City Hall Fails It’s Most Vulnerable Residents

I wanted to write this story since Feb; and started writing it in May when a firestorm in Minneapolis over the murder of a black resident named George Floyd by a white Police Officer Derek Chauvin took place. Now is the time and here it is.

Mayor Muoio had an idea to improve the lives of young black men in the northend of the city where crime is rampart and shootings are normal. Any attempt to bring police and residents together was in my opinion well worth the effort.

It’s called the “Peace Walk” and a program that has been in existence for the last 5-6 years. It is a simple plan where residents, escorted by police officers, walk the streets wearing yellow “Peace in the Streets” t-shirts and yard signs with the same message, left in yards with homeowners permission. We talk with the residents in the area and let them know about programs available to them.

Young black men struggle with various problems such as being raised in a single parent household (usually by the mother with no father to guide them) high school dropouts, incarceration, violence, racism and gangs attempting to recruit them. Can you understand their frustration in not being able to see a light at the end of the tunnel?

The city works closely with the Urban League of PBC and their Mission Statement is: “To assist African Americans and other minorities in the achievement of social and economic equality.”

On one Peace Walk we were asked by the Urban League to assist in distributing forms for employment to all black resident aged 18-25.who were looking for work. Here is my experience with one young man.

Me: Young man are you looking for work?
YM: Yes, I could sure use a job.
Me: I have a job application you can fill out.
YM: Yes I sure will. Handed him the application, which he took and sat down to fill it out while I stood with a cop and chit-chatted.

After a while he stopped writing and stared at the application, got up, walked to me and handed me the form while stating “I can’t finish this because I’m a convicted felon.” It’s not as much what he said but the way he said it. I could hear defeat in his voice.

Me: You are exactly the man we are looking for. A felony wont be used against you for employment. The cop spoke up and verified what I had stated. Big smile, he took the application back and continued to fill it out.

After a few minutes he got up and walked into the house, application in hand. I wondered if he was done. He came back out with 2 cold bottles of water saying it’s hot and we must be thirsty. We drank, he wrote and I walked away feeling good with the belief we had accomplished something.

My only regret is my failure to follow up. I hope he was successful in his bid for a new job.

Our last walk was in February when the Carona Virus hit and everything changed. This walk was also different because it was the first time we walked without a police escort in one of the most dangerous area of the city. At the next City Commission meeting I complained about the lack of police presence. Mayor said he has nothing to do with the police and their schedule.

I don’t know if the program is helping, it certainly isn’t hurting when young men see us in their neighborhood and people and police are taking an interest in them, engaging in conversation and asking what the city can do to help. The more I thought about it I realized James is gearing up to stop the walk program and the loss of the police escort was the beginning of the end.

These 2 pictures show children interact with the police. The police on the Segway gave the young man a ride around, and the child was beyond happy. When he turned back there was a line



waiting their turn. They all got one. Double click the picture to enlarge and notice the children’s faces.

If you have read this far, please take the time (4:31) to turn on the sound and listen to the video below. Say’s it much better than I can.

If the mayor of WPB can’t help people who look like him, please stay out of the way of people who are willing to try and help the most vulnerable among us.


Broadstone Locklyn Apts. Enough is Enough

The City of WPB has awarded most of our water views to developers so it only makes sense they must now spread out throughout the city, and they have now reached my area west of 95 on 45th. St. and Village Boulevard. Here’s the story.

The Family Church located at 3600 Village Blvd. has sold a large section of their property to Broadstone who plans to construct 6 buildings 4 stories high and consist of 280 rental apartments of 1,2, and 3 bedroom and the rent from $1,775.00 to $2,375.00/ month. I am going to use 2 cars per apartment for a total of 560 additional cars traveling Village Blvd. daily. This development has been approved by the city.

Another development is the Metrocentre Apartments at the southwest corner of 45th Street and I-95. Developers are proposing 322 units next to what used to be the Culinary Institute. Once again using 2 cars per apt. means an additional 644 cars traveling 45th St. 560+322=1,204 additional cars leaving Village and 45th. St. traveling to their destination. My development, Spencer Lakes, residents now complain about the problems when they try and leave the development and can only exit on Village.

Metrocentre Apartments is seeking a land use plan and zoning change, and I just received notice from the city on 5/18/2020.

“City Commission will conduct a Public Hearing on Monday, June 15,2020.” Also stated “the meeting will be held virtually via Zoom video conferencing.” 28 days until the meeting and the city is not ready to meet the public in chambers. Well I contacted the County Commission with one question. “Could you please advise me when the County will resume public meetings.”

The county responded immediately.

“BCC meetings have been held in person, and open to the public since the CV19 crisis started.
Within the Chambers we are practicing social distancing so not every chair is available for seating, and masks must be worn inside the Governmental Center. You can still fill out a comment card and address the Board for 3 minutes.
We have a Workshop today at 9:30am.”

My opinion: James will hold Zoom Video conferencing until the end of his term or he is removed from office, whichever comes first. He wont have to listen to the nay-sayers or gadfly’s. Both of these developments are important to me and the area where I reside.
City Commissioners: If a couple of you are nervous about public meetings then you Zoom in, but open the meeting to residents in City Chambers even if it means putting pressure on the mayor.

I attended a Planning Board Meeting in City Hall and it appeared to be set up for “social distancing”

Decisions OIG or COE?

On March 23,2020 I attended the CRA meeting and then the City Commission meeting when Commissioner Christine Lambert stated the City’s Ethics Officer gave the OK for her to vote on a WGI contract. At that point I knew I would file a complaint and had a choice between the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) or the Commission on Ethics (COE) both departments established after City & County Commissioners were removed from office and received prison terms. Both departments have commissioners who are appointed to their positions, and I have dealt with both. I have absolutely no confidence in the COE so my decision was easy. File the complaint with the OIG. Below is the e-mail filing the complaint and the OIG response.

—–Original Message—–

From: Sandy Matkivich <[email protected]>

To: inspector <[email protected]>

Sent: Fri, Apr 17, 2020 10:09 am

Subject: Commissioner Lambert

3/23/2020 City Commissioner Lambert voted to approve 2 items, one on the CRA and the companion item on the City Commission meeting.  Lambert was sworn into office in 2018 and 4 months later her husband Monty Lambert was hired by WGI as Senior Business Development Manager. Lambert and WGI will both benefit from her vote. I have included the agenda for both meetings, and the meeting was televised.

3/23/2020 Special  CRA Meeting Item #2  Fiscal Note: $20 million from bond proceeds. Lambert stated City’s Ethics Officer stated OK for her to vote on the issue.

Final CRA Meeting Agenda 3_23_20

3/23/2020  City Commission Meeting Item #8  (Consent Calendar #5-13)  When items are placed on the Consent Calendar they are usually passed with no discussion. The agenda reads in part.

“The City retained Wantman Group (WGI), to perform a traffic study, investigate road conditions, and recommend a sustainable typical section. The scope of work includes but is not limited to: drainage improvements, street lighting, ADA access, landscaped median, midblock crosswalk enhancement, traffic signalization, smart city technology, and sidewalk and bike access.”

Fiscal Note: Funding will be provided by the CRA Bond proceeds and the Capital Acquisition fund.

FINAL City Commission Agenda _03_23_20

Below is the response from the OIG to my complaint:

2020-04-0007 Closure Letter

Peter Cruise is Chair of the COE and will look into my complaint concerning Lambert.


I am not comfortable believing the investigation will be fair? The picture is of Commissioner Lambert biking with her friend Peter Cruise.







Christine Lambert sitting on Peter Cruise lap at a recent picnic. His hands look cozy.


Good news/Bad News.

4/20/2020 City Commission Meeting listed 11 items, all on the Consent Calendar. Items placed on the Consent Calendars generally are passed without discussion as in the $180,000.00 payout to a city employee in an attempt to cover up misdeeds by the city.

5. Resolution No. 111-20 “authorizing a letter of support to the Florida Department of Transportation for the Lane Elimination planned for the Broadway Improvements Project from 25th Street to 45th Street. Transportation staff is proposing to submit a Lane Elimination Application to the Florida Department of Transportation to eliminate vehicular travel lane(s) on Broadway from 25th Street to 45th Street.” Item #5 more fully explained below.

9. Resolution No. 110-20 “approving the City’s intent to engage in mandatory conflict resolution procedures in an action filed against the Palm Beach Transportation Planning Agency regarding an amendment to its Long Range Transportation Plan that added a project extending and widening State Road 7.”  City still fighting the State on State Rd. 7 wasting tax dollars.  Read the City’s agenda below:


Another failed campaign promise from Mayor Keith James, when in an effort to gain votes, he stated he was going to mend bridges between the County and City.
I attended a Commission meeting recently when a County staff member appeared before the city and spoke of a concern over a project the city was voting on that night. He spent his 3 minutes explaining how it would impact the city and county and asked them to consider their vote. When his time was up James stated he did not appreciate the county sending staff to the city to express their views as the city didn’t send city staff to speak at county meetings. In my opinion James didn’t want the public to have the information given by the county, same as he wont allow City Commissioners to ask questions of staff.

In what I believe was Mayor James attempt to embarrass the County James called a press conference and “implored the county to get us these testing kits”
“I implore you, get us these testing kits. We are trying to save lives,” Mayor Keith James urged in a news conference Friday aimed at Palm Beach County leaders.
County administrator Verdenia Baker and Mayor Dave Kerner addressed James’ accusations together to WPBF 25 News.

They said the county has no control over testing kits — the state denied the city’s request for 1,000 kits.
“We get tests from the state, and we have to follow rules of the state,” said Baker. “The city did ask for 1,000 kits, we sent that to the state, the state did not honor that request. We can’t control that.”
Baker said the county has plenty of both drive-thru and walk-up testing sites for everyone in the county — including those in African-American and other vulnerable communities.

Read the WPBF 25 news story below.

Item # 5 from Commission vote on 4/20/2020.  With gridlock throughout the city while they continue to overbuild and neighborhoods speak out with legitimate complaints and concerns, which go unheard. The State is weighing in on their attempt to narrow, as in removing lanes on South Dixie Highway. This is a win for the NSNA (Northwood Shores Neighborhood Association) who have for over 20 years attempted to have the city follow through on promises made including the constant flooding on Flagler Drive, and recently how narrowing Dixie would negatively affect their neighborhoods. The good news is obviously the State has an eye on WPB and Mayor James. A little over one year in office and James not only has the County upset, now the State is looking at us while investigating Mayor James.

“State rejects West Palm Beach plan to narrow South Dixie Highway, saying it would jam traffic.”

WEST PALM BEACH — “One year after state officials approved a dramatic narrowing of a stretch of South Dixie Highway in West Palm Beach, they’ve changed their minds, saying it would aggravate traffic on the busy artery and adjacent roads.”  Read story below

On 4/27/2020 I published a story titled “Show Some Compassion!” when Mayor James announced he was temporally ending the Hurricane Season Vegetation Amnesty Program. I would like to think that story moved City Commissioners and City Administrator to request James have a change of heart. He did. Residents don’t have a couple of months to prepare but we do have 12 days to get ready to save our pocketbook.

WEST PALM BEACH, FLA. (May 6, 2020) — “In preparation for the 2020 hurricane season, the City of West Palm Beach is pleased to announce that Hurricane Season Vegetation Amnesty will start on May 25, 2020 and continue through June 5, 2020.”  Read the City’s press release below.


Show Some Compassion!

On Sunday 4/26/2020 the wind, rain and lightning came fast and furious with little warning. Winds were reported at 60 MPH and 71 MPH at the airport. To be classified as a hurricane, a tropical cyclone must have one-minute maximum sustained winds of at least 74 mph. What we didn’t have was a hurricane but we did have damage in my neighborhood as the pictures will show.
The city always allowed residents two months April and May to prepare for the hurricane season and granted amnesty where the city would pick up yard waste at no extra cost to residents. This was the time we pruned back trees to allow the hurricane winds to pass through with little or no damage, and many residents took advantage of the city’s “gift.” Now neighbors are hesitant to trim back trees not knowing how they will pay for the pickup. I suppose if we are hit with a hurricane trees will come down on roofs, cars and possibly block streets.
Well Mayor Keith James decided the city was losing money and decided to eliminate the amnesty due to the Carona Virus. Cheap excuse.
Thousands of people out of work through no fault of their own, with no paycheck, desperately trying to apply for unemployment benefit or waiting for a check from the Federal Government. Both are slow in coming. Folks are panicked about paying their rent, mortgage, car loan and utilities.
FPL realizing the seriousness of the Carona Virus is giving customers 25% discount on their bill in May. Insurance companies are going to refund up to 25% on our car insurance bill.

What’s the city doing? There not going to shut off water on delinquent customers, but the late fees will continue to mount. How about the city stop collecting late fees and give folks a chance to catch up.

The City Commissioners, all 5 of them along with the City Administrator should put pressure on James and try to talk some sense into him. This is not the time to reach deeper into our pockets but to show compassion for folks who are already suffering. Double click on pictures to enlarge. These homeowners will be charged a minimum of $100.00 for removal.

Did You Vote?

The figures below were supplied by the PBC Supervisor of Elections, and I have included the link below if you are interested in reading the entire report.

Choice                                                    Votes
For Bonds (NON)                                 12,515
Against Bonds (NON)                           2,729
No. of voters         15,244

Choice                                                                 Votes
Christina D’Elosua Lambert (NON)                9,634
Stephen Sylvester (NON)                                   5,040
No of votes             14,674

Choice                                                                  Votes

Kelly Shoaf                                                           10,454
Martina Tate-Walker (NON)                           3,718
No of votes            14,172

Breakdown of registered voters in WPB.
Total        Dems        Reps        NPA            Other
73,300     36,281      16,095    19,828         1,096

WPB has 73,300 Reg. voters and 15,244 took the time to vote.
I cannot understand the discrepancy between the number of votes. Residents who voted for the Park Bond and the number of votes for the candidates. Did some go to the polls just to vote for the bond and did not choose a candidate?

November 2018 Susan Bucher was the Supervisor of Elections.
My personnel experience with the PBC election office occurred when a friend of mine made a trip to their office to inform them that her mother had passed away and asked her name be removed from the election rolls. While she was there, she requested a copy of her voting record only to find it did not contain her recent vote in November. She complained and asked her husband to check his voting record. He did and found his vote was counted. He also asked for his wife’s record and found it had been corrected.
When she shared this information with me, I immediately made the trip and asked for my voting record. My record showed I had not voted. I was upset and told them I definitely had voted. On my return the following day my record was corrected. I filed a complaint with the State Elections office and received a call asking me if I filled out my own ballot, and I assured them I did. End of story.

Jul 21, 2017 “A Palm Beach County commissioner and a state House member clinched their seats last year by stepping into voters’ homes and helping them fill out their mail-in ballots, a Palm Beach Post investigation has found. Commissioner Mack Bernard and Rep. Al Jacquet, both Democrats running in the August primary, took advantage of gaping holes in Florida’s vote-by-mail laws to pressure and cajole voters in their living rooms.”
Read the story below:

Governor DeSantis replaced Susan Bucher with Supervisor of Elections Wendy Link, and the ballot returned to “fill in the circle” and away from “connect the arrow” I was in line at 7:00 AM to vote and after being checked for my voter card and picture ID I was handed my ballot. After voting I walked to the counting machine and my ballot was rejected twice for “double voting”. I was assisted by a clerk who placed it in the machine and again it was rejected. The problem was the ballots are so thin I was handed 2 ballots together and didn’t realize it. I hope they return to thicker ballots in the future.

I no longer trust the voting system and it doesn’t matter if you vote in person or absentee ballot. There is talk of voting by computer like that would be safe from hacking, and I personally would never vote by absentee ballot.

I will share one more story. I asked a neighbor if he voted for the tax bond, and he said he didn’t vote because of the Carona Virus. He was afraid, and I understood until he mentioned he went to Sams for supplies. There was at least 100-125 people standing in line. So many people needing toilet paper.

Hurricane Season
Starts in June and ends in November. Now is the time to prepare and homeowners have always enjoyed the City’s Amnesty Program which ran April through May when trees can be trimmed back and placed on the street for pickup, and the city didn’t place restrictions on the size. This was a cost saving for homeowners and helped clear property. I imagine many roofs and cars were spared the damage of falling trees.

Mayor Keith James has decided to eliminate the Amnesty Program “until further notice” and has the audacity to claim it is because of the Carona Virus.
This will cost homeowners hundreds of dollars and comes at a time when people have lost their jobs and desperately waiting for $1,200 stimulus checks from the Federal Government.
“Until further notice” will not be coming anytime soon while he holds court over WPB.
Read the entire report from the PBC Supervisor of Elections below.

Consent Calendar The City’s Best Friend!

City of West Palm Beach City Commission DRAFT AGENDA April 20, 2020 5:00 P.M.

CONSENT CALENDAR (3-11) Consent Calendar is usually passed without discussion, as in the $180,000.00 they tried to slip by residents with the payoff of a former city employee who has now filed a lawsuit against the city and started an investigation against Mayor James.

Item # 6. Resolution No. 111-20 authorizing a letter of support to the Florida Department of Transportation for the Lane Elimination planned for the Broadway Improvements Project from 25th Street to 45th Street.

The city states: “As one of the highest traveled corridors in Palm Beach County, Broadway (State Road 5/ US Highway 1) is the ideal location for storefronts and businesses that will contribute to business expansion and commercial revitalization”

“Background: Transportation staff is proposing to submit a Lane Elimination Application to the Florida Department of Transportation to eliminate vehicular travel lane(s) on Broadway from 25th Street to 45th Street.

The city is telling us Broadway is one of highest traveled corridors so why would they remove a travel lane? Do they have any knowledge of gridlock? The city wants to eliminate auto traffic and have residents walking and biking. New York has attempted to eliminated much of the traffic in the city and you can see people walking the streets in the thousands. How’s that working out for them being the epicenter of the Carona Virus?

Item #10. Resolution No. 110-20 approving the City’s intent to engage in mandatory conflict resolution procedures in an action filed against the Palm Beach Transportation Planning Agency regarding an amendment to its Long Range Transportation Plan that added a project extending and widening State Road 7.

“During the February 20th meeting, the TPA approved the SR 7 Amendment adding the SR 7 Project to the plan. The approval of the SR 7 Amendment has created a conflict between the City and the TPA. The specific legal challenges are identified in the Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief filed with the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit on March 23, 2020 and attached as Exhibit A to Resolution No. 110-20. The relief requested includes entry of an order 1) declaring the TPA’s passage of the SR 7 Amendment failed to comply with applicable federal regulations and state law, as well as the TPA’s own by-laws”

That tells me the city is willing to spend thousands more, on top of the millions already spent to stop the State Road 7 extension. Why do City Commissioners allow the money to be spent? Easy answer the residents in the west don’t want to deal with the traffic so commissioners allow lawsuit after lawsuit because the western communities vote and the rest of WPB can’t be bothered. We do this injustice to ourselves and continue dealing with Commissioners who find it easier to listen to “Staff” than residents.

Item # 11. Resolution No. 114-20 approving a funding interlocal agreement between the City of West Palm Beach and the West Palm Beach Community Redevelopment Agency for repaving a portion of Flagler Ave. adjacent to the Old City Hall development.

Resolution No. 115-20 approving the project participation agreement between Navarro Lowrey, Inc., and the City of West Palm Beach for repaving a portion of Flagler Drive, adjacent to the Ben Hotel, the site of the Old City Hall development.

Navarro Lowrey built the Ben Hotel and most of the damage was done during construction. Why are taxpayers footing the cost of the repair? Did someone’s palm get greased?

Read the entire agenda below. it will take longer to recite the Pledge of Allegiance that pass the agenda. Read entire agenda below.

DRAFT City Commission Agenda _04_20_20



Lambert votes Yes on WGI Contract

March 23, 2020 Two meetings at City Hall, CRA and City Commission. What I want to draw your attention to is in Bold type, my opinion in italics and if you have difficulty understanding what you are about to read, don’t feel bad it’s written to confuse us.

CRA meeting: Resolution No. 20-18 authorizing a funding interlocal agreement between the City of West Palm Beach and the West Palm Beach Community Redevelopment Agency for the Banyan Boulevard Streetscape project.


Agenda Cover Memorandum No.: 22079

Staff Recommended Motion: Approve Resolution 20-18.

Background: The CRA’s Strategic Finance Plans for the City Center/Downtown CRA District, Amendment No. 14, identifies infrastructure projects located within the Historic Northwest and funded with the Series 2019 Bond, and specifically the Banyan Boulevard Streetscape.

The City and CRA worked together on the design of Banyan Boulevard. The design features a raised bike lane, additional lighting and trees, a treed median, enhanced crosswalks and signalization and better connections from the Historic Northwest to Downtown.

Resolution No. 19-1 approved the issuance of $110,000,000 in Series 2019 Bonds for the CRA. As part of the bond issuance, the Banyan Boulevard Streetscape was allocated $15,400,000. The GMP was received on February 12, 2020 with a total price of $15,461,731.56 for phase 1. Funding will be provided through both the CRA Bond as well as the City’s Engineering budget.

Companion Resolution Nos. 57-20 and 58-20 will be presented to the City of West Palm Beach City Commission.

This project is in Commission District 3: Richard Ryles.

Fiscal Note: $20 million from bond proceeds.

I didn’t plan to attend the CRA meeting, walked in late in time to hear Commissioner Lambert say she was told by the WPB Ethics Officer it was acceptable for her to vote on the issue. I returned to the atrium and grabbed a copy of the CRA agenda.

On the CRA agenda there is no mention of the contractors contracted to do the construction, but I knew it had to concern the Wantman Group (WGI) Turns out I was right, WGI named on City Commission agenda.

City Commission meeting:

Resolution No. 57-20 approving the Guaranteed Maximum Price for Banyan Boulevard Streetscape project for the Construction Contract with Whiting-Turner establishing the GMP and Resolution No. 58-20 approving the Project Funding Agreement by the CRA to Banyan Blvd Streetscape project.



Background: The City issued its Request for Qualifications No. 17-18-402, for Construction Manager At Risk services for Downtown Streetscapes and Alleyways. Whiting-Turner Construction Company, was awarded a Construction Manager at Risk Contract for Banyan Blvd Streetscape, on May 17, 2019. Banyan Boulevard is a major collector road, with over 14,000 Annual Daily Trips, for Downtown West Palm Beach connecting Australian Avenue to Flagler Drive. In 2013, the City prioritized paving on Banyan Blvd. as part of the Public Works Bond to improve deteriorated road conditions. The Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) and the City of West Palm Beach are partnering with Engineering Services to implement complete streets and enhance safety and efficiency of the corridor. The City retained Wantman Group (WGI), to perform a traffic study, investigate road conditions, and recommend a sustainable typical section. The scope of work includes but is not limited to: drainage improvements, street lighting, ADA access, landscaped median, midblock crosswalk enhancement, traffic signalization, smart city technology, and sidewalk and bike access. Whiting-Turner (WT), a contracting firm, was retained as the Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) to build the project.

Banyan Boulevard has historically been considered a dividing line between downtown, the Northwest Neighborhoods and the northern border of downtown West Palm Beach. With the proposed improvements, Banyan Blvd will be transformed into a highly visible Gateway into the downtown district. Design for the Banyan Boulevard Improvements is funded utilizing Capital Acquisition Funds and CRA Bond funds. In accordance with its contract, Whiting-Turner Construction Company submitted a Guaranteed Maximum Price for the Banyan Blvd Streetscape, last revised February 11, 2020, in the amount of $15,461,731.56. The City desires to approve the GMP and proceed with the Banyan Blvd Streetscape Project. Resolution No. 57-20 approves the Guaranteed Maximum Price (“GMP”) for the Banyan Blvd Streetscape at $15,461,731.56 and authorizes execution of the First Amendment to the Contract establishing the GMP. Resolution No. 58-20 approves the Project Funding Agreement with the CRA for Banyan Blvd Streetscape. COMMISSION DISTRICT: District 3: Commissioner Richard Ryles.

The Wantman Group has received another lucrative contract from the city. This is the same company who employs Jeffrey Brophy, senior vice president of WGI and Mr. Brophy owns a home in Andros Isles and rented his home to then City Commissioner Keith James who voted approval on every contract that contained a WGI contract.

It gets better for WGI after City Commissioner Christine Lambert was sworn in and 4 months later WGI hired her husband Monty as a Senior Business Development Manager. It doesn’t get any better for WGI or the Lambert’s.

The contract that Lambert voted “yes” at both meetings do you believe she wont benefit from her vote?

How could the WPB Ethics Officer not believe this was a conflict of interest? My opinion I look to the no-bid contract for James friend Willie Perez, PSC Security. James tried to convince us both City Attorney and Procurement agreed it was their “opinion” that bids were not needed and a contract straight to PSC was acceptable.

Residents were outraged and spoke out at the City Commission meeting and strongly suggested both City Attorney and Procurement Manager be fired for their “opinion.”

Well it turns out both departments advised Mayor James that bids should be sought for the eight million dollar contract.

James sat there listening to residents knowing that the City Attorney and the Procurement Manager did their job and he didn’t do his. Disgraceful the way he continually throws people under the bus. 

Important Info on Covid-19

I received an email from a friend and believe it important enough too send on.

“Just got this from Cornell:

Information from Vienna’s laboratory studying COVID-19 say vast majority of people who died had ibuprofen/Advil in their system so do not take it!! Those who recovered did not take ibuprofen so if you have symptoms, take Paracetamol only!!! Looks like this virus thrives on ibuprofen so don’t do it and tell everyone you can!!!

Please pass this information on to everyone in each family.  I don’t want to miss anyone so share as much as you can, or copy and paste!

I just spoke with my friend who is a nurse at VGH (Vancouver) and they just learned that Advil makes the virus 10x worse.  Tylenol ONLY for the time being. She said Advil kick-starts the virus into pneumonia.

She also said they are not releasing the correct number of cases on the news and they have patients coming in everyday and some currently on ventilators. Soon they won’t have enough room in the hospitals to treat patients and will have to turn people away. They’ve canceled all surgeries to use the OR for available ventilators, but it still won’t be enough.

She also said she found some people in there 40’s and 50’s who were previously healthy to be on ventilators and having major difficulty breathing because they took Advil.

Also 4 doctors at VGH are now infected and she said she has never seen her doctors so worried before.  So please no Advil and stay safe!!!

There are a few articles online

No Advil

No Advil or any NSAIDS!!”


Excedrin is recommended. Below is taken from their website.

“Excedrin contains a combination of acetaminophen, aspirin, and caffeine. Acetaminophen is a pain reliever and a fever reducer. Aspirin is in a group of drugs called salicylates. It works by reducing substances in the body that cause pain, fever, and inflammation. Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant.”

Walgreen’s was sold out of Excedrin and I asked the pharmacist when they expected another shipment. She walked me over to the shelf and showed me a bottle of “Walgreen Pain Reliever acetaminophen 500 mg.

She then took the time to explain this was Excedrin in a Walgreen package. I bought it, took it home, and went to a neighbor and she showed me her bottle of Excedrin. Both pills were red, round, and the same size.

People have to buy the name brand and sitting right next to it is the same pill in different packaging, costing half the price.

WPB Will Cheat To Win An Election

March 10, 2020 I posted the story “Government we can do what we want.

Soon after I published I received a phone call and was told a resident contacted City Administrator Faye Johnson to complain. Ms. Johnson had the signs removed with a heads up to Code Enforcement to continue checking the area and remove any political signs placed on the property The complaining resident called me and mentioned “If you want something done Faye Johnson is the person to call at City Hall, the signs have been removed.” I immediately updated the story.

Five days later the Lambert/Shoaf political signs are back in the City Hall Courtyard where early voting at the library was in full swing. The signs visible to all who were there to vote. I assume James is back from another trip to Washington DC and overruled Johnson on the placement of the signs.

Below is a quote taken from the PBC Supervisor of Elections.

No-Solicitation Zone

“Political signs may not be placed within 150 feet of the entrance to any polling place, or polling room where the polling place is also a polling room, or early voting site. Before the opening of the polling place or early voting site, the clerk or supervisor shall designate the no-solicitation zone and mark the boundaries (s. 102.031(4)(a), F.S.).”

I don’t know how close to the library the signs were placed, and I don’t believe the city much cares. The City’s Mayor Keith James is so anxious to get his “girls” re-elected, while bragging he’s a lawyer who graduated from Harvard, and is aware the signs are illegally placed and the city is breaking the law. James does not care. The Harvard attorney thumbs his nose at the residents of WPB.

The last story I published on March 10 concerning political signs was sent to James, Johnson and all 5 City Commissioners. They read the story and knew it was wrong but Lambert and Shoaf placed them anyway.

These are the 2 women asking for our vote, asking us to trust them again when they stand with James also thumbing their noses at us to show contempt, to insult or to disrespect us.

Another picture taken on Sunday shows mostly younger people sitting on Clematis St. partying and sitting on sidewalk tables along with a crowded restaurant appearing not to be aware of the Coronavirus disease that is quickly spreading around the world.

Can the city at least remove them from the sidewalk, or are they afraid the businesses will object?


WPB City Hall Officials: I have a sign for you that is at least honest. Feel free to use it.

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