Is a Mayoral Candidate Deceitful, Judge for yourself.

March 12,2019 is right around the corner and residents are expected to visit the poll’s and vote for their choice for a new mayor and city commissioner.  Please take the time to open and read the information I have supplied so you will be informed voters.

Below is a flyer I received in the mail from the Ryan Campaign and it is actually accurate. Ms. Ryan is telling us to take back our city from developer friendly Keith James and place the city in her capable hands. What Ms. Ryan neglected to tell us was she voted in lock step with James. They both voted for every project that came down the pike, regardless of residents pleading with them to please slow down








Below is the City of West Palm Beach Internal Auditor’s report on Ms. Ryan’s “Blue Roof” program that she continues to say how proud she is of it.  Read it below for yourself.

Blue Roof Audit Report


Below is general information about Ms. Ryan, and of particular interest to me is the opinion of a psychologist hired by her in a custody case where the psychologist stated:  “I consider Paula to be an extremely deceitful person”    Read and judge for yourself. Contains salty language.

Paula Ryan’s Information


Below is the e-mail from Related’s Ken Himmel to Commissioner Ryan concerning “One Flagler” Christian Science Church.

Ryan and Related


Now you must judge for yourself is Ms. Ryan deceitful or not?




How important is an endorsement?

Well, it can be very informative if you want to take the time to think about it, which I did. Commissioner Keith James has the endorsement of former mayor Lois Frankel and Mayor Jeri Muoio along with City Commissioners Shoaf and Lambert, and also includes Joe Paduzzi who ran unopposed and will be sworn in as the new commissioner from James old district. Mr. Paduzzi lives in Ibis and also an attorney.

Lets look at these five.

Lois Frankel: Totally ignored residents when it came to moving city hall and the library. A lawsuit followed and the courts ordered the city to allow residents to vote the issue.  Of course that never happened, city hall was built and that was the beginning of the end for Clematis St. Crime on Clematis is at an all time high with stabbings and attacks where the city allows bars/clubs to remain open until 3:00 AM.

Frankel was reelected and served another 4 years and had the audacity to have her minions running the streets asking residents to sign a petition allowing her to serve another 4 years. When the PB Post questioned her she stated “She had no idea people were doing this.” Read the story below and understand how difficult it is for some people to relinquish power.


Mayor Lois Frankel who lobbied for Red light cameras was one of the first to get caught running a red light in a school zone. If memory serves me right she stated she would send the fine to her favorite charity. If she did, no problem, write it off as a charitable contribution on her taxes. Read the story below and ask yourself if this is ethical. I must wonder why Frankel involved herself in local politics with all that’s going on in Washington. Put the effort in Washington where the major problems are.


When the petition drive failed guess who she endorsed? WPB City Commissioner Geri Muoio who would continue with Frankel’s agenda, and continue she did. Now Muoio is endorsing James. Well someone has to complete Flagler Shores and the OBD (Okeechobee Business District) and who else but James to push every Related project that comes down the pike. Lets not forget Ryan also voted twice in favor of the OBD and is also asking for your vote to be the next mayor.

I attended a forum on 2/21/19 at the Hilton where James stated he had a very good working relationship with both Commissioners Lambert and Shoaf.  Add Commissioner Paduzzi and there are your 3 votes to pass anything that Related or any other developer wants.

Both James and Ryan voted both times for the OBD, Flagler Shores and Related’s “One Flagler” a 25 story building where residents voted twice not to exceed 5 stories.

You can’t turn on the TV without seeing a James commercial. He has spent $76,115 in TV ads through 2-19-2019. Where is the money coming from?  He owes the IRS over $100,000,.00. He wants you to judge him by his experience. I am paying attention to his experience, which scares me to death. Read the story below.


Where does Priscilla Taylor stand?  Read the story below.


Now ask yourself who you want to lead your city, and believe me it’s your city, something public officials seen to forget. Will Ms. Taylor do a better job than James or Ryan? I honestly don’t know, but what I do know is where both James and Ryan have taken us so far.

Keep this in mind—they tell you exactly what you want to hear. Please don’t listen to what they say, but watch what they do, and both their record’s speaks for them. Do you think anything will change when they have the title of “Strong Mayor” form of government.

Now this is something I have been told and can’t verify it, but have a tendency to believe it due to the fact James keeps stating he wants to bring the CRA back “in house”

If James wins the election he will reward Muoio with the job of running the CRA.

Please, take an interest in your city, we can’t take it back without your help. What I’m asking is please vote.


Who is Clint Fowlkes?

Clint Fowlkes, with the assistance of WPB voters on March 12, 2019 will be the newly elected City Commissioner for District 3 and with his victory it will also be a victory for residents.
Please take the time to read General Information below. Know who you are voting for and why, and I draw your attention to the last line in Clint’s general information piece.
General Information (1)
While residents complain about city government, talk over the back fence about how we are ignored by a mayor and sitting commissioners who have more concern about keeping developers with their fat checkbooks happy while ignoring residents concerns. Clint had actually tried doing something about it and when he voted against the OBD, he unfortunately paid the price by not being invited to remain on the board by Mayor Muoio.
Another example:
Mayor Muoio appointed a gentleman named Roger Janssen to the DDA  (Downtown Development Authority) and then removed him from the board after he voted against the Okeechobee Business District (OBD) and appointed new members who’s vote Related the mayor could count on. With him gone, and new appointments, of course it passed the 2nd. time around. Does that sound familiar? Remember Commissioner’s Moffett, Materio and Neering who voted against the OBD and were soon replaced by Lambert and Shoaf who gave Related the mayor what she wanted.
Please read Mr. Janssen piece below.
WPB DMP Amendment 2016
Below you can read the story written by the PB Post “Downtown board shoots down WPB waterfront office skyscraper plan.”
Not much to report on another candidate Christy Fox running for District 3 City Commissioner except she has worked for Related in the past, and may very well still be involved with them. If Fox is elected Related will have 3 commissioners voting for any project coming down the pike. Just a reminder Ms. Fox and James are represented by Rick Asnani of Cornerstone Solutions who is being sued over issues in the City Commission election last year. Cornerstone and Related are thisclose.
Commissioners James and Ryan are making the rounds telling residents why they should elect them Mayor of WPB while never mentioning their vote on the OBD or their explanation of why they both ignored residents along with the county and Palm Beach’s concern over traffic issues, why they approved major changes to the Downtown Master Plan, to benefit one developer, removing street parking, and their attempt to remove travel lanes on Flagler. Why did they do this? Because they are arrogant and they can.
Did you know Commissioner Ryan “loaned” her campaign $100,000.00 dollars. Didn’t realize she had that kind of money to spend on an election.
Do you wonder how Commissioner James has the money to pay for TV ads, and I noticed his ad’s on the computer when you check certain websites when he recently had his City check garnished? His last ad states he knows how to solve the “Homeless” problem. He’s been in office 8 years, why didn’t he solve the problem before now by working with Muoio.
Please vote. This city needs a new mayor and commissioners who will listen to the public, and in my opinion the new mayor is not sitting on the dais disguised as city commissioners, who will tell you exactly what you want to hear because they need you and your vote.
That leaves Pricilla Taylor, and I can’t honestly tell you what kind of a mayor she will be, but I can tell you what kind of a mayor Ryan and James will be. I know because I saw how they ignored residents, favored developers while giving them everything they wanted. Do you think their behavior will change if either of them are elected mayor?

It’s Official==Ryan’s Running For Mayor

Well–it’s official. Commissioner Ryan resigned as District 3 Commissioner on Fri. 12/14/2018 to run for the Mayoral seat. Another day to live in infamy. We now have 4 candidates running, James, Ryan, Taylor and Weston. Lets concentrate on the candidates we know best, James and Ryan,  the 2 commissioners who never disappoint Mayor Muoio or Related.

I have provided readers with information on James so lets investigate Ryan who has a past history with the city best known for the “Blue Roof Program.”

At the time WPB Mayor Lois Frankel was the city’s Mayor and if you lived here long enough you know under her dictatorship “old” city hall was sold, and our new city hall was moved to Clematis St. along with the public library that used to be housed on the waterfront, and that was the beginning of the end except of course for the lawsuits which followed. The court ruled allow the residents to vote the issue, Frankel sped up construction. This was accomplished in Frankel’s 2nd term as mayor much like Muoio with her Okeechobee Business District (OBD) Flagler Shores along with tearing up Clematis St; and doing all she can do to keep Related happy. Mayor Muoio has endorsed Keith James for mayor, I am assuming to keep her legacy moving forward.

#1 “Ryan, who has accused officials in the city of blaming her for problems in the Blue Roof program to cover themselves.” Read the entire story below:

#2 “I’ve battled with it all my life. I’m 6 feet tall and I’m intimidating,” said Ryan, who has a black belt in tae kwon do. “I’m very independent and I’ve worked my entire life in a man’s profession. As a strong, attractive, tall woman, I come off in different ways to different people.” Read entire story below:

#3 “During Paula Ryan’s stint as the city’s interim housing director in 2006, she oversaw roofing repairs for low-income, hurricane-damaged homes. As Ryan runs for mayor, the question for voters in the March 8 election is whether that Blue Roof program was the success she asserts it was, or the debacle depicted in an internal audit.” It appears to me everyone lies but Ryan. Read the entire story below.

I will remind readers of a recent story concerning Commissioner Ryan. Read below: Who tells stories?

Who is Francine M. Ffolkes

State Of Florida Division of Administrative Hearings. Judge Ffolkes listened to arguments from the City of WPB defending the OBD, and attorneys representing Palm Beach County, Town of Palm Beach, and 222 Lakeview, known as the Esperante opposing the project. Judge Ffolkes expects to make a decision in December. If the decision goes against the city expect an appeal. What the hell, it’s only taxpayer money.

In Oct.2018 hearings were held concerning the OBD (Okeechobee Business District) which I attended for 4 day’s, and must admit it was a learning experience, one that I would not repeat.

Kimberly Rothenberg, City Attorney along with Claudia McKenna, supposedly retired, assisted her in defense of the city.

Terrell Arline represented the Town of Palm Beach along with Palm Beach County.
Nason Yeager represented the Esperante referred to as 222 Lakeview.

Below is the website and case no. if you are interested in reading motions made by the City Attorney including a motion to exempt the Mayor, along with other City Staff from being deposed. Judge Ffolkes denied the motion and ordered some to be deposed, under oath.
Click on “Case Search”
Under DOAH Case No. enter 18-004743
Click on docket and see everything that’s been filed by the parties and Orders entered by the Administrative Law Judge.

Read Mayor Muoio and Scott Kelly Deposition below.

The City objected to Eric McClellan, Director FD&O (Facilities Development & Operations) Strategic Planning for Palm Beach County to give testimony as an expert witness. The Judge overruled and Mr. McClellan, in 10 minutes gave sworn testimony that cut to the chase.
I was impressed by his testimony. Not only impressed, I understood his answer’s to questions asked.

Richard Greene – Development Services Director also testified and although his testimony took hours, I thought he did well by the city.

The many, many, many times I heard Mr. Greene give his presentation on the OBD, and Mr. Kelly state the Related project “One Flagler” would be good for the city, and Mr. Kelly stating it was not spot zoning.
Read the story in the Palm Beach Post below.

I remember sitting in the City Commission chambers and wondered if they believed what they were saying, until one day I said it out loud, and a gentleman sitting next to me reminded me of a story written a few years ago when Mayor Muoio was first elected. I did remember and posted the story below. When Management declares “Perception that I am one mistake away from being FIRED!” Draw your own conclusions.–politics/despite-promise-anonymity-west-palm-supervisors-survey-answers-made-public/2MvcPFyH9nw7UX7e0XEcZJ/

You Wont Believe This

Most people I know have gone through a rough patch in their life, struggling to make ends meet. I go through it every time the City of West Palm Beach wants to charge be exorbitant fees for my public record requests that should be free and public information!

But when it comes to elected officials who are responsible for spending our tax dollars, I think they should be held to a little higher standard, such as, just paying their bills!

In the case of Commissioner Keith James, it has been common knowledge that he has had more than his share of rough patches in his life, starting back in 1997, going all the way up to 2013, with over $124,000.00 in federal income tax liens; two mortgage foreclosures, totaling almost $500,000.00; and multiple law suits by creditors for failing to pay his bills.

I think being able to pay your bills should be a prerequisite before being allowed to run for Mayor.

But hey, the past is the past, and after a 15 year rough patch, it appeared Commissioner James was on the wagon and was finally getting his life on track… until October 17, 2018.

Poor Commissioner James (and I do mean poor), has fallen off the wagon again.

Apparently Commissioner James has not been paying his bills, according to a Final Judgment issued by the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit here in Palm Beach County against Mr. Keith A. James, which grants the Midland Funding LLC, the garnishment of Commissioner James’ wages he receives from the City of West Palm Beach for being a Commissioner. If that isn’t a new way of tax dollars being used, I don’t know what is!

I am sure Commissioner James sees nothing wrong with this and will brush it off as bad luck, or another rough patch, and just keep on running for Mayor. And I can think of a few developers and lobbyists that will continue to help him do just that. Read the judgment below, and ask yourself if this is the man you want running WPB with a budget of hundreds of millions of tax payers dollars.

kjamesGarnished Wages

After this story was published, an observant reader questioned if the attorney that represented Commissioner James was an attorney working for the city. On page 2 of the attachment you will see the name Zoe Panarites who is indeed a city attorney. That’s what we old timers call “rubbing salt in the wound.”  Ask yourself why Mayor Muoio would allow our tax dollars to be used for a personnel court case.

Federal   Keith James had the following tax liens placed against him by the Internal Revenue

Service for failing to pay his taxes


SSN: 514-62-XXXX

Address: 4510 PORTOFINO WAY APT 209

WEST PALM BCH, FL 33409-8101


Creditor Information


Filing Information

Jurisdiction: FL

Amount: $299

Filing Date: 10/21/2008

Filing 1

Number: 20080384408


Book: 22915

Page: 1558


Agency State: FL

Agency County: PALM BEACH



SSN: 514-62-XXXX

Address: 4510 PORTOFINO WAY APT 209

WEST PALM BCH, FL 33409-8101


Creditor Information


Filing Information

Jurisdiction: FL

Amount: $1,349

Filing Date: 5/2/2007

Filing 1

Number: 20070212917


Book: 21686

Page: 1648


Agency State: FL

Agency County: PALM BEACH



SSN: 514-62-XXXX

Address: 4510 PORTOFINO WAY APT 209

WEST PALM BCH, FL 33409-8101


Creditor Information


Filing Information

Jurisdiction: FL

Amount: $89,825

Filing Date: 1/25/2006

Filing 1

Number: 20060049411


Book: 19845

Page: 28


Agency State: FL

Agency County: PALM BEACH



SSN: 514-62-XXXX

Address: 2054 CHAGALL CIR

WEST PALM BCH, FL 33409-7524


Creditor Information


Filing Information

Jurisdiction: FL

Amount: $32,969

Original Filing

Number: 01166941

Filing Date: 4/30/2001


Release Date: 12/26/2002

State of Florida Taxes


Keith James had the following lien for failing to pay his state taxes.


SSN: 514-62-XXXX

Address: 319 BUCKINGHAM RD

WEST PALM BCH, FL 33405-1607

Creditor Information


Filing Information

Jurisdiction: FL

Amount: $178

Filing Date: 3/14/1997

Number: 97091558


Book: 9698

Page: 302


Agency State: FL

Agency County: PALM BEACH

Palm Beach County


Keith James had the following liens and judgments filed against him.

1.Case Number: 50-2013-CA-016573-XXXX-MB (2013)

Green Tree Serving, LLC Filed a mortgage foreclosure against Keith James and his ex-wife, Elaine Johnson James, for $380,403.13.

2.Case Number: 50-2011-CC-010187-XXXX-MB (2011)

Business Loan Fund of the Palm Beaches sued Keith James for failing to pay back his loan, in the amount of $13,219.81.

3.Case Number: 50-2008-SC-000416-XXXX-MB (2008)

LVNV Funding sued Keith James for failing to pay his bills. The case was dismissed for lack of activity. A summons against Keith A. James returned because they could not locate him.

4.Case Number: 50-2007-SC-012118-XXXX-MB (2007)

Keith James was sued by Capital One for failing to pay his bills. The case was voluntarily dismissed. A summons against Keith A. James returned because they could not locate him.

5.Case Number: 50-2007-SC-006166-XXXX-MB (2007)

Midland Funding, LLC sued Keith James for failing to pay his bills, in the amount of $1,374.91.

6.Case Number: 50-1997-CA-001116-RFAI-MB (1997)

Citibank, Federal Savings Bank filed a mortgage foreclosure against Keith James, in the amount of $187,193.29.


WPB: Learn From Your Mistakes

If someone were to ask me how many mistakes I made in my life, I couldn’t give an honest answer, there have been that many. If I was asked how many mistakes were repeated I could honestly count on one hand the number. That’s because I learn from my mistakes and tend not to repeat them. I wish the City of WPB did the same.

Below is a draft of the next City Commission Meeting to be held on 11/19/2018, and I draw your attention to Redemptive Life Planned Development.

Item #14 on the agenda reads:


Staff Recommended Motion: Approve Resolution No. 315-18 and Resolution No. 330-18.


On March 27, 2017, the City Commission approved a Major Amendment to the Redemptive Life Residential Planned Development to construct a 240-unit apartment complex (“Village at Mangonia Lake”) on a 7.6-acre parcel located at 2201 North Australian Avenue. The plan includes the construction of three, six-story buildings fronting Lake Mangonia, two, three-story buildings located along North Australian Avenue, a clubhouse and related site improvements. The City owns a 1.85-acre parcel with an address of 2405 North Australian Avenue which located on both the east and west side of North Australian Avenue. AHS Development Group, LLC wishes to acquire the .72-acre portion of the property located on the west side of Australian Avenue, which is located directly to the north of 2201 North Australian Avenue, to construct a private park to serve the residents of Village at Mangonia Lake.

Section 2-31(27)(c) of the City Code of Ordinances requires an appraisal to sell City owned property, and Section 2-31(27)(b) of the City Code requires the property to be disposed of by Ordinance. An Ordinance approving the sales contract and authorizing the disposition of the property will be brought back at a future meeting for approval by the City Commission. Resolution No. 315-18 declares 2405 North Australian Avenue to be surplus and authorizes the City to enter into negotiations with AHS Development Group, LLC for the sale of the property.

Additionally, AHS has requested that the City grant a temporary construction easement to AHS which would allow AHS to use the .72-acre portion of the property for staging and storage purposes for the Village at Mangonia Lake project.

Resolution No. 330-18 grants a Temporary Construction Easement to AHS Development Group, LLC. COMMISSION DISTRICT:

The Property is located in District 1 Commissioner Kelly Shoaf district.

Redemptive Life Residential Planned Development along with Commissioner James, has made the news previously with a scandal that broke in WPB, and Internal Auditor Imogene Isaacs, who’s department was doing an audit of the church was accused by Commissioner James of causing the leak to the PB Post, which she did not leak, because I know who did. Below are 3 news articles along with a memo written to Ms. Isaacs from James and also included is a response from former Commissioner Ike Robinson that I hope you take the time to read.

Channel 25 news:

South Florida Times:

Gossip Extra: Don’t miss additional stories included in the article.  Feds investigate city-church $4 million-snafu

Church at the heart of WPB housing scandal loses tax-exempt status

Appeal to the City of WPB. Please learn from your mistakes.

Lets Keep Corruption County In The Past.

This story is a walk down memory lane and due to new readers of WPB Watch who aren’t aware of Palm Beach County and WPB political history, this story is for you.

PBC become known as “Corruption County” nationwide, starting In 2006 when 4 County Commissioners (Mary McCarthy, Warren Newell, Tony Masilotti and Jeff Koons) along with 2 WPB City Commissioners (Jim Exline and Ray Liberti) were caught in a federal corruption investigations, resigned, pled guilty to felony charges, and sentenced to a Federal Prison. The above named Commissioner’s enriched themselves from thousands to millions on deals with businessmen. If you want more history on the above politicians Google them. It’s all there. Residents were outraged and demanded action. We got it, or did we?

The County Commission approved a new code of ethics, created the PBC Ethics Commission and agreed to hire an Inspector General to serve as a full-time government watchdog targeting waste, fraud and corruption. Here’s the story on the new watchdogs.

Palm Beach County Inspector General: Mission Statement: From their website claims:
“Our purpose (why we exist) is to provide independent and objective insight, oversight, and foresight in promoting integrity, efficiency, and overall effectiveness in government.” The PBC Commissioners choose the Inspector General. In my opinion this is ludicrous and should be an elected official and not appointed. How do you investigate the guy that signs your paycheck?

Palm Beach County Commission on Ethics (COE) from their website claims:

“The mission of the Palm Beach County Commission on Ethics is to foster integrity in public services, to promote the public’s trust and confidence in that service, and to prevent conflicts between private interests and public duties.” The PBC Commissioners along with businessmen and schools of higher learning appoint the 5 members of the board and the public has complained for years with one question. How do you investigate a public official that appointed you to the board, or is a friend?  I personally have zero faith in the COE due to past “investigations” performed on politicians.   I offer this example.


One member of the COE is named Peter L. Cruise and here he is in a picture with elected City Commissioner Lambert. Cruise is on the left. Here’s the question. If a complaint was filed against Commissioner Lambert, how confident are you the complaint would be taking seriously? Below contains a story on Mr. Cruise, who teaches ethics at FAU

Mr. Cruise donates $750.00 to Lambert’s campaign.




Rick Asnani, President of Cornerstone Solutions and Political Consultant to Lambert, along with Mr. Cruise from the COE Former Commissioner Materio has filed a complaint and a lawsuit against Cornerstone Solution. I hope her complaint wasn’t filed with the COE as I don’t believe she will see justice in the good old boy’s club.




Who is the Wantman Group?

WGI (The Wantman Group) is an engineering firm that has steadily increased the amount of business being awarded to them by the City of West Palm Beach. The projects are typically approved by the City Commission.

Total fees paid by the City to WGI is tough to find because they are often buried in contracts that go through the Procurement Department. I recently placed a public records request and as soon as the city sanitizes the request they will send me what information they want me to have.

In the meantime, WGI seems to enjoy a “favorite firm” status with the City in the same way a certain general contractor seems to be a “favorite firm”, and you know who I am referring too. It is the same general contractor that vocally opposes the City even discussing a disparity study.

After doing some homework, it turns out, WGI’s senior vice president, Jeffrey Brophy and his wife Erin, own a home in Andros Isles, the gated community on the western outskirts of West Palm Beach. However, the Brophy’s do not live in the home at 2365 Pigeon Cay. So who does? Their tenant happens to be none other than City Commissioner Keith James and his new wife Lorna.

It gets better! WGI is helping another one of our City Commissioners, Christina Lambert, who was sworn in on April 5, 2018, and a mere 4 months later WGI  hired Commissioner Lambert’s husband, Monte, as a “Senior Business Development Manager”

Mr. Lambert’s recently departed from his Achieve advertising firm as Vice President, as the result of a scandal and law suit against Forte Interactive and RacePartners, a division of Achieve, a major sports franchiser for missing marathon race proceeds. Read the story below:

Does Wantman want more? Time will tell. In my opinion, they will always want more. However, if Commissioner James becomes Mayor James, they won’t need any more “friends” on the Commission to make sure they keep getting more.

I just received e-mail from the City and they want $1,295.01 for the Public Records Request. Makes me wonder what they don’t want me to see/read. Business as usual.


Your Vote Counts

Friday morning at 7:30 AM I was in the PBC Election Office and was pleasantly surprised to see the number of residents already at the polls for early voting. Every vote counts, and folks who take an interest, and pay attention to politics know this to be true due to the fact it was reported that over a million people have already voted in person or by mail in Florida.

Here’s what I can’t wrap my head around. Voters turn out in record numbers to vote for the President along with the Governor’s race, because they want the best candidate to run our Country and State, and with a population of 110,222 residents living in WPB and according to the PBC Election Office there are 68,119 registered voters and less then 9,000 voted in the last City Commission race. Why don’t people care who’s running their city, raising their taxes and wasting their money?

WPB will be called on in March 2019 to vote for a new Mayor and 3 Commissioner seats will be open if Commissioner Ryan does resign her seat to run for Mayor, along with Commissioner James who is term limited out, and Cory Neering the last decent commissioner on the dais. So lets look at their voting record, and see how well they took care of their constituents as sitting City Commissioners. Ibis first:

“Ibis Golf and Country Club is a tranquil community comprised of 33 individual neighborhoods, all with their own distinct design and architecture. Situated adjacent to Grassy Waters Nature Preserve, a 23-square mile wetland ecosystem endemic to Florida, Ibis Golf and Country Club is a private oasis surrounded by tropical vegetation, mature trees, and indigenous wildlife. Real estate in Ibis consists of large custom estates, single family residences, townhomes, and condos. This is a large community with 1850 homes and around 1350 members of the Country Club. This Club offers 3 Jack Nicholas designed championship courses, all in excellent condition. There is also a large Clubhouse, Fitness center, pool, and tennis center.” So Ibis website tells us.

Ibis has contaminated Grassy Waters Preserve maintaining their beautiful lawns and golf courses by using weed killer and fertilizer that have leached into the grounds and the ponds on Ibis land, and the PB Post writes it could cost “Ibis’ 1,800 homeowners possibly $40 million in pollution clean-up costs.” Let’s do the math. $40,000,000 divided by 1850 residents equal over $21,621.00 per household for a Special Assessment. Could explain why Mayor Muoio sold her home in IBIS and moved downtown to little Copenhagen. One home in Ibis is on the market at 10520 Hawks Landing Terrace West Palm Beach, Fl. 33412 for $3,998,800. Why mention this? Ibis is a community of wealthy homeowners and one thing they have in common is they don’t want to pay to clean up their pollution in Grassy Waters, so they have the city clean up after them. Both Commissioners James and Ryan voted to spend two million dollars toward the cleanup effort, and that’s only the beginning of our wasted tax dollars.

Ibis & State Rd. 7 extension.

The city lost a lawsuit, and appealed the decision to the three-judge panel of the Fourth District Court of Appeal. On Aug. 8 the panel rescinded the South Florida Water Management District permit that approved the extension. The judges found that an administrative law judge who backed the permit made procedural errors that denied the city a fair hearing and misinterpreted the applicable water quality standards. The panel sent the matter back for a new administrative law hearing.

The Northern Improvement District was required to do a study and if determined the storm water permit for the construction of State Road 7 would not be detrimental to the areas or the wetlands, they would allow for the permit, which they did and that permit was used by the Water Management District and the DOT (Dept. of Transportation) to fight the lawsuit the city has against the extension. Recently the city attorney’s made a deal with the Northern Improvement District. The deal is the city would pay for the clean up if the district would pull the permit and remove the use. That action puts the city in a much better position to win the fight on the road extension.

Commissioner James has continued to support Ibis residents for his 8 years in office, and Ryan in her 3 years in office, and it’s estimated to have cost taxpayers almost 3 million in the battle over State Road 7 with the help of both Commissioners voting to continue the lawsuit. Why? Simple answer The upper class elitist vote, and they will vote for whoever protects their wallets which is James & Ryan.

So who do you believe made up the majority of the 9,000 people who voted in the last commission race?

My opinion: Voters made a big mistake when we voted to change the City Charter from single district voting to city wide voting. We should have known it wouldn’t benefit residents unless you lived “Out West” in one on the gated communities. Why should Ibis choose our commissioner in district 1;2;3;& 5; and why do we allow it? Simple answer} not enough people bothering to vote in the above numbered districts. Shame on us.

Please read the story’s below.



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