge” in stopping Commissioners Mitchell and Materio with their attempt to outsource our city water to a private company. With the backing of Commissioner Robinson and Moffett the issue has been put to rest, for now.
If Commissioner Mitchell is victorious in her bid for mayor the issue will be back on the table, and I am confident knowing if he were reelected he would once again lead the charge. Commissioner Moffett is voting with James on the issue, but with the retirement of Ike Robinson James would need another Commissioner to stop the project.
Katherine Waldron has stated publicly she would not support outsourcing.
I have no knowledge of where Paula Ryan stands on the issue, and she will be the new commissioner for District 3.
Commissioner James’s challenger, Len Fintzy is close enough to Mitchell I am convinced he would back her project, along with Materio.
Cory Neering is campaigning along with Mitchell and Fintzy as a team, so how do you think he will vote?
2015 will be a crucial time for WPB and I respectfully ask you to consider retaining Commissioner James to the District 4 seat. He is the best choice to keep balance on the City Commission, ensure our city water is not privatized and provide much needed experience on the City Commission.
Mitchell’s Letter’s Keep Popping Up
Former WPB City Commissioner Jim Exline sat on the dais from 1999-2007.
June 8,2007: Judge Kenneth A. Marra sentenced City Commissioner James Exline to prison for 10 months, followed by one year probation, and a $3,000.00 fine.
It appears Mr. Exline failed to pay income tax on $50,000.00 dollars he received from a PBC land developer,Sansbury Realty. Mr. Exline directed the developer to pay a third party who would pass it on to him.
Read the story below.
If that were not bad enough, how’s this for protecting the taxpayers. The “Opinion Zone” in the Palm Beach Post asked readers their opinion on The Employee Defined Contribution Administrative Committee that voted to allow Mr. Exline to keep his city-paid (taxpayer)retirement benefits of $16,000.00. It appears the WPB taxpayer is extremely generous in donating $2,000.00 a year per commissioner. Keep in mind the taxpayer contribution was two thousand in 2007. Think they gave themselves a raise in the last 8 years?
Read the “Opinion Zone” below.
Jim Exline | The Opinion Zone – The Palm Beach Post
May 11,2007 Commissioner Mitchell wrote Judge Marra asking for leniency for her friend, Mr. Exline. She didn’t use WPB letterhead, but couldn’t resist writing she was a WPB City Commissioner, and went so far as to recommend his punishment. Read the letter below.
It was also noted that Mr. Exline is a new member of City Watch and voted to un-endorse Mayor Muoio, and endorse Kimberly Mitchell. If Mitchell is elected, did she make any promises to her friend?
He has already contributed to Len Fintzy’s campaign.
How to cheat an Election
This story explains the steps necessary to win an election in WPB Fl. and fool the voters into believing you are the right person for the job.
2/10/15 The Mayor’s debate @ Baywinds between Muoio & Mitchell.
2/11/15 Debate @ Baywinds between District 2 candidates Waldron & Neering and District 4 candidates James & Fintzy.
Both event’s were sponsored by City Watch, President and founder Len Fintzy.
I attended both debates so readers are not receiving second hand information.
9/29/14 City Watch unanimously endorsed Mayor Muoio for re-election, and Len Fintzy for district 4 City Commissioner.
Now enters Commissioner Kimberly Mitchell who Mr. Fintzy refers to as a daughter.
Professionally, she serves as a Managing Director for Loop Capital Markets, responsible for the firms public finance efforts in Florida for the past 10 years. (good job, good money)
Commissioner Mitchell, a sitting commissioner since 2002 has never been challenged for her seat. She has four more years she can serve before being term limited out. In 2019 the mayors seat would be wide open, and the race would be on.
Dec. 2014 Commissioner Mitchell, resigns as commissioner, to enter the mayor’s race.
2/10/15 She disclosed, at the Mayor’s Debate, she no longer was employed at Loop Capital and her job was terminated in December 2014. See where this is going?
Now we have a major problem. Len Fintzy’s City Watch, has already endorsed Mayor Muoio for re-election. How are they going to fix the problem? This was their solution.
We must have folks sign up to become a voting member of City Watch, which will cost $20.00/ year, and you don’t even have to reside in the western communities to join.
Below is a partial list of new City Watch members with voting rights, who rescinded the Mayor Geri Muoio endorsement, and endorsed Kimberly Mitchell for Mayor.
- Beth Kennedy, Campaign Manager for Mitchell, Fintzy & Neering.
- Kimberly Mitchell, City Commissioner. (She endorsed herself)
- Anita Mitchell , Mother of Kimberly & registered lobbyist.
- Len Fintzy Founder & President of City Watch. (He endorsed himself)
- Shannon Materio, Commissioner Mitchell’s BFF on and off the dais.
- Taylor Materio, Commissioner Materio’s daughter.
- Michael Carter, Organizer for the Mitchell campaign.
- Ed Oppel, Friend & Supporter of Commissioner Mitchell & Materio.
- George Singer, President HOA Baywinds.
- David Keiser, Interim President City Watch, Baywinds resident.
- Bob Beaulieu & partner, Friends & Supporters of Mitchell & Materio.
- Vinny Munnelly, Friend & Supporter of Mitchell & Materio.
People I didn’t recognize may have been from the southern district, supporters of Materio.
These same group voted unanimously to endorse Cory Neering over Katherine Waldron.
Are these the people you want running your city?
The Florida Squeeze
Please take the time to read the story below written by “The Florida Squeeze”

It goes into detail about the upcoming WPB Election, and explains about “Landslide Strategies, LLC” and ties to Beth Kennedy and partner Jeff Clemens. Commissioner Mitchell influenced Len Fintzy and Cory Neering into running to stack the commission in her favor. Mr. Neering can no longer deny his involvement with Mitchell as he has in the past. He is not as independent as he claims.
It continues with Commissioner Mitchell’s election in March 2002 and the help she received, from City Watch, Len Fintzy and the 7 gated communities in the west. It goes on to read in part “She has been carrying the water for these communities at city hall during her thirteen years on the commission”
Read about Mitchell, a Republican, and the influence she has with other Republicans such as Ex husband, Richard Pinsky, Mother, Anita Mitchell,and brother all lobbyists. This story is one of the most informative you will read concerning the upcoming election. We hope you take the time to become informed, involved and share with other voter’s. Read the story here.
Kimberly Mitchell attracting Democratic support in West Palm Beach Mayor’s bid | The Florida Squeeze