Commissioner Shows Temper at Meeting
Please read the PB Post story on “West Palm Beach commissioners: Don’t rush into water deal” then return to WPB Watch for the rest of the story.
I attended the City Commission Work Session on 12/15/14. The first item on the agenda was “Water Presentation.” presented by staff member Scott Kelly. Mr. Kelly presented 2 consultants who gave excellent presentations on water supply and treatment, which hopefully would end the city’s problem with our drinking water, and short supply in a drought season. So far so good.
When Commissioners Mitchell and Materio didn’t have their way, the meeting got embarrassingly out of control. Commissioner Materio was very unprofessional from that point on which included picking up her pocketbook and storming off the dais,not to return. The residents of her district would not have been pleased with their representative, and I question why Mr. Kleinberg omitted that fact from his story.
Commissioners Mitchell and Materio are extremely close with Commissioner Mitchell’s
ex husband Richard Pinsky, a lobbyist doing business with the city. How close, you ask?
Allow me to present some background, and how we got to where we are.
After the sudden loss of Commissioner Moss, 4 people along with Shannon Materio applied for Mr. Moss’s seat. Ms. Materio was appointed.
If you were fortunate enough to watch the commission meeting held on Dec.8 you would have heard resident, Paul McCullough, state he had a golfing date with Mr. Pinsky, and when he questioned the appointment he was told the decision was made over the weekend that Materio would be appointed. No sunshine here, just another back room deal.
Commissioners Mitchell & Materio are on the same page 99% of the time. One or the other makes a motion and the other second’s it. Now they want to outsource our water and they decided jointly that Poseidon could handle our water issues.
Now let’s talk commissioners and lobbyist.
Recent residents lawsuits against the city for two developments, Rybovich and Palm Harbor Hotel, claiming the city is not following it’s own master plan concerning height, density, and set back. Commissioner Mitchell and Materio strongly supported both projects. Lobbyist: Richard Pinsky.
Commissioner’s Mitchell and Materio joined forces to have the city purchase land at 8111 South Dixie Hwy. for $2.9 million in an effort to keep Walmart from building a Neighborhood Market. This taxpayer money was not budgeted. Lobbyist: Richard Pinsky.
Commissioners Mitchell & Materio, again on the same page, want a presentation by Poseidon Resources, and they want it NOW, so they can hopefully talk another commissioner into voting with them to have the issue pass, and there goes our water to outsourcing. Lobbyist: Richard Pinsky.
Remember Commissioner Mitchell’s Digital Domain fiasco, where the city lost well over 2 million dollars and nearly lost the land they so willing gave to John Textor? After a court battle we regained the land and the city has 3 offers to build on what is affectionately known as the “tent” site. One offer is from the Related Group. Want to guess which way this will go? I should mention the Related Group lobbyist is Richard Pinsky.
I would like to take an opportunity to thank Commissioners Moffett, Robinson, and especially Commissioner James for asking the tough questions, standing strong and taking the residents best interest to heart. Commissioner James appears to be coming into his own, and presented a strong argument for a special meeting which he received.
We have an election coming up and James is being challenged by Len Fintzy of Riverwalk. If you aren’t aware of who Len Fintzy is please read the story on WPB Watch titled “Who is Len Fintzy?” which can be found in Archives. If Len Fintzy is elected and replaces Commissioner James say goodbye to your water because Mr. Fintzy will always vote with Commissioners Mitchell & Materio. He will be their 3rd. vote. Always.
We also have a race in District 2 between Mr. Cory Neering and Ms. Katherine Waldron. Mr. Neering has the backing of Commissioners Mitchell & Materio and if elected he will be their 4th vote, and will be able to override any veto the mayor may make. At the start of the election cycle Mr. Neering’s campaign received $1,000.00 contribution from a Law firm titled Akerman LLP. Lobbyist Richard Pinsky firm.
When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty. ~~Thomas Jefferson
WPB Exposed…Again
Look up in the sky, is it a bird, is it a plane, is it superwoman? No, it’s mild-mannered reporter, Pat Beall, an investigative reporter for the Palm Beach Post, fighting for truth, justice and the American way for the residents of WPB.
Ms Beall has done it again, she’s made the front page of the PB Post, above the fold, on December 14, 2014. The revealing story “Eye-popping Fixes for Blight” tells the story of West Palm Beach city housing department still plagued by mismanagement, and ineffective managers, who continues to cost taxpayers millions of dollars in wasted funds.
Mayor Muoio should have a plaque on her desk that reads “The Buck Stops Here” for it is her responsibility to ensure that the residents of West Palm Beach have the most qualified, knowledgeable managers that money can buy. Mayor Muoio who is up for reelection in March 2015, in my opinion has failed in her duties and responsibilities of mayor to the residents of West Palm Beach who put their faith in her 4 years ago.
It is a well-known fact that the city has been through 8 directors in 8 years. Think about that! What does that tell you about the leadership of our city? Elliot Cohen, the city spokesman, was quoted as saying “We’ve hardly hidden the fact that record-keeping in our housing department going back almost 10 years has been unacceptable and we’ve been up front about it.” How can Mr. Cohen honestly state “we’ve been up front about it” when it took the Palm Beach Post multiple investigative stories to disclose exactly what was happening in the housing department. After the exposure by the post then, and only then, was the city “up front”, and I question if the city’s leaders are still holding back information.
You can read the entire story by Miss Beall below, and I ask you to pay attention to the waste of taxpayer dollars, which was intended for the poorest of the poor, the neediest residents, and the city has failed them miserably. Some example of waste mentioned in the story consist of: $700.00 for 23 light bulbs bought and installed (by installed I mean the bulb was screwed into the socket). A home valued at $19,000.00 the city spent $101,000.00 for repairs including $9,700.00 for the owner to stay in a hotel while work was being done. The city paid $600.00 to have a toilet bought and installed. One homeowner was to have a new roof costing $4,500.00 and it turned out to be $44,000.00 rehab job. Are you mad yet? Are you asking yourself “Why isn’t someone in jail?” I know I am.
Mayor Muoio, as the head of WPB has the authority to hire and fire managers and staff. The Post has written stories concerning major problems in city departments such as Human Resources, a total embarrassment to the city and mayor. The city (mayor) has been negligent in Parks & Recreation, IT (Information Technology), and major concern’s in housing and HUD. Do you know who Dorritt Miller is? She is the Deputy City Administrator, drawing a salary of over $200,000.00 /year, and the 4 departments mentioned above report to Ms. Miller. The mayor continues to keep her on the payroll. Why? Mayor Muoio is asking for our vote to continue her leadership another four years. Why should we trust her, with four more years after we have witnessed the last four? Please get involved. If not you, who?
Please read Ms. Beall’s very informative story EYE-POPPING FIXES FOR BLIGHT.
State Road 7 In Trouble—Again
The residents of WPB are extremely resilient, as they must be, due to the fact they are in for another disappointment by city leaders. The much needed and anticipated extension of State Road 7 which would help alleviate congestion in the western communities is once again put on hold until 2020.
Mayor Muoio, who resides in Ibis which is next door to the planned extension, and city commissioners who vote to spend city taxes, have hired attorney’s and lobbyist to fight the extension. How many thousands of your tax dollars have already been wasted on a project that will eventually be built. How many more million’s will we pay 4 years from now, because the price will go up, as it always does. Think about this when your stuck in a traffic jam, with to many cars and not enough road.
The mayor has used the excuse the extension could damage the city’s water supply drawn from Grassy Waters Preserve. She has a fear of a car driving into the water and contaminating our drinking water. If they didn’t waste our money on lawyer’s and lobbyist for four years fighting to stop the project they could have used that money to build barrier’s between the road and water supply.
Another water source used by the city is Clear Lake, and car’s have ended up in our drinking water when driver’s mistook it for a car wash. So here’s my question. Was the Clear Lake contaminated and the city failed to warn us, or does the mayor find the fear of contamination an unreasonable excuse for keeping the project from her neighborhood?
The Palm Beach Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) which consist of 11 members, and you can see the list below, met to discuss the project. After being told of the delay, 9 of the 11 members choose to file a formal objection with the state. Two commissioners, City Commissioner Keith James, and County Commissioner Paulette Burdick apparently are A-OK with the delay because they both voted not to object.
The WPB western communities do not want this extension to happen. The WPB western communities vote. Is there a fear of not being re-elected if they don’t toe the line and once again give the west what they demand. Judge for yourself.
Read the PB Post story here and see the list of MPO committee members below. Maybe take a minute to thank them for their vote, and ask the 2 commission’s why they voted the way they did.
Name Title/ Representing Contact Information
Susan Haynie Mayor / City of Boca Raton (561) 393-7708
Hal Valeche PBC Commissioner (561) 355-2201
Mary Lou Berger PBC Commissioner (561) 355-2205
Paulette Burdick PBC Commissioner/Vice Mayor (561) 355-2202
Judy L. Davis Councilwoman/Riviera Beach (561) 845-3464
Michael Fitzpatrick Commissioner/Boynton Beach (561) 742-6010
Gary Glickstein Mayor/Delray Beach (561) 243-7000
Wendy Harrison Councilor/Jupiter (561) 741-2214
Eric Jablin Vice Mayor/Palm Beach Gardens (561) 799-4102
Keith A. James Commissioner/WPB (561) 822-1390
Shanon Materio Commissioner/WPB (561) 822-1390
WPB Voters Lose Again
On Nov.8,2014 I attended a meeting between the residents of Northwood Hills, Mayor Muoio, and guest speaker Jeff Greene. Mr. Greene, an invited guest of the city, is a billionaire developer, who is actively purchasing land in the area. Mr. Greene spoke elegantly, answered all residents questions, and appeared to be an honest man in his dealings while sharing his vision for the area. So what’s the problem?
Mr. Greene mentioned a much needed supermarket in the area with the closing of Winn Dixie on 45th. St. The mayor responded with “If you bring us a supermarket, we’ll give you additional height” and ended her comment to the audience with “we’ve got a lot of positive things happening and we need you to stop suing us, so we can get things done.” Really?
I have no problem with growth in WPB. I have major problems with city leaders who refuse to follow the city’s own master plan that protects residents and the city from overgrowth and abuses in development. I have a problem when the city leaders allow waivers in height, density and setback. What recourse do residents have except to turn to the courts for relief. The lawsuits the mayor referred to are Waterview Towers, Rybovich, and Chapel by the Lake. Does anyone have the belief these people leading the fight enjoy spending time and money in an attempt to see justice done? If these areas don’t involve you, how do you feel about city hall using your tax dollars to fight them? If not your district, be patient the city will get to you eventually.
It appears to me that where the development is happening is of great concern to city government. They are concerned with Minto West development happening. Seems the project is to large, roads can’t handle the influx of that many residents. The County Commissioners need to give this serious thought of overgrowth. If this project goes forward the much needed expansion of State Road 7 is going to happen. See growth is great, just not in my back yard.
I attended the City Commission meeting on Nov. 24 and agenda item # 15 concerns the Downtown Master Plan. I’m talking the height limit on the “old” city hall site. Allow me to refresh your memory.
In March 1996 a citizens petition proposing an amendment to reduce the building height allowed within the waterfront and government district to 5 stories. The city commission approved the amendment. Done deal? Not by a long shot. City officials thought the residents didn’t understand what they were voting on. Let’s ask them to vote again.
August 24, 2010 the voters again went to the polls, and again voted No. Leave the height at 5 stories. Done deal? Not by a long shot.
If you read the city’s “Background” on item 15 it states in part.
“For a variety of reasons, including uncertainty regarding the maximum height permitted * no successful respondent was selected to move forward with this project. The current maximum height of 5 stories was a significant issue with the negotiations.” **
*Are you serious, voters said 5 stories twice. What’s uncertain about that?
** This is a blatant lie.
Navarro Lowery Properties of West Palm Beach, Hyatt Hotels and Concord Hospitality placed a bid to build a five-story hotel. Meaning they would abide by the rules set forth by the voters.
If you read this far you should be aware that this is Commissioner Mitchell’s district.
Ms. Mitchell’s recent motion was for an 8 story hotel on the site because, she said she talked with a few downtown residents, who were some of the original voters for the 5 stories and they don’t have a problem with 8 stories. So let me get this straight. It was thousands of voters who voted but the 5 or 6 that she talked with, said It’s ok. Are you good with this?
So what’s the bottom line? The five commissioners, Mitchell, Materio, Moffett, James, and Robinson all voted to pass Ordinance 4539-14. So we will have an 8 story hotel on the “old” city hall site because Commissioner Mitchell and a “few” original voters said it’s OK. You good with that? Better be, cause the mayor don’t want no more lawsuits.
“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.” Albert Einstein
WPB vs Kids vs Priorities
A few years ago a friend mentioned to me a problem residents were having with the”City of West Palm Beach Westward Park” which is located across the street from Westward Elementary School, and both park and school are located in what is known as the “North End” an area long neglected by city officials. According to public records the school is 92.4% black.
I recently attended a fund raiser for Katherine Waldron, who is running for city commissioner in district 2 and she mentioned she had toured Roosevelt Estates, and a resident walked her down to the park to have her witness the deplorable, unsafe conditions residents have lived with for years.
Ms. Waldron took pictures and sent them to Mayor Muoio. Mayor Muoio forwarded the e-mail and pictures to city staff, with a request to look into the matter. When Ms. Waldron followed up she was told the job was sent out to bid. OK so far so good.
Now I’m remembering hearing about this park, and wanted to see how bad it was for myself. I called a friend, who knew where the park was located and asked her to accompany me, and my camera. I honestly couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Now I want to know how this neglect went on for so long when it is such a hazard for school children living and attending school in the area. View pictures here
Here is what I was told
Concerned citizens have given permission for me to use their names in this story, other’s want to remain anonymous. So here we go.
In Jan. 2012 William McCray, at his own expense, had pictures taken and blown up to poster size to show at a city commission meeting, He had a friend hold the poster’s while he explained what they were looking at. The city camera never left his face, and the TV audience were not shown the pictures and decay of a city park. Mayor Muoio responded “Oh yeah, I saw those things” Most likely when she was touring for votes in her run for mayor. Obviously she never looked back.
At the following Commission meeting, a resident spoke and asked “Mayor, you said you saw the bad conditions of Westward Park so why didn’t you call It in?” She didn’t respond.
On Nov.10 I planned to attend the city commission meeting and show the pictures but at the last minute had an emergency and couldn’t attend. The city had advance warning and were ready. Mr. McCray spoke briefly on the issue, and questioned when it came to black residents why the city had to wait for grants to accomplish anything.
The city was aware of the problems 3 years ago, but knowing pictures were to be shown made ready a package complete with bidding.
WPB Westward Park is located in Commissioner Mitchell’s District 3. Commissioner Mitchell, along with the mayor was aware of the situation.
At the commission meeting Ms. Mitchell responded to Mr. McCray with a statement that in part included ” It’s unfortunate government works as slow as it does. It frustrates me.”
The ex-President of Roosevelt Estates South Neighborhood Association said, an invitation was extended to Commissioner Kimberly Mitchell several times and she never appeared at their meetings. He also said Mitchell made an appointment to attend their meeting and was a no show and didn’t call. One example why “government works as slow as it does”
How can city government work so quickly when Commissioner Materio, District 5 requested the city spend $2.9 Million dollars to purchase land to keep Walmart from building, in her district? How can city government work so quickly when they voted for Digital Domain and that cost taxpayers well over 2 million dollars? How can city government work so quickly with the charter schools, where the mayor stated no taxpayer dollars will be spent, and they have already spent thousands on consultants, and requested their 6th. opening date extension, which was wisely rejected by the PBC School Board.
How do you fix this broken city government? I offer my opinion.
One error the voters made is when they changed the city charter from single to city wide voting district’s. If the voters were to reverse that decision,it would force city commissioners to pay attention and work for their respected districts. There would be no more running to Riverwalk, Len Fintzy, and his City Watch who commissioners and mayor continually request endorsements. When Mitchell and Materio were up for reelection in March 2014 Mr. Fintzy, stood at the podium and endorsed both candidates, which discouraged challengers. City Watch endorsed Mayor Muoio without even interviewing mayoral candidate, Rubin L. Anderson. Do you believe that to be fair?
So why does the “western communities” pick commissioners for district 3. Kimberly Mitchell, district 5 Shanon Materio, district 1 Sylvia Moffett, district 4 Keith James, and district 2 Ike Robinson? The commissioners pander to Mr. Fintzy, and City Watch, and to complicate matters Mr. Fintzy is running for city commissioner in district 4, and guess what, City Watch has endorsed Mr. Fintzy. He endorsed himself. Please take the time to read “Who is Len Fintzy” written in WPB Watch, which will explain the relationship between him and Commissioner Mitchell.
Now let’s look at district 2. We have 2 candidates Katherine Waldron and Cory Neering. Mr. Neering received a campaign donation of $1,000.00 from Akerman LLP who is affiliated with lobbyist Richard Pinsky, X husband of Commissioner Mitchell. Coincidence?
Anyone watching City Commission meetings, and I invite you to, Channel 18 every other Monday @ 5:00 PM. You will witness Ms. Mitchell in action. Completely disrespectful to Mayor Muoio, and commissioners, talking over and interrupting them. Residents have a precious 3 minutes to voice their concerns, and she has interrupted residents with questions, to the point their train of thought is lost. The only thing that doesn’t stop running is the clock and her mouth.
If I had to choose one word to describe Ms. Mitchell, it would be Bully. It appears to me the mayor is only a figure head in city government.
Now if Mr. Fintzy and Mr. Neering are elected, that will give Ms. Mitchell a super majority on the commission, ( Herself, Materio, Fintzy & Neering) and can over ride any veto the mayor may make. There will be no stopping her.
If I were to run for city commissioner, and received the help of Ms. Mitchell in getting elected, would I feel obligated to vote her way? Maybe.
Waterview Tower Part 2
If you read the story “Waterview Towers Vs. City of WPB you were told there may be other documentation available, and indeed there were. I have received copies, anonymously, and making them available to the readers interested in the story. (Read Chase letter here)
The first section is a 2 page letter from Palm Harbor Hotel, LLC C/O Chase Enterprise, written by Cheryl A. Chase to the residents of the Waterview Towers Accompanying the letter is another 5 page letter referred to as “Myth vs.Truth” where Ms. Chase attempt’s to bring her view to the residents.
If I wanted to write a letter to frighten and intimidate people, this is the type of letter I would write.
There are 12 myth’s listed and I ask that you read them carefully. Millions of dollars are involved in this venture.
A few of my observations are listed below.
Myth 1. Commissioner Mitchell wants to justify using city funds to help fund the cost of a new garage for PHH.
Myth 2. If I understand correctly a new garage is going to cost 12 million dollars, and PHH is willing to pay 1 million. So who is paying the remaining 11 million? I sincerely hope my tax dollars are not to be used.
Myth 3. PHH states they were requested to not speak directly to individual owners, and they complied. If they complied who are these letters from?
Myth 4. PHH wants to build a 75′ hotel, but the city wanted a 92′ hotel.
Myth 8. Easy enough to prove. Mr Pinsky had another meeting at city hall at 9:00 AM. Mr Pinsky, former husband of Commissioner Mitchell, is a registered lobbyist with the city, and must sign in when he attends any meeting. Commissioner Mitchell can prove a conference call buy showing proof by way of her phone.
Myth 12. My personal favorite. PHH states as truth: “The city has unlimited funds to fight development challenges and law suits” In the short time residents have kept track of city’s losses concerning law suits either settled or awarded the total amounts to 2,879,415.00. There are 2 other lawsuits involving the city, along with Waterview Towers, the taxpayer can look forward to funding the Chapel by the Lake, and Rybovich Marina. You good with that?
On Oct.18,2014 Board of Directors responded to Ms. Chase letter and can be read here.
2 More City Giveaway’s
45th and Haverhill St.
The city owns a piece of land which is located on 45th and Haverhill Rd. The city toyed with the idea of selling it as a spring training ballpark, which if you thought about it would never really happen, and in my opinion, it did get Parkside Commons off the fence and made an offer to the city for $14 million dollars.
Richard Pinsky, along with Harvey Oyer are the lobbyist for Parkside Commons, and Mr. Pinsky was previously married to Commissioner Kimberly Mitchell.
Claims have been made that the property has been used as a dump for construction debris and tires for the last 30 years, and after Hurricane Wilma (2005 ) was used to dump vegetation. I have lived in this area for 29 years and within a mile of the site. I have never witnessed it used as a dump, I have seen a tire on the edge of the property where someone threw it. You can see a tire on most vacant lots in WPB. The vegetation from Wilma was definitely placed on the site. How much of that remains today after 9 years?
Here’s the part I am having difficulty with understanding. It’s written, “The developer would clean up the site and develop the park more cost efficiently than the city could, then would turn the park over to the city.” I have questions.
Has the city ordered a study to see if the statement above, made by the lobbyists is accurate? Can the developer do it more cost effectively?
Out of the 14 million to be paid, how much is the developer to be paid for the clean up and building of the park? I heard the figure 10 million.
If I didn’t maintain my property, the city code enforcement would be on me with violation notices, they would come in and bring my property up to code, and it would cost me a small fortune. Actually I’m OK with this. If I allow my property to fall into disrepair, I am affecting my neighbors and their property values. Why mention this? Another question: Why did the city allow city owned property to become so run down. They had years to clean up and keep the property presentable. Failure by years of previous leaders, and maintained by present leaders.
The city has the equipment and manpower to clean the land, why doesn’t it? If that’s not feasible, why not bid it out?
We have witnessed the city’s planning and parks and recreation department in action, and I would not be happy with the city planning the park. Why not bid it out and compare prices.
Would that not please the developer, lobbyist, Mayor or Commissioners. Would they have an aversion to saving the taxpayer tax dollars?
The residents would be happy to see the jobs spread around, maybe to minorities and women orientated businesses. Start planning with the residents wallets in mind.
“Tent” City Property
If you are reading this far the story will seem familiar to you only because you have read it before, up above, the 45th. & Haverhill city story.
The tent city site almost lost to John Textor’s Digital Domain, along with taxpayers gift of 2 million dollars, which Commissioner Kimberly Mitchell moved heaven and hell to make sure happened is back on the market after Mr. Textor declared bankruptcy, and the city spent thousands of dollars on court fees to retrieve the land. To my knowledge no attempt has been made to recoup taxpayers 2 million dollar gift to Mr. Textor.
Good news! The land has increased in value and was last appraised at $14.2 million dollars.
Bad news! The McCloskey Group,who is represented by Commissioner Mitchell’s former husband, Richard Pinsky, has offered the city $13.5 million to build a medical village.
Worse news: The McCloskey group request an incentive of $8.5 million from the city for creating jobs. Really! How long is government going to use the excuse “it will create jobs”?
as a reason to give away city land, with perks, to developers.
There is a humorous side to this story, and here it is.
After The McCloskey Group have been in conference with the City’s CRA for over a year, the proposal has been sent out for bid, with a 30 day response time for other suitors. Really, who do you believe is going to receive this sweetheart deal? You OK with that?
Waterview Towers Vs. WPB
On Oct.14, 2014 the City Commissioners met and authorized approval of settlement for three (3) lawsuits filed against the city. The total amount was $240,775.00, which when added to previous lawsuits will bring the total for the last 3 years to $2,810,665.00 in taxpayer dollars. The city isn’t done wasting your money.
Because the city cannot follow the rules they themselves set, on building height, density, and set back, three (3) more lawsuits have followed. It appears residents are fed up and not going to take it any more and appear ready to fight back. The new suits are: Chapel by the Lake, Waterview Towers, and Rybovitch. This story will focus on the Waterview Towers Vs. City of WPB, and you will be kept updated as the story progresses.
The cast of character’s are as follows:
Rick Green, Development Services Director, is a member of “staff” who recommends approval of developments such as Chapel by the Lake, Rybovitch, and Waterview Towers.
Ana Maria Aponte is the City Urban Designer.
Commissioner Kimberly Mitchell, elected in March 2002.
Richard Pinsky, a Registered Lobbyist in West Palm Beach, and former husband of Commissioner Kimberly Mitchell.
My understanding of the situation is the city (taxpayers) owns the land that the Waterview Towers, which is located on Flagler Dr. along with the Palm Harbor Marina and the piece of land they want developed as the Palm Harbor Hotel. Previous commissioners voted that 2 pieces of this property were to be made commercial (Marina and Hotel) and one residential. (Waterview Towers)
The city gave a 99 year lease to Chase Enterprise who built the Waterview Towers, and to entice people to buy, placed into its documents that nothing over 4 stories was to be built next to the Waterview. Good incentive to purchase.
Now the developers want to build an 8 story hotel, and next to the hotel a 3 story garage, and the city, true to form want the developers to have their way. Now what to do with that pesky documents that say’s nothing over 4 stories. What to do, What to do?
There is a rumor going around, with people in the know, that Chase Enterprise has joined the fray, and there supposedly are letters going back and forth, for which we are trying to get copies. They must be informative because we can’t beg, borrow, or steal them. We will continue trying, and if they do exist we will continue this story.
We obtained a copy of a letter written by the Board of Directors to keep Waterview residents informed of a meeting held on Sept. 19,2014 between city employees, city commissioner Mitchell, and Richard Pinsky. Please click here to read the letter.
Who is Len Fintzy?
Len Fintzy is the President of City Watch, a western community organization, PAC (Political Action Committee) which was founded by Mr. Fintzy. He resides in Riverwalk, located west of Florida’s Turnpike. These gated communities are refered to as the “western” communities. Mr. Fentzy has announced his intention to challenge Commissioner Keith James seat in District 4. As reported in the PB Post Mr. Fintzy has been unanimously endorsed by City Watch, the PAC he created. So basically Mr. Fintzy endorsed himself. What the Post doesn’t mention is sitting commissioner Keith James, and challenger Alex Augustin were never interviewed by City Watch. Talk about the fix being in. You OK with that?
Mr. Fintzy is a personal friend and supporter of Kimberly Mitchell, and has publicly stated that Commissioner Mitchell is like a daughter to him. I will offer examples of just how close they are.
Mr Fintzy and his wife, as a guest of Commissioner Mitchell, joins her for the annual Chamber of Commence breakfast. It’s interesting to know that Mr. Fintzy does not reside in her district. It should come as no surprise that the taxpayers picked up the $80.00 dollar tab for breakfast. You OK with that?
On March 6,2013 there was a meeting held in Riverwalk, and the city listed the meeting as “Riverwalk Neighborhood Meeting” This meeting went unnoticed by residents who try and keep up with the city’s shenanigans. If a resident had noticed, and wanted to attend, it is questionable if they would have been allowed in as this is a gated community. As it turns out the March 6th. meeting was closed to the general public, your name had to be on an entry list to attend. You OK with that?
On Nov.4,2013 at a Special City Commission meeting Mr. Myles Schack spoke before the city commission and below is part of his statement:
“My name is Myles Schack and I am the Vice President of Riverwalk Homeowners Association and I also serve on the city’s Advisory Board. On March 6th of this year, the mayor and city commissioners attended a workshop at Riverwalk and the focus of that workshop was the sharp decline in Riverwalk’s lake levels and the failure of the vast water treatment plant to deliver 10 million gallons daily of reclaimed water, in order to hydrate the city’s wetlands re-use site and help recharge the aquifer.” If Mr. Schack had not attended this meeting and spoke out, residents would not have been aware this meeting took place. You OK with that?
A resident attending the meeting immediately requested the minutes of the March 6th meeting and was told by the city clerk that the meeting was not a city meeting so there are no minutes Unhappy with the response she wrote City Attorney Claudia McKenna and again requested the minutes. Ms. McKenna, true to form, wrote back and requested the resident “call her and she will explain” See nothing in writing. The resident who inquired never received an answer. The western communities are so important to the mayor and commissioners that they travel to them, and saw no reason to inconvenience River Walk by having them travel to city hall. Are you OK with that?
People running for office in WPB court River Walk’s “City Watch” for their endorsement because the western residents have a strong voting Pac and their precinct is on their premises and white residents turn out to vote. River Walk writes a column with
recommendations on how their residents should vote.
After the death of Commissioner Bill Moss Commissioner Mitchell along with city commissioners had her friend Shannon Materio appointed to replace him until the next election. The election between Shannon Materio and Gregg Weiss was on and “City Watch” gave their endorsement to Gregg Weiss. After a call from city hall it appears Mr. Fintzy wrote to residents and said although “City Watch” had endorsed Mr. Weiss, he personally was voting for Shannon Materio. You OK with that?
In 2013 both Commissioner Mitchell and Materio made their intent known that they would seek another term as city commissioner’s. Residents were anxious to learn if their seat would be challenged. A few names were mentioned, and we became very hopeful.
At the city’s September 25, 2013 Budget Meeting (held shortly after Commissioners Mitchell & Materio made their intentions known) Mr. Fintzy stood and addressed the residents and commissioners and made the announcement that City Watch was proud to endorse them both for reelection. Mr. Fintzy endorsed both candidates before learning if and who might challenge them. So if by some miraculous miracle St. Peter came down from heaven and announced he would seek the commission seat He would have been out of luck. Please, tell me you’re not OK with that.
Commissioner Mitchell, in my opinion, runs the city of West Palm Beach, and along with Commissioner Materio, who never strays far from Ms. Mitchell’s opinion, and nearly always vote’s with her is her second vote. If Len Fintzy is elected he will be her third vote on the dais, and then there will be no stopping them. They will run the city as they see fit. There will be no stopping the WPB Charter School, no stopping outsourcing of city job’s, no stopping outsourcing of city water, and developers will have the keys to the city. There are 2 active lawsuits (Chapel by the Lake, and Waterview Towers) with millions to be spent because the city can’t follow their own rules concerning building height, density, and set back. They constantly allow 5 lbs.of crap too be placed in a 2 lb bag. Are you OK with that?
Again, my opinion. One of the biggest mistake residents made when voting was to allow city wide elections. I am not comfortable with the western communities choosing who will represent me in district 2. Without city wide elections commissioners would be forced to work and represent their districts, or be booted from office. They would have no need to meet secretly with western communities and discuss their water problems, or cater to them because they know the west will allow them to keep their city seat. If there was a way to motivate black voter, who outnumber the white voters we could take our city back. Any ideas on how to accomplish that would be appreciated. I hope your OK with that.
HUD, James & Redemptive Life
Once again the city of West Palm Beach has made the PB Post with the story on the front page, above the fold, and it concerns Commissioner Keith James and the Redemptive Life Fellowship Church, and the Redemptive Life Urban Corp. This story, along with many other’s show city officials and their many blunders that cost taxpayers and the poorest of the poor are the ones who suffer and pay the price for their inadequacies. Here is the list of players: HUD (Housing and Urban Development), Deputy City Administrator Dorritt Miller, City Commissioner Keith James, former Internal Auditor Imogene Isaacs, Harold Ray, Leader of Redemptive Life, and Mayor Muoio.
Long story short: HUD gave the city of WPB millions of dollars to be used for low income housing. Meaning the poorest of the poor. The city, in turn gave the millions to Harold Ray, Pastor of Redemptive Life. Here is where it all fell apart. The city did minimal follow-up, did not receive, or lost records and documentation. Who is in charge of the housing dept? Deputy City Administrator, Dorritt Miller, making over $200,000.00 a year in salary and “perks” and couldn’t be bothered to follow up on millions of Federal dollars.
Internal Auditor, Imogene Isaacs, worked for the city for 22 years, loved her job, and was very good at it. The Internal Auditor is the only department that does not report to the Mayor, but reports to the City Commissioners. Ms. Isaacs while auditing HUD and Redemptive Life found irregularities, and brought it to the attention of City Commissioners. In other words she did her job. The report was “leaked” to the PB Post who wrote a story on the results. Ms. Isaacs was “blamed” for the leak at a confrontational meeting between Ms. Isaacs and Commissioner James. On April 9, 2012 Commissioner James wrote a memo to Ms. Isaacs, which I invite you to read and pay particular attention to #3. (Click HERE to read the memo.)
After Ms. Isaacs received the memo, she resigned along with the entire audit committee members.
On Sept. 8,2014 the PB Post wrote an excellent editorial, and I invite you to read it here. It is self explanatory. See: Working poor could suffer in HUD settlement
PB Post reporter Pat Beall who has written about HUD & the City and continues to investigate has written an excellent story which explains many facts. I invite you to read the story here. See: Official: HUD talk wasn’t conflict
Commissioner Mitchell questions why the city has to pay HUD 3 Million dollars when it was Redemptive Life who received Federal funds. DUH The money was given to the city, the city gave the money to Redemptive Life. The city is responsible for the funds. A better question for the commissioner to ask is why wasn’t Dorritt Miller more responsible with Federal dollars, and why does Mayor Muoio allow her to continue on staff?
It appears Redemptive Life is in financial trouble, so what are the chances of the city recouping 3 million dollars? I have a suggestion. According to the PBC Property Appraisers office Redemptive Life, Pastor Harold Ray has a home with a market value of $667,960.00. Start there.