Win At All Costs: Part1

In three complaints she said she filed to the Florida Elections Commission, Materio alleged that Coalition for American Jobs, Inc., Taxpayers for American Jobs, Inc. and Citizens for Safer Neighborhoods, Inc. collected hundreds of thousands of dollars for political purposes without declaring themselves political organizations, which are required to identify contributors.
All three were created and run by Asnani, whose Cornerstone Solutions, Inc. served as Lambert’s political consultant leading up to the March 13 election, the complaints said.
Any group that collects more than $500 for political purposes is required to register and identify its donors but these three didn’t, according to the complaints. At least one passed $55,000 or more to a political organization called WPB Residents for Integrity in Government Inc., which in turn paid for negative mailers about Materio. That organization is run by Bill Newgent, a political operative allied with Lambert and Asnani.”
“I have not been involved with any of those committees nor have any knowledge of their donors or activities,” Lambert said Friday in an email.” Lambert was the candidate does she expect us to believe she didn’t “have any knowledge” of what Asnani and Newgent were doing to insure her election? Does she expect us to believe she didn’t approve flyers sent to the public? She doesn’t know who contributed to her campaign? She didn’t know how crucial her vote would be to Related? She knew how to vote in Aug. 2018.
“These corporations Asnani set up aren’t businesses of any kind,” said Richard Giorgio, president of Patriot Games, another of the county’s most active political consultants, who did not work for Materio or Lambert in the election. “They have no employees, don’t generate any revenues. They’re simply being used to shield money from the public. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are going into these corporations and the money goes to political committees. So they’re skirting state statutes by hiding contributions” I assume Richard Giorgio of Patriot Games a successful political consultant knows how the game is played and I appreciate being informed of the games Cornerstone played in the 2018 election. How much money did Related and the Chamber of Commerce funnel into Lambert’s campaign? Read the entire story in the PB Post below.
Below is a piece by PB Post Rick Christie
June 2018 “It’s been nearly three months since challenger Christina Lambert unseated West Palm Beach Commissioner Shanon Materio by a mere 183 votes in a heated, and increasingly controversial race.
And Materio is back for Round 2. According to the Post’s Tony Doris, she has filed three complaints with the Florida Elections Commission alleging that three shell companies were created to collect hundreds of thousands of dollars for political purposes without declaring themselves political organizations — which are required to identify contributors.
The political purpose? Electing Lambert.
The contributors? Voters don’t know. But shouldn’t they, for the sake of transparency?
Lambert, a newcomer with business community ties, managed to knock off the more seasoned Materio mainly because she had the money. She also had in her corner Rick Asnani, one of the county’s top political consultants.
That’s all good. Lambert won the seat, and is ensconced on the commission. Ready to vote, among other things, on a rejuvenated plan to create the Okeechobee Business District (OBD). Yep, the same OBD that would allow the construction of the 25-story One Flagler office building pretty much on Flagler Drive.
That’s not all good. A number of city residents — vocal city residents — don’t like the idea of building the tower on an already traffic-clogged Okeechobee Boulevard. They especially don’t like the fact that the issue seemed dead after it was defeated when it came before the commission in September.
Election campaigns laws exist for a reason. The primary one being so that voters know who is influencing or attempting to influence candidates that are vying to represent constituents.
We know that transparency is a good thing… and “democracy dies in the darkness.”
But this long after the election, is there value in Materio’s insistence on knowing the names of the people or entities that contributed to those three mysterious shell companies created by Asnani? “
I will not live long enough to understand Christie’s last paragraph. I am grateful to Shanon Materio for filing the complaints against Rick Asnani of Cornerstone. As a voter I want to know who the elected officials will be grateful too for donations and who they may feel obligated to repay by their vote. If Materio didn’t file complaints do you believe they wouldn’t try their luck again with the upcoming election. Hopefully they will think twice, but my mind is made up and I’ve lived long enough to know a leopard can’t change its spots or simply put it’s impossible to change their character. I will now pay attention to a candidates political consultant and have learnt to vote for their opponent.
Read the entire story below.
Now James Wants Transparency & Integrity on PSC Deal
Updated 9/2022
It appears the Mayor was out and about Thursday and was surprised when Channel 5 reporter Wanda Moore aimed a microphone at him with more pesky questions concerning the PSC no-bid contract. Will it ever end for James?
Here was the question; “You had said that because of new information that has been brought to your attention you had changed your mind. Can you elaborate on what that information was?”
Mayor James said he has asked Johnson, who replaced Green, for a full review.
“She did a full review of the process and of every step taken, including the decision by staff to cancel or reject all bids without my knowledge during my first week in office,” That’s his quote, and to add insult to injury here’s another he gave in the same interview. “it was important for me to start over, for the sake of transparency and for the integrity of our selection process.” Yes, he said that too.
I have watched and listened to James for 8 years when he served as a commissioner, and noticed when he is being less that truthful he has a “tell”. His lips move.
Reached on Thursday by phone, Green said: “I’m not sure what the mayor is talking about. Legal and procurement (departments) were both involved in the process.”
All along I have written that the city should replace Kimberly Rothenburg as the City Attorney if for no other reason how she interprets the City Charter and advises the City Commissioners, and James stating decision by staff to cancel or reject all bids. She’s an integral part of staff. What’s he waiting for?
You can watch and listen to the interview below, and please take the time to read the complaint and view the pictures filed by Giddens Security.
Why They Put Erasers on Pencils
Keith James has done an about face and I’m guessing the public pressure along with a second complaint filed with the Florida Commission on Ethics is beginning to affect him. He wants a do-over. Read the story below.
To all residents a sincere “Thank You” for caring enough to stand up and speak out, send e-mails, make phone calls when you become aware of how your life, health and safety are being affected by decisions being made in City Hall. A special Thank You to those with the courage to snap a picture and send it on. Many of your pictures tell a story and many of us are grateful for it.
I attend City Commission meetings when a hot button issue is being discussed and listen to residents find the courage to stand at the podium and express their opinion on another high rise or tearing up their neighborhood streets.
I listen to people who live on the other side of the city where construction wont effect them but they come to support other neighborhoods. It will be a matter of time before they need support.
I also listen to the invited guests who appear to praise any project the city wants moved forward.
The Commissioners need an Attorney to advise and represent them on issues when City Attorney Kimberly Rothenburg interprets the City Charter to have the outcome the Mayor wants. Commissioners, she works for him, not you, and you work for us, not the Mayor. No more excuses you voted the way you did because you wanted to support the mayor. Try this, support the people who put you in office. Listen to the residents who appear before you with information you are not receiving from the city. I believe there is more cover up under the dome than Eskimo’s use in December.
I would request you asking for 10 Attorney recommendations from James then disregard those names.
Attorney’s Peduzzi and Ryles no friends. Hire the best attorney you can find and give him a copy of the City Charter and lets see what happens. It can’t possibly get worse.
Jeff Green has “resigned” and eventually we will learn the reason why and he has been replaced by Assistant City Administrator Faye Johnson as interim City Administrator. This is a good start and in my opinion there is one more on the dais who should be replaced and that’s the City Attorney Rothenburg along with her advice.
James never appreciates what he has right in front of his face. Always wants to throw loyal employees aside to do a country wide search for something better as in Chief Sara Mooney and Internal Auditor Beverly Mahaso, both strong women with ethics, values and experience. It appears to me James has difficulty with strong women.
Johnson has the experience and should not wear the title “interim” for long.
I offer a suggestion. Back decisions up and put the people who were in place on Sept. 30 back where they belong. The ones that couldn’t pull the Mayors heartstrings, but sure pulled ours.
Let PSC patrol what they did before they were awarded the contract, and lets hope they do a better job. Double click on picture to enlarge and read caption.
Seven months in office and James has his second complaint filed with the Florida Commission on Ethics. His first complaint will be heard on 10/25/19 in Tallahassee. Below is his second.
Where’s the re-do on PSC Contract?
I recently received the Draft Agenda for the upcoming Commissioners meeting to be held 10/21/19 and there are 16 items on the list. Not on the list was a re-do of the no-bid security contract.
A couple of days later I received a Revised Draft Agenda, and thought it would surely be added on here but no luck, just 16 items.
This no-bid contract was awarded to PSC (Professional Security Consultants) and Willie Perez is the Regional Security Manager.
Please bear with me but I am receiving more requests to receive WPB Watch and while something you read may seem familiar to you, they are not to new readers. In answer to questions concerning forwarding the stories yes, feel free to pass the story on. It’s a way of getting the word out and hopefully motivate voters.
Here’s a recap.
9/9/2019 City Commission Meeting:
#11 on the agenda
“Resolution No. 290-19 approving a Security Service Agreement with Professional Security Corporation to provide security services for all City facilities and roving services in Northwood.”
Below is the video of the meeting, what was said, and by whom. You can scan ahead to 1.28:00 when the contract is discussed. If you do please listen carefully to City Attorney Kimberly Rothenburg and the legal advice she gave commissioners. If Ms. Rothenburg knew she was misleading commissioners she should resign. If she believed she was giving correct answers, we can do better with a city attorney. She should resign.
Below is not verbatim, but close enough to advice given by City Attorney.
Here’s what I can tell you. Commissioners can approve the contract that hasn’t gone through the process provided in the code. I don’t believe the court can tell the city what to put in the procurement code. Well have to see what the court says.
Is she correct about I don’t believe the court can tell the city what to put in the procurement code. How about what’s already in the procurement code? Can the City change the code to suit their purpose and help their drinking buddies gain an 8 million dollar contract? Picture was taking at the Blue Martini and shows buddies Mayor Keith James and PSC Willie Perez (seated) Double click the picture to enlarge. There are so many politicians meeting at the Blue Martini it’s being referred to as the 2nd. City Hall.
Residents were upset with the vote after it passed unanimously and let the city know in no uncertain terms. The city had to formulate a plan and do it fast.
Sept. 27,2019 a Special City Commission meeting was called to further discuss the no-bid contract, and possibly rescind their vote. The word was already on the street there would be no meeting because there would be no quorum. Street was right, and James kept us about 15 min. waiting for 3 commissioners we knew would be a no show. What part did Commissioners play? Commissioners Peduzzi, Lambert and Shoaf were no shows. All we needed was 1 more to join Neering and Ryles and make a difference but surprisingly they all had other commitments.
Joseph A. Peduzzi, P.A. Personal Injury Attorney. Christine Lambert, Managing Director at Productive Power. Kelly Shoaf, Founded The Westley Group / Principal Partner.
A Managing Director, Principal Partner and Attorney couldn’t break away for an hour to attend a very important meeting. I believe Neering and Ryles are ready to meet again. Who has the authority to place it back on the agenda? Are we going to be told it’s too late to do anything? Are they hoping we will forget and just go away? If we allow it that’s exactly what will happen. At the last Commission meeting Commissioner Neering actually stated he made a mistake with his vote and apologized. I have more respect for him making the admission because I believe people learn from their mistakes. Never make mistakes, never learn the lesson. A sincere Thank You Commissioner Neering.
One final thought. If you are a regular reader of WPB Watch I have mentioned I am not one to believe in coincidence. How’s this for one.
RMA (Redevelopment Management Associates) a management and consulting firm specializing in providing redevelopment, economic development, urban design, real estate and marketing consulting won the bid (it’s a long story) to oversee the CRA in WPB. The man put in charge is named Jon Ward, Executive Director. Approximately 2 years ago their contract ended and the Commissioners were to vote on a new contract. Staff recommended one year extension. At the time it was Commissioner James who stated they were doing such a good job, lets extend it for 2 years. Done Deal. What happened?
The WPB Internal Auditor, Beverly Mahaso, has placed the CRA on the schedule to be audited early next year. Jon Ward was quoted in the PB Post as saying he didn’t work for the city and they had no right to audit the CRA. Hey, Mr. Ward you are spending millions of taxpayer dollars. Well Mr Ward, just resigned. Seems James wants to return it to in house operation. Audit/resign probably a coincidence.
Is WPB Starting The Healing Process?
10/7/2019 When I walked into the City Commissioner Chamber for the regular meeting I saw a woman sitting in Jeff Green’s seat and knew it was Faye (Outlaw) Johnson. We gained Ms. Johnson in a swap for Dorritt Miller who is now Assistant Administrator for the county.
In my opinion the city of WPB won big in the exchange.
The only problem I have with James appointing Ms. Johnson. She is the Interim Administrator..(An INTERIM appointment is defined as a position filled on a temporary basis while a search is being conducted.)
This mayor and his searches. He already has the best he is going to have in Ms. Johnson who is recognized for her honesty, integrity and ethics, which is hard to recognize if you lack them.
I wondered where Green was and thought he may be at the Blue Martini with his buddy Willie Perez having a beer, but then thought no, James and Peduzzi were at the meeting and they all have a few together.
The story in the PB Post, by Tony Doris can be read below. There were parts of the story that caught my attention for instances:
“West Palm Beach City Administrator Jeff Green resigns,”
Do you believe he resigned, or given the choice resign or be fired? My opinion James should have fired him not allowing him to resign so he can receive thousands of tax payer dollars called a city pension. I wonder how much his separation package was? I wonder if Green now realizes how those men and women felt who stood before them asking for a 2 week extension on the Giddens contract. Petrified they would lose their job.
“Recently he has taken political heat for the no-bid deal to Professional Security Consultants”
“An effort to establish a two-lane bikeway on South Flagler Drive”
“a proposed deal to trade city waterfront land in exchange for allowing a hotel at the Palm Harbor Marina and ending potentially expensive litigation.”
The Mayor and City Administrator, along with the City Attorney are the powers behind city government.
City Administrator Jeff Green supposedly brought political heat on James. He’s gone
City Attorney Rothenburg told the mayor and commissioners they could vote yes on the no-bid contract along with her advice on South Flagler, and it was OK to give away millions of city land. Her advice has already cost taxpayers on 2 of the 3 a lawsuit. How in this world can commissioners and the mayor trust her legal advice? She should join Green.
A Lame Duck is an elected official whose successor has already been, or in the near-term will be, elected. James, the first black strong mayor of WPB who could have done some great things for the city has failed in only 7 months in office.
The commissioners who refused to listen to residents and instead accepted the word of Green and Rothenburg as bible, hopefully will be replaced in March 2020, and the city can began to heal. When it’s over—no pulling on my heartstrings.
PB Post reporter Tony Doris story below.
Giddens Lawsuit, This Will Cost Taxpayers $$$
Here it is, Less than 6 months into James first term as Mayor and we have a lawsuit. The entire court documents can be read below, here are the highlights.
Filed on 9/13/2019 in the Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit.
Plaintiff: Giddens Security Corporation Vs. The City of West Palm Beach.
Court documents state in part: “The underlying controversy involves the erroneous, arbitrary, capricious, anticompetitive and illegal actions of the city in proposing to award the 5-year $7.9 Million contract to PSC in clear violation of the City’s own Charter, it’s competitive Procurement Code and other requirements and policies.”
Ten (10) Security Co. submitted a RFP (Request for Proposal) and all met the deadline (4/17/19) to submit their proposal.
Giddens was asking the court for “temporary and permanent injunctive relief against the City.”
Parties, Jurisdiction, and Venue
#20 “Via a letter emailed the morning of September 9, 2019, Plaintiff, through its undersigned counsel, alerted the Mayor, the City Commissioners, and the City Attorney that such a contract was potentially illegal, contrary to the City Charter, and contrary to the City Procurement Code, and requested the resolutionbe “tabled” for two weeks to allow for more time to investigatethe circumstances (Exhibit C), (September 9, 2019 letter)
#21 “The City refused to delay the matter, Instead, at it’s regularly scheduled meeting the evening of September 9, the Commission voted unanimously to approve the contract with PSC.”
April 18,2019 The city sent via e-mail communication “The city is hear by cancelling RFP No. 18-19-207 & 18-19-208.” Letter states the “City will re-issue the solicitation in the near future.” View Exhibit B
Sept.9, 2019 Letter from Smith & Associates (representing Giddens) to City Attorney Kimberly Rothenburg requesting the city postpone their vote on selecting a security company for 2 weeks. View Exhibit C
Read entire court filing here: Giddens history 1st filing
9/27/2019 Order Denying Motion for Temporary Injnctive Relief without prejudice. leaving Giddens “to file another motion to set for hearing”
Read court’s 1 page decision here: Giddens Judge’s ruling
9/27/2019 The day the court’s decision was handed down the city held a Special City Commission Meeting.
Resolution No. 328-19 canceling the Security Services Agreement with Professional Security Consultants to provide security services for City facilities and in Northwood.
I attended both the court hearing and the “Special” Commission Meeting. Attending the City Commission meeting were approxamately 15-20 residents along with Gidden’s attorney and members of their staff and reporters.
3 Commissioners were absent, Lambert, Shoaf and Peduzzi.
On the dais were Commissioners Neering, Ryles, James, Jeff Green and Kimberly Rothenburg. After waiting 15 minutes (of watching most of them texting) after the meeting was to start I stood and asked James how long he would keep us waiting, wasting our time when most of the people in chambers knew 3 commissioners would be a no show and a quorm would not be met. No quorm, no meeting, go home. We went home.
The agenda for the City Commission meeting for 10/7/19 has been posted and contains 18 items for discussions. Not on the agenda is one word concerning the no-bid contract. I’m assuming they hope this will go away, and it will if people allow it. I would love to have residents show up and use their 3 minutes of comments to ask commissioners and James if they plan to place it back on the agenda, and show up to vote the issue. There are residents that show up to speak out about issues and don’t live in that district but support the residents that do. If we want to make change, no matter where we live that’s what must happen. Please join me at Monday’s (10/7/19) and voice your opinion. Hopefully commissioners will see voters and with 3 up for election in March we may make them nervous.
Below are the court documents dated 9/19/2019 which contain the lawsuit filed by Giddens Security. What do you think will happen if the other 9 Security firms also file suit for the no-bid contract?
PSC on the Job. Do You Feel Secure?
10/1/2019 is the day the no bid contract for PSC Security took effect. So how are things going? Double click picture to enlarge.
This is a picture taken at Currie Park in WPB. on their first day of the contract. No park in America is safe from rapes, robberies, assaults and murders and Currie Park is not immune from problems with the homeless, major drug bust coming in via boat. If I visited the park on 10/1/19 I would feel safe and secure knowing my car was safe in the parking lot from theft or vandalism.
I showed this picture to a friend who visits Rosemary Square often and she told me PSC Security are always in a group or on their phone talking or texting
I must admit I have always admired people who could multitask like texting and being aware of what was happening around them.
I have read PSC contract with the city and can’t find where in the contract they are stationed in the North End on the city where crimes of murder happen on a regular basis.
If you are a reader of WPB Watch and the PB Post you are aware of the city’s no-bid 8 million dollar contract challenged by Glidden’s Security which the Judge’s decision favoring the city. Later on in the day a special City Commission meeting requested by Commissioner’s Neering and Ryles was held to re-visit the contract. You are also aware that Commissioners Lambert, Shoaf and Peduzzi were a no show due to conflicting schedules. I don’t care if all 3 commissioners are CEO of a Fortune 500 company, they were elected to take care of city business and protect us from a tyrannical mayor.
The 9/23/2019 meeting is posted below and I hope residents find the time to watch and listen to the residents who spoke out against the contract and the 10-12 Gidden’s employee’s who looked like Neering, Ryles and James. I wanted you to see/ hear one particular employee stated she was homeless living in a park until Gidden gave her a job a paycheck and enabled her to get off the streets. If she lost her job she feared she would be homeless again. Another employee, fighting back tears, said she had nowhere to go if she lost her job. Listen to James tell the owner of Gidden’s how it was disingenuous of him to parade his employees before them in an attempt to “pull at out heartstrings”
Note to City Commissioners: After you received pushback from residents concerning your vote you made fools of us all by holding a meeting to further discuss the PSC contract when you knew damn well you wouldn’t have a quorum. Well get together and demand it’s placed back on the next City Commission meeting agenda, and show up. While your at it put pressure on James to terminate City Administrator Jeff Green along with City Attorney Kimberly Rothenburg. You can use the same reason we will be using to remove you from office. NO CONFIDENCE.
The day James was sworn in as mayor here are some of his statement as reported in the PB Post.
“Because you believe as I do, that everyone who lives in this city should have a say in the city. Because you believe as I do, that our quality of life is grounded in caring for one another. Opportunity is our mantra and diversity is our strength. I will serve that way. I will lead our city that way.”
James said his comments about encouraging caring were meant to set a tone for his administration.
“One of the hallmarks of our country, at least historically, has been extending a helping hand. It always comes out when we have a catastrophe such as a hurricane. That’s when we truly see a sense of community. I would like to have that sense of reaching out, helping others, permeating our city even when we’re not in a crisis. That’s a message I want to get out there … We are stronger as a community if we continue to look for opportunities to lend a helping hand to our neighbors.”
Read the entire story below. 6 months in office and he has set the tone for the remaining 31/2 years.
On Oct. 25, 2019 James is to travel to Tallahassee and appear before the Florida State Commission on Ethics to answer a complaint filed against him. I don’t know if they can remove him from office or not, but there is always the Governor.
OIG (Office Inspector General) Audits WPB Travel
OIG (Office Inspector General) Audits WPB Travel
On September 26,2019 I attended the I.A. (Internal Audit) quarterly meeting to discover the OIG audited the City’s “Travel” and “Manatee” Program.
This story will focus of the findings of the OIG report on Travel audit.
First a little information on the OIG which is led by John Carey, a man who’s expertise and experience, if I listed it all would be a story in itself. The OIG is responsible for investigating waste, fraud and abuse. The 29 page report was definitely an eye opener and I point out what I consider the most damaging to the city. At the end of the story you will find 2 website addresses for the OIG. The first will take you to the Official web site the 2nd. will provide the report on travel audit.
Please take the time to read the entire report and while your doing so keep in mind the City Commissioners oversees the City I.A. Dept.
First we need to understand the procedure for “signing off” on travel expenses submitted by the city employee who traveled supposedly for city business.
Previously when I requested a PRR for travel expenses the person approving the expenditure was either. Jeff Green, City Administrator or Dorritt Miller, Assistant City Manager who is no longer employed by the city.
Here are some of the figures reported and can be found on page 25 and the report contains either “Questioned Costs” “Identified Costs” “Avoidable Costs”
Questioned Costs
Finding /Descriptions / Questioned Costs
1 Purchasing Card Violations $ 777,396.56
2 Travel Policy Non-compliance $ 570.34
2 Lack of Travel Expense Report $ 23,450.24
3 Lack of Documentation for Discretionary
Fund Expenditures $ 1,400.00
5 Former employee Travel Expenditures $ 1,132.20
Total Questioned Costs $ 803,949.34
Identified Costs
Finding / Descriptions/ Identified Costs
2 Travel Policy non-compliance. $ 491.03
4 Non-compliant mileage reimbursement. $168.01
1 Expenses paid for ineligible expenses (tips
and gratuities.) $ 135.59
1 Expenses paid for potential improper charges. $ 242.52
1 Booking fee, late fee, double payment for
hotel room. $ 353.45
1 Sales tax paid in error. $ 5,113.21
Total Identified Costs. $ 6,503.81
Avoidable Costs
Finding /Description /Avoidable Costs
1 Lost discounts, upgrades, taxes, fees, tips and
gratuities, and potential improper charges. $ 20,561.00
2 Potential travel cost savings. $ 661.00
Total Avoidable Costs. $ 21,222.00
When the OIG finished the audit it made recommendations to the city and can be read on page 8
Management Response Summary: Listed on page 9
City’s Travel Policy: Can be read on page 9 through 13.
The city will “consider” recommendations made by the OIG throughout the report.
OIG official website can be used to view audits and file complaints.
Audit Report
City of West Palm Beach Travel
Sept. 9,2019
Can be read here:
In closing the City’s IA Dept. discusses the city’s Internal Auditor’s report with questions from the 4 members on the committee and receives answers from City Administrator Jeff Green, City Attorney Kimberly Rothenburg and the manager/director of the dept. that was audited.
These meetings basically run 2-21/2 hours.
This meeting on the OIG report ran ½ hour. Another resident who joins me at the meeting looked at me with surprise and said “It’s over?” My response: “No, it can’t be” as we sat there with every one filing out of the room. I understand why the audit wasn’t discussed. Had to be there.
No Show Commissioners Didn’t Fool Public
9/27/2019 @ 10:00AM
I attended the court hearing where Giddens Security attempted a temporary injunction to stop the no bid contract to PSC Security.
Long story short the court refused the injunction, and the city won. Gidden representatives held out hope for the “Special City Commission” meeting to be held later in the day.
I felt bad for them knowing there would be no meeting because 3 commissioners would be missing.
Below is an article by the PB Post reporter Tony Doris, which reads in part.
“After uproar, West Palm commission to revisit decision to award $8 million no-bid contract. Two commissioners request special meeting for Friday.” The 2 commissioners were Neering and Ryles.
Read the entire story below.
9/27/2019 @ 2:00PM
Myself, along with 20-25 residents attended the City Commission meeting, filled out comment cards while James, Neering, Ryles, City Administer Green, and City Attorney Rothenberg took to the dais.
At 2:15 I stood and asked James how long he would keep us knowing Lambert, Shoaf and Peduzzi were not going to show.
A few minutes later James, a Harvard graduate attorney and 8 year sitting commissioner asked Rothenberg what the procedure was.
Her response was there wasn’t enough commissioners for a quorum so there would be no meeting. Well played by the city.
Residents knew there wouldn’t be a quorum the day the meeting was posted. What we don’t know is if the commissioners drew straws to see who wouldn’t attend,and who would ask for the meeting.
Below is the agenda, which reads in part: “Resolution No. 328-19 canceling the Security Services Agreement with Professional Security Consultants to provide security services for City facilities and in Northwood.” Read the agenda below. It’s really laughable.
PB Post reporter Tony Doris story “No bid contract stands”
Picture of no show commissioners. James in the center, missing Shoaf, Ryles, City Administrator Jeff Green (click on picture to enlarge) and look how relaxed Green is. Very laid back man at commission meetings or having a beer with Willis Perez of PSC Securities at the Blue Martini.
Below is a video of Lambert with husband Monty an employee of WGI. Notice WGI company car. They are on So. Flagler Dr. the day after Lambert and Shoaf voted to pass, against the communities wishes, to build bike lanes and narrow the streets. Have to wonder what concern it is to WGI for bike lane and narrow streets. I bet this project is over a million dollars. Does WGI have that contract? Does WGI pull the heart strings of James and at least one Commissioner? How did Lambert explain pulling her vote after accepting an invitation from the neighborhood residents? Does it affect WGI and Monty?
Curious minds want to know, but don’t wait for a response.
Wondering where you heard the name WGI before? Wonder no more.
“State Ethics Commission OKs probable cause hearing in complaint that West Palm Mayor Keith James has conflict of interest voting for his landlord’s company.” Read the story below.
PRR, Bank Loan & Gideon Security
Below is my request for PRR for Jeff Green, City Administrator.
From: Sandy Matkivich <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2019 8:39 AM
To: CityClerk <[email protected]>
Subject: PRR Jeff Green
I am requesting City Administrator Jeff Green’s annual salary along with what benefits he receives, and please include any monies he has been reimburse from the city.
I am looking for the entire year of 2018 and 2019 from 1/1 2019 until 9/20/2019
Please acknowledge request received.
Sandy Matkivich
I received a quick response from the city, and imagine my surprise when I was given these figures.
2017-2018 2018-2019
112.13946 115.50364
Read for yourself the city’s response below, and check out staff’s benefits, courtesy of taxpayers.
Jeff Green annual salary is $220,000.00/ year. He misled by $104,496.36.
When I reported this James looked down the dais and Green sat there with a smile on his face.
A PRR is a joke to Green who has misled lied about other requests I have made, like how much the city collected from the fire fee and EMS (Emergency Medical Services) He lied by millions on both requests.
I want readers to take a PRR seriously. Here is a story on the front page of the PB Post on 9/24/19 “County wants to keep records private. Officials want 10 exemptions to public scrutiny; Media attorney’s raise alarm.”
Here’s the con on this. Get this on the book, and then add on the exemptions and lets include city and state.
Switching gears.
At the City Commission held 9/23/19 Item #11 was pulled. It read: Resolution No.308-19 authorizing settlement of of several lawsuits related to the Waterview Towers Condidominium, Inc; and several individual owners, Leisure Resorts, LLC; Palm Harbor Hotel,LLC; and the city related to development of the upland parcel at Palm Harbor Marina.
In my opinion the City Commissiones had this item pulled, and if true they did the right thing. No free land to developers.
Item #15: “Resolution No. 314-19 and 315-19(F) authorizing the issuance of a Special Obligation Note for a loan in an amount not to exceed $20,000,000 from STI Institutional & Government,Inc. to fund various identified projects”
The city is borrowing 20 million from SunTrust Bank.
After leaving the meeting I noticed Item 8 which reads:Resolution No 303-19 waiving a potential conflict of interest relating to Holland and Knight’s representation of SunTrust Banks, Inc. in connection with a loan to the city. Motion passed. Holland and Knight represents the city of WPB as Federal Lobbyists.
This could be completely innocent but I mistrust city officals and wonder if there is more to this conflict of interest.
The city lists 24 capital improvements it wants to make.
What is missing from the list is any mention of the roads on and around North Flagler Dr. that continually flood, and have for the last 40 years.
What surprised me is (4) Fire Dept. EMS vehicle and (3) Fire Dept.Pumpers. Ask your self Why did the Mayor and Commissioners double the Fire Fee from $50.00 to $100.00 if a bank loan will purchase these 7 unit’s?
When Commissioner James voted for development he always softened the blow by declaring he was going to insist that minorities were given a chance. Let’s see if he meant that.
As you remember a no bid contract was recently awarded to PSC Security with a $8.5 million contract.
Gideon Security, who patrolled certain area’s of the city was not allowed to bid on the contract.
Approxamately 12-15 members of Gideon showed up, in uniform, to request the city re-consider their vote and open the process to bidding. Most speakers made a simple statement using little time, while some were running over the 3 minutes and James stopped them in their tracks.
My heart ached for one woman who tried not to cry when she said she would not have a job at the end of the month.
James responded at the end to the people “trying to pull on their heart strings” and it was “disingenuous” of them.
Webster Dictionary: disingenuous “not candid or sincere.” Really, what the hell did he hear when people were pleading for their jobs?
To the question above: Let’s see if he meant that.
All people who pled for their jobs—-all looked like him.
Where PSC got it’s start in WPB. Former Mayor Lois Frankel with Willie Perez. They look really close, don’t they.