Seems like Deja vu

In 2006, under the leadership of Mayor Lois Frankel, PBC was recognized as “Corruption County” when County and City Commissioners were removed from office after an investigation by the U.S. Attorney’s Office, and the FBI.  Two City Commissioners, Ray Liberti and Jim Exline were prosecuted and jailed on public corruption charges along with 4 County Commissioners. Mary McCarthy, Warren Newell, Tony Masilotti and Jeff Koons. Why am I writing about this again? One reason. The public has a short memory and if they forget they re-elect the same people who do not have residents’ best interest, but rather bow to developers’ interest namely Related.   Read the FBI involvement below.

When the OBD was first presented 3 Commissioners, Moffett, Materio and Neering voted against it.
This was not acceptable, and money was poured into the campaign to elect Kelly Shoaf and Christine Lambert. If they were elected the developer had Commissioner James in their pocket corner which was enough to give Related what they wanted. Well as you know they were elected, and 4 months after they were sworn in Mayor Muoio put the OBD back on the agenda and of course it passed. Win-Win for Related.

How Lambert won:  Easy just have Cornerstone, Rick Asnani as her political consultant defame Commissioner Materio with false mailers and lies. Materio didn’t roll over.

Materio:  Rick Asnani was sued by former Commissioner Materio for defamation and the lower court ruled she had the right to sue. Asnani appealed the ruling, and back to court where the 4th. District Court of Appeals has denied Asrani’s effort to shoot down a defamation suit. Materio won again and was awarded her attorney fees. Asnani is appealing the ruling once again. Now you understand why the courts are backed up.

March 2020 Election
Lambert has a challenger, Steve Sylvester. I met him and like him and will vote for him. WPB knows Lambert’s voting record and decisions she has made, and I don’t want 2 more years of Lambert and her love affair with Related and Flagler One.

How Shoaf won:  The day Moffett’s re-election papers were due, she dropped out of the race too late for anyone with name recognition interested in running. Martina Tate Walker was also running for Moffatt’s seat. Ms. Walker has no name recognition today except by the people she serves. Ms. Walker also has no political consultant or money from PAC’s, developers or the Chamber of Commerce. In fact she’s broke. You will not see political signs with her name on it or receive political flyers. She will not be endorsed by the Post, any past or present Mayors or commissioner. Know what that tells me?  Means she doesn’t owe anyone her vote. She has not been bought. She is her own woman. You have a choice between Shoaf and Walker in March 2020. What are you gonna do?

Richard Ryles has a challenger namely Christy Fox a woman who worked for Related. Not much to report here as without the election, Fox is the new commission for District 3. How did that happen? Appears Ryles “forgot” to submit his papers for re-election. He forgot; I have a hard time believing that. He will not respond to calls from the media, or the people who trusted him and willing to work for his re-election. How could he not make a public announcement?  Big disappointment, and he has given us a Fox in the hen house.

If Lambert and Shoaf are successful there you have it. Three ladies who have proven they will support the Chamber and Related, what are you going to do?  Suggestion: Know your candidates and vote wisely.

I must leave this story on a good note.
Rep. Matt Willhite has requested Gov. DeSantis assistance in an investigation of James, and the Governor has the authority to remove him from office. If that doesn’t happen, we have another choice.

At the 12/16 meeting resident Alan Levine stood at the podium and gave James a heads up. Mr. Levine who keeps track of city funny business announced he has been asked to lead a recall of James and remove him from office. Mr. Levine has accepted the challenge, and he will need help in moving forward. Here is the process.

Around 1,155 signatures of registered voters are needed to start the process.

30 days to obtain them, once the clock starts, which begins with the date of the first signature obtained, which cannot start until the March date James was elected but I think it could be from the date he was actually sworn in which was in April.  (One more item to verify)

If successful, the process will eventually require one more petition, filed by the Clerk, which needs 15% of all the city’s registered voters, gathered within a 60 day period.

15% of approximately 38,000 registered voters is around 5,700. No doubt harder, but very doable. Just starting the process may be enough.

Once this all happens a new election is decided and most often the person being recalled quits. Let’s assume James won’t. The person that will run the city at that point is the city manager if the Governor decides not to appoint a temporary Mayor.

There is a municipal recall document that can be had on the County supervisor of elections site.

What Goes On Behind The Scenes at City Hall

Wednesday I attended the am DAC Meeting. Thursday it was the am IA Meeting. Thursday pm back to City Hall to meet with the Department of Housing and Community Development. Rode the elevator to the 3rd. floor, walked up to the window with my mouth hanging open not believing what I was seeing. The department looked like a miniature Disney World at Christmas time.

I met 4 amazing women named Luz Rivera, Lucy Joseph, Michelle Tymes and Lisa Kemp. This story is about them and the entire department.

Luz Rivera, 18 years with the city: The dept. has 3 decorated Christmas Trees, with wrapped gifts underneath. One wall was decorated with wrapping paper with more gifts underneath.  The trees were beautifully decorated, and my mind went to the cost of it all. Luz explained everything I was looking at was donated and she walks her neighborhood and said I would be amazed at what her neighbors discarded when the holiday was over. They don’t want it, as luck would have it Luz does. She does all the decorating.

Michelle Tymes, 9 years with the city: I was shown the third tree which is located down a hallway. I glanced into one office pod, stopped, backed up and looked in.  Someone had a home away from home. First thing I noticed was a large tack board and pictures of dogs and 2 Yellow Labs had center stage. Michelle pointed to one and said this was her newest pup and the other pup had a grey muzzle and I knew it was an older dog. She then mentioned how much she loved Samson and was so sad when he passed over the Rainbow Bridge. I looked over and noticed her eyes filled with tears. Michelle will see Samson again. He’ll wait for her and greet her with all the love and devotion he’d always shown her.

Lucy Joseph, 6 months with the city:  Lucy has a bubbly personality, outgoing personality.  Her hobbies are art and calligraphy. She is responsible for the lettering wishing Merry Christmas next to the tree. She’s the type of employee I would be happy to work with. Double click to enlarge pictures.

Lisa Kemp, 4 years with the city:  Lisa is the Community Resource Manager and oversees the Vickers House working closely with the homeless. She comes from a Non-Profit world and uses her knowledge and experience at times thinking outside the box.

For example the last 3 years Lisa and her crew “adopted” 15 children in the foster care system and each Christmas partnering with Friends of Foster Children. Prior to that, her “crew” sponsored a Pre-K and Kindergarten classroom at Northmore Elementary School to which they showed up with Santa Claus,  Elves and gifts. Her staff pays for the gifs, wraps them and delivers them to the disadvantaged children in our area. The school honored them with an award showing their gratitude for their thoughtfulness.

This holiday season was no different. Under the office Christmas tree, the wrapped gifts had an extra paper attached that read “Foster Angel Wish List.”  These packages actually had gifts in them donated by City Staff. Reading one of the attached papers containing a name and other info and I realized it was for a child and was told all the children were in Foster Care.  These children will receive a visit from Santa. If you open the link you will find not much has change over the ages. A boy age 4 wants a dinosaur, and a girl age 7 wants a doll. After the toys they wished for shoes, and it included their size. Think about that!  A child wishing for shoes. Now count your blessings.

WPB Foster Child Wish List

This year the staff adopted 16 foster children in addition to 4 homeless children. I was simply stunned by their generous giving nature.
I have named 4 people from the department but there are actually 10 employees working in the Department of Housing and Community Development, and every one of them “adopted” a child to fulfil their Christmas wish.  This is what one department started and it’s growing.
Not wanting to be left out of the Christmas giving this year, two ladies from Human Resources Department, Alisha and Theresa, asked to be included and were welcomed aboard. Also Lina and Uyen from the Engineering Department joined in the festivities along with Tywanna from Parks and Recreation. For the first time in a long time I left City Hall with a smile on my face and it’s all due to one department with a loving and giving nature.                                                                   That is what goes on behind the scenes at City Hall.

PSC Security Wants to Kill Cops

You are about to read two different stories with one thing in common– PSC Security.

A few months ago a brawl broke out in CityPlace when a large gang of thugs caused extensive damage to the Burger Fi Restaurant tearing the place up, smashing tables, chairs and the cash register which caused the business to close for repairs.
Employees unable to find PSC Security guards  called 911 and the real police showed up and I’m told the thugs had left the area.  There were no media reports on the incident.

As you are aware Related owns CityPlace and the text between PSC Willie Perez and Keith James may explain why this didn’t warrant a news story, but a cover-up.
Perez writes in part  “All those years of insulating Related from liability”   Obviously protecting Related was Perez concern, not the safety of residents,

Double click to enlarge.









Breaking news 12/10/19

WELLINGTON, Fla. (CBS12) — A mall security guard is accused of threatening to kill police.

The Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office arrested 27-year-old Jason Parkins on a charge of intimidation-written threat to commit bodily injury.
Investigators said Parkins, via Facebook messenger, posted in a public forum a statement that read in part, “stupid f—–g pigs i would literally drive my vehicle into them all killing as much as i could with my sig sauer and then proudly die myself or serve the life sentence.”
You can read the entire story below.

Is the Wellington Mall protecting it’s visitors well enough so they are comfortable  visiting or shopping there? Is this the only PSC employee who dreams of killing cops?

As readers may be aware from news stories the mayor has written Governor DeSantis a three page letter explaining his side of the story as to why Rep. Willhite has asked the Governor to investigate the happenings in WPB.  I received a copy of the letter and sent it to a few readers who in turn asked me what could be done.

Honestly if I could fix it– I would, but I can’t. Below is the mayors letter, and the email address of the Governor.  One question! What are you going to do about it?

Letter from Mayor Keith A James to Governor Ron DeSantis

Mr. Oyer Say’s

Now is the time for action and for your voice to be heard on “One Flagler” the 25 story Related building on Flagler. If you object to the project you must speak up to the DAC Board. Your absence could be seen as acceptance.

The meeting time and place.
Downtown Action Committee  (DAC)
Wednesday, 12/11/19 @ 9:00 AM
Description: Composed of 7 members and 2 alternate members.
Purpose: Reviews all applications for appeals, variances and special use permits in the downtown master plan area and acts as the Zoning Board of Appeals for the downtown master plan area
Members of this Board: Bradley “Brad” McPherson, Brian Cheguis, David Felton, Michael S. Cuevas (also sits on the DNA Board), Nicholas “Nick” Mihelich, Roger P. Janssen, Stephen Graham and Mr. Mac Ross, 1st Alternate.  1 alternate seats vacant.  Michael S. Cuevas also sits of the DNA (Downtown neighborhood Association) Board.

I realize I am not giving much notice, and also believe the City is not helping with holding their meeting’s at 9:00 AM when most people are at work and can’t give their input. It’s called planned strategy and the City does it well.

I attended a presentation and listened to Harvey Oyer spin his tail on what a great project this would be for the city. Mr. Oyer, a registered lobbyist and attorney  “Harvey represents commercial and residential developers, lending institutions, large rural land owners, and governmental agencies in real estate transactions, finance, land use, zoning, agricultural law, and government affairs.”

Mr. Oyer represents Related and it’s his job to insure “One Flagler” is built. The link below tells the story by Forbes  “America’s Most And Least Trusted Professions” and they list Attorney’s at 18% and Lobbyist at 8%. If your curious Nurses are at 82%.

List of “Class A Office Space”

1) Phillips Point, 777 S Flagler Dr.  2)Northbridge Tower 515 N Flagler Dr.  3&4) Flagler Center I, & Flagler Center II  505 S Flagler Dr. 5) Esperante Corporate Center  222 Lakeview Ave;   6) Rosemary Square (Formerly CityPlace Tower)  525 Okeechobee;  7)One Clearlake Centre  250 S Australian

When new “Class A Office Space” is built the tenants relocate to the new building, when their lease is up leaving many vacancies behind. They all want water views. Know what, so don’t the residents of WPB want the water views, not a wall of concrete.

What One Flagler will consist of is smaller offices for Palm Beach residents who drive across the bridge, and the Bristol crowd 1100 South Flagler Drive where a 25 story condo sold for $42.6 million. Coming soon the La Clara 1515 S. Flagler Dr.  another 25 story building is going up where more multi-millionaires will need office space. Know why the Bristol and La Clara didn’t build on Palm Beach but settled for WPB? Palm Beach wouldn’t allow their way of life to be disrupted. Obviously the Mayor listens to residents.

On Flagler we have 4  if you count Flagler Center having 2 buildings, and 3 Class A Office Buildings in other areas, and 2 Class A Condominium buildings on Flagler. That’s a pretty good start to “walling” off the water.

Mr. Oyer said “Traffic wouldn’t be a problem because they will be going in the opposite direction away from traffic.”  The whole city is a log jam. The only way more traffic wouldn’t hurt is if they all flew a helicopter.

Mr. Oyer said:  “Office hours will be staggered to alleviate any traffic issues.”  Why would they stagger office hours if traffic is moving in the opposite direction?

Mr. Oyer said:  “He is going to talk to the Coast Guard and request the  bridge stay closed during peak traffic hours.”  Why?  traffic is moving in the opposite direction, right? 

Mr. Oyer said: ” The County will be asked to do a better job synchronizing traffic lights. Why do we need traffic lights, we have traffic moving in the opposite direction away from traffic.

Mr. Oyer will say what needs to be said to get this project off the ground. He will say nothing negative or mention the lawsuits filed against the City for approving a comp plan change that benefits only Related and this site.

The County, Palm Beach and many others object to this building’s location.
Ms. Sandy says: Wouldn’t it be easier to ask Related to locate their Class A Office Building  to a different location?

The three boards  DDA, DNA and the DAC are all Board Members appointed by the Mayor. The Mayor would not appoint someone who he thought wouldn’t vote the way he expected, although Mayors have been surprised when they accidentally appointed a person with honesty and integrity. Lets hope they are on the board 12/11/19.

Here is a text between James, Green. Read how James reacted when Raphael Clemente, who I am told by many is a real good guy, refused to endorse Chief Frank Adderley as James pick for Chief of Police, and reminds them who appoints the board.

Double click to enlarge.

New Text Messages between James & Green

April 4, 2019 Keith James sworn in as Mayor of WPB Fl.

Aug. 27,2019 Doubles the Fire Fee from $50.00 to $100.00. Millions more added to the city coffers.

Sept. 23,2019  (5 months after being sworn in.) City loan from Sun Trust Bank for $20,000,000.00 to fund capital improvements projects and a few projects listed are:

*Howard Park & Dreher Park Improvements.
4 vehicles  Fire Dept. EMS vehicles replacement.
3 vehicles Fire Dept. Pumpers.

The City plans to pay for the 7 vehicles needed with funds from the 20 million dollar loan, so why double the Fire Fee a month earlier?  What will the city do with the 20 million dollars that taxpayers will be on the hook for?

*Dec. 2, 2019 (9 months after being sworn in) Approving General Obligation Bonds for $30,000,000.00 for the improvement of City Parks.   Now were in debt for $50,000,000.00.

The City states improvements will be started between 1 and 5 years.  “A general obligation bond (GO) is a municipal bond backed by the credit and taxing power of the issuing jurisdiction rather than the revenue from a given project.”  In 6 months much of the public will not remember how much was borrowed or for what reason. Politicians depend on it. I hope the public remembers when they vote in March 2020.

If you speak out against the Fire Fee, which I do every time, it appear I don’t support the WPB Fire Dept. which could not be further from the truth. Every generation seems to have memories of devastation in America, something they recall and remember for the remainder of their lives.
December 7, 1941: Both my parents remember where they were on Sunday morning when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor.

Sept. 11,2001: I was driving to meet friends for breakfast when the radio announced a plane hit the World Trade Center. We turned on the TV in time to witness the second plane hit the second tower. No one ate that day.

“Of those who perished during the initial attacks and the subsequent collapses of the towers, 343 were New York City firefighters, 23 were New York City police officers and 37 were officers at the Port Authority.”

Facts you may not be aware of:
“The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) was created by an Act of Congress, the Air Transportation Safety and System Stabilization Act (49 USC 40101), shortly after 9/11 to compensate the victims of the attack (or their families) in exchange for their agreement not to sue the airline corporations involved.”
Congress protected the airlines instead of the men and women who died trying to protect the people in both towers. I imagine they were well compensated with contributions for their re-election campaign.

“After years of legislative gridlock, the Victim Compensation Fund has been extended to ensure permanent funding for rescue workers whose jobs after the terror attacks caused health problems.
In July, the bitter and protracted battle to compensate 9/11 first responders who fell ill in the aftermath of the attacks finally came to an end.
President Trump signed a permanent extension of funding for the Victim Compensation
Fund into law which will authorize $10.2 billion for the 10 years along with additional funding until 2090 which will cover surviving 9/11 first responders for their entire lives.
A grim new statistic highlights just how important it was to pass that legislation.
Officials recently told ABC News that 241 NYPD have now died in the 18 years since the attacks.”

To President Trump, who will never read this message a sincere Thank you sir for accomplishing what Washington could not. Why am I rehashing history? Below are new texts between James and Green, who in my opinion are no better than Congress for using our first responders for their own benefit.


Yes ** WPB There Really is a Santa Clause

  I cannot possibly add to Terry Parker’s story. Ms. Parker, Investigative Reporter for Channel 25 WPBF  Make sure to watch the video, before you read the story.

“Texts from former West Palm Beach City Administrator Jeff Green show inside communication between Green and Professional Security Consultants regional manager Willie Perez before a controversial $8 million, no-bid security contract was awarded to Perez’s company.”


James was the man that said he knew nothing about the contract. Green and Perez worked it out his first few months in office.


One Flagler Justification Statement.

One Flagler Justification Statement, is an attempt to justify “One Flagler” being built where no 25 story building should be built.

“One Flagler” developer is Related, and this is the building the City consistently tells residents it is not “spot zoning” and if you repeat the lie long enough it becomes fact. They will attempt to justify Related’s 25 story building with the help of the DAC (Downtown Action Committee) The statement consist of 13 pages and if you care to read the propaganda e-mail me at [email protected] and I’ll forward it to you. Below are excerpts. My remarks in italics.

“The 2.47-acre Site consists of three parcels with a small portion of submerged land to the east bifurcated by Flagler Drive.”

Definition of bifurcation. the point or area at which something divides into two parts

“The Site is currently partially developed with a church that was constructed in 1928, which has been and continues to be used by the First Church of Christ Scientist for the last 91 consecutive years.”

“This DAC application to construct a twenty-five (25) story Class A office building is being submitted concurrently with a Register of Historic Places Nomination application to the City to designate the church building as a historic landmark structure.  These two applications are part of the same project and should be considered together”

“To be clear, the current property owner will not approve historical designation of the church building until the following has occurred:

a) Final and un-appealable Downtown Action Committee Special Review approval of the One Flagler project (DAC Case No. (  TBD  ); and,

b) Closing of the purchase and sale transaction between the First Church of Christ, Scientist, West Palm Beach, Inc. and Related Urban Development, L.P. for the acquisition of the One Flagler project site.”

12/2/2019 City Commission meeting and I draw your attention to item 18 on the agenda.

18. Public Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance No. 4886-19 approving the Local Landmark designation of 809 South Flagler Drive, also known as the First Church of Christ Scientist, on the West Palm Beach Local Register of Historic Places.

Background: “This voluminous one story, Neo-Classical Revival style church structure was constructed between 1927-1929 by F.W. Blandford and designed by the Philadelphia based architectural firm of Horace Trumbauer for the Christian Science community. The building has a prominent east facing portico and pediment. The building’s unique blue tiles were inspired by the Philadelphia Museum of Art. The structure is known as the Christ Scientist building and recorded under Florida Master Site File number 8PB00681 and has never been historically designated due to the Church’s previous objections.”

What reason could the Church possibly have for refusing to have it historically Registered?

The city is acting to place the First Church of Christ Scientist, on the West Palm Beach Local Register of Historic Places, meaning “b” above will be taken care of at Monday night meeting.

“a” will be complete on Dec. 11, 2019 @ 9:00 AM when the DAC meets to approve “One Flagler” which it turned down on Nov.16 and James ended the term’s of the board members who voted against the project and replaced them with people he knew he could trust to get the job done. So with a stacked board do you believe it will pass the second time around? The church believes so or they wouldn’t allow the Register of Historic Places to take place.

If at all possible please attend the 12/11/19 meeting and let the board know how you feel. Related’s  people, and invited guests, will attend praising the development. Allow the DAC hear the other side, your side. Who gave the DAC the power that any decisions it makes is un-appealable. I must repeat they are appointed not elected, and suffer no consequences for their vote while ignoring residents concerns and complaints. Below is the description of responsibilities along with the names of DAC board members.

“Downtown Action Committee (DAC) Contact: Ana Maria Aponte

Description: Composed of 7 members and 2 alternate members

Purpose: Reviews all applications for appeals, variances and special use permits in the downtown master plan area and acts as the Zoning Board of Appeals for the downtown master plan area.

Members of this Board: Bradley “Brad” McPherson, Brian Cheguis, David Felton, Michael S. Cuevas, Nicholas “Nick” Mihelich, Roger P. Janssen, Stephen Graham and 2 alternate seats vacant.”


Watching the news I learned vandals caused over $1,000.00 damage to the Sandi Tree on the waterfront, where I understand PSC Security patrols the area 24/7. I vehemently oppose this destruction with supposed security on site, just as Commissioner Shoaf vehemently oppose replacing PSC.

The DDA has a contract with PSC and I have a PRR (Public Records Request) sent to the City of WPB and was told I would have to place my PRR with them. I question if they sent out bids, to what Companies, how many responses they received. Who wants to bet it’s another no-bid contract?

2 meetings 1 PB Post Story

There were 2 meetings held on 11/25/19. “Special City Commission Meeting” held at 8:30AM, and the “Mayor/Commission Work Session” @ 9:00 AM. Both meetings held when residents were at work. Being retired I attended.

The “Special City Commission Meeting” had 2 items on the agenda, and I was interested in the first item concerning the CRA. Long story short. The Fleet Management Fund has a net deficit of $200,000.00. This requires a transfer of $600,000.00 from General Fund Reserves to the Fleet Management funds. On the bright side when it was reported the Internal Audit (IA) was going to be done early 2020, Jon Ward, Director of the CRA stated the City had no authority to audit them, even while they were spending tax dollars. The CRA is and has been hemorrhaging  money and the audit will be very telling.

Commissioner Lambert was missing when the meeting began, but arrived on the dais at 8:39 just as James was calling for the vote@8:40. Before she put her bag she voted approval.

The 9:00 AM meeting concerned (1) “Strong Mayor Duties and Responsibilities” City Attorney Kimberly Rothenburg was to make the presentation, and (3) Security Services, City Attorney Nancy Urcheck to make the presentation. Ms. Urcheck made both presentations due to Ms. Rothenburg was a no-show.

(1) According to James the 5 Commissioners are not allowed to ask any questions of any staff member, ever. If they need a question answered they are to go through Tiffany David who answers to the Mayor. In a previous story I wrote about Ms. David who makes appointments with Presidents of Homeowner Association, who either cancels or don’t show up or ducks out 5 minutes after James leaves a meeting. They can also ask questions of Interim City Administrator Faye Johnson, who also reports to the mayor.

When residents call their commissioner with a problem they don’t want to wait weeks or months for a reply. James said staff was inundated with questions. When Mayor Muoio was in office she had a City Administrator and 2 Assistant Administrators. James has appointed 5 Assistant Administrators. Do the math: 5 city commissioners and 5 assistant administrators. In my opinion James is either trying to control what information the commissioners are receiving, or the assistant administrators don’t know the answer.

(2) Security Services. Larry Keller, Special to The Post wrote the story and it can be read in it’s entirety below. Here are excerpts and my comments in italics

“The city has set a Jan. 10 deadline for proposals with a target date of May 11 for a new security guard contract. The city commission proceeded Monday to rescind its controversial three-year security guard contract”

This could have been accomplished earlier if Commissioners Peduzzi, Shoaf and Lambert bothered to show up when Commissioners Neering and Ryles attempted to rescind the contract 9/27/19. 2 months wasted, but not for PNC who keeps their contract. Now James is telling us May 11,2020, 2 months after we vote for 3 commissioners. in March 2020. If Shoaf and Lambert are re-elected for 2 more years would you be willing to bet the contract wouldn’t go right back to PSC. The 3 missing commissioners had excuses, but with 110,222 residents living in WPB relying on them, I don’t consider this a part time job. Show up, or move along. You represent us not James and PSC.

“This month, the owner of the city’s shopping and entertainment district, Rosemary Square, dropped PSC as its security guard contractor”

And it didn’t take them 9 months either.

“Commissioners expressed remorse for their vote on PSC’s no-bid pact Monday.”

I heard Commissioner Neering and Ryles express remorse, both said they were sorry. That tells me they acknowledge their mistake which enables both of them to learn and not repeat. Lambert, Shoaf and Peduzzi have never made an admission they were wrong or explained their vote.

“Commissioner Cory Neering  wondered if PSC should be given notice immediately that the contract is being rescinded and letting its predecessor take over until a new contractor is selected. My whole point is I made a mistake in terms of the initial vote … and wish I had been more outspoken regarding that,” Neering said. “Let’s not pretend this current service provider isn’t embroiled in a major issue in our city”

By predecessor he means Giddens

“Commissioner Kelly Shoaf, whose district includes Northwood, said she was vehemently opposed to the idea of using the previous security contractor. Every neighbor in the Northwood area can give you a story of previous security firms that have underperformed,” Shoaf said. “Things have vastly improved there and the merchants are the ones who will be affected.”

Vehemently opposed, what does that mean? It tells me you would not vote for Giddens or any security company but PSC. You cam certainly do that after you are re-elected. Thank you for your service Commissioner Shoaf.The merchants will be affected, how about the damn residents who have been accosted at Rosemary Square under the protection of PSC. Guess their too busy sending pictures of their penis to see where their employees were hanging out in groups, or when I attended a recent meeting and 5 PSC security  were socializing on the 2nd. floor, how safe was Clematis St.?

“It isn’t known if PSC will put in a proposal to continue operating as the security contractor.”

Of course they will submit a proposal. They already have 3 votes on the commission if two of them are re-elected namely Lambert and Shoaf.

“Mayor James pointed out that only he, not the commission, can end the current contract with PSC, and he still favors doing so.”

Excuse me James, it was the Commissioners who rescinded their vote and the contract.

“Like commissioners, he said he wished he had obtained more information before approving the PSC contract. “If the administration is at fault, certainly I have big shoulders,” he said”.

Your shoulders aren’t strong enough to admit this contract was in the bag. What did you, Perez, Green, Peduzzi, Adderley  and Morris discuss over drinks at the Blue Martine, all sitting at the table known as the Table of Corruption, the new fall colors?

Read the entire story below.



Who Is Responsible for PSC Security Services in WPB?

Well that would be former Mayor Lois Frankel who introduced PSC to WPB in her final years as Mayor in 2010, upsetting the police department in the first no-bid contract to PSC.

“Tension between Frankel and the police exploded this month during a police protest of SunFest.

Mayor Lois Frankel defended her actions today, hours after the Post’s Page2Live posted a copy of the mayors unpaid ticket for violating the right on red law. When asked if Frankel could fairly be judged in a city court, she responded: “I don’t think the police or court or anyone around here would be giving any breaks at all.” Frankel did catch a break earlier this year when an officer reportedly let her off with a warning when going more than 20 miles per hour over the speed limit in a school zone.” Read entire story below:

When her term as mayor ended she moved on to Congresswoman Frankel where she continued to insure PSC and Willie Perez would once again receive lucrative contracts.

Congresswoman Frankel and Perez did their best to keep Wellington safe also. Double click picture to enlarge, then check out Ft. Lauderdale.

“Fort Lauderdale’s Downtown Development Authority awarded a lucrative, no-bid contract for its security patrol program to a private guard firm with political ties to Congresswoman Lois Frankel.

Frankel was actively involved in the DDA’s selection last year of Professional Security Consultants (PSC)Democrat Frankel’s glowing endorsement of PSC and its regional boss, Willie Perez, was used in a marketing PowerPoint presentation to the DDA’s board of directors before it voted unanimously on June 12, 2014 to hire PSC without seeking competitive bids.

Two months after the vote, PSC’s founder and owner, Moshe Alon, began contributing to Frankel’s campaign. Alon has contributed nearly $11,000 to Rep. Frankel’s election campaigns since August 2014, according to Federal Election Commission records. Read entire story below.”

Follow-up story:

“Congresswoman Lois Frankel’s endorsement of a private security guard firm whose owner poured $11,000 into her campaign after her support helped him land a sweet, no-bid government contract appears to have run afoul of House ethics rules prohibiting business endorsements. Ethics principles restrict how members of Congress may interact with commercial enterprises. However, records and interviews show that Rep. Frankel was actively involved last year in pushing a company called Professional Security Consultants (PSC) for the lucrative job of providing a team of unarmed “security ambassadors” to the Fort Lauderdale Downtown Development Authority (DDA) to enhance safety with foot and bicycle patrols in places like Riverwalk.

DDA minutes show that Democrat Frankel introduced the company to DDA officials, and later met with a DDA delegation about the matter. The DDA soon hired PSC without seeking competitive bids. PSC’s contract continues this year with the program’s budget doubled to $200,000 with help from the city.

The company also featured Frankel’s official photograph and endorsement of PSC and its regional boss, Willie Perez, in a PowerPoint marketing pitch to the DDA’s board of directors before its unanimous June 12, 2014 vote to hire PSC without seeking competitive bids.”

Frankel herself wrote a “To Whom It May Concern” letter of recommendation for Perez under letterhead that identifies her as “Representative Lois J. Frankel Member of Congress.” If you read the entire story below you can read her letter of praise.

You may be aware that WPB has a shortage of Police Officers which is why we have a need for private security, and if a serious incident occurs PSC calls the WPB Police Dept. who investigates and make arrest, How’s this for an idea? Hire the missing police, pay them a decent wage so they don’t have to depend on overtime to feed and house their families. Problem solved.

If dreams came true Representative Matt Willhite would also include Lois Frankel in asking  Governor DeSantis too investigate her along with WPB Officials.

[email protected],








“My Cop” Officer Donawa

I had my 3rd. ride along with a cop and this was different because I rode in my neighborhood with Officer Donawa who I will refer to as “my cop” because that is exactly what he was for 4 hours.
I met him at the police station and received my marching orders, wear your seat belt at all times and stay in the cruiser unless he invites me out.
As usual I started out being noisy and asked him if he was married, and he is. Do you have any children? Yes, one son 4 months old. I said I would like to see a picture of him when we stop. We stopped immediately and I was shown a picture of his son. I should describe him as handsome being a boy, but he was absolutely gorgeous. Although my cop was wearing a bullet proof vest which is both heavy and constricting you couldn’t help but notice his chest expand with pride.

He met his wife at gymnastics and the story sounded like he chased her until she caught him.

My cop went to Culinary School where he became a chef, and still loves to cook. Lucky wife.

Now the ride and my experience.

We rode the streets where I have lived for 33 years, and right around the corner he showed me streets, businesses and schools I never knew existed.

We stopped at a development on Cumberland to check on a condo that is behind a 6′ fence and an unlocked gate. He walked into the courtyard saw sliding windows were intact and the front door secure. All’s well. Later I thought he had no idea if someone was behind that fence and would have done him harm.

At Sam’s warehouse there was a man panhandling and my cop stopped and told him “first and last.” The man picked up his belongings and walked off. I asked what he meant by “first and last.” First and last warning.

At 45th and Military another panhandler standing in the medium strip and when he saw the cruiser moved to the sidewalk. The cruiser made a U-turn, stopped the car and rolled down the window to talk to him. The man started to walk toward us and was told not to approach the car and he kept coming. Another warning was given and my cop jumped from the car and approached him saying he told him not to approach, why did he continue to walk to the car? The man apologized and was told to leave the area. He did.  I had to ask why he got upset with the man coming up to the car. He explained I was his responsibility and you never know what they will do or weapon he might have. Never thought of it glad he did.

We checked shopping centers where it was plainly marked “fire lane no parking” and cars were parked. He left the cruiser to speak to a man sitting in his car, and all of a sudden he turned and jumped back into the cruiser and once we got on 45th. St. the sirens and lights came on and he was traveling east and moving quickly. Once he passed the light he moved even faster, and explained there is a problem at 45th and Greenwood involving a truck and train. If you are familiar with 45th. St. there are 3 travel lanes and we were traveling in the middle lane. At one point there was no traffic in the right lane and with lights and sirens blaring do you think motorist would pull over as the law demands. Two cars didn’t. What would their response have been if we were rushing to someone they loved in need of help. Unbelievable.

When we approached Greenwood he was going to make a left hand turn, and what I didn’t realize is there were 2 cruisers behind us. The traffic moving east and west was stopped at the traffic light and my cop instead of making the turn, stopped at an angle and blocked cars from moving if the light changed. I can explain this now but at the time my mind went to he was going to jump the curb, and we were going to end up in a field. While this thought was running through my mind his arm reached out across me in a protective manner. I now understand the meaning of adrenaline rush, and his maneuver requiring skill and care which was exciting.

Well it turned out to be nothing. A semi was parked in the field, facing north and south and there was a lone train car on the track and everything seemed OK. We rode up Greenwood just to make sure we were at the right place. We were.

When we were leaving there was a car parked at the lights again on Greenwood and the driver had on his emergency flashing lights. My cop radioed one of the cruisers that followed us down and asked for assistance. He wanted another cruiser to stop traffic while he pushed the car across the street. I asked him “Your going to push him across the street”?.  Yes I am can’t have him holding up traffic. As he was getting into position a family member came and assisted the driver.

Sometime during his shift he was the first officer to respond to a call for a man named Johnny, a homeless man, complaining of chest pains. Johnny was transported to St, Mary’s Hospital, and my cop wanted to check on him. When we entered the emergency room Johnny was in the hallway, on a stretcher sleeping, and was to be admitted when a room became available.
We proceeded to the nurses station and when the nurses looked up they were all smiles and welcoming him. He introduced me as his partner and the smiles got wider.
The two officers that followed behind us on 45th St. named Officer Bales and Goldberger met us in the hospital and their tradition is to have ice cream after shift and they  invited me along. Of course I went, and it was
the perfect ending to a ride along.
So Johnny will never know the cop came back to check on him and a broken down motorist will never know a cop was preparing to help. I realize I can’t be greedy calling him “my cop” He was everybody’s cop that day.

Stay safe Officers Donawa, Bales and Goldberger, stay safe everyone.

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