Police & Northend Neighborhoods

All over the country there are law enforcement officers who make major mistakes and use bad judgement. Some should never wear the uniform because they bring shame and disgrace to the multitude of officers who serve and protect with honor and integrity.

With that said WPB has been plagued with as many as nine straight weekends of violent shootings with loss of life. Many perpetrators being children as young as 10 or 12 years of age.These shootings cover a 21/2 square mile area in the Northend section of the city, and is black on black crime.

Commissioners James and Neering joined forces and held a summit on youth violence with the kid’s in the Northend. The PB Post wrote an editorial on 8/23/15 when they interviewed Commissioner James who said the city along with the Police, Schools, private sector, government, nonprofit’s, churches, synagogues…All of us must get involved with finding solutions to this crisis.” At no time did anyone question the responsibility of the parents.
Why are these young people out all hours of the day and night and their parents don’t know where they are or who they are with. When did the parents responsibility end?

In August Mayor Muoio asked residents to join her and city officials in the city’s first Peace March in a section of the city where shootings occurred. The residents responded and the march was considered a success. The residents came on crutches, and on walkers, and the elderly lady in the picture walked as far as she was able and with the police officer help she finished the march. Young people jumped off their porches and joined in. Please join us and show your support for the residents and police and take our city back from those who believe they can terrorize a neighborhood, and murder innocent teens. For example:

Johnny Davis was a nineteen year old man, described by his family and friends as a young man who mentored other teens and tried to make a difference in his neighborhood. On Aug. 26 Mr. Davis was walking with 3 friends when a car drove by and opened fire killing him and another young man and injuring 2 others. No mother should bury her children or ask residents to speak up if they know something.

On 9/8/15 I attended the Mayor/Commission Work Session where there were 3 items on the agenda.

#1 S. Dixie Presentation. (Dana Little of TCRPC)

#2 RMA Presentation: South End Real Estate Redevelopment Strategy of Municipal Golf
Course & Vacant Land at 8111 S. Dixie Hwy. (Materio)

#3 Status report On Police Efforts To Combat Recent Spate Of Youth Violence in our
City. (James, Captain Bernhardt)

Normally the meeting is held in a smaller room, but due to a large residents turnout the meeting was held in the Commission Chambers, with TV Camera’s present.
Immediately after Item 2 was discussed there was a mass exit for the door.
I find it hard to comprehend residents are more concerned about a golf course and empty lot on Dixie Hwy. than the youth violence going on in their city.
If you missed the meeting below is an excerpt on item #3 and I encourage you to please take the time to listen to Captain Bernhardt, Mayor Muoio, and your commissioners.

[vimeo 138894496]

Also there is a plan being implemented called Mayors Village Initiative Overview.
Please take the time to read the overview and see what steps the city is taking to
combat crime in the Northend.

See “Mayors Village Initiative Overview”

On 9/6/15 the Post ran a story and interviewed a resident who stated “I teach my kids and grand kids not to walk up or talk to police because I’ve seen the way police are treating these young people.” There is one generation teaching two more generations not to trust police.

In the Northend residents are fearful. I can’t imagine going to bed afraid and waking up afraid. I can’t imagine not wanting your children to play in their own front yard for fear of them being murdered by a drive-by shooting.

As Commissioner James recently stated Northend neighborhood’s are in crisis.

Residents can’t do it alone. Police can’t do it alone. You need each other.

Please, if you know something speak to the police, don’t wait until you become the parents
of another Johnny Davis pleading for someone to help catch the people who murdered your child.

WPB vs. Office of Inspector General Continues

The recent election in 2015 held in WPB for Mayor and Commissioners was vital for the welfare of our city. The mayors race was particularly important and much attention was placed on it with an excellent outcome when Mayor Muoio was overwhelming re-elected.

What went completely under the radar, not raised as an issue was the City’s lawsuit against the Office of the Inspector General. (OIG)

To refresh memories the OIG was overwhelming voted on by residents who took the time to vote after 3 County Commissioners, (McCarthy, Masilotti and Newell) and 2 City Commissioners (Liberti & Exline) were sentenced to prison for various wrong doing.

It didn’t take long for the mayor and City Attorney Claudia McKenna to file the original lawsuit in an attempt to undermine the budget of the OIG. It worked! The OIG was unable to hire people needed to investigate cities under their jurisdiction. A loss for residents.

WPB Watch wrote a story on October 3, 2013 concerning the investigation of the city reimbursing former City Commissioner Kim Mitchell $7,325.00. I invite you to read it below and direct your attention to City Attorney Claudia McKenna’s answers to questions asked. WPB Watch wrote their opinion of her statements to the OIG.

“City Attorney Claudia McKenna appeared disingenuously repetitive, and vague. Ms. McKenna answered no questions, and repeatedly questioned the OIG jurisdiction over her and others, and used the word “Jurisdiction” no less that 40 times. When asked a question her response was with the words Fraud, Waste, Mismanagement, Misconduct, and Abuse 22 times. My question to Ms. McKenna would be if you believe, as stated, the OIG “has no jurisdiction over me” why did you feel compelled to accept their invitation to meet for an interview, why not decline?” Her Interview time was 42 min. where she repeated the same statements until the investigator ended the interview.

WPB Officials Disrespects OIG : WPB Gov Watch

Too add insult to injury Ms. McKenna retired from the city in April 2014 and was kept on retainer for $4,800.00 a month. In 15 months she has collected $72,000.00 from taxpayers.You good with that? How many hundred’s of thousands has the city spent to continue the lawsuit?

A new story written by the Palm Beach Post can be read below.

Cities owe $3.7 million for Palm Beach County Inspector General

In March 2015 lower court Judge Catherine Brunson issued her 11 page ruling that the Town of Gulf Stream vs. PBC the costs imposed on cities to pay for the office of Inspector General are legal. Of course Judge Brunson’s ruling will be appealed which will be an added expense for the taxpayers. You good with that?

There may be new hope on the horizon with an upcoming election of 3 city commissioners Moffett, Materio and Ryan in 2016. This issue will not slide under the radar this time around, and if these 3 commissioners will not commit to ending the financing for the lawsuit, they don’t deserve to represent the citizens of WPB.  Time will tell.

A Political Hustle!

In the Northwood Hills area, there are Kimberly Mitchell Campaign signs that look a slight bit different than her other signs so I took a closer look. There were a row of the signs, in front of distressed properties on Greenwood Avenue, between 35th & 36th Street that read, “Don’t Worry Jeri, Kimberly Will Fix This, Vote City First, March 10th

Ms. Mitchell, is entering into her 13th year as the District 3 City Commissioner and after 12 years, I would be very comfortable in saying, Kimberly has not set foot in the north end areas where her campaign signs are plopped any and everywhere. She has employed, indirectly or directly, a team of salesmen, running around African American neighborhoods, churches and homes, selling Kimberly Mitchell, who will be a detriment to, not only them but progressive movements in WPB.

Ms. Mitchell has done absolutely nothing for distressed areas in her own district and one example would be, Westward Park, that poses a danger every day because that city park has a canal and is located next door to Westward Elementary School. The conditions of that park was brought before Commissioner Mitchell in January 2012 and here It is, more than 3 years later, and parts are finally on order after a District 2 commission candidate, Katherine Waldron, noticed the park and immediately contacted the city.

For the past 3 years, in any commission meeting, workshop or work session, there has been no concern voiced by Commissioner Mitchell, regarding small children being subjected to dangerous conditions, which means, she doesn’t care”. If she was responsible or cared, she would have addressed the issue and insisted on immediate action. She could have placed Westward Park as an agenda item and pushed for dangerous conditions to be addressed in her district or anywhere in the city. She is very outspoken but spoke not, in defense of defenseless children around Westward Park. She never even attended their Roosevelt Estates South Neighborhood Association Meetings to hear from residents. She doesn’t care because of who the children are and where the problem is. If she argues that she does care then why haven’t she addressed the issue that’s in her District 3?

Let’s think back 3 years to recall what Ms. Mitchell’s agenda was that took priority over the safety of small school aged children. Digital Domain, FSU Motion Picture Academy in downtown and the WPB Charter School were her priorities and all were financial failures for tax payers. Small children with little back packs are still crossing and walking by a dangerous canal with no railings, to get to and from school and Mitchell’s campaign slogan is “City First”? Isn’t Roosevelt Estates South and the City’s Westward Park, part of the city?

It is a fact that Kimberly Mitchell “rarely” attends meetings or events outside of downtown and the western gated communities, she has missed an overwhelming amount of city commission meetings and Agenda Review Meetings, she often rushes into meetings late and was even late for the mayoral debate at Presidential Estates, She is constantly looking over her shoulder, watching the clock in work sessions and work shops, she texts throughout public meetings and these are all habits that are engrained in her and will not change with a title of Mayor.

Kimberly Mitchell is a commissioner who disingenuously sympathizes with the underdog but votes to the contrary, she is an outsourcing commissioner who pushed to outsource the city’s Sanitation Department, ECR Plant, Internal Audit Department and recently attempted to privatize the city’s water, along with Commissioner Materio, under the guise of a Public Private Partnership where Poseidon Resources Inc proposed to build a WPB water plant in the City of Riviera Beach, run 5 miles of under ground pipes from Clear Lake to Riviera Beach and place two 50 foot holding tanks at 23rd and Tamarind  and Poseidon would then “sell” water to West Palm Beach!  The seller would be in control of the price of their product. The majority of the commission rejected Mitchell & Materio’s insistence on a presentation by Poseidon Resources and voted January 12th, to build a new plant on it’s current site at Banyan & Australian, by the 2018 Health Dept. deadline. I might mention, Ms. Mitchell’s ex- husband, Richard Pinsky, was a representative of Poseidon Resources

There is an aggressive hustle now to become mayor and If Kimberly Mitchell becomes Mayor, could she re-visit that project and give control of our water to this private company, Poseidon Resources Inc, with the right commission in place?

It is not in the best interest of our city to be run by the Trifecta of Kimberly Mitchell, Richard Pinsky and Anita Mitchell.

The Florida Squeeze

Please take the time to read the story below written by “The Florida Squeeze”

It goes into detail about the upcoming WPB Election, and explains about “Landslide Strategies, LLC” and ties to Beth Kennedy and partner Jeff Clemens. Commissioner Mitchell influenced Len Fintzy and Cory Neering into running to stack the commission in her favor. Mr. Neering can no longer deny his involvement with Mitchell as he has in the past. He is not as independent as he claims.

It continues with Commissioner Mitchell’s election in March 2002 and the help she received, from City Watch, Len Fintzy and the 7 gated communities in the west. It goes on to read in part “She has been carrying the water for these communities at city hall during her thirteen years on the commission”

Read about Mitchell, a Republican, and the influence she has with other Republicans such as Ex husband, Richard Pinsky, Mother, Anita Mitchell,and brother all lobbyists. This story is one of the most informative you will read concerning the upcoming election. We hope you take the time to become informed, involved and share with other voter’s. Read the story here.

Kimberly Mitchell attracting Democratic support in West Palm Beach Mayor’s bid | The Florida Squeeze

Stooping To The Lowest Of Low

There is a comprehensive story, on this website entitled, “Killer To Inherit Part of Estate” and I am reporting on Dad’s city pal’s coming to the rescue with letters of support and intended influence as payback for the same personal, political gain The Fintzy’s accuses Commissioner James of engaging in.  The knowledge of three of our WPB Elected Officials, using city letterhead to write personal letters to the NY Parole Board, to influence release of an inmate who committed a horrific murder and is the daughter of Len & Rita Fintzy, has been known to a group of citizens for about a year. After unsuccessful attempts to get confirmation of the stupid and irresponsible act, the information was taken to the media, roughly six months ago. Quite contrary to the blame being placed solely on Commissioner Keith James, because a member of his campaign staff, placed a public records request to the city, for e-mails, letters, memo’s, etc., having to do with Mr. Fintzy on December 17, 2014.

Commissioner  James was one of three elected officials who wrote letters to the NY Parole Board in support of the release of Mr. Fintzy’s daughter, Michelle Lennon but he did not compose his letter on city letterhead and wisely, used his own stationary. The Fintzy Family issued a statement, for immediate release on January 16, 2015, in response to what they referred to as Keith James negative campaigning. The statement from Len & Rita Fintzy stated: “We are shocked and deeply hurt that Commissioner Keith James has chosen to stoop to the lowest of low by authorizing his campaign staff to politicize our family’s personal tragedy, for his personal political gain”.

What is really the lowest of low? Commissioner James campaign staff member, Jonathan Cooper, utilizing public records, is hardly the lowest of the low.  The act and manner in which Mr. Fintzy’s daughter violated another human being that resulted in a death, would certainly qualify as the lowest of low.  Commissioner Kimberly Mitchell using city letterhead and her title as a Commissioner, to compose two personal letters to the NY Parole Board, as influence to assist Mr. Fintzy’s daughter, Michelle Lennon, to be granted release from prison would be low on a scale of ethics and conduct unbecoming of an elected official.

Prior to entering the District 4 Commission race, Mr. Fintzy headed the Political Action Committee, Citywatch and he has been helping Ms. Mitchell remain in office since shortly after she won her first election in 2002. Ms. Mitchell has worn a physical and verbal path, back and forth through the years, to and from Mr. Fintzy in Riverwalk, to get Citywatch’s endorsements to keep herself in office. She also uses that resource to get her cherry picked recruits in office or get ones who crosses her, out of office but this carousel might be coasting to a final stop. Commissioner Shanon Materio was also reeled in by the man who delivers the votes. She wrote a letter addressed to two superintendents, dated January 9, 2014, stating in that letter, she had written a previous letter. She proudly boast, “as an elected WPB City Commissioner”, to the NY agency. Her second letter seems to be a mystery so far. Both Commissioners Mitchell and Materio used nothing but the highest level of praise for Len and Rita Fintzy, as their supporting statements for the release of the Fintzy’s daughter, whom they have not even met. Mitchell admits she does not know the incarcerated Michelle Lennon personally but yet she speaks of the progress the woman has made over the years.

Commissioner Mitchell, stressed, in her letter, “we – the collective we – are ready to embrace Michelle”. She goes on to assure that Michelle will thrive with “our” collective guidance and it would be nice to know who is  “the collective we”? Our city letterhead represents the citizens of this city and city resources should only be used for a public purpose and for the public good and our elected officials soliciting for the release of a woman who committed a heinous murder and who none of our elected officials even know, is not for a public purpose or a public good. Apparently, It wasn’t enough that Commissioner Mitchell got away with the previous misuse of her position and city services in November 2011, when she used city resources and personnel, to gain an advantage that was not available to the general public by allowing our emergency operator, to take care of a personal problem she had with her home Comcast Cable Service.

The concern was taken to the five PBC Ethics Commissioners and three found no probable cause to move forward with the investigation and It just happened to be the three acquaintances of Ms. Mitchell. After crossing that hurdle, Ms. Mitchell requested reimbursement of the $7,325 she said were her expense for her lawyer. Her colleagues, on the city commission, unanimously voted to issue the refund, in spite of admitting they knew of no facts surrounding the case but asking no questions either. I think It’s fair to say, this act qualifies as stooping to the lowest of low.

In a televised city budget meeting on September 25, 2013,  Mr. Fintzy, stepped up to the mic, not to talk about the budget but to prematurely endorse both Kimberly Mitchell and Shanon Materio for their upcoming March 2014 elections saying, “these young ladies have shown an indefatigable sense of responsibility and in-depth analysis of issues facing the city combined with an awesome devotion to the needs of the many communities in our city”  Mr. Fintzy evidently has not taken a walk through Kimberly’s District 3, Westward Park to see the dangerous conditions lingering for more than three years.  That premature endorsement is the kind of disgusting back scratching that has been going on for a decade and the letters were a favor to someone who they can count on for endorsements and votes. Mayor Muoio also strongly recommended the troubled woman be released from jail and allowed to come to WPB. Kimberly Mitchell promises a job will be waiting for Ms. Lennon . . . . compliments of  her long time friend, Rodney Mayo, who Ms. Mitchell pushed, in the August 19, 2013 commission meeting, to get him 3 months free rent for his new 509 Clematis Street business location.

Despite the glowing letters, the NY Parole Board wasn’t impressed at all with the official titles or the fanfare and denied parole until 2016.

Killer To Inherit Part of Estate?

This story will write itself by way of stories published by various newspapers and Public Records Request (PRR) received from various officials. I want readers to have the facts, and when possible provide documentation with my stories in an effort to provide credibility. The stories are in the format where a couple of paragraphs are followed by the following message:

To read the full text of this article and others like it, try us out for 7 days, FREE!.

Due to the fact WPB Watch does not subscribe to the various newspapers we are unable to allow you to “open” and read the entire story, but you have the option of opening the story yourself to read the entire text. We encourage you to do so. Toward the end of this story with a date of Oct.21, 2014 the entire story can be read by simply clicking onto the link. With that said let me start the story with a list of characters and how a story from New Jersey impacts WPB Florida.

  • Michelle Lennon (formally Michelle Fintzy)
  • Brooke Lennon, husband of Michelle Lennon
  • Robert Tomassi, boyfriend of Michelle Lennon
  • Len Fintzy, father of Michelle Lennon
  • Geri Muoio, Mayor of WPB Fl
  • Kimberly Mitchell, WPB Commissioner
  • Shannon Materio, WPB Commissioner

In June 1994 Michelle Lennon and boyfriend Robert Tomassi murdered her husband Brooke Lennon, by hitting him repeatedly on the head with a baseball bat, placed a plastic bag over his head and tied it with a telephone cord, then attempted to hide his body.


In Oct.1994 Ms. Lennon an admitted drug and alcohol addict decided after murdering her husband that she was entitled to inherit his estate which consisted of 2.9 million dollars along with his 2 homes and racehorses. Her attorney filed the necessary paperwork to claim what Mr. Lennon had worked for his entire life.  Read the story here:


May 1995 After pleading guilty to murdering her husband, Judge William Nelson at sentencing angrily told Ms. Lennon “You are some piece of work” because she refused to take responsibility for the death of her husband. Judge Nelson sentenced her to 20 years to life in prison. She became eligible for parole in 2014. Read the story here:


June 1995 Eight months after killing her husband, a judge approved a settlement in her husbands estate, and awarded Ms. Lennon $90,000.00. The attorney that defended her at her murder trial Alvin Spitzer, was to receive $30,000.00, leaving Ms. Lennon with $60,000.00.

Mr. Spitzer made the argument that his client Ms. Lennon would not benefit from the remaining $60,000.00, but it would be turned over to her father Mr. Leonard Fintzy. The newspaper article quotes Mr. Spitzer “None of the proceeds are going to Ms. Lennon and will not be held or used for her benefit,” Spitzer wrote. “She can in no way profit from the commission of the murder of Mr. Lennon.”

KILLER TO INHERIT PART OF ESTATE – The Record (Bergen County, NJ) | HighBeam Research

July 1995 District Attorney Michael E. Bongiorno is attempting to stop Ms. Lennon and her family from receiving funds from her murdered husbands estate, and he won an order from the court to place a hold on the $90,000.00 recently awarded her father Len Fintzy. Read the story here.


Oct.19,1995 Prosecutor Michael Bongiorno insured that Michelle Lennon and her father Leonard Fintzy did not receive the $60,000.00 dollars from the husbands estate by using the “Son of Sam” law which states that criminals cannot profit from their crimes. The $60,000.,, went to the police dept, and district attorneys office to defray the cost prosecution. WPB Watch apologizes for not being able to supply the link for this story. The original story was written October 19,1995 by the Star-Ledger, Newark, NJ

Aug. 2013 Michelle Lennon became eligible for parole in Feb.2014. In an effort to insure her success her father Len Fintzy had no qualms about asking Mayor Geri Muoio, and Commissioners Mitchell and Materio to write letter’s to the Parole Board favoring her parole and relocation to West Palm Beach to live with her parent’s in Riverwalk. Len Fintzy, President of City Watch, which prematurely endorsed Commissioners Mitchell and Materio for re-election to the City Commission may have thought he was entitled to their assistance, and obviously he was correct. I have been writing all along how close he is with these two Commissioners. Read the letters for yourself here, and decide if he is the commissioner you want for district 4, in the upcoming election. Commissioner Mitchell wrote 2 letters, Commissioner Materio wrote 2 letters, but only released one, leading me to believe the missing document was on WPB city stationary. Mayor Muoio wrote one letter.

Feb. 4,2014 Here you will find the redacted minutes from the NYS Department of Corrections, Board of Parole interview with Michelle Lennon. Interesting reading.

Parole Hearing Minutes

Michelle Lennon denied parole; she beat her husband to death with bat in 1994


A Private Meeting Of The Minds

I received an e-mail on Monday, January 12th, from a neighborhood contact person who often shares informative information about city business, with many in the north end. The message in the e-mail was addressed to north end leaders, inviting them to meet commission candidates, Len Fintzy and Cory Neering, on Wednesday, January 14th, 7pm,  at 3510 Spruce Avenue. Len Fintzy is a City Commission District 4 Candidate and Cory Neering, is a City Commission District 2 Candidate.

The invite stated, there will be a candidates platform and you may ask questions. It also stated, City Commission, District 2 Candidate, Katherine Waldron, was invited to “stop by” at 7:45pm. City Commission District 3 Candidate, Paula Ryan was currently unopposed so an offer to hold the event again If that changes, was extended to her. The event was held at a location referred to as “The 3510 House”, in Old Northwood. The announcement asked that attendees please make every effort to come and find out what the candidates stand for and have your questions answered. The e-mail was signed by Bob.

City Commission District 4 Incumbent Candidate, Keith James was not mentioned in the e-mail and I thought that was odd for north end leaders, who were invited to find out what the candidates stand for, to better school others on their opinions of the candidates, to not have access to all commission candidates. What was the purpose of the meeting? An inclusive invitation would have given all candidates an opportunity to be interviewed by their potential employers . . . the public . . .  as opposed to District 4 Commission Candidate Len Fintzy getting a foot up on uninvited Commissioner James in that meeting.

It’s rather concerning why Commission Candidate, Katherine Waldron was given a time certain of 7:45 to appear, as opposed to arriving at 7pm, along with Cory Neering , since the both of them are running for the District 2 Commission Seat? Or better yet, why couldn’t all three candidates appear together, at 7pm?

I planned to attend the gathering but was not familiar with “The 3510 House” so I e-mailed Bob to find out where the home was located.  Bob Beaulieu replied . . .  “it is not a forum . . it is for a small group of people . . . don’t know how this got out . . . please let those who gave it to you know, too”. I apologized, I didn’t know It was private.  Another recipient of the same e-mail requested information from Bob and shared his reply so that I may avoid a wasted trip. The answer she received was: “All . . . this is not a candidate forum . . and it is for a small group of people to meet some of the candidates . . . do not know how this got out . .  if you did not get the original e-mail . . . you are not invited . . . the north end is currently putting together a candidate forum for all candidates in February”

I decided to take a look at the Historic 3510 House on meeting night but respected the request for all who were not invited, to remain on the outside . . . looking in. There were a couple of folks arriving, who I wasn’t familiar with and a few minutes later, Bob Beaulieu arrived. Mr. Neering wasn’t far behind and rushing in was Mr. Fintzy. Carl Flick arrived as well as Betty Starkey and Denise Smith Barnes. There were roughly 15 people in attendance. A well adorned Christmas Tree glistened in the night and the entrance to the lovely facility had soft lighting and the attendees chatted as the ceiling fan twirled. It all reminded me of a smoked filled back room with a portrait of Kimberly Mitchell on the wall.

Who are the north end leaders who were invited and attended? I live in the north end and I would like to meet and know the leaders that I didn’t recognize. The president of my north end association (North Shore) is Ron Dixon and he wasn’t invited. I can think of, at least, five other north end leaders who were not invited either. Will there be a venue for attendees to share the information gathered from the meeting? It’s almost 24 hours later and I haven’t heard a word or received one e-mail from any leaders who attended the affair, to help me familiarize myself with the candidates and city issues discussed. I’d like to make an informed decision when I vote in March so I could really use the information gathered at the meeting.

Commissioner and Candidate Keith James was not invited to the private event so what If I had questions about his position on certain issues? Did someone decide there needn’t be information offered to the north end residents on that particular candidate? So, no info on Keith James but Len Fintzy can be spoon fed to whomever is unaware and unsuspecting? These factors and the corrupt nature of too many politicians is a recipe that produces apathetic citizens towards voting and any involvement with politicians.

The Property Appraisers Office has the 3510 Spruce Avenue address listed as charitable and Old Northwood Neighborhood Association, Inc., listed as owner of the property. The Historic House plays a part in Old Northwoods  Candlelight Home Tours event, as a reception area for the food. It is also referred to as Old Northwood’s official meeting house and the neighborhoods community center.

If the historical address serves as a public facility for Old Northwood, I would question a clandestine meeting there, hosting choice candidates for public city positions, with restrictions on public access. If the historic building is indeed privately owned, It would be the owners right to have held a private meeting there.  Many see’s the event as Divisive and suspicious to not include all candidates in each district race and a time certain for one and not others. I believe the north end of the city will fair a lot better when there is a show of solidarity and for all of us who reside here, to see the north end as a whole and not east or west of the CSX or FEC or east or west of Broadway being more or less worthy of recognition. We should be one.


Privatize/Public Private Partnership/Splitting Hairs

Whether West Palm Beach Elected Officials agree to enter into a contractual partnership with a private sector company, to provide water service to the residents of this city or to hand over ownership or control of our water to private enterprise, will earn It’s rightful place among the construction of an excessive city hall and FSU Digital Domain, as some of the most egregious, costly and stupid moves any municipality can make.

A private firm, Poseidon Resources, is a New England based firm, who wants to be the water provider for WPB, building a new plant to replace the city’s 110 to 120 year old complex. Poseidon says they will design, finance, build, operate and maintain the new facility and would then sell the water to WPB. Poseidon Resources is the company that both Commissioner Kimberly Mitchell and Shanon Materio are pushing hard for a presentation before the commission. Neither one of the two commissioners wanted a special city commission meeting scheduled prior to the water presentation, on January 12th. Votes can be taken in a special city commission meeting and the opportunity for the commission to vote, prior to the presentation is what the two commissioners appear to be adamantly against. Maybe the tag team are afraid the majority commission might vote Poseidon out prior to the much anticipated presentation from Poseidon.

In the Jan 5th Commission Meeting, during commission comments, Commissioner Mitchell seemed puzzled regarding talk of her wanting to privatize the city’s water. She suggested it might be a political move and she’s not sure where the accusations are coming from.  As a matter of fact, Mitchell said, “I want to talk about water for a second, and just so It’s clear to everybody here and everybody who’s watching. I have never said I would like to privatize our water . . ever. In fact, , nobody’s ever asked me . . . would you like to privatize your water?. So I’m not sure how that started but just in case there’s any confusion, I’m not supportive of privatizing our water.” Ms. Mitchell goes on to say, “I am part of a voice on the commission that is not promoting one version or another” So maybe . . . just maybe, the loop hole for her spiel, assuring the public that she is not in favor of privatizing our water is the word “Privatize”? Does PPP (Public Private Partnership) sound a little better? Now this is beginning to smell like politics indeed.

Ms. Mitchell also stated in her comments that she sometimes don’t get It right but when you don’t get It right Ms. Mitchell, the responsible and honest thing to do is acknowledge failure and atone. Digital Domain was a publicly funded train wreck that Kimberly Mitchell was largely responsible for and instead of her stepping up to the plate like city leaders in Port St. Lucie did, the moment they realize they had been duped, Ms. Mitchell say’s she would do It a million times over. If Digital Domain were a private investment of hers, I doubt her response would have been the same. Heck, It’s just tax payers monopoly money . . . there’s more where that came from. In the meantime, some of our residents are struggling to keep their water running.

Instead of responsible leadership and being good stewards of tax payers dollars, In an effort to make ends meet, our city leaders are choosing to allow developers to have their way. From violating their own master plans and allowing over development to contemplating handing over control of public services to private corporations, under the premise that private corporations are often able to run operations more efficiently than governments. Why is the city strapped for cash and pimping itself? A contributing factor would be the unbudgeted purchase of the 8111 S. Dixie property that commissioners agreed to pull $2.9 million dollars out of reserves to pay for It and have been sitting on It since October 2012.

Commissioner Mitchell is no stranger to talks of outsourcing city services, like our Sanitation Department and our Internal Audit Dept to the Inspector General’s authority. Commissioner Mitchell  seems to think different opinions is an indication of a lack of understanding on another’s part. It Couldn’t be her who misunderstands or get’s It wrong, It just has to be somebody else.

Ms. Mitchell states she doesn’t want to be a part of $700 light bulbs and I am sure, the public would much rather pay for $700 light bulbs than the millions we had to pay for Digital Domain or the $7,325 fleeced out of the public to resolve her home cable service.  No Punch Line, No Spreading of Fear and No Politics Here!

Democratic Women’s Club of PBC

Let’s start with a little background.

City Watch is made up of neighborhood presidents from various WPB western communities and candidates seek their endorsement when running for office or reelection.

The City Watch Board of Directors at their Sept. 29,2014 meeting, voted unanimously to endorse the candidacy of City Watch President Len Fintzy, for the office of City Commissioner, District 4.
Also endorsed for reelection to the position of Mayor is Jeri Muoio.

So in essence Len Fintzy, as president, endorsed himself. Nice work if you can get it. I am still of the opinion that Mr. Fintzy is running to help the woman he describes as being like a second daughter to him. That would be Commissioner Kim Mitchell. Now, lets jump ahead.

Jan. 3,2015 the Democratic Women’s Club of PBC held a forum with Candidates from Lake Worth, Riviera Beach and West Palm Beach. With no disrespect to Lake Worth and Riviera Beach, I will direct my comments and view to West Palm Beach. In attendance along with 50-60 residents were: Commissioner Keith James, challenged by Len Fintzy (Dist. 4) Cory Neering and Katherine Waldron (Dist. 2) along with Paula Ryan who is running for Commissioner Mitchell’s seat in Dist. 3 and so far unchallenged. Mayor Muoio was in attendance. Commissioner Mitchell was not present, as stated previously this was a Democratic Club, and Commissioner Mitchell is a Republican.

Each candidate gave a presentation and it is the answers to the questions I would like to bring to your attention. So here goes.

A resident asked Len Fintzy who he supported for mayor of WPB and Mr. Fintzy stated he is supporting Kimberly Mitchell (his other daughter). Really? What about the City Watch endorsement of Jeri Muoio on Sept. 29? What did Jeri do to offend the City Watch group?

Actually she did nothing wrong but Kim M. is running for mayor now, and desperately needs City Watch and Len Fintzy. After Mr Fintzy announced support for Kim M. there was a sudden intake of air and a few boo’s from the audience. Mr. Fintzy responded with the question “What, I can’t have Republican friends?” Sure you can, as you obviously switch friends along with endorsements in a New York minute you must have a few around. Asked why he was running he stated City Hall had a “virus” on the dais and he wanted to clean it up. 1/2 the “virus” hopefully will be eliminated with Mayor Muoio winning a second term.

Commissioner James along with candidate Katherine Waldron came out strongly against the privatization of city water of which Commissioner Mitchell and Materio are in strong favor. Can you imagine letting an outside business (Poseidon) manage our water? You think your city bill is high now? Wait and see how high it can go if Commissioners Mitchell and Materio have their way. Reminder: Richard Pinsky, Commissioner Mitchell’s Ex husband is the lobbyist for Poseidon. Millions to be made here. What benefit to residents?

Please look at the picture accompanying this story. If you don’t know their names let me help. From left to right Katherine Waldron, Commissioner Keith James, Len Fintzy, and Cory Neering. See the distance (space) between Len and Cory? (they both look like team players) They want Kim Mitchell in that spot. Along with Commissioner Materio the dais will be a slam dunk for whatever they want, which will include what Mitchell and Materio want. Outsourcing city water, and a brand new City of WPB Charter School, where the Republican governor cut over a billion dollars on public school funding which leads to teacher’s job loss and over crowed classrooms which led to public school failings. When the damage was done the Republican legislator’s said let’s try Charter Schools. You good with that?

Please think then vote.

Where is Cory Neering?

Cory Neering is a man who has thrown his hat into the ring in the race for Commissioner Ike Robinson’s, District 2 seat. Mr. Neering has stated publicly that Commissioners Mitchell & Materio are backing him in the race. We believe if he wins the district he will be Commissioner Mitchell & Materio’s third vote on the dais and support them with his vote for a WPB Charter School & their new endeavor to outsource city water. Yes, you read that right, both commissioners want to outsource our city water. You good with that?

If I wanted to run for a commission seat and sitting commissioners reached out and offered assistance, by guaranteeing me they could swing the western, southern, and black vote and I accepted their offer and was elected would I be reminded that I owed them? Yes, I would. Would I be obligated to repay them by voting their way? Yes, I would. Could I possibly forget the people who trusted my word and placed their faith in me to vote with the city’s best interest in mind. Quite possibly.

When Gregg Weiss ran for Commissioner in District 5 campaign I was happy and eager to offer assistance wherever I could. We walked neighborhoods throughout the city as he spoke to voter’s and explained why he believed himself to be the better candidate, and answered all questions put to him. Mr. Weiss had lists of what is referred to as “super” voters. These are list of voters that show up in city, county, state and federal elections. These are residents, black, white, and brown that take their civic duties seriously, study the issues, and vote. They care about their government and want the best possible representation, and a candidate who will be honest and forthcoming with them.

One of the neighborhoods Mr. Weiss campaigned in was where I have resided and called home for over 28 years, Spencer Lakes. I still retain the list of “super” voters, and they are still consistent in their voting habits because I see them at the polls, and we often discuss the outcome of the election.

Here is what the story is leading to. The picture posted with this story is Cory Neering, and I’m told his son, standing at the entrance to Spencer Lakes taken on Saturday Dec. 6th when Mr. Neering supposedly canvassed the neighborhood, speaking to residents, explaining his views on different issues, and most importantly answering questions that concerned citizen’s had. Voter’s need assurance you are who you say you are.

I first met Mr. Neering when he appeared at our Spencer Lakes Homeowner meeting and made his presentation, and then took questions. The only question I had was where he stood on WPB Charter Schools. Mr. Neering explained he was a parent with children, and believed parents had the right to choose to send their children to public or charter school.

I was surprised to receive Mr. Neering’s picture in an e-mail, and wondered why he neglected to ring my door bell as I am on the list of “super” voters. When I canvassed my neighbors and asked if they received a visit from any candidates, or was any literature left (in case they were out) I was assured no one had visited or left any material.

What does this tell you? It tells me Mr. Neering stood on the sidewalk, had his picture taken, jumped in his car, drove home and placed his picture on face book. Does this sound like a man who is taking his campaign and issues seriously?

Does Mr. Neering care about what concerns the residents of Spencer Lakes, after all we are in district 2, which he will represent? Was Mr. Neering being deceitful with his actions? I’ve answered the question for myself, you have to answer for yourself.

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